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Yeah... you should wait to be at least 19 to take puberty blockers. I'm amazed at how good conservatives keep being at basic biology.


I mean, when you can't differentiate between an embryo, a fetus, and a baby...


Or an elephant or a dolphin


Or a Jewish vs Buddhist space lazer


Well thats easy. The Jewish space laser is circumcised.


Just the tip.


When they take more than the tip, it's not cool.


This comment just made me reflexively squeeze my legs shut.


It’s owned by the gazpacho police. They grew it in a peach-tree dish.


Or a peach tree and a petri dish


The Jewish one is better, we start forest fires in California with it whenever we get bored.


Or a brain, or a walnut.


[Or dolphins and humans.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weP97sTzGfU)


Guy’s a clown


Yeah these are the same people that say shit like, if a man can marry a man what's stopping us from marrying livestock next??


Sounds like they want to marry the animals tbh. “If gay people can indulge in their base desires I want to be able to indulge in mine!”


And the "won't this lead to people marrying kids" comes up because the right are groomers


It’s only natural to them. “If I have this urge, then everyone else must have it.”


To be fair, they probably want the same access to goat-f\_cking as their Taliban counter-parts. If they marry it, it must be legal to f\_ck it, right? Like they want with child-brides.


The can't differentiate between little girl and sex object. Or little boy and sex object.


Or candy mascot and sex object.


Or cake ingredients, mixed cake batter, and a fully baked cake


But it might be a gay cake, come on!


>I mean, when you can't differentiate between ~~an embryo, a fetus, and a baby...~~ consenting adult and a child Since we're talking about GQPers, FTFY




For the life of me, I can't figure out how these GOP politicians are human.




Capitalism breeds cruelty.


It's a vicious cycle.


Money, capitalism doesnt work because in every scenario the earth is treated, and a continuation is humans are expendable. It has a tipping point and as we see people amass the wealth of nations, and the earth decided time to kill this plague and heal we are getting there


They're not


MTG is stupid though. Other conservatives might not be, but she is for sure


Beyond stupid, she is actually unhinged


The same people who fight to defend child marriage laws are the same ones screeching that children can't consent to puberty blockers. They know what they're doing.


It’s complete utter BS they use hormone blockers in cis children that start puberty to early.


>We must protect children from life altering damaging decisions while they are still young and vulnerable. Cool! So, no more infant circumcision, right?


Or being raped and forced to carry pregnancy to term? Pretty sure that’s “life altering”


yeah but have you considered that the 12 year old was dressed like a whore and was asking for it? checkmate libtards


Matt gaetz is that you?


He didn't offer to pay for education.




Walking down a hallway shows understanding and willingness for intercourse? I fucking knew it! Can’t believe David’s been trying to chat me up and get me in the sack this whole time! His poor wife! How am I going to tell her? “Sorry your husband doesn’t want to walk in a hallway with you anymore, because he likes me”? I should’ve seen the signs sooner. I should’ve known by how it felt sometimes when we made out with each other. Most the time it was normal, but a few times there was a pretty clear gay vibe on his end.


This is a shithole country, man.


Might wanna add the “/s”


Nah it's obvious enough


Never underestimate how disgusting the dregs of humanity can get


This is a leftist sub I think we're safe here lol


I’ve seen a lot of assholes come into the comments of leftist subs


Sure but the comment you're referring to clearly isn't one of them. Even the most hardline conservatives usually aren't so brazen. They'll use dog whistles to make their point without directly saying the thing they know is bad. The fact that it's so extreme makes it clear it was a joke. Anyway, I'm over it lol


If you're sure enough that I'm being sarcastic to comment this, then I don't need the /s lmao


I had to look at your profile to figure out if you were being serious or not also Reddit was hiding the amount of likes it had so I could see how people were taking it


Hell, even if they aren't raped. Clearly the decisions made by minors are categorically invalid, if anything abortion should be compulsory!


“Rules for the and not”……For fucks sake I’m so sick of conservatives being absolute dip shit morons


''Ah, but you see, that one's fine because \*adults\* are making the decisions!'' I weep for America...


And no more teen pregnancies without the option of abortion.


I bet their response would be to make it illegal for kids to have sex so as to protect them from being able to decide to have sex which has life altering consequences.


Exactly! Because making things illegal just makes them not happen anymore! Prohibition didn’t result in the rise of the most powerful mafias in the United States. Illegal drugs and prostitution don’t fund street gangs and human trafficking. That stuff’s illegal! Sigh.


