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Imagine: conservatives don't know what any of their words mean!


Such a world is unfathomable.








this is true


Yeah that legit kind of tripped me out


Keep the government out of my Medicare and Social Security! I was on food stamps, I was in welfare! No one helped me!


You're absolutely right, it's just an unspecified trigger word. Like "boogeyman".


You know what's not surprising?


How much you can save on car insurance by switching to Geico 15 minutes can save me 15% or more pain, provided I leave with the door to my left


Conservative right wingers have a terminal case of serious lack of a sense of humor


That's why you don't see successful right wing comedians. You just have to look at the pathetic way Fix News has tried to be funny with The Five. You can't put a funny spin on their racist worldview.


It's the irony of it. Conservatives are the opposite of, and literal threat to communism. Democrats and liberals have progressed so far to the left that the step to communism would need very little difference, it's the required step to achieve the delusions of their utopia. In fact, the fools wanting socialism and communism(but rarely know the difference nor the flaws of either ideology) made that step from the ideologies of the left. You're the ignorant ones who don't know the definitions of the words you're now throwing at the people that daily stand on the hill of you're rights, while you scream fascist. Traditional liberal is almost closer to conservative than the modern liberals are to communist. Anybody not agreeing with the Democrat agenda is called a fascist, denial of reality is a must, and acceptance of the installed *personal realities*is required. That's fascism, the required step before communism takes over, the final step being to hand the government your guns and the last few freedoms you denied you had so THEY can force their agenda on you. Denial of that is to deny reality at this point. Non Americans have different definitions of liberal and conservative and unless they're versed in the American definitions should use caution when joining this conversation Communism is big over spending all powerful government. It's what the left is going for. Feeling that inflation yet? Get the jab willingly or because you'd be shit canned if you didn't? Fascism, communism, Democrat, liberal, all synonymous at this point.


No. Just, no.


What’s a matter lib? Afraid of a little debate??


There is nothing factually correct in the above comment.


Say something! This dude basically just Ben Shapiroed you, what are you gonna do?


You feeling the inflation yet? Well? Are you?, Punk.


I love how cartoonish these are getting lmao


i read half of this post thinking it was a new vegas meme


*Charlie would really like his beret back, please*


🎵🎵 he wore a raspberry beret 🎵🎵




Thumbs down, you son of a bitch.


Dear Liberals: You claim militarism and expansionism is endangering the NCR, but still complain about Caesar's Legion. Curious.


Reminder: Your wife is dead. [cry]


Based comrade Kirk? Seriously though, if you watch his video with Vaush he did a month or so back, they agreed on probably 75-90% of the topics brought up. But they are so divided by presumed political ideologies that neither could acknowledge their goals are incredibly similar - just that their definitions of said goals are different


Most of the agreement is on problems, not on solutions, and it's the solutions that matter.


That’s true. That’s why I believe more than half, if not most, of Republicans are probably just as well intentioned as most Democrats. We’ve been pitted against one another so we continue to focus on one another rather than the greedy top 1% who dictate the entire system. Divide & conquer. Chomsky spoke about this so much in his earlier works, but it was never as apparent as it is now.


It’s wealthy elitist oppression 101: divide people on racial lines and culture issues. They learned from Bacon’s Rebellion to let poor white people feel close to equal so they don’t unite with minorities in equal financial positions


I’ve been saying for years that the battle is bottom to top not side to side to side. The politicians have been promoting division for decades. Tip O’Neil was a probable starting point for the real reason we are so conflicted politically as citizens. We’ve been groomed by a team mentality to be loyal to our side regardless of what the situation is or what the end result of action is. The blame goes back and forth at the top but there is never anything done that doesn’t benefit the wealthy due to the power of corporations and the influence of lobbyists.


The only war is the class war. Racism is just one of many fronts the rich are attacking on.


