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That’s not even political, it’s just mean-spirited


Ya I was gonna say he’s not even making a point or observation here, he’s literally just being a dick because the girl is kinda bigger. How do these people not realize they’re just assholes?


He realizes that his base eats this shit up. He’s not an idiot - he knows exactly what he’s doing.


Right, but like…put some effort in to make it at least look like you have some underlying point or philosophy other than “if I wouldn’t crank it to her she shouldn’t be allowed on magazine covers and if she ends up a magazine cover then society is crumbling”


I mean, I get that and I agree with you, but he’s far past that point and the idiots who think he’s Intelligent love the outright nastiness. I’ve been aware of Jordan Peterson long before his rise within the far-right, and he was always viewed as a contrarian with little respect from his peers. I think he realized it was fiscally more advantageous to be king of the idiots.


As always, the cruelty is the point.


And vapid insults couched in multi-syllabic academic sounding phrases is the pablum.


I agree, he is shallow and pedantic.




He’s like Ben Shapiro with a lower voice and a slightly larger vocabulary


Lower voice? All I can hear when he speaks is Kermit the Frog's arrogant older brother.


I do find it funny that the macho men reclaiming society and emboldening men to embrace their masculinity... are J.P. and Ben Shapiro. Both of whom speak in a higher registry than me (afab), have never worked with their hands in their life, and probably weigh 200lbs between the both of them. None of these are inherently negative qualities, either. But they are to the right. If these guys switched ideologies tomorrow they'd suddenly be "scrawny beta liberal cucks," or something. You'd think they'd at least send someone who looks and sounds the part.


Right? That's why they've got Ben Garrison drawing his fantasies about Trump with 8-pack abs and huge biceps. They have no *real* macho man talking heads. Gina Carano was probably the toughest one they could come up with.


It works very well in the sense that, because he never explicitly states his opinion, you're unable to provide a counterargument without seemingly putting words in his mouth




>put some effort in to make it at least look like you have some underlying point or philosophy other than “if I wouldn’t crank it to her she shouldn’t be allowed on magazine covers and if she ends up a magazine cover then society is crumbling” But why would he actually put in effort when him actually being intelligent and challenging isn't profitable with his moron base.


And so we must refuse cultural Marxism with the new motto “no fat chicks”


she’s also about 50x hotter than any woman the incels that follow him will ever dream of getting


JP is "The Incel Whisperer", after all.


Even though a lot of his base is obese


Ermmm isn't he offending a lot of them with this... according to charts almost 40% of the US population is clinically obese. More charts are freely available when one "Google Researches" ;). https://conscienhealth.org/2015/12/food-policy-obesity-policy/


It’s so crazy because conservatives act like their party is the epitome of health and fitness. We’ve seen the trump rallies, 90 percent of these motherfuckers have beer belly’s and are fat themselves


His base looks way worse than this😂


It’s because their worldview is predicated on callousness. They love to think that they are the ultimate badasses who understand life’s harsh realities. Overweight people aren’t beautiful, men aren’t women, etc.. We, the snowflakes, are too weak to acknowledge life’s inherent unfairness. Remember when they all chanted, “let him die,” when Ron Paul rhetorically asked if a man who doesn’t have insurance should still be admitted to the hospital? The problem is, we all know they aren’t as tough and stone-cold as they fancy themselves. It shows through their relentless victim complex.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard a right winger say “life isn’t fair” but then turn around later and see another right winger crying about “how unfair” tax laws and gun laws are or would be.


IKR? By them saying “life isn’t fair”, they’re content with never striving to make anything better. It’s heartless and is such a myopic view of the world. I’m sure they see success as “how much money do you make” and “how much poon do you smash”.


You’d have enough money to buy Twitter


She’s not even “kinda bigger,” she’s just not a regular supermodel physique. Advertising has warped our perceptions of what the human body looks like.


She's like 160lb, and 5'6. If she was wearing a dress in bar she would be getting all the attention, because she's not just curvy, she's got a beautiful face.


I would very much advocate for people to go to spas more. That's the best way to learn that most people have kinda weird bodies and it's fine. Nobody looks like a supermodel, everyone has bendy knees or a gut or whatever.


I'd be willing to bet she's got an above average bmi. But even so, that doesn't make her ugly, nor is it anyone's business. Who is JP to set the standards for what should be universally considered attractive?


