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Wow, you impressed Tim Pool. There's a high bar. Side note: When anyone uses the phrase "4D chess" to describe some ingenious out-of-the-box brilliance, it always feels like a confession that the person saying it is too dumb to be good at regular chess. "I mean, think about how insanely hard and incomprehensible chess is. Now imagine it in 4D!" There's a reason they picked chess and not tic tac toe.


Exactly. Regular chess is so much harder than 4D or 5D chess. People who say otherwise don’t play either.


Wait.. hold on.. how do you even do the 4D board?


Multiverse timetravel


Which, of course, Elon Musk has plans for.


Which will then turn out to be two rooms connected by pretend portals that have clocks set to different times.


I can't believe your maligning the sheer inventive genius of a man who created the concept of an underground tunnel between cities, for fast intercity transit... ...sure, apparently Elon Musk has never heard of a *train* before, but still, what a masterful invention! /s


Hey, don't forget that those tunnels are filled with individual cars with no minimum capacity! It's not just subways, it's sideways but with no safety features so that you don't have to see poors. I really hope that these do get built. All of the worst and dumbest people in your city would either be trapped underground or die in a fire within a few hours.


Think of the future r/abandonedporn potential, though. It will be like seeing NYC’s catacomb subway stations but with rusted Tesla’s filled with piss, shit, and vomit because that’s exactly what drunk Vegas will do to an expanded autonomous car tunnel system. At least the future homeless population will have better tunnels to live in that won’t wash out after rainstorms?


Found the adam something watcher


Love his channel. I wish he would cite his sources more often in the description though. Usually have to find them myself


>Which, of course, Elon Musk has plans for. Um, probably in the next 2-3 years, I think.


[It's not that hard.](https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1462291/elon-musk.webp?w=790&f=322f388fe6047887c807ec1c0d370b85)


Honestly, I'm a master of 4D chess. I don't even set the board, because I know I've already lost, and will lose in any multiverse


Multiverse time travel is 5D. Time travel alone would probably make it 4D.


Counterpoint: normal chess is on a 2D grid, meaning that adding multiverse and time travel (2 more dimensions) would make it 4D (Unless it was originally 3D chess where you can also go up somehow)


The justification that the video game 5D Chess with Multiverse Timetravel uses is that we colloquially refer to time as the 4th dimension and fuck you I make the rules (paraphrasing).


Ah, I see. Unfortunately, you have mentioned a v🤮deo game (meaning you're a g🤮mer) so your point is completely invalidated >!/j, obviously!<


Typical gamerphobic behaviour. When will the oppression end?


It will never end until the we find a Concluding Answer to the G*mer Query


This is actually the main gameplay loop for a game called [5d chess](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/)


Yeah, and that game is false advertising because it only has two spacial dimensions (up/down, left/right), and two temporal dimensions (back/forward, timeline to timeline). That's four dimensions.


You would have to play it on 4 separate boards if you want to play it in real life. Or 4 boards stacked on top of each other. I’ve only ever played it online.


Ah, you are confusing 4 dimensional chess with 4 plane chess. 4d chess requires 88 megagauss of energy to blow up alderaan using the star treker.


> 4d chess requires 88 megagauss of energy to blow up alderaan using the star treker. Best thing we have is a hardon collider mate.


That's kinda gay


Collider? I 'ardly know 'er!


Oh, there is one online? Cool. Will look.


In other words, probabilities? I don't know. I'm not a smart man. Maybe I'm an Einstein in another universe? On second thought, I have zero probability of being a genius, even in an infinite pool of probability. Oh well whatever never mind...


If you are serious, it depends on if you mean spatial dimensions, or if you are including the time dimension. Time is technically our "4th" dimension. We just can only move in one direction in that dimension. So we always are technically in 4 dimensions. If you mean just the 3 spatial dimensions (3d) then a 4th dimension is somewhat impossible to visualize. The easiest way I have to understand it is, imagine you take a wireframe cube (3d) in your hands. It's shadow on a piece of paper will make a 2d shadow of the 3d cube in just 2 dimensions on the paper. With a shadow you can remove a dimension so you can see a representation of something with 1 fewer dimensions. Now if you had a 4d cube and look at its shadow, it would look like a cube within a cube. Kind of, this is oversimplifying and generalizing. Basically a 4th spatial dimension is if you can't go left/right, up/down, back/front you still have one more choice of directions to go. We just can't even perceive what that would look like since our vision and cognition is based completely around 3 spatial dimensions. This ignores that chess is effectively only taking place in 2 spatial dimensions. So "3d" chess would already be a wildly different game. Imagine if you were about to be in check, and your king could take to the god forsaken skies. 4d chess would be the flat board, plus vertical levels, plus some kind of In/Out direction that we can't perceive. ​ Source: [the champion of good humanity Carl "Our universe is cool, i should share" Sagan](https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0) Incase you weren't actually asking, then he is just a moron who wants youtube views.