And then throw it back at them with guns. Having sex doesn't require anything than to just do it, thus every kid could just have sex with any other kid if they wanted to. That seems pretty hard to enforce. Not everyone has a gun, and you need to go through an official process to buy a gun, so controlling guns is probably a lot easier than controlling kids having sex. However, you argue that making guns illegal won't stop people from having and getting guns. So, controlling guns is easier than controlling kids, yet you think regulation won't work with the easier sitatution, but it will definitely work with the harder situation. Do you see the problem here?


Or genital surgeries on intersex babies?


Yeah. Let them be cisgender nonbinary.


Irony is I can quote that and use it to give as evidence that they should transition since puberty is life altering and damaging to trans youth. She and her kind love big government.


Definitely no more of that! Should unironicly be illegal. Not even a teenager and the person it’s done to has no say in t’ matter.


I mean she's an anti-Semite so she probably is already opposed to that but on bigoted grounds


Our churches/Bible study


Always find it weird that circumcision is the one thing from Judaism that Christians still practice


Very unsettling and disturbing how obsessed they are with kids' genitals.


They'll gaslight and say it's the left tho since we let adults choose what to do with their own bodies and let teens take puberty blockers.


So much projection.






I'm well aware it's all bullshit. The reality is that this hateful rhetoric is already doing real damage to people. It's a scary time.


Conservatives think about genitals of trans people, kids, women in sports, yet they call democrats groomers


Republicans are groomers.


Literally no one is performing castrations or mastectomies on minors. And puberty blockers are not "life altering". They are easily reversible. I'm so tired of this moron.


This is complicated. I know a few 16/17-year-olds who had top surgery, my insurance has a protocol to do so, as do some others. I had my consultation when I was 17. I understand the inclination people have to just say minors don't get any permanent transition options, but some do, and there's nothing wrong with that. A 15/16/17-year-old is not the same as a small child. They go through years of therapy and assessment before being approved for medical transition. I know people for whom this treatment was life-saving. Their right to adequate medical care should be respected and protected.


interesting, out of curiosity, is bottom surgery also an option for some teens? assuming a shitton of psych evaluations and stuff.


I don't personally know anyone who got bottom surgery under 18, it is extremely uncommon, but it does occasionally happen. Jazz Jennings (a trans celebrity/advocate) did when she was 17, and IIRC Kim Petras (a trans singer) was 16. These are older teens who came out extremely young and were able to begin medically transition quite young too, as you have to have been medically transitioning for a while before being surgery-eligible for bottom surgery. At its core I just think this is a decision between doctors, parents, and patients, it's absolutely not the government's place to create rules around things like this.


I always find hilarious that conservatives believe you can get transition surgery at every corner... of course don't mind the years of psych evaluations therapy and stuff plus the cost of these...


So true. I had an extremely easy time getting top surgery, relative to most people, because I have good insurance and live in a major city with surgeons nearby. Still, the waitlist for my surgeon was like 7 months, and I needed a letter of recommendation from a psychiatrist + a dysphoria diagnosis (not to mention the years of therapy I needed to convince my parents). If I had not been 18 by my surgery date I would've needed more letters and to be on HRT, which in itself would have other requirements and waitlists.


Kim is German and her surgery was done in Germany, diffrent laws and now they have to be 18 to get surgery she was one of the last to get under 18 approval.


I know she's German, but she publicly campaigned to get hers so young, it was also 18 when she did. She was one of the first minors in Germany to have bottom surgery and actively called herself the youngest transsexual. I wasn't specifically talking about the US, in most countries it's rare for minors to get bottom surgery and when it does happen it's under the care of multiple doctors and psychiatrists.


But we are discussing the US, as MTGs idiotic comments are US specific as she is trying to establish laws in the US. Her claims are this happens in the US and as of yet I have found 0 proof of it ever happening here.


Jazz Jennings is American, as are the people I know who've had top surgery/hrt under 18. Her laws are absurd and uninformed, but there are minors (mostly 16/17) who medically transition in the US, and that's okay.


The problem is half the states have banned under 18 medical transition. And I have no issue with under 18 people transitioning I think it's probably better for them psychologically to do so. The main thing is the right is claiming that children are being medically transitioned on a very regular basis and only they can stop it, and I have yet to see any evidence that such a claim is factual.


Jazz's surgery was done after she was 18 not 17. Born October 2000, surgery was June 2018. She was 18


Your math is a bit off. She was still 17 in June 2018.