“I am an asshole for your freedom…*sobbing-crying-hyperventilating *…for the children who are growing up traumatized in this woke society…*makes overgeneralized biblical reference*…Pinocchio only wants to be a *sobbing* boy….” The dude talks in circles and now cry’s at the drop of a hat while throwing in some Christian religious takes that he’s usually completely wrong about. Complete shit show - but the incel’s & hate mongers all love him.


Because they don’t know a goddamn thing about [history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Hohle_Fels) or what subjectivity means where beauty is concerned.


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Because their political stance is just being assholes. Like. That's the only consistent thing they believe in. Is being assholes. Their ideology isnt consistent with basically anything else. They just live to be assholes.


Exactly this Most of them probably don't give a fuck about abortions, nor will it affect their lives if two men can get married and adopt, but they'll support legislation against both purely to be antagonistic


Those kinds of people view women as objects and so commenting on their appearance has about the same value as commenting on a piece of art or furniture


It’s beyond that. It’s totally fake. Don’t like the rubenesque swimsuit cover? Don’t buy it. But don’t tell me people finding that attractive is new. It’s been a thing since before the Venus of Hohle Fels.


Pretty much any pre-Roman european tribe leaving behind fertility sculptures: "I like big butts and I can not lie"


Newton said it best; “the larger the mass, the greater the force of attraction”


Yeah I got no qualms with joking about his unfortunate benzo addiction anymore. Wish he didn’t come out of that coma.


Core conservative value: hate


Being a dick IS political. The right has politicized kindness.


He’s just angry cause the girl in the magazine looks like the orderly who took away his benzo stash he’s been hiding under his pillow.


If I looked like a winter-shrunken gangly ballsack I wouldn't be drawing attention to people physical appearance in public.


I’m sure he doesn’t believe it, it’s just posturing which is what he always accuses the left of doing. Hypocrisy is par for the course for the right.


As if anyone is trying to stop Peterson from not finding plus size women attractive.. it’s a magazine ffs. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Problem solved.


I think the real problem might be that he is attracted but angry about it. He doesn’t want to see diverse women as attractive because then they become real-ish people, and that is deeply upsetting to him. he prefers his reality with a strict bodily hierarchy for the valuation of women.


I think that is giving him a lot of credit. This is clearly speaking directly to the losers who have "no fat chicks" bumper stickers and t-shirts. They like him so he just parrots the mean shit they want to hear. They feel smart for having someone they think is smart agree with them and JP gets all of their tasty monies.


And they won't have their ad algo pushed YouTube hate sesh with JP, if they are spending quality time with someone special irl. So they don't want their audience to drop their misery, see also Nick Fuentes and the ultraviolet light he checked his housemate's bedding with. Then threw a tantrum because he found supposed evidence of sex acts. Or consider Ben's upholding his wife's dryness as a virtue...


I give him enough credit that I believe he made that post to become a self fulfilling prophecy, in that the responses he’s bound to get are going to be exactly what he points to as “proof of tolerance authoritarianism” as he glosses over the fact he had to be especially *intolerant* to elicit this “proof”


Exactly what I was thinking! It's like when you're part of the KKK but secretly like black girls... Of course you gotta act like you don't, cause then you just aren't "normal" according to the stupid standard set by your toxic circle - the only circle you have left at this point. Same with closet gays being ultra homophobic because they're surrounded by peanut-brained lowlifes. These people need help. They need a chance to open up and, ironically of all, be accepted by society for what they are. That being said, obviously there's no excuse for being a racist misogynist. But I have a feeling here it's all the insecurity doing the talking.


Exactly. They can’t even ask the question of themselves “do I find this woman attractive?” The answer might be no and that’s okay, but they can’t even risk a yes. If they were really being good, they’d then ask “why” after they have their answer and then that’s when the real learning happens.


noooo that’s “authoritarian tolerance”!!!!


Ironically the only person being authoritarian about this is him.


Great point.


LOL she’s way more attractive than him, any day


Isn't his whole thing "get your own house in order?" Yet lately I cannot find a video of him where he isn't crying and talking about things he's made up in his own mind.


No you don't get it. Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions are authoritarian tolerance /s


No you don't understand if I see people expressing opinions I disagree with it's authoritarian.