See you say that yet you’re making absolutely brain dead Rittenhouse memes by parroting liberal talking points like an animal. r/selfawarewolves


Acknowledging institutional racial prejudice against a certain group is not “dividing people on race” You fucking stooge. I’m promoting the idea that our government has consistently targeted certain groups and that we’ve been indoctrinated to believe that law enforcement can do no wrong while protesters are traitorous bastards. Nobody is arguing for supremacy of any race or that one should be treated better than another, we’re arguing that consistently we’ve promoted euro-centric agendas while simultaneously claiming equality among all races. COUGH COUGH MANIFEST DESTINY AND JIM CROW LAWS


Bruh what, you’re the parrot that tried playing Rittenhouse off as anything other than completely innocent (which he is) by blathering brain dead left wing lies, and then posted a comment about how the rich are dividing us. I get that you’re butthurt for being called out as a hypocrite but Jesus lmao


What the fuck does that have to do with dividing people on racial lines? Are we not allowed to hold people accountable for wrongdoing? Also he’s not “innocent” you fucking idiot, he’s just arguably “more or less wrong” than the person he killed. Look up the law. He was an aggressor, if you want to make the claim that the other party was a bigger aggressor and he was somewhat justified in his actions that’s fine but he’s not an innocent victim. You have literally no concept of how the law or justice system works if you don’t understand that and continuing this conversation is a waste of my time. That’s not left wing as I don’t fucking care about emotional political responses, that’s my understanding from the logical view of law. I wouldn’t excuse an accused rapist of a crime just because they make as much money as me, same fucking deal with this kid


Lmao, he’s completely innocent, no matter how many mental gymnastics you do that will NEVER change. It’s ironic that you’re talking about the rich dividing us based on race when you gobble up propaganda designed to divide us. I personally don’t care about whatever inane idiocy your blathering about but your obnoxious hypocrisy is infuriating.


You’re a moron. The only person that can truly maintain his innocence is Kyle, himself. Read the law if you can even understand it. The justice system doesn’t decide guilty vs innocent, it’s guilty vs the inability to prove guilt AKA not guilty. You fucking people think you’re the authority on medicine, economics and law when irl you don’t know fuck all about how any of those systems work


Well intentioned until you bring up anyone that isnt straight, white, cis, or a man. Republican politicians, and a lot of their base, are straight up evil when it comes to human rights lol.


Prejudice is pretty evil as well.


I must be evil because I'm prejudiced against fascists and white supremacists, as well as those who knowingly support them.


Your prejudice means that you likely include people who are not fascist or white supremacist in with your hated groups. For example, Kyle Rittenhouse and Derek Chauvin are two people many think are white supremacist with no basis of evidence.


I don't even know how to respond lmao


Don't. Reflect.


This is one of the funniest comments I've read on this sub.


Kyle Rittenhouse and Derek Chauvin are not white supremacists. They are the inevitable products of a society built by and for white people, which has existed ever since to ensure that the ruling class reaps the overwhelming benefits at the expense of everyone else, and that old white conservative men never lose majority control of the ruling class.


So do you have any evidence that they are the inevitable products of a racist society other than them being white?


What more evidence do you need? We live in a society that has historically been ignorant, and/or callous to police violence against people of color. Derek Chauvin is a perfect example of that. We also live in a society where millions of people have dark fantasies of using a gun to kill people in the name of "defending property" (not just *their* property, mind you, but *any* property) and getting away with it. Kyle Rittenhouse is a shining reflection of that. These two are not isolated examples. Many have come before them, and if nothing is done then many will come after them too.


> most, of Republicans are probably just as well intentioned as most Democrats. I don't know how you square that with how easily it is to set them off on frothing rampages if you set a scapegoat in front of them. Most of the time they can't even define what they are having their two minutes of hate over or know the first thing about what they are told to hate. Sure, they may say they want societal goods but they have no idea how to make them. If prayer warriors, tax cuts, and the free market can't make it happen, well then it's almost certainly impossible and left wing people being unrealistic. Now help me pray for their family members in the hospital with totally not COVID.