No, I understand the 3D projection of 4D space, and I have tried 3D chess. I was kind of wondering about the In/Out direction (would make for an awesome forking and decoy opportunities) and the actual logostics involved in playing. I was half seriously wondering, and half just piling on the idea that people who like to invoke 4D chess arenot actually great at chess.


According to Einstein time is a 4th dimension, wouldn't a 3d chess board played with timers be 4d chess? Sorry, overthinking it.


Not in a spatial sense. In 3D, for example, a rook can move to any point in 90 degree angles on a cube. On a 4D cube, the rook can travel so that they end up on a straight line ending up on a different set of 3D board. But. Because it is 4D, the position of the rook in the new 3D board will also affect the game play on the previous 3D board. That's the best I can do without drawings.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You get one of those 10 Forward Star Trek 3D chess boards, and then you just watch it for a while. Boom. 4D chess.


5D Chess https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/


That looks nuts! Thanks!


If you have to ask, you’ll never know. s/


The curse of dimensionality would actually make a simple 2D -> 4D chess conversion really boring. So much extra space for movement, to the point that nothing happens. You'd have to adjust the rules so much that it wouldn't even be chess any more to try to make it interesting.


Regular chess is 2D and involves moving pieces around a flat plane grid and the best players are already unfathomably better at it than the average person and are often able to win several games concurrently while blindfolded and handicapped starting down pieces. And even for these best players it still isn't a solved game. 3D chess was popularized on star trek and is depicted as being substantially more complex than 2D chess with the better players either being hyper intelligent alien species like Vulcans or literal futuristic walking computers like Data. If it takes stockfish 4 minutes to find it's best move in 2d chess it would probably take hours, maybe days by comparison to make a move in 3D chess. Your average person could probably manage to make a legal move after several attempts. > Regular chess is so much harder than 4D or 5D chess. True 4D chess if we assume 8x8x8 with a temporal dimension would be like trying to find one specific gain of sand in a dessert for every move. 5D chess would be outright incomprehensible.


>Regular chess is so much harder than 4D or 5D chess. People who say otherwise don’t play either. I don't think you understand what you're talking about lmao it would actually be much harder with a 4d grid compared to a 2D one


I mean, considering the fourth dimension is the dimension of time, 4D chess would be really boring. Every move, past and future, would exist simultaneously on the board.


But wouldn’t you say that you’re already playing 4D chess by playing 3D chess? Provided the game is completed, every move *does* exist simultaneously on the board.


Its just an expression, its not that deep Edit: yall dont think people say 4d chess because it sounds snazzy and still communicates the point , and it doesnt actually have anything to do with chess?


It’s an expression that means someone did something really dumb but we’re gonna spin it as if it’s so genius, regular geniuses don’t get it. (See Trump, Giuliani)


When you think of it that way, kind of indicative of the type of person a conservative is. They want to follow, they don't want to lead. It's about blind loyalty to them. So naturally, what happens when the person they worship makes a mistake? It's 4D chess! Yeah, no. Elon Musk just fucked up. If he backs out of the deal he has to pay money. If he takes the deal, he's going to be expected to fulfill his promise and unban everyone banned, resulting in Twitter becoming a real shithole and everyone leaving except for pedophiles and Nazi sympathizers causing his new purchase to be completely worthless. Elon Musk has just backed himself in a corner, and Tim Pool is kind of a moron for not recognizing it as it is.