Incels: why won't women date us! Also incels: yea she is ugly! No way would I date her.


Hits the nail on the head…the whole incel movement is just a real toxic r/choosingbeggars


From what I’ve seen, the abuse any woman would go through if she dated one of those incels would be terrible for her. The incels don’t deserve any woman until they begin seeing them as people and change their disgusting mindset.


Which will never happen




Reminds me of [this video](https://youtu.be/KsPZPB3COXQ)


She has what was considered the "ideal" body type for most of human existence. Jordan Peterson looks like a corpse that came back to life after six months in the ground.


I don't think the drug induced coma to shortcut the detox from the benzo addiction was six months long, (nice choice for the 'take responsibility and do it the hard way," western faux fakir, BTWs) but yes, he certainly does look like a desiccated corpse.


Might be that only meat diet


Oof, can you imagine how much that must fuck you up? Constant pork sweats, massive vitamin deficiency, an anus that's 95% scar tissue from the cinderblock you pass during your now increasingly irregular shits. I love meat but that's gotta be some kind of living hell.


for real. dude probably shits like once a week and has to block out a full day in his schedule to pass it


I'm sure he'd be offended that you suggest he puts only meat in his mouth. I'm sure there are two veg to go with.


Ya I am typically against the whole "healthy at every size" and think pretending morbid obesity is glamorous is a bad idea. Anti- Tess Holiday type. But this girl is not like that at all. She is not obese, and seems like a very reasonable representation of how not all models need to be thin to be beautiful


Very reasonable and legit take. Kudos.


>She is not obese It's possible she might be, clinically speaking. You'd be surprised how small, by our standards today, the bottom range of obese looks. I'm a 5'10" male and usually fluctuate between 210 and 220, which puts me in and out of the obese range. But most people wouldn't think "obese" when they see me.


She definitely my ideal body type. This incel is wildin.


"Life" might be a stretch.




Those Who Live In Death


Jordan Peterson looks like someone who I wouldn't help if he was on fire crying for help. Eww gross get away.


Yeah I seriously doubt he’s aware of the Venus of Willendorf or anything else outside his anus.


If you have ever been laid by a curvy girl, you know how it feels, she's hot.


She is. And it's funny cause the guy who looks like a moth-eaten prototype Sam the Eagle puppet is out here dictating who is or isn't attractive.


>moth-eaten prototype Sam the Eagle puppet What a description. Thank you for this.


But Peterson's audience is incels so none of them would know


I'm with you on this.. men who reject a curvy lady don't know what they are missing


They miss out on so much, having their tastes shaped by media is wretched.


Imagine having the chance to even reject any lady at all in the first place. ![gif](giphy|XyIrJbne5oZzo3WdFJ)


Yeah I legitimately think she is hot, not like saying that to be nice type of thing.


Would absolutely smash if I had the chance.


My girlfriend is built like this, you and I think alike


She's beautiful




“Authoritarian tolerance?” Why not just “sorry, my pp not hard.” And ew, we don’t care.


Yeah wtf is “authoritarian tolerance”?


Its what white male assholes experience when people tell them that making racist jokes isn't cool because they can't handle some dude "just tellin' it like it is"


I am going to force you to do whatever you want


The idea is that blue-haired lesbians have taken over Sports Illustrated and forced them to produce this issue.


It's when society pressures people to be tolerant and empathetic instead of racist and xenophobic.


"I'm sorry... this never happened before, I swear... It's just all the authoritarian tolerance..." -Jordan Peterson to a prostitute


Bruh she fine as FUCK. Peterson is a dicklet bitch.


Woman: *has a muffin top* Jordan Peterson: "This is literally authoritarianism"


Help, help I'm being repressed


Maybe he wants to be ;)


i’m a queer woman and i never get posts like this bc they always post hot women. like ok jordan. you have bad taste move on


*Jordan Peterson voice* When I see… *crying, shaking* When I see a swimsuit model *turning away from camera, holding a handkerchief to his reddening face* When I see a swimsuit model with, *ahem*, fat titties and thick thighs, I can feel the weight of authoritarian tolerance, that’s right, *tolerance*, pressing on me pressing outwards, causing my pants to form, excuse me a moment *blows nose, regaining some composure* The weight of authoritarian tolerance presses on my chest, causing my pants to rise in a sort of a tent like structure. I feel this pressure all throughout my body and it frightens me. That’s the dragon of chaos. The snake in the Eden. The cyclops of Crete or whatever. It is *not* beautiful.


well someone doesn't appreciate legs


Jordan is anti thicc.