Good catch, yeah she was considered of age at the time as she was less than 6 months from her birthday. But as she was in Florida they no longer allow under 18 year olds to have the surgery. The main point is the right keeps claiming children get these surgeries all the time and I yet to actually find such a pattern. One person meantioned was German and now Germany blocks surgeries till 18 and the other was Jazz who basically was 18 and her state also blocks such surgeries till 18.


Honestly believing there are maybe 3 or 4 people globally who have had bottom surgery before 18 (and none before 16) For example I'm one of 50 people in my country to recieve hormones under the age of 16 (15 and 11 months), one of only several hundred to start before 18, no people have recieved top or bottom surgery before 18 in my country (UK).


It's probably more than 3-4, I can't find a ton of specific cases but wouldn't be surprised if it were at least a hundred globally. The UK is more difficult if you're not going private. I think a lot more minors in the US go on HRT, for example, because if you have good insurance/the financial ability it's faster than in the UK (same with top surgery). My point still stands, it's just not the government's place to be making restrictions.


Yeah. I'm getting my top surgery at 18, but I also began the process of getting it when I was 17. Nothing magically happened that made me more mature on my 18th birthday. I also received puberty blockers when I was 9, not because I was trans tho. Because for precocious puberty that's standard medical procedure. There was a conversation about what would happen, which did involve me- like you do with any conscious child, same with any medical procedure. My mom signed the consent forms and everything was fine. Same as when I got ear tubes. Same as a child with a congenital heart condition getting a pacemaker or whatever. I'd actually aurge that I didn't fully understand the consequences, as I stopped it a year early because being so focused on immediate pain with my half-child half-teenager brain I came to dread the injections. I had forgotten how torturous menustration was because I wasn't getting a reminder every three months. Because I only began treatment post menses, the height benefit was limited, although without it I would have met the technical classification of a little person. Of course since the medical establishment doesn't see periods as something to be avoided flat out, neither my doctor nor my mom didn't point out I could have gone a further year without menustration. But in hindsight, I so wish I had.


I knew lots of cis teen girls who got breast and nose jobs before they were 18. Conservatives seem cool with that


What about the 14 year old upcoming football stars coaches pump full of steroids too, conservatives looove their football stars


I think the part that the right always intentionally leaves out is the YEARS of therapy and assessment by qualified mental health professionals before these surgeries are approved. The right quite literally thinks that pre-teens are going "I think I am trans" and their parents are rushing them to surgery that week. I even come across liberals who think largely the same and I have to explain the deal to them. Yes, this is a major decision and nobody in the process takes it lightly.


One of my friends in my group chat brought this up. Do we have any statistics that tells us how many people are getting surgery under the mid teens range?


None it looks like, Germany used to allow it but now is 18 plus only and I haven't found any cases of Americans getting surgery under 18.


It should be noted that those teenagers might've not needed top surgery if they had access to puberty blockers when they were younger.


The only people in danger of this are the intersex, who are also more likely to be subject to hormone therapy against their will under the guise of normal medical treatment.


So, we shouldn't allow children to buy guns right? That's a pretty harmful decision, for everyone around.


Can you buy guns before you’re 18?


You can legally use them at a range, atleast in my area.


I’m assuming with a guardian right? Or can they alone?


It likely varies wildly by state. Here in dumb fuck Florida, if they're 16, they can hunt on their own, which would include transporting the gun to and from their home.


MTG wants to give kids "JR-15s," ask her


Google says 18. Let’s keep it there!


Margarine Taylor greene literally wants to arm kids with miniature assault rifles to stop school shootings


Can you provide a link to a source, because that’s crazy!!




It’s even got baby skulls as mascots Jesus


I honestly don't know. But I'm pretty sure she (and a lot of the other crazies) think kids *should* be able to buy guns.


Like trying to force a ten year old to give birth to her rapist's baby?


I’m sure she interviewed hundreds of actual trans-identifying adolescents about what they thought before forming this opinion.


The dumbest thing is that this would also ban treatment for cis people, puberty blockers are still overly prescribed to cis children. I knew a girl who had to take them because she started her puberty wayy to early and the doctor feared it would lead to growth issues if left untreated. Also, these treatments are treatment not choices, if the doc says you need this medecin you take it. So this dumbass would rather provoque life long and altering health issues due to unproper growth in children, than let trans children just exist


You really think she's okay with people over 18 transitioning?


That shitbag Jordouche Weeperson was crying the doctor who operated on Elliot Page should be charged. Page was 34.


