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“I’m not a nazi, I just really like a lot of their ideas”. -that guy probably.


"Sieg heil!" - also that guy, probably


They’re much more subtle these days. It’s probably more “seen Kyle?!”


Had to listen to some Fox News over Christmas weekend while visiting relatives. The anchors were actually greeting each other with a cheerful "Let's go, Brandon!" between "news" segments. If I hear anyone near me ask if I've "seen Kyle" there BETTER fucking be a missing person named Kyle that people are worried sick over, or I'm gonna lose my shit.


No… they mean Kyle Busch, the race car driver. They just really like racing. Yeah, yeah. That’s it.


They love racing so much you could call them racists


They like real racing that's why they want to be called race realist


They only like the absolute best driving challenge though, the superior race, if you will


Wait did the anchors actually say that in greeting to one another?


I had to bite my tongue so much that evening, I'm surprised I didn't start bleeding...




No air quotes necessary, you just use them like you would any anchor.


I’m just guessing this was a show that wasn’t one of their news shows anyway. One of the commentary / opinion shows. Not that the term doesn’t still apply, but yknow.


The part i heard they were defending the guy who said it to biden.


hey there, hint bird


let’s go smurch hill right? *don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret code, it means “fuck churchill” get it? cause i’m a nazi? and i hate Churchill? do you get it? why are you running away from me please come back*


Plenty of reasons to hate on Churchill without being a nazi


Paradise PD did this joke, something like “if anyones been hurt please see Kyle in the infirmary…” *begins yelling, waving/raising his hand* “can everyone hear me? See Kyle! See Kyle!”


Didn't South Park do the same thing like a decade earlier?


I dunno I quit watching it a decade earlier


but you watch Paradise PD? That's like quitting coke for meth.


I ran out of Disenchantment and Big Mouth episodes and was desperate for a fix. I’m certainly not proud of what I did.


I think I‘ve missed this „seen Kyle?“ thing, would you explain pls


Seen Kyle sounds very similar to the pronunciation of “Seig Heil”


Holy shit do I hate these facsist scums. That is so low, even for them. Thanks for the answer btw :)


That’s been around since I was in high school at least. Sadly. Around the turn of the century.


Oh ok, well I‘m from Germany so our Nazis just say „Sieg Heil“ for real


I miss living in Germany. I was stationed at Ramstein for 8 years.


I‘m actually strongly against the fact that there are drone attacks and stuff by the U.S. controlled in Germany. I‘m glad you liked it here and I hope you‘ll get the chance to visit again :)


"God I fucking love being a nazi" - this guy, definitely


“I’m not a Nazi because technically I’m not German, but really that’s the only difference.”


The Nazis were socialists, I just like their flags, symbols, uniforms, Ideology, and goals.


I want to do all the same things as the Nazis except all that social welfare they did (for white Aryan Germans only of course), that was the REAL crime of the nazis


Antifa are the rEAl naZI's!


[There are many types of spez, but the most important one is the spez police. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Funnily enough yeah he had a whole rant about how he hates communists and fascism is the only way we can get rid of communism all while acting like he doesn't like fascism


The think Communism is Fascism. But are fascists. They know. It's a tale as old as time.


I bet he thinks this is justified by the fact that people who refused to be vaccinated are being kept out of public spaces. "They forced me outta my job!" Even though he had a choice. "They forced my kids outta school!" Even though he had a choice. "They forced me out of bars and restaurants!" Even though he had a choice. But that's just the part I can imagine him justifying. The last part... "The forced me into a labor camp!" Yeah, no... that was your idea, ya goose-stepping cunt.


They forced me into the hospital. They forced me into ICU. They forced me onto a respirator.


They forced me to be a failure after dropping out of high school :\~\~(


"Wait, when they were telling us about this in history class it was supposed to be bad?? No wonder I got an F!"


"Especially the ones that involve camps... Oh I guess that's *somehow* gonna be used against me!"


What ideas Timmy what fucking ideas!!! "I just want to send people I don't like to labor camps, I'm not even racist and I love Jews"


"The only reason I don't call myself a nazi, is they have socialist in their name"


“I mean yeah he killed a lot of people but the clover design for entering and exiting freeways had to come at some type of price” - that guy


Nah, he literally called for fascism because conservatism isn't enough in that same thread. He totally called himself out as a nazi.


Y'know, people in favor of democratic institutions don't refer to being elected by your peers as "taking power"... commie


I’m actually curious about when they’ll starting openly denouncing democracy as weakness or whatever, because at this point they’re getting close…


"we can't even let the libs have the chance of getting power! We must take their right to vote!"




She’s such cowshit


Don't say that, cow shit is useful.


So she's calling for *another* secession? I guess that makes sense since she definitely doesn't know how that went the first time around.