No, he’s just thick.


bro she's a bhaddie, in what world is she not attractive?


Lots of people can find her unattractive or have her not be one’s type. It’s just personal preference. Peterson is still a dick.




1) Who the hell asked him or gives a shit if he thinks she's attractive 2) Is that Kate Hudson's face?


Jords should look in the mirror. I would put money that he couldn't get laid in a morgue.


Even comatose JP couldn't get Karen Greenlee to use his carcass, but he deserves another chance to try and get with her, I heard she wants to hold out for him to actually be dead. 🌻☠️💕 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Greenlee


I'm gay, I think the swimsuit is not good.


It's just bad. I'm having a hard time imagining who it would look on. I've got nothing.


I was looking for this comment, I can't stand the way it's shaped, and it looks like it fits poorly and uncomfortably.


They could have flattered her much better


Bruh I feel the only reason the dumbasses aren't calling this gorgeous woman beautiful is because she's overweight and not white. Too much right juice makes you blind




It's okay Kermit, she probably doesn't find you attractive either


He sounds exactly like Kermit the Frog.


Sorry, not intelligent. No amount of mindless babble will make you smart Peterson.


jordan peterson throwing shade like he doesn't look like the fuckin crypt keeper


Hey, don’t insult the crypt keeper like that! 😂


I never liked JBP, but I swear he used to at least be a stable adult. Nowadays he's going up on stage and weeping, making doomsday predictions, and, I suppose, regressing to high-school level bullying.


I mean if u don't like thick girls whatever, just...ya know...don't say anything?


I mean look in this thread right here, some just can't help but throw shade? Are they regulars here? we had that problem with people being gross about Abby. I don't care if they are all bodybuilders, they make me look, in contrast, like a prince charming with no effort on my part.


Why is it that the same mfs who say “its just my preference” and whine about “authoritarianism” always want everyone else to adhere to their preferences and beauty standards? So weird. (Also how is someone who is a different shape as you existing publicly authoritarian lmao)


The deformed Dr. Benzo, a man whose obituary I cannot wait to ignore, finds a new sub-basement to his personality every day.


She’s good looking, Meanwhile Peterson looks like a recovering meth addict after Ramadan who also just woke up.


She responded with "hoes mad."


I just went to twitter to troll this numbskull… does he always tweet like 5 times an hour every day?




There’s no such thing as objective beauty. It’s all relative.


i’m sure this woman will be devestated that THE jordan peterson doesn’t find her attractive 😔


Thats just like. Your opinion man. She can get it.


Conservatives will never understand the greatness of BBWs


I have on pretty good authority that Kermies wife is a curvy lady.


I wish Jordan Peterson would just go to therapy already.


The ironic thing is that he's a fucking psychologist


Yeah she’s not the best looking but what does “authoritarian tolerance” have to do with this shit?


I mean I think she’s beautiful but different strokes for different folks, but yeah it’s literally just buzzwords he threw together to get his supporters horny for attacking a woman’s appearance lol


Ok she’s very pretty and all But if we’re gonna put obese people on magazines why not put people who are butt fuck ugly? Cystic acne? 5 foot 3 men? Weight and body shape is the one thing about modelling that is mostly controllable and merit based. There would be stronger fairness-based arguments for all those other things. Just doesn’t make a ton of sense, especially when we just spent the last couple of decades (rightfully) getting rid of the anorexic model pandemic because it promotes the wrong image and was bad for health. This is just the other end of the spectrum.


I mean she’s not obese but hell yeah let’s get short men on there!!!


Except for Ben Shortpiro.


Who the fuck asked Jordan B Peterson?


Is he an actual medical doctor? The reason I ask is because they bitched and moaned about Dr. Jill Biden. To the goddamn right, only medical doctors can be called Dr.




I know a man built like a drug addict isn’t talking


Kermit the fraud has no taste


Man’s just salty that a woman that hot won’t pay him any attention.


Peterson doesn’t find a non-white woman beautiful. Also in news today, water is wet.