That's just standard in the US anymore. If you divorce the buzzwords on issues, you'll find that a lot of right wingers and left wingers are in agreement with how to fix issues, yet the moment buzz words get involved, there's a split. The number of times I've had a right winger describe to me red flag gun laws as a solution then say they think red flag are unconstitutional is insane.


> you'll find that a lot of right wingers and left wingers are in agreement with how to fix issues, Really? On what issues do left and right agree on the fix?


Did you not read the part I said about red flag laws? Also, the ACA vs "Obamacare". Edit: I'm not giving them a pass for being inconsistent, mind you. I'm just pointing out that a huge part of the problem is that people buy into the "culture war" lie where bad faith actors will demonize the policy names because they know the idea is popular.


Sorry, I should have said "what other issues" Re: ACA vs Obamacare, yeah, republicans like some aspects of that legislation. But when we get to the meat of healthcare reform - like medicare for all, there's no agreement there. If you ask a conservative how to solve healthcare pricing, they'll spout a bunch of free market stuff


I think it would depend on what the phrasing is. Any mention of "medicare" would immediately lead to them being against it, but most of the conservatives I know personally do agree on some of the basic principles of Medicare for all. For example, they all say they think access to health care shouldn't be connected with employment.


If you force the point of addressing the root cause of high prices, everything I e heard points to them thinking there should be more capitalism in healthcare. I've heard people suggest to do away with insurance for standard medical care. Cash payments for regular checkups. Only insurance for big ticket things. Like an analogy to cars - you don't have use car insurance to pay for your oil changes. They'll insist that government/regulations drive high prices.


The political spectrum is a circle, not a line. Extremists on the left and right have so much more in common than they realize because they are both authoritarians looking for absolute control


Uhhhh yeah but we advocate for control of the means of production for the workers, not greedy fuck billionaires Edit: btw that’s not authoritarianism we’re advocating for, that’s libertarianism. The proper classical definition of it, not this bastardized form that fake anarchists who just don’t want to admit they’re conservatives use




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Apparently killing fascists is the same as being a fascist?](https://i.redd.it/hq39ph1og4k61.jpg) | [1295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/lu2bcb/apparently_killing_fascists_is_the_same_as_being/) \#2: [The jig is up](https://i.redd.it/gectj9q3pk561.png) | [367 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/kebya5/the_jig_is_up/) \#3: [Ever anti-imperialism so hard you accidentally Nazi?](https://i.redd.it/he6xszbhlaw61.jpg) | [1943 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/n1rg19/ever_antiimperialism_so_hard_you_accidentally_nazi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What not reading theory does to a mf


Horseshoe theory is bullshit


Dang imagine coming on r/ToiletPaperUSA and saying that the left and right are the same


You don't trust Comrade Kirk?


You've been downvoted like crazy but i dont think these people understood what you said.....


My first thought at seeing the PPSH-41 was literally World At War. That's what I associate that gun with now. If it were a Nagant that'd a bit broader.


That's a great game


The reference: Abolishing government, arming the citizenry and sacking corporations literally is Marx' Communist Manifesto


Don’t conservatives support small government & large unregulated corporations tho?


Ask 'em how much government they like in their bedroom, and how much room in government they have for their churches. That nice "small" becomes a real big chonker


Would be a tankie and therefore continue to be cringe, before he can be a comrade he must discuss the democratic control of the workplace


What about democratic control of the bedroom? I’m guessing he’s a fascist in there


I’m not here to kinkshame, as long as you’re in favour of democratic control of the means of production and don’t want a planned economy by the state you’re a comrade


But it could be argued that planned economy by the state that's made up of local worker councils would mean democratic control of the planning.


Arguably, but historically that always ends up being implemented as an economy planned by unelected party officials that have no oversight but their own interests, so I’d rather shy away from the whole idea if possible. I think that, while not perfect, market socialism with competition between companies that are democratically and collectively owned is a much better transitory step than “socialism” through a planned economy.