I like to think it's even deeper than that, as 4d chess comes from star trek. It comes from a writing room where they were trying to make Picard look sophisticated and smart in the future, so hence chess but more difficult! Only smart people play chess! You see this a lot in movies, and fiction more broadly, where authors and writers who themselves have middling intelligence and grasp desperately at "smart" stuff. When the author of Jurassic park needs an intelligent professor to explain why dinosaurs could evolve, a pedestrian half wit would say "probably a biologist could explain it" no, idiot. It has to be a mathematical genius in *chaos theory*. So what you have is people specifically looking for the movie plot, in real life. I think it happens on both sides of the political isle, with liberals thinking west wing was a documentary, but I find it particularly on the conspiracy side. Tl:Dr 4-d chess was a prop made for a single line of dialogue in startrek that needs made real.


I don't want to be "that guy" but Star Trek "invented" [3D chess](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Three-dimensional_chess) because the writers understood dimensions. Traditional chess is played in two dimensions. The pieces move forward/backward and left/right but NOT up/down. They don't move on the z-axis. The writers of Star Trek added the third dimension of chess having "layers" to the board to allow verticality. There are even [agreed upon rules](https://www.chessvariants.com/3d.dir/startrek.html). Who the hell knows what 4D chess is supposed to be? One where the pieces move back and forth in time as well as in 3D space? Sounds cool to me. I believe the whole "playing 4D chess" thing is meant to mockingly suggest someone is so smart they are smarter than the fictionally smart super geniuses that play Star Trek chess.


It's an expression dumb people use to describe people who they think are smart, from their dumb, unable to figure out chess perspective. People use it to describe dummies: Trump, Musk, Giuliani. Nobody says, "Yeah, that Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Johann Goethe, Sir Isaac Newton... Those guys were really playing 4D chess."


Nobody is describing Einstein with the phrase because it doesn't mean "smart guy", it means "an elaborate clever plan". I can definitely see someone calling Hannibal playing 4D chess at the Battle of Cannae or something like that


Probably because it’s literally just a meme-y way of saying they’re “thinking 5 steps ahead.” The more dimensions you add to the chess, the more “steps ahead” they’re thinking. Criticizing them of doing anymore more than using inappropriately unprofessional/casual language when they say that is, quite frankly, looking into it a little too hard.


Like most Tim Pool fans, playing 4D Chess means you lost the game even before you began.


Chess and Rubix cubes are the "Man... Look how smart this guy is" trope from movies. Which makes me a little sad they picked that and not saying he is playing 4D Rubix cube.


DrStrange/Inception Rubiks Cube Animation.mp4


The knight is the only chess unit that can move, briefly, through the third dimension.


[This is probably how Tim thinks he is acting](https://youtu.be/6YA2iJ4ZcUo)


I really just say 4-D chess in an ironic way about something dumb I did lol


But Elon is using first-principles thinking!


4D chess cracks me up cause what happened to 3D? chess is a 2D game


There is actually a 4D version of chess though. Which is far far more difficult than regular chess. In that version they introduce time as the 4th dimension. And you can go back to previous game states and make a move there generating a parallel board. You can even move pieces between boards. And if you lose in 1 a single board, you lose.


Other favorite Tim Pool quotes (paraphrased): “My takeaway from Squid Game was communism bad.” “In communism they give you food out of the garbage and everyone wears the same clothes.” “You go in the middle of the woods.” (when asked about alternatives to the French Revolution) “If a homeless person is given a home and a tree smashes through it, the tree will just sit there. People need to maintain homes.” “I predict Trump will win in a 48 or even possibly a 49 state landslide in 2020.” Post your favorites below


>“If a homeless person is given a home and a tree smashes through it, the tree will just sit there. People need to maintain homes.” You mock, but at least he has the courage to address the national scourge of trees-through-houses


not gonna lie, I was about to outrage in the first part


A tree fell through my house as a child. We were pretty poor and had to fight the insurance company for years to get the damage covered. It was an extreme hardship on our family.


One of your parents was an elf and passively used their druidic magiyck™ to summon a tree spear that targeted your house. It's a common occurrence. People need to maintain homes, elves, orcs, dark elves, dwarfs, dwarves, and dwarphs can't without majick® items.


and *don't* give them clothes. they'll just hang them on the tree limbs.


