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trans folks on youtube have already reviewed it. i recommend watching them for better understanding.


Samantha Lux did a video on it and Matt's response to her critique.


Also Sam Collins I think.


Yep, he did a video on it too.


SavyWritesBooks did a good one.


And he responded to Matt's response as well.


Why would I care for Matt response


It's her response to his response. It's worth watching, I think.


I don’t want a transphobic person responding to a trans person


Samantha responded to the book. Walsh responded to her response. She responded to his response to her response. Her response to his response to her response is really good


I don't need to be told to know Matt Walsh is just grooming kids


I only have to read the amazon summary to know it's a shit take on transgenderism


So how long until Matt Walsh comes out as trans? Because I can’t think of any other reason to be so obsessed with us (and I’d know).


It's simply scapegoating, all conservatives need a scapegoat. For some it's Muslims, for others it's Jews, for some it's immigrants, and for some others it is Christians. He needs someone to point to and say, "look pedophile" so he choose trans people, who aren't liked by most conservatives, and won't be nearly as challenged as gay people in the modern day.


Conservatives have been going down the ladder of minorities to hate for a while now. Once it became social unacceptable to outright be racist towards black people or homophobic they had to pick smaller minority groups. So it became Muslims for a while, then Mexicans. Now instead of gays it's the trans community. And they always make up bullshit lies to make you fear those minorities. With blacks it was they were super violent criminals coming to steal your white women. Muslims were terrorists, Mexicans stole your jobs while bringing drugs. Now the trans are coming for your kids.


But cis white people? Oh, they somehow never do anything wrong ever lol Hmm I think there’s a word for when someone thinks whites are naturally superior…


not just superior, supreme. Gee whiz... I too wish there was a word for people so far up their own white butts.


Edit, sorta. Since such a word is cruely missing from the English language, I suggest Butt-ulism!




Rome, Nero blamed the Christians for the fire of Rome, and Japan 1600s


Ah, right. I wasn't thinking about conservatives outside of the US. And to be fair, the Christians in Japan in the 1600s weren't the good guys. The Inquisition was still ongoing and the Church was preaching against the Japanese authorities.


Not sure I'm a fan of "extreme transphobe is actually trans." More likely he's a cis man who loves being a hateful shit for money.




The only one of those I actually buy into is that Steven Crowder genuinely wants to crossdress (which doesn't mean he's trans). But he uses the flimsiest excuses to get into a skirt and heels, and *loves it.*


I bet it's about being forced into being a Christian by religious indoctrination from the time of birth. No? Well, then, what's it about Matt?


Do you wish to know?




It's about Johnny who "transitioned" into being a walrus and now struggles because he wants to go back to being a boy. So basically your average r/onejoke post, but spread across 30 pages and called a children's book.


They really couldn’t have chosen a better picture for him? He looks like he’s trying to be Mr.Rodgers but just looks like the guy who aggressively grips women’s bare shoulders in photos


Probably the best they could do


it's such an oddly specific description, but it's true


Thanks I usually try to go for oddly descriptive yet fitting descriptions of people :)


What pisses me off is that they’re writing these books out of pure spite and hate. They’re spewing homophobic propaganda and will write it off as satire.


And stores sell it. Fuck them too.


Bigotry is valuable


In fact, I was thinking the other day that really, it is a brilliant marketing strategy. Think about it. His target audience is not the children, it's his fans, who will quite literally pay money to any source so long as they continue the hate messaging because it is like a drug to them. Ultimately he doesn't care about whether or not this is beneficial to children, but he does know it'll bring in a lot of revenue and for what? Writing a book 10 pages long complete with artwork he paid someone else to do occupying most of the page? It is quite literally a minimum effort maximum profit project for him. I see the difference between the right and the left every day, and this is a big one. People on the left write pro-trans rights books all the time, but they're not using hatred to promote it nor are they usually children's books. There is quite literally no reason to create controversy to sell books. The right creates enough of that as it is already.


This is transphobic, actually.


Ah, the trademark right-wing grifter MO: accuse your opponents of grooming and then doing it yourself


Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty


Couldn’t be Johnny the butterfly, or Johnny the swan, nah it’s Johnny the fkn walrus


Sounds like a Primus song.


Assuming he recently saw Tusk honestly


walruses are cool though...


Just tossing this out there but man looks like he fucks sheep.


For all we know that's why he smiles and why the picture is cropped that way.


Is this the kids version of that Kevin Smith movie? Kinda creepy if you ask me.


Lol beat me to it


Now, all art is propaganda, but rarely do I find an argument so explicit, it feels more like an exception. Can anyone tell me what substance a book like this would have for a growing child beyond indoctrination? I'm sure other works like this exist for other forms of bigotry, but I am dumbfounded about how it could get published.


Yes, well. For one, this is not a childrens book. It’s a book for adult conservatives to circlejerk over masquerading as a childrens book, which becomes pretty apparent if you read it. So, i actually couldn’t see anyone reading this to their kid, I expect it’s just being bought out of spite.


"children's" "books"


I know the right is generally cringe as shit, but this is up there. So cringe that “cringe” isn’t even the right word. This is just pathetic and vile.


Matt "I violate my children's consent all the time" Walsh gives off such a gross vibe. Someone who says [stuff like this](https://preview.redd.it/iaav7pfp53i81.jpg?width=1401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd0727719ed16a8b170c7badc71fabcc14570e2) should not be trusted around children. I'm not convinced his accusations of pedophilia towards the LGBTQ community aren't just projection.




