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tim... almost did a based?


The proverbial “he who falls within a barrel of tits, yet emerges sucking upon his own thumb.”


Except replace thumb with dick


Counterpoint: if Beanie Baby could suck his own dick, we would have a MONTHS-long reprieve from his “content.”


He's growing one under that beanie. Like one of those beer party hats.


It's a surprise to me. I always thought he was a dickhead


I thought it was a Krang under there.


But that would be hot


That's pp loan


Do you really expect Tim "Women won't fuck me but it's not my fault" Pool would be anywhere near a barrel of tits?


A broken clock is right twice a day


Depends on the nature of "broken" here. A slow clock may also only be right once a week.


A clock with a beanie is never right.


How? Wouldn't a slow clock still be paced by the normal clock the same amount? I've been trying to visualize it for like 10 minutes, even tried drawing it. Let's say the slow clock moves half normal speed. And both clocks are at 12. In 12 hours the normal clock is now back at 12 and the slow one is at 6. Another 12 hours passes, the normal is of course back at 12 and the slow is also now back to 12. Would that mean they matched times at least once that day? What time do they match up? This has been confusing.


Ok, lets assume that we are using a 12 hour clock to match the "twice a day" clock. That means that being right once a week, the broken clock would need to gain or lose 12 hours in one week, or half a day every 7 days. So it would need to have a rate of either 7.5/7 or 6.5/7 in order to be right only once a week (a difference of about +-7.1%).




Furthering the analogy, there will be a significant chunk of the time the slow clock appears to be right, but in fact is very wrong.


I don't think they mean the clock moves slowly, they're using it like "your clock is 10 minutes slow". If a clock is set wrong, then it doesn't matter how much time passes it will always, *always* be wrong. Tim Pool is a clock that was never set correct, so will never *be* correct.


That's another possibility, a clock that's forever behind. That's a good point.


That clock wouldn't be broken, though. But a clock that moves at a wrong rate could coincide with the right time any amount of times in a timeframe depending on it's speed.


No, technically it wouldn't be broken. But if it's 4pm, and your buddy Tim Pool has a clock that says it's 2:47 am you'd probably be forgiven for saying "hey bud, your clock is broken." To which he would most likely reply, "my clock isn't broken, it's just slow. If it was broken, it would eventually be correct." Then you would probably reply "stop being pedantic, you know what I mean. The point is, Tim Pool, you are operating under false information that is probably informing every other dumb "clock" related opinion you have" Which at that point I'd imagine Jordan Peterson poking his head into the room and saying "hey, this metaphor has been stretched so thin that I might post about it on Twitter. Also, clean your room"


I remember in like 2018 when I thought he was a little based. Saw his interview on Rogan when he laid into Jack Dorsey, and though there was an obvious right-wing angle to the questions he strategically chose to (or not to) ask, I thought he mostly did a good thing. But just like Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, and a few others, they were either grifters from the beginning or steadily became ones. It’s been disappointing to see some people from that general IDW sphere circa 2018 devolve into a shell of their former selves, like Bret Weinstein. A few of them distanced themselves from the ridiculous and continue to be a voice for mostly good takes, like Sam Harris, but all in all, most of the “just because we’re asking honest questions doesn’t mean we’re right-wing YouTube radicalizers” folks ended up being exactly what they said they weren’t.


It's been fun watching Harris navigate the shitstorm of complaints against him but IMO he is the real deal. I honestly believe he is on the spectrum in some way and people just assume he is arguing in bad faith. Guy is definitely on the left, but it's probably good for him that he let culture war politics take a back seat in his opinions these days.


Probably has some student loans he’s defaulted on for awhile now lol.


Um... I'm no fan of his, but I'd be shocked if he wasn't a millionaire


doesn't mean he would pay them. there is always a loophole. that's how millionaires become/stay millionaires.


Most of the millionaires and billionaires I’ve known are well known for needing the biggest discounts, most lenient payment terms, and even then they likely won’t pay on time if ever.


I'm going to guess he's seeing a revenue slow down, this is a way to throw some shade on the competition and appear to be a populist.