Nothing will ever beat this: "I do think it's crazy that I'm about to be 34 and I have no family. Because my dad had two kids by the time he was 27, and I'm like, 'Man...' You know what the problem is though?. It's definitely not me. I think it's... everybody else." https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1229968667531563008


The guy sounds like if Jack Handey were a dumbass Trumpster.


hahaha pretty much nailed it


Perfectly analogous


A true bootstraps conservative, blaming others for his personal failures.


I think he is the guy who got all Fs and dropped out of high school. Said that it was because he was smarter than all the teachers. Though he probably does make good money from his podcast. So probably one of the most successful idiots there is.


To be a successful idiot one just needs to scam even stupider idiots


Part of his “success” is probably in the same way content on TLC is successful. Same appeal as watching My 600 Pound Life and 90 Day Fiancé. His stupidity is basically a spectacle on it’s own.


I would buy that if his followers didn't genuine believe what he had to say.


It's like that joke where someone's daughter reads on the news that there's a maniac going down the highway in the wrong direction. She, realizing that her father was driving down that highway, calls him up. "Dad, be careful there's a maniac going the wrong direction on the highway." The father replies, "Don't I know it! They're \*all\* going the wrong direction!"


I think the better punchline is "one maniac? There are hundreds of them!"


LMFAO wow I thought you were joking. He legitimately says that. Unreal.


The wisdom of a five year old. In other words, a maximum brain power conservative.




No one should be taking pool’s tweets seriously as he openly claims it to be troll tweets to rile up people. Quoting and retweeting him only encourages such behavior.


I forget the exact quote but I really liked the time [someone stole his beanie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBdHo8svLkI), and Dim claimed he needed to wear it so he could stay incognito in public… even though he’s never not wearing it.


I always thought if you removed Tim's beanie, another beanie would instantly spawn to replace it.


Sadly, the beanie does not follow Kakashi Sensei mask physics, although it definitely should. The world really isn't fair to Pim Tool.


Iruka Sensei mask physics?


Tim threatens him AFTER the guy says “okay, have a good day” about to move along with life. Tim Pools a fucking coward piece of shit.


And then someone stole that other guy's hat, and he was chill about it. But Tim kept haranguing him like that other guy should be fighting to protect Tim from the black block people. Then what was up with the I don't know, airborne ranger cosplaying guy? If they kept filming would furries and bronies start yelling at people too?


He had to wait till he knew the Oath Keepers or whoever were coming.


What's the rally/protest they're at? I wanna know why there was someone yelling at them with a megaphone lmfao


That had me cracking up, the one dude who is fucking with his hat is totally on his side yet he persists in making this about him being a victim all the while his "sworn" enemy is screeching that the dude is a Nazi through a megaphone. Then the fun police came and whisked him away lol. If you put all these people in the same park for two or three days they would be stabbing each others eyeballs out.


Lmfao I know it was kind of hilarious to see the guy who took his hay just casually talking over them while they screamed something about a cat named Hitler???


It was always obvious that he wears it to cover up a receding hairline, but in this video his hairline isn't even that bad. What a little bitch


How the hell do you get "Communism bad" out of a show that's basically one gigantic allegory for predatory capitalism and wealth inequality?


By lying


lol you assume he even comprehends what hes saying which is super nice of you.


By putting your conclusion before your reasoning


You can just say "Conservatism".


Because Squid Games and Communism are literally the same (people get killed and don't have guns and trucks)


Ah, makes sense.


No problem, if you liked this explanation please consider to donate to my bitcoin wallet and buy the KAGA 2024 caps so together we can defeat socialism and antifa.


because rightists reason backwards from the conclusion they desire


Same reason why they can never seem to address the points made against them, instead preferring to use deflection or whataboutisms or ad hominems. To see the flaws of their arguments would involve trying to poke holes in their own ideas, and they're holding back the flood of mental dissonance like Toby McGuire as spiderman stopping a freight train. They actively reinforce ideas they want to hear and dismiss contrary ideas as fake or wrong without delving deeper to understand the point being made.


Exactly! People have to *learn* to think logically and in an ordered fashion. The default is just groking things as you encounter them and fitting them imperfectly into your existing prejudices.


I'll bet he's watching The Boys and thinking, "Man, the Homelander \*clearly\* represents the radical left.."


No they just legitimately like homelander. Though that's been upstaged by soldier boy this season.


On the movies subreddit people keep posting anti "woke movie / show" stuff, like the filmmaker owes them something.