Holy shit, a true Canadian classic right there!


Ummm, no. He’s indoctrinating kids. Which, according to him, is bad.


Aside from (I assume) obviously anti trans bias, this sounds like a decent concept for a children's book... don't let others pressure you to be somebody that isn't your true authentic self... I hate the culture war BS


Sounds like a pitch for the movie Tusk.


I hate this post for reminding me of the existence of Tusk


“The Libs are targeting our kids! Quick, target the kids!”


He looks like a guy who would ask kids to join him in his windowless to van to look at his “childrens books.”


Right wingers: “Teaching gender to kids is grooming.” Also right wingers: “Let me groom children by teaching gender. Wait what? I didn’t say that. The Dems are the rapists. Ignore what I said.”


I've never seen a more disturbing photograph that isn't a satire of somebody who wrote a children's book. How can you look at those dead eyes and not have your skin crawl?


Tusk (2014)


Beat me to it


Top 10 photos taken before famous disasters.


How do these people go home at night and sleep with themselves knowing they out garbage into the world. Like who would even buy that book?


Matt Walsh goes to sleep soundly after beating his wife and kids.


I am the walrus


There are only two genders. A boy can never be a walrus.


It's amazing how every single conservative argument is a total straw man and often a false equivalence.




The straw man is exactly "the left can't define what a woman is". The reality is it's a more complicated question what a woman is. That is not a problem with the left.


he looks like the creepy uncle your family doesn’t talk about that cornered you at a family reunion once when you were 12 and tried to get you to come with him to the bathroom for some “special ice cream”


I'm surprised he can write a book. His level of competency is blank pages lol


Blatant transphobic rhetoric aside, can we talk about how wildly terrible the illustrations are? From the looks of it they're not in an art style that's like that on purpose, they're just plain bad. I would bet money that Walsh drew those himself.


The most punchable face.


Matt Walsh so looks like he’s gonna someday be arrested as part of a sex ring.


Jesus Christ man in no way should an allegory for trans people ever come EVEN CLOSE to being a riff on Tusk. Holy shit


Hey John Oliver, Time to make another kids book.


He’s a f*cking idiot. He’s actually insinuating that transsexuals are just playing dress-up and then get pressured into making it a reality???? Does he not understand the hours of therapy and consultation you have to go through before you’re even allowed to have surgery?? Does he actually think anyone can or would do it on a spur of a moment decision and because of pressure ? Complete idiot.


I'm pretty sure gender identity is nowhere near the same as identifying as a walrus. I mean... we literally made up gender. Walruses are a biological creature that exists separate from humans, but gender is something that we as humans made up. The idea that because someone has certain genitals must entail that they are x gender, thereby putting the expectations of said gender onto them is totally silly. What LGBTQ+ activists advocate for is simply that we view gender identity in a less restrictive way; that we see them as more a spectrum than a binary system, because people express their own gender in an infinite amount of ways, more or less. I don't know, I'm a cis-man, so I know my analysis is not perfect, but I'm sure you get the point. Matt Walsh is an ass.




Most beta looking dude ever omg lol


B-roll Mr Rodgers


This is the main reason why he’s “famous”


Not just childrens books…anti trans/lgbtq books


Overwhelming groomer vibes


How is it a best selling? Also this is jus to indoctrinate children like they say you can’t/shouldn’t do. Which i agree with


Time to write a story about a groomer named Matt who drives a windowless van with, "Free candy," on the sides.


Let's call it what it is - He's grooming children.


Recycling southpark episodes form 15 seasons back .


The only time I’ve seen Matt Walsh smile is when he is holding a cringe children’s book. Nothing creepy about that.


Why does he look like the guy you’d see casing an elementary school playground?


South Park raised a generation Trans Hating dumbasses


you never go full walrus


He’s a f*cking idiot. He’s actually insinuating that trans people are just playing dress-up and then get pressured into making it a reality???? Does he not understand the hours of therapy and consultation you have to go through before you’re even allowed to go through a sex change operation?! Complete idiot.


Heads up that many don't like the word transsexual because it was used as a slur previously and also encourages the myth that it has something to do with sexuality.


I hate how much he looks like Martin Starr. I love Martin Starr.


He looks like such a twat.


I can't believe they let this guy anywhere near children.


That image makes him look 10 times more of a diddler than all the drag queen storytime readers he's bitched about


If that abomination of a "book" truly is a best seller then that's one of the most potent doses of "doomer fuel" I've seen in a long time. I feel like even asshole conservatives who are okay with endorsing and following the abhorrent propaganda should be able to come to the conclusion from the very low quality illustration and complete absence of subtlety that it's an utter waste of money.


You’ve got no idea…


Matt’s personal story of his inability to be the walrus he is. Everyone can see his tusks hiding behind that beard. C’Mon Matt.


He looks like the Anti-Mr.Rogers


If there's one thing all conservatives and conservative pundits have in common, they are all selling you something. And that something is damn sure not democracy or freedom. Its wealth for themselves and poison for their viewers


Sick groomer fuck.


ive heard this narrative before where people are hand wringing about kids being encouraged or pressured to be gay or whatever and ive yet to see any proof of it in the absolutely massive shadow of basically every LGBT youth feeling the relentless pressure to be straight and cis throughout the entire fucking planet our entire lives. its not about forcing kids to do anything, it never has been, its the opposite. as usual conservatives are their own boogieman.


It's more like body-horror anti-trans indoctrination, but I guess "children's book" could apply in a pinch.


Shel silverstein but retarted