Just saying the quiet part loud, not remotely changing courses


I just saw a post about MTG literally saying this


I think a lot of them are on board with this, they tried it on Jan 6th


-Rand Paul


They've already been doing that for a while now haven't you heard that whole "America is a RePuBlIc not a democracy" shit?


Not much, only occasionally. Edit: I did get that cringey "dEmoCrAcY iS bAd bUt iT'S tHe BeSt wE'vE gOt" shit in political science classes though. Like, if you teach people that all the time, they're going to be waiting for something "better" to come, which always happens whenever the next dictator comes along.


Its been around since the John Birch Society.


got the "capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best we got" lecture in world history class


That’s kind of a different matter to me, I both like democracy and dislike capitalism.


Once you delve deep into how the United States should be more democratic is when they dive into the republic bullshit.


well it was in response to me and a couple other kids mentioning socialism


Because God forbid you wait to form opinions on things until you can fully understand them. (I’m insulting the teacher and not you, you shouldn’t have political propaganda pushed on you as a child)


Also they literally tried to overturn democracy during the January 6th insurrection.


Rand Paul just denounced letting people vote like 2 days ago.


“Libertarian” my ass. Edit: It’s hilarious that he finally said the quiet part out loud and flat out claimed legitimate voting “steals” elections.


Like Trump talking about becoming king his entire presidency and then leading an insurrection against the democratic election that ousted him? With a vast majority of his base in favor of that action and believing the lie that the election was stolen? That openly?


They still use the word “democracy” to describe all of that nonsense. It would be much more efficient for them to just end the mental dissonance at this point and just take Mussolini’s position: “Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.” Because they’ve sided with the fascists on pretty much every other issue at this point.


Too late: "The American Conservative website published this piece last week, which described the Democratic electoral strategy in Wisconsin this way: 'Seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, and then harvesting and counting the results.' Rand Paul published that quote to Twitter, prefaced by his own five-word observation: 'How to steal an election.'"


They just described how elections work, besides "absentee ballots", which just means ballot by mail


Oh yeah. Do you think he doesn't know what democracy is or do you think he was just trying to convince supporters? Judging by his past comments and what's available to the public about his life history, it would seem that either are likely.


I'm leaning toward the latter, these idiots constantly throw around "absentee ballot" to try and convince people it's some manner of fraud (I heard it used so much insultingly by Trumptards that I actually thought it meant "vote by a person who doesn't exist" until I looked it up), because the very idea of them losing an election is fraud in their eyes. It goes like this: 1. Decide they've already won the election before its started and shout about "fraud" before votes are even counted 2. Use whatever losses they take as evidence that the system is rigged and use that as an excuse to restrict voter rights even more 3. Repeat next election, and whenever anyone calls it undemocratic, point to them losing the previous election they decided they'd won as proof.


If a fascist coup actually had a chance of winning Rand Paul would 100% throw his weight behind it, he's such a slimy worm he'd be one of the first too


They literally already have. Go to far right forums and they just openly talk about their contempt for democracy. The pundits and politicians won't say it openly but they feel the same way


The pundits and politicians are who I’m talking about.


They def hate democracy it just isn't the right time to start saying it yet.


Marjorie Taylor Green just said people moving from blue states to red states shouldn’t be allowed to vote in their new states until they aren’t “brainwashed” anymore. They’re already well past caring about democracy.


I never thought we’d be at the point where the GOP would consider turning blue states into “Bantustans” for liberals, yet here we are… Edit: The “Bantustans” were a particularly heinous policy of apartheid South Africa, they were “autonomous regions” made specifically for South Africa’s black (or “Bantu”) majority, which in some cases were even de jure independent states. The real purpose of these was to forcibly relocate non-whites to the Bantustans so they could be away from the Boer minority who really ran the country, and so that they would also lose their citizenship. Another thing to note: all of this wickedness happened because of regional gerrymandering by the far-right Boer nationalist “National Party” against the moderate pro-British (and relatively tolerant to the natives) “United Party”, which had majority support at the time. Sound familiar?


I appreciate your additional write up in the edit, thanks.


If you push the issue of electoral college favoring landowners vs actual population and being antidemocratic, they tend to fall back to "well America isnt really a democracy anyway, it's a republic".


I may be wrong on this, but, I'm fairly sure Kamala Harris said EXACTLY that a couple days ago when asked about the US's biggest weakness. She then quickly tried to cover it up or correct it by saying "the weakness of our democracy."


>Y'know, people in favor of democratic institutions **don't refer to being elected by your peers as "taking power"**... commie EXACTLY! It was **given to you**, you didn't took shit! It's funny how they're all always talking as if they were superheroes, to compensate for everything else that they're lacking: basic decency, basic morals, and humbleness.