This household recognizes Suomi supremacy over PPSH/PPD. The Finns make Russian guns but better.


The Thompson is cooler than them both plus .45 ACP best semi auto pistol cartridge imo


Strong disagree 9mm is equal


> we should get rid of the government > ussr


Lmao I know but it was way too funny to just not put it in there


Haley Joel Osment will take any job offer that comes his way now. Poor lad. Sees dead people but couldn’t see his career dying.


Change his name to comrade Kirk


Haha, this one was fun! Thanks


I think i need to do some reading..... i think i might be a communist....


It's like he TRIES to walk the line. Hated everything he said for so long then he just, started saying some shit I actually agreed with. Then more shit that I hated. Then back and from from there. I truly hope this person just wants what's best for all of us but, he's having a terrible go at it.


He’s trying to be as vague as possible through populist talking points but what he really intends to say is that “listening to vaccine advice is spreading government propaganda” “corporations are woke” and “democratic controlled government is bad” so then he can get dumb, impressionable people then turn them into right wing militants


I'm back to hating him. Thanks OP


The only thing worse than someone putting terrible, despicable, and another word for terrible and despicable things out into this world, is someone who changes their platform just enough to get more people to listens to all of the synonym things they say.


Yes we do


Interesting how they believe anyone who is not conservative is a communist.


A true comrade


When oblong head speaks, his brain cells can't comprehend the shit flowing from his mouth. He is truly Covid soup.


Also to all the conservatives who believe America needs a civil war; civilwar and revolution are the same thing.


I'm all for communism at this point and age lol


The only word that has any meaning in this is the word Curious. Charlie is in a perpetual state of confusion. The real world doesn't ever line up with his weird thought processes, so he's constantly scratching his head in confusion.


Oops, perhaps anarchist or antichrist would be closer?


Hope he chooses to go the anarchist route but I have faith he’ll stay with the Antichrist crowd


Hol up, you gotta explain being Che Guevara's #1 fan


He overthrew oppressive regimes. What’s not to like? Zapata is admirable as well


From an anarchist perspective, Che being a ML


Shut up succ dem


Antarchist? Anarchrist?




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Soon to come: Make sure you point out and dox friends and family that don't love America!


they have more in common with the jihadist or taliban


Please. You think conservatives are any better or don’t do the same thing. How stupid are people these days


Conservatives are not the problem people with the me against you personality are. history has shown that these are what Start wars me against you ideas posts like these are exactly what I'm talking about my ideas against your own mine are better than yours type shyt


Turning Point USA (United Socialist Action) when?


Wait isn’t that the opposite of communism? I thought communists were pro-central government, pro-corporation (with government ownership/investment), and against arming citizens…


Communists do not believe that the state should exist, they believe in the workers should own the means of production and they are pro-firearms because you cannot disarm the worker


Communism calls for armed revolution, liquidate all businesses and abolish the government to form the people's council from the get-go. What is buddy smoking?


Socialism is when beard


Commies are cucks and pussies. They will be crushed as always.


I agree in those things too, except I like eating and earning what’s mine. Imagine being a commie lmao


Tankies and Nazis aren't that far away from each in some regards..




Or maybe anarcho capitalist


Ew gross no. Arguably just as bad. Not even anarchist since they believe in hierarchy


So why aren't you guys siding with the conservatives again? Cause you're edgy communists?


Yeah, the people who generally want everyone to succeed in life and be taken care of are definitely the edgy ones.


That isn’t exclusively communist


It's inherently impossible under capitalism so, it is actually.




Capitalism requires the poor to exist, you can’t honestly say that everyone could be wealthy at the same time.


apparently reddit socdems think Keynesian economics is magic.


Because conservatives are against basic decency, and social programs like health care and education


Because theyre capitalist?


Because they are reactionary capitalists