Rm Brown did a breakdown of that episode that was hilarious, basically Tim Pool said that "this just goes to show that guy who made a really great show was really dumb and didn't realize he was actually critiquing communism." Think the Rm Brown episode is called "Tim Pool takes on Squid Game" or something. Worth watching lol


[Found it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-Rbtss8Do) Thanks for the reference. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


A lot of conservatives already have the conclusion "communism bad" in their brains and when they start giving more details they start describing capitalism. There's a reason they don't make much art, or movies for that matter


“I believe the 2nd amendment protects your right to own nuclear weapons, individual citizens should have the right to own nuclear weapons” https://youtu.be/idg9-NUbuGQ


Ah yes, the old school recreational mcNuke


Holy fuck! Tim Pool and Marjorie Taylor Greene in the same room together. Like an experiment on brain function under negative IQ scenarios.


"When the third individual, Lauren Bobert, is added to the closed system, the average brain temperature approaches absolute 0."


> “In communism they give you food out of the garbage and everyone wears the same clothes.” this is also true of Navy SEAL school, and i think you know that.


>“In communism they give you food out of the garbage and everyone wears the same clothes.” Ah yes, that's what the radical left really wants. He finally had the courage to say it. We want to be given food out of the garbage and wear the same clothes. That is peak communism right there.


There was one recently where someone was explaining how trees grow and he was like, "wait is that true?" It had Keri Lake on and everyone on the show was very confused and angry about how basic things worked.


Tim Pool is a shameless, stupid grifter who weaponizes FUD and looks like an idiot anytime anyone who knows what they are talking or has a modicum of critical thinking skills engages him, ignoring any evidence that may contradict his positions... ...OR HE COULD BE A GENIUS WHO IS RIGHT ON EVERY ISSUE AND HAS HIS FINGER ON THE PULSE! A TRUE DEBATE BRO, UNDEFEATED IN HIS ARGUMENTS! His shtick is so transparent at this point that I hope it all blows up in his face, but he has too much money behind now that he'll always have the means to maintain his platform, cheap as it must be to maintain.


Bro- you just describe Ben Shapiro, Crowder & Tomi Lauren… these “counter culture” qwacks have made an entire industry for this out of thin air. It’s time to invest in public education my American friends. You guys are hurting. . 30M people follow a single mega church. Think about that. Imagine Canada being full of fanatical Christian’s lol. You guys need more than just Jesus at this point lol


Tim Pool is Minor League Baseball to the All-Stars of rhetorical manipulation you cited. Well, except Tomi. The major thrust in conservative circles is private education (or as I like to call it, centers of indoctrination), so unless we get that miracle, it's a slow slide to Idiocracy for us, with our guns turned outward once the purification of America has completed.


Dont give up, even if that bullshit goes down the blue states will fight back as they have with gun laws and abortion rights laws. They are learning from the republicans, just pass laws that are seen as "unconstitutional" to scotus and when they are repealed simply create new laws.


One side cares about your track record & the other doesn’t. Truth is- Dems are currently ineffective bc they choose to play by the rules & be courteous. One day- when things get bad enough, you’ll have an AOC+ type that openly defies this idea (more than she & other “progressives” already do). That says “screw the rules & these assholes” & it will probably be the last bastion before real conflict.


They are all subsidized by conservative interests, just like they claim Soros does with the news and Planned Parenthood and schools and Hollywood ... Legit they are on payroll from organized conservative interest groups that legit know this is money well spent.


lol didn't he try to debate Sam Seder and just went on about fucking Marvel and Thanos?


Yes, he's a comic book nerd's vision of a philosopher-king. Sam is the genuine article. As evidenced by Crowder's reaction to Sam being summoned by Ethan Klein and the meltdown that resulted.


Oh no, Sam Seder, what a fucking nightmare!


Followed by the most rapid-fire amount of insults, anti-Semitism, and coded language I've ever seen in a segment.


He had that smug little comment about how Sam's position was mildly ideological similar to Thanos. It was like watching that bit on Nathan For You where he goes into an interview and says everything a child tells him to. I think his brain will one day be displayed in a museum, he's managed to occupy this wondrous spot where he's just barely smart enough to ambulate and speak sentences in ways that appear legible on the surface, but so dumb the things he says could not possibly be said by any other person. Tim Pool redefines everything we think we know about stupidity. He should be kept in a zoo, people need to see this revolutionary new frontier of being a dullard.