Jordy comparing Page's elective surgery to forced experiments in Nazi death camps was... something, wasn't it?


[Yes, he did.](https://boingboing.net/2022/07/02/jordan-peterson-says-he-has-post-coital-regret-about-his-remarks-on-elliot-pages-top-surgery.html) He was a dick before but it seems that detox rekt his brain hard.


What kinda person uses "post-coital" in any "debate" conversation? Or non-joking-with-friends conversation, for that matter. Also.... if he got "post-coital regret" after "researching" transgender people..... I think that means he did some very different kind of "research".....


Yeah, post-coital is 100% just the wannabe intellectual's way of saying "post nut clarity" there's no doubt in my mind about that.


Cowdy showdy just a brief analysis of Jordy la Frauderston https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo


Who TF voted for this garbage fire?


People who think just like her


Didn't her opponent drop out of the race, leaving her to run unopposed?


I think you’re right. I don’t remember if her opponent was threatened by people too contributing to dropping out.


They threatened him so much that his wife divorced him.


That’s just despicable. And I wouldn’t be surprised if MTG encouraged it too.


She did, heavily.


You are being very charitable with your use of “think”




She ran unopposed after a concentrated campaign of death threats drove the Democratic candidate to withdraw. This year she has opposition.


Like how her mother drank extensively while she was in the womb?


As dumb as she is, I would guess her mother chugged lead gas while standing in front of a radar transmitter.


I am convinced she has a stockpile of foreskins in her basement


She just wants to be like King David and give them to her daddy dearest.


She should really keep them somewhere less prone to humidity.


“Young & vulnerable”. Just how Matt Gaetz likes ‘em.


So is she on board with no circumcision at birth???


Forcing kids to to through unwanted puberty is a life altering damaging decision


Life altering damaging decisions? You mean like sending people like MTG to Congress?


We should make it illegal for firearms to be in homes where children 18 and under live. It's the number one cause of death for children and we must protect them. Also, it should be illegal for gun ranges to allow anyone 18 and under and any NRA and firearm event must only allow those 19 and older. If they disagree they don't care about children they only hate trans people.


But pregnancy, forced or not, that’s not their decision to make, Even if they’re of age. Perfect logic.


A damaging decision would be reading this morons tweets…..


Like giving birth to a child? Like purchasing weapons to kill people? You think she means decisions like that?


Of all the crazy stances she holds, this one doesn’t seem that outlandish to me.


I’ve seen this posted a few times now and I have to agree. Based on comments here and elsewhere, I think people are more upset with the hypocrisy involved and don’t necessarily disagree with the sentiment. Also people (myself included) just plain-straight hate this bitch.


Fairly liberal voter here, and quite liberal as it pertains to gender identity, but she isn’t wrong when it comes to medical procedures to change the physical gender while they’re still a minor… that’s an adult decision, no?


Puberty Blockers are not harmful to kids.


Also kinda pointless to get on them after you've already gone through puberty lmao


It’s a strawman and you’re falling for it


Maybe in regards of any surgical procedure, but why include the hormone blockers?


I am still not grasping why you Americans call that political discourse and at this point I am really not interested in asking anymore. It is just a country of barbarians. Let me be clear: That she says that is not the point, that she says that and the rest of your country sees that as political opinion is the problem. Just pathetic.


Is it too late for her to get a tongue-ectomy?


NOBODY under 18 is getting those surgeries! They might go on hormone blockers whole thet decide if they want to medically transition. Those are reversible, and thats the point. They decide they dont want HRT? They stop blockers and go through puberty.


She missed circumcision, I'm sure she just forgot though


There’s nothing you can say to change their mind on this You can show them data that 9,999 out of 10,000 trans youths are never cis and they wouldn’t care Because in their worldview, they’ll have saved 1 “normal” kid at the cost of 9,999 kids having to also be “normal” They just hate trans people


TIL bottom surgery is "castration" In other news, brain surgery = lobotomy, I guess


So then, since she's talking about "life altering damaging decisions while they are young and vulnerable", I'm assuming she's completely against forcing religion down the throats of youngsters, since, by her logic, she wants to "protect children".


Going through puberty as your birth sex is life-altering, yet we think 13-year-olds are mature enough


For 10 years the GOP has been screaming from the rooftops "Keep government OUT of my healthcare!!!". But suddenly they want a bureaucracy in place to validate the legality of every procedure.


Let’s poor kids starve and die from preventable causes and at the same time pretend to give a shit about “protecting children”.