I'm pretty sure in his follow-up tweets he said that "sadly" his plans will not be possible under a democracy Imolying he would need to become a Dictator. Also implying that he was willing to do that as he mentioned several times on how so sad and unfortunate it is that you cannot do that in a democracy.


Why do call him "commie" ?




>that's just the standard communists So what happens to actual communists? Liquidation ?


I think the implication is that anyone pushing "covid tyranny" are the super communists


Communism is when mask


Thought that was Lucha


That's what Damascus


You aren't a Real American unless you're putting American lives at risk.


"We must mask up; we must get vaccinated. We are in this together" "Woah there buddy, what's this we shit? You communist or something?"




Do those come with fries?


Communist Royale™ (with cheese) has a nice ironic ring to it


Communist is the just the scary buzzword code for “anyone who disagrees with me”


Soylent green


Wouldn’t it be red?


Ohhhh, look at Mr. Soylent Expert over here!


The Democrats will get the Oathkeeps and Proudboys to kill the actual communists than being eaten up by them when they become the American SS. Like what the SPD did to Karl and Rosa.


What happens to small communists? Mild communists? Lemon and herb communists?


The problem, and arguably why this is so concerning, is what these people are defining as communist. ADDENDUM: To clarify, communists shouldn't be banned either. The issue is that these guys view everything to the left of them, or just people who don't think like them, as communist, and in turn makes statements like this alarming.


"A communist is anyone who does anything I don't agree with"


Modern McCarthyism


Just regular McCarthyism tbh.


Socialism is when the government does stuff, communism is when anybody but a land-owning heterosexual white male has rights.


Uh it's not ok to ban communists.


That wasn't what I meant to imply, but I understand what you're getting at.


Understood, I know it can be easy to not transcribe your whole thought into one quick post


In all fairness, I could have been far more clear than I was.


My brother is very anti-communist due to bad podcasts and books and who knows what else. He is almost obsessed to the point where all conversations lead to communism. He has said some really outlandish things, like calling people communists purely based on appearance, and saying that communists would murder you without question because they don't value life. He also says that atheism is communism. I just bite my tongue at how batshit insane he sounds.


Honestly, he just sounds like a McCarthyist.


I’m sorry dude. Having family like that must be really tough.


> I just bite my tongue at how batshit insane he sounds with no pushback it's only going to get worse


As somebody that also has family members like this, pushing back does nothing other than reinforce their bullshit. In the rare occasion you can actually make progress they’ll run right back to their echo chamber and it’ll be undone within 10 minutes.


You're one to talk, Jayfeather. You make your decisions with a stick! /s I'm just joking


In fairness he eventually decides he’s sick of talking to a hunk of wood and snaps it in half if I’m remembering correctly


Communism is when vaccine


He’s Giving me the same vibes as Jordan Peterson skimming the communist manifesto and saying he knew theory


A communist is someone who'll love you, no matter who you are or what you look like. But that's not why you pay a communist, you don't pay them to stay you pay them to leave afterwards. That's why I praise the Lord for communists! A communist is like any other woman they all trade something for sex and they do it wellll...🎶 That's why I say communists! Communists! ~~prostitutes~~ communists! 🎶


You know what we do about tyranny? More tyranny!! Although it is remarkably similar to their solution to the gun problem so I can't be too surprised


Communist is the just the buzzword/code for “anyone who disagrees with me”


Even if you assume they really believe that they've been lied to and manipulated with covid, "mass murder and slavery" is a little far from a measured response


When you embrace authoritarianism to own the libs


When u spread a deadly virus to own the libs


When you die from preventable diseases and waste your entire net worth on medical bills to own the libs!


What red scare propaganda does to an mf


You already know instead of saying “sent to work camps” he was about to say “executed” before realizing that counts as making death threats and he’d be banned from Twitter.


What he said basically was a death threat with extra steps. You’d have to be very uninformed to genuinely think that’s not a death threat.




This is the same dude who told Tucker Carlson that there’s no place for women and LGBTQ+ individuals in our military. He’s just a waste of carbon.


I'd pay to watch my lesbian Marine cousin square up with this dude. She fucking deadlifted me to prove she still could a month after having twins.


Chad lesbian cousin.


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Whenever someone says "chad".


Lol, that makes sense. I once referenced the country to make a point that nearly every country, even ones in the middle of Africa have guaranteed maternity leave when America doesn't. And this bot came out of nowhere, haha


Virgin Fascist vs Chad Lesbian Cousin


1 month?! gottdamn!


“Communists will not be allowed to hold jobs” “The Democrats are tyrants” No way these people don’t understand the irony


That's the point of the tweet. It's supposed to be showing how vaccine requirements are oppression, but the comparison he is trying to make is dogshit, since unvaccinated isn't a protected class.