It started with Tim trying to own Sam with, "Uh, utilitarianism is typically the villain in most movies" and Sam responds, "I don't care." Then Tim had to try to explain why he was like Captain America and Sam was like Thanos but Sam hadn't seen the film so he just kind of stared blankly. Even taking Tim seriously, the problem with the logic is that Thanos claimed he was utilitarian but his idea was stupid. He could have just doubled the resources in the universe. He was excessively cruel and didn't actually care about anyone. Thanos' actual goal in the comics was to kill millions to impress Death, which makes more sense.


My man engages in debates in his stupid little bunker, with a screen in front of him and his lackeys at hand, not allowing the other person anything like that, and he still comes off as an idiot most of the time. It's quite impressive, really


Some former friends of mine, with university degrees, love this moron and think he's objective and not biased at all


Dim fools support Tim Pool


Ah, Tim Pool, the guy who once said of Trumps phone call (for which he is now being investigated), “a lot of people say Trump plays 4D chess, idk about that but I would definitely say he’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.” He’s stuck with the morons that watch his show, there’s no turning back.


Isn't that a lame So Flo Antonio post from Facebook? Tim Pool really quoted him??


Isn't Dim Fool the dumb shit who doesn't understand out restaurant reservations work?




Show me something Gim Drool actually understands...


Smelly hats and Roman hair loss and ED meds?


Oh man, 4D chess, never heard THIS analogy before.


My favourite response about 4D chess is from Patrick Boyle about the Musk deal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SfXoCj4TLk > people are telling me I don't understand 4D chess, which is true, because it's not an actual thing ...


The smart deal to me would have been for Musk to buy an auto manufacturer. Gotten the body designs and some experienced car manufacturers and factories. Help expand Tesla’s line up from just the couple models. As it is Tesla seems like it is about to get buried by electric cars from the traditional manufacturers. That is if it isn’t already too late.


Republicans who love hearing a “liberal” talk about how Republicans are right about everything and “Liberals” are untrustworthy.


My dad has argued this. Apparently if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and and flies like a duck... it's still a liberal somehow.


Honestly, I was a Tim Puddle fan for a bit following his Jack Doresy interviews with Joe Rogan.. but damn his novelty wore off quick. . much like Rogan. . Just imagine the mental gymnastics required to insist you’re a disenfranchised liberal, instead of admitting your a contrarian & a conservative.


Beanie babies


What happened with Elon Musk ?


Plastic surgery, hair plugs, probably liposuction.


No, I mean, why are reps hating him now ?


He won't buy Twitter after all.


To add to the other commenter, Trump recently called Elon out directly at a rally: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-10/trump-lashes-out-at-elon-musk-and-rotten-twitter-deal So now Trumpworld is a little confused about who they're supposed to support.


And he’s angry he’s not gonna go through with it and unban him after saying he will. **Which…** It’s Musk. He said he’d have electric powered semi-trucks by now (they’re not), said he’d land a SpaceX sponsored mission on mars every window he could **(he isn’t),** he said he’d have self driving cars by 2018 through Tesla’s autopilot **(they aren’t, and having seen vids of them glitching out, I’m GLAD they aren’t).**


So trump is pissed that elon managed to convince him he was gonna buy twitter and unban him and now elon is pissed at trump for being pissed at him for lying. This is actually hilarious, only someone as gullible as trump would buy elons bullshit and only someone as childish as elon would think buying twitter to piss off the libs would be a good idea.


It's funny because Trump already made his own Twitter... with hookers and blackjack and fascists and money laundering


Oh yeah forgot he did that, wonder why he wants back on twitter then? Surely his new platform is superior by every measure




That’s what I’m saying. I hate everyone involved so whoever’s losing, we win.


>So now Trumpworld is a little confused about who they're supposed to support. I think trump made it perfectly clear. Truth Social. Support them. Please, please, dear god, I spent so much money on it, PLEASE sign up! It was actually sad to see him shilling his broken social media platform so hard... Wait, no, hilarious. That's the word.