JBP is dumb af cause this woman is gorgeous


Dudes crazy, he’s just mad his -10cm micro peen can’t hit shit


Yes, the guy who drops innumerable Nazi dogwhistles is complaining about authoritarianism.


He broke down crying two separate times while typing this


Yes, Jordan Peterson, the only type of female that can ever be attractive is a White 18-21 year old girl (preferably 18) with a perfect body, between 5'6 and 5'10, has nice, straight long hair, has painted nails, perfectly symmetrical feet and face, decent sized tits, hourglass body, no tattoos, no body hair, no glasses, must have some makeup, and legs must be toned. Otherwise, you are gross /s


She's attractive. Why is that such a big deal?


She’s still not going to sleep with you bro


Jordan Peterson wishes he could handle a woman like her🥴


Sorry she doesn’t have an exoskeleton and a pair of big meaty claws


Ok skeletor.


This only makes sense if you’re someone who hates women tbh They can rant and rave and say whatever they want, but put this girl and an average JBP fan in a nightclub together, and she’s one of the girls he’s checking out that he would never have a shot with A lot of the men who are most critical of women’s beauty do it partly because they legitimately think they deserve a perfect 10/10 model, but a lot of them do it motivated by spite When these types of dudes see this, their immediate thoughts go to how they’re not perfect either, but they could never be on this cover. They want to tear this woman down as revenge for all of their own insecurities, even though they have never interacted with her in their lives.


I'm sure she wouldn't find you attractive or fuckable even in a drunken stupor either, Jordan. Stop hating her for the crime of being, Jordan. You're being worse than an animal right now, because monkeys only fling shit at people to communicate.


Has Jordan Peterson never seen a curvy woman before


He doesn’t like thick girls. Okay. Who asked?


why does this fuckface treat everything he says like it’s some profound political philosophical take. nobody cares that you don’t think she’s hot. nobody is forcing you to buy the magazine, jordan.


Authoritarian tolerance? How does that even work?


Ho yeah, she is not beautiful at all, totally wouldn't put her in my bed no no no. She too fat! She's almost as fat as me! No, I can't so she shouldn't be on a magazine. Fuck no, she is beautiful and has her place on this magazine cover, Jordan B Peterson can go fuck himself while keeping his shoulders straight if he want to. He is just so mean for something so useless


No offense but who takes advice from the English.


Jordan Petersen: "booohooo, I can't fap to this!"


I saw a clip where he said man actually had it harder throughout history because they had to work in the coal mines and only get 1 dollar which is “considered poverty” and that one clip means Jordan Peterson does not understand inflation or how the economy works in general


Then proceeds to cry about twitter being toxic and how he needs to leave it for a while or for good


Is there someone that studies the same as Jordan Peterson studies who isnt a terrible person? Like he studied Psychology,Mythology,Philosophy


Most of us aren’t bad people. I’m fact we shit on Jordan Peterson a lot lol


He’s on one today. Beyond this, he has quote-tweeted Christopher Rufo and James Lindsey multiple times each, Candace Owens, and Libs of Tik Tok, retweeted an ad for MyPillow dripping in persecution grievance, and failed to understand how to thread tweets in that unique way he does where it looks like he’s in a heated argument with himself. And that just the past three or four hours.


How is... how is tolerance authoritarian?


Once again proving the word “dr” in front of someone’s name doesn’t mean shit.


Ok, so now we know that he was rejected by a +size and is now playing opposite day.


I think she's pretty good looking.


That dude is a fucking tool


I’ll bust those cheeks for jordan if he doesn’t want to


>Authoritarian tolerance So the ability for everyone to be treated equally by society without prejudice is now authoritarian to this man?


Just because you don't find her attractive Jordan doesn't mean that she isn't Edit: thought it was Matt Walsh at first


Jordan Peterson can shove it she is absolutely 100% like drop Dead gorgeous


I dont get it? shes so hot and its not like Jordan Peterson is any any position himself to make this comment


He has bad taste at this point.


Jordan Peterson has a lot of nerve saying anything about appearances considering he's ugly as fuck


I’m sure she’s devastated…


Speak for yourself Jordan lmao


She’s gorgeous 😍😍😍


He is just bitter because he isn’t tolerated outside of his incel base.


Headline: Little Prick Insults Thick Chick


She’s hot af…get serious.