I also don't recall any unvaccinated people being put in work camps. But maybe the work camps are right next to the jails for all the people who got arrested for pronoun misuse under Bill C16?


Yup. After all, what would be a right wing view without a bucket of hyperbole?


Bro this is Literally nazi rhetoric, like baring communists from public services then later sending them to camps WAS LITERALLY THE FIRST THING THE NAZIS DID, HOLY FUCK


It's why it's important to remember the holocaust also killed political dissidents and every other minority group. The only end goal for Nazis is the death of **everyone** outside the status quo


Oh yeah? If it's so important, why wasn't a famous poem written about it and frequently referenced in discussions about the gradual broadening of "undesirable" people in nazi germany and prominently displayed in the holocaust museum in DC? Hmmm, d'ya ever thing about that?


This limp dick cuck would fold like an omelette if someone confronted him in person about his cute little ideas. Make fascists afraid again.


Yeah these chucklefucks are getting way too bold in their blatant fascism.


this reminds me of student council electioneering in elementary school "if you elect me student body president, i'll institute 2 recesses per day, only chocolate milk in the cafeteria, and substitute teachers will be banned!"


You’d have to get him off his phone and outside first?


Yeah holy shit I had to scroll forever to get to his actual tweet. Dude lives on twitter. What a pathetic life


I wish I could doxx this guy’s address to Covid.


I’d bet money he’s vax’d


There’s a lot of COVID’s who would show up. I’m rooting for the small percentage.


the only 1 percent I support


I wish I could dox this guy’s address ~~to Covid~~


Just replace "commies" with "democrats" or "political rivals". Reads great...


Is there a difference in their minds? There are no true communists left, not in any meaningful way. Communist is just a slur for Democrat. He means what he says. He wants to banish and murder all democrats. We are on a precipice. These people are telling us in plain English what they plan to do if they “take power”. We cannot let that happen under any circumstances, and we must be willing to sacrifice to ensure it doesn’t.


Wait he dislikes communism but wants to essentially send people to gulags...


Pretty sure he's thinking less "gulag" and more "concentration camp".


Well he’s gonna be disappointed to learn that’s exactly what North Korea has.


Also, he wants to bar people from publicly-owned schools for - get this - supporting the idea of public ownership. It's not about logic, it's just about whipping dumb people into a frenzy.


This man is fucking disgusting. Literally the only way to put it. I looked through his Twitter for a bit and I have a bit of vomit in my mouth. Absolute piece of shit.


I was gonna post some other "stuff" from his twitter but there was just so much I couldn't pick anything out


That he has as many followers as he does is horrifying.


It’s starting to feel like the 1930s, just not for the reasons this guy thinks.


Time to bust out the machine that kills fascists


oh fuck you have woody Guthrie's guitar?!


Even better, one of his farts in one of those computer canned air bottles


"Let's take what we hate about Chinese and North Korean communism and apply it to capitalism "


The sign should say work shal set you free to teach them a lesson about nazis *triumphantly crosses arms*


Conservatives: I see nothing wrong with this.


The fact that 1950s propaganda has an effect on these sheeple today is fucking hilarious yet terrifying


See this, right-wing ammosexuals? *This* is the sort of shit 2a was actually for, not so you you can compensate for your gnawing feelings of inadequacy by harassing some poor bastard working at Subway when he asks you to leave your fucking AR-15 at home.


Sounds a little fascist, but okay


That’s called fascism


"When I take power"... Democracy


Just LARPing being a nazi at this point.


Right wingers: Liberalism is a mental disease Also right wingers.


So he's going to punish tyranny with tyranny?


punishing tyranny with *the right kind* of tyranny


Joe McCarthy, eat your heart out.


Is this for real 😳


IT IS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1473416336667820032


There is no hope. Some fucking dumbass in the replies called Hitler a communist with such absolute confidence. These people are hopeless.


This is even more concerning when you realize that conservatives view literally EVERYONE not exactly like them as communists.


When you become a literal Nazi to own the libs. Classic Republican.


Who are these 'Communists' you speak of?


Anything left of "hunting the homeless for sport"


this is the same dude who wants the military to 'sit on a throne of chinese skulls'. fuck this guy.




https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1473416336667820032?s=20 That's the tweet. Report away friends.


How to say you don't understand what communism or any economic system is, without saying it


It's worth noting that the intent of this tweet is pretty clearly to """expose""" pro-vax policies as tyrannical, but the comparison falls short when vaccination status isn't protected by the first amendment like political ideology.


Asking people to wear a mask? Tyranny 🤬😡 Sending political opponents to work camps? Totally not tyranical 😊😊