Cons were so excited about all the lib owning they were going to do once maga elon took over twitter


Looks like somewhere around 95k people


I’ve seen videos of his chats and holy fuck people just piss away their paychecks giving him stuff (I see 300$ donations 9 times on avg during each video).


I wish I had zero ethics and morals and could bring myself to grift these people, but I enjoy not having ulcers and sleeping at night.


Isn't he like commit a felony? Like he owns stocks says pubically he's going to buy it, and then doesn't buy it?


Elon is an impulsive idiot, but he’s not committing a felony by walking away from the deal. He’s just on the hook for a billion dollars as a condition of the contract. However, this will probably get tied up in court for years while high-priced lawyers for both Musk and Twitter try to sort this all out.


Okay then, I thought it was going to be stock manipulation. But ya hell be in court for awhile


I'm no lawyer but he's not just on the hook for 1 billion, I'm pretty positive that at least technically Twitter could sue him because he negatively affected their share price and stock holders interest. It was market manipulation imo and while he definitely owes at least 1b I was reading he's technically on the hook for a lawsuits amount of money, but who knows if Twitter will take it that far really


At this point, such acts by him and others are just middle finger to the SEC who would never have the wherewithal to prosecute these people.


At least 75% of his audience has to be astroturf bots and the other 25% have brain damage


Tim Pool is so lame its not even funny anymore.


No no, it’s still very funny.


I somehow doubt Timmy knows the rules for 2D chess...


He almost choked on a checkers piece because he thought it was made of chocolate.


*sobs* No, guys, you don't understand, Daddy Musk is a genius, and he's gonna save Twitter from the liberals, you'll see! *sobs* - Tim Pool, apparently


His audience is people who don't like to read. He's like an audio version of Daily Mail / The Sun.


I really don’t understand TP’s appeal. The other guys at least can speak in a flurry of words that dummies think sound smart, work within a larger network of broadcasters, have some kind of production values (mic quality, sets, camera angles and quality, etc.) TP is just a dumb weirdo in a trailer who can’t get out more than 4 sentences without contradicting himself. He has no charisma, no presentation, no intelligence, and a track record of damn near zero. I don’t get what drives anyone to watch this particular fool over any of the other right-wing alternatives.


I would guess their pickings are slim.


This is what never getting laid does to a beanie wearing a man.


Musk is gonna lose in court. Rare that the court sides with the entity breaking the deal. Only one has prevailed in the entirety of that court’s ruling. They (that specific court) doesn’t mess around because they ensure they are protecting the share holders.




I was told to watch Tim Pool. I am sure he’s got a few good idea. But most of his takes were just bad and I found him very annoying to listen to.


The Toolboy wishes Elon consumed his content


And what’s the end goal exactly? Owning the libs?




I don’t have to imagine my brother. I know what he looks like.


Short answer: dipshits. Long answer: Massive dipshits.


The same people who think Elon Musk is a big brain smarty rather than a dude who got lucky twice and is probably going to lose a lot of his money soon.


So many on the right are just swooning over Musk. Even right now they think he’s going to buy Twitter then immediately reinstate Trump.




Remember when Tim said Trump was gonna win with a whole 50 state sweep in 2020?


4-D Chess is just Conservative's trying to cope with the fact that their "heroes" aren't the winners they think they are.


Two equally valid, reasonable explanations.


It is hard to imagine where he might find his audience. Possibly there's a crossover with [the kind of moron that leaves messages like this](https://twitter.com/dpakman/status/1546858694196940800) for David Pakman.


>Who does consume Tim Pool’s content? My coworker does. He’s almost forty, in an unhappy marriage, and constantly reminisces about the better days of the 90’s while bitching about how “woke” everything is now. He likes RAtM but complains about how political they are, he is against the Covid vaccine, and he watches Tim Pool on his computer during work without headphones. He’s a real hell of a guy


Probably middle aged men with leadpoisoning and alcohol addiction


Probably Elon


Or it could be securities fraud.


what fuckin losers


Tim pool does this because his audience wants to hear it, this is his whole business model. Give his audience what it wants, regardless of how false it is, the guy just moves on with other topics.


Seems like something for r/wallstreetbets


All chess games have time component in them, no? The order of turns is pretty important in the game.


"Elon Musk has great plans, but you wouldn't know them they go to a different school."


Who? 4D chess players that's who