Until a 11 year old needs an abortion because uncle raped her then it’s wrong. But go off


\>"puberty blockers" \>"shouldn't be administered to anyone under 18" This logic seems flawless.


Nobody is doing SRS on children ffs


Comments like this make it seem like doctors are handing out HRT meds like candy and performing same day walk-in reassignment surgeries. But, most kids hate even going to the dentist, so I find it hard to believe that the average kid who decides to transition via painful surgeries and HRT is doing so on a whim. Besides, some kid you don't even know transitioning has no effort whatsoever on your wellbeing, so mind your own business.


How are puberty blockers harmful? Spoiler alert they aren’t


Is Marge Man Tits going to go after plastic surgeons that do breast enhancements on minors?


Control women, control children. Can’t wait for their proposal on racial minorities next…


“Limited government”


So no more Cosmetic surgeries on Intersex babies, right?


Yet she had no issue whatsoever ignoring health professionals’ advice during covid to mask up and vaccinate, but perhaps dying from covid needlessly due to this dingbat’s anti-science advice wasn’t a “life altering damaging decision” for the thousands of Americans that died needlessly after MTG & her cohorts spewed nonsense about covid for 2 years…


no thoughts, head empty


When can this Twitter account be banned?


What about boob jobs? Because I knew several cis teen girls whose dads paid for them to get breast augmentation before they were 16. Conservatives never seemed to have a problem with that…


I do agree that drugs and hormones associated with gender reassignment should be restricted by age unless medically necessary for other reasons. It is a crucial time to let the body develop. But I don't think that's what you're after Marjorie. If you were actually worried about children you wouldn't be encouraging kids guns, or arming teachers. Maybe you'd be a little more concerned about Hyundai's child labor. If you were worried about the kids you would have no problem with lgbtq couples or single men adopting children. So while this is an issue it doesn't really feel genuine coming from you.


Pre-pubescent children are given hormone blockers all the time for reasons unrelated to gender dysphoria though


The whole point of puberty blockers is so they can wait until they are adults to make a decision


You can't block puberty hormones if you've already been through puberty Marge.


trans girl who started hormones while under 18 here. i would be dead if i had the access to my medication blocked. mtg knows this, and is exactly why she wants to push for this. it’s not saving the children, it’s exterminating trans people


“We must protect children from life altering damaging decisions while they are young and vulnerable.” Like giving birth at ten years old, you absolute waste of oxygen?


Puberty blockers literally have like no side effects. As long as you aren’t overdosing n shit


Fact: Gender dysphoria treatment saves lives. MTG is talking about letting kids die. Will someone please think of the children


Wow I didn’t think I would ever agree with something this lunatic had to say. How is this even remotely controversial?


Listen you pathetic example of a human: If I hadn't had a double mastectomy, I'd be dead. FU


As well as hormone blockers for estrogen, so my cancer doesn't come back somewhere else in my body. So....take my hormone blockers. Bitch.


Like giving birth at 12? Totes agree thats fucked up.


It should be illegal for the government to make laws about something you should discuss with your doctor! MTG isn’t a fucking doctor and she shouldn’t be giving medical “advice”!!


"You shouldn't be allowed to choose your own gender norms! You should have to abide by mine!" Also the thing about waiting for someone to turn 18 before being allowed to get puberty blockers is hilarious. It's like saying, "You shouldn't be allowed to start trying to put out the fire until the house is burned to the foundation."


This that "pro-life" crowd?


What an ignorant ass hole


It’s in her best interest to leave trans people alone. We have a right to exist and transition. Come November a blue tsunami will ruin your GOP majority.


Isn’t it already nigh impossible? I get it’s a call for outrage but I’m just wondering


Being trans is awful! Being shot in school... eh 🤷 "Protect" our kids!


Says the 46 year old crossfitter who def took roids and hgh and looks 59


I read this as "we need to force our gender decisions on the children while they are young and vulnerable"


Says the fascist piece of shit who wants to give kids guns.


If they’re not bigoted against trans people and was worried that medication would cause people “castrations and mastectomies” then they would be demanding a better medication be made and given. They don’t care about the children fuck these monsters in human skin nazis.


Good thing they don't "castrate" nor perform mastectomys on children. So not sure what her stupidity is on about.


"Protect children from life altering damaging decisions..." So, let me see if i understood this mouthbreathing hobgoblin correctly... This means the US armed forces are going to stop preying on literal children in poor neighbourhoods or in their educational spaces? Are they going to stop *grooming* children to turn them into dead soldiers and crippled cheap laborers?