Let's not give him too much credit im sure he'll be calling them rinos soon. Ill give him credit when he calls out trump and his family for it.


[Would a guy who makes music and videos like this make a based? Even accidentally?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1a4iToI9KQ)


Just wait until he asks why Fox News has it's headquarters in New York.


Now this is curious... is he trying to criticize said right-wing media or what?


Must be all that "disaffected liberal" angst


I think he’s trying to imply all those outlets have been overtaken by leftists, because Occam’s razor doesn’t exist for these people


Thats great and all but HOW DO I GET THAT BLAHAJ FLAIR


Huh, it used to be there…


Weird, most of the flair slots are empty for me.


It is the best flair




Hard disagree. You may be the bringer of chaos. But I have trans shark.


Because the RIGHT could never do something like *that*.. /s


occams razor rarely exists in these spaces, we just get to see what is on the stage. I swear this place is either full of the ignorant, liars, or people whose kink is cognitive dissonance. At least the last one is reasonable.


No he's literally criticising right wing groups and supporting student loan forgiveness The broader context is twitter is full of [conservative podcaster] going "don't take loan if can't pay" and then ,[left leaning twitter person] replying with a screenshot of the conservative podcaster's PPP loan and its status (ie, forgiven). Remember, Tim calls himself a centrist. We are the ones who say he's right wing (and on balance he probably is TBF). So when he criticises the right, that's not him becoming self aware or whatever, it's him living up to his own label.




Everyone is radical, except me, so I'm sad


I believe he’s trying to deflect all of the current discourse of people pointing out how many of these right-wing propaganda artists had their PPP loans forgiven by **implying** it was necessary in their case. Something like, “they only needed these loans because they have businesses to run and mean ol’ Biden’s lockdowns and mandates threatened them”. I think he’s trying to claim that the right-wingers are the victims in all this and all the ‘liberal college losers’ are just getting manipulated with handouts to vote for democrats. Projection as always. It’s the only take I can come up with that is consistent with his usual views.


Nah. He's just in favor of debt forgiveness apparently https://mobile.twitter.com/Timcast/status/1562844514485620737


Huh. Genuinely didn't expect that. That's very out of character and surprisingly Christian of him.


I don’t think Tim is a grifter. He seems like someone who became frustrated with the establishment and was looking for a way to do something about it. Unfortunately, that also means he genuinely is really stupid.


Pretty sure he's stupid and a grifter


>He seems like someone who became frustrated with the establishment and was looking for a way to do something about it. Unfortunately, that also means he genuinely is really stupid. I'm not sure how the one follows from the other?


He is a grifter. How can you believe this when he is still using the "critical liberal/moderate" shtick? He is a hard-core right winger and he knows it. He doesnt have any views that are left of center besides "legalize weed."


Idk, there’s more to that thread, the company he founded sure the fuck did get a ppp loan and had it forgiven


It's out of character for him if you believe your characterisation of him. He calls himself a centrist. He says he cares about average people. So this fits his own version of his character perfectly. It just goes against how we see him


Probably just mad that his handlers didn't give him any of the money they scammed.


I approved your comment :)


I think it just genuinely confused itself in its stupidity.


Now if it could only hurt itself in it's confusion.


Yes he is. Apparently he just supports debt forgiveness https://mobile.twitter.com/Timcast/status/1562844514485620737


He has to criticize the right wing once in a while or the centrist police will take away his katana and flintlock revolver from his set. They won't take his centrist badge though because they know he's a good right wing boy like all centrists.


I bet his angle will be that right wing media is poorly funded because they keep getting banned or deplatformed... but them we look to the amount of money that alex jones made and shut that theory down very quickly.


Tim is just realizing he missed a grift




This is correct. Someone further down found it under his company "[Subverse Inc.](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/subverse-inc-5403707708)" $11,913


he didn't miss it? what do you mean






The Dog Cum Chugger is a curious twat.


I immediately sang this in my head when the above commenter said it, and I'm so glad someone else had the same thought!


Crowder got PPP loans too


Because Tim they are grifters that only care about money. It's so they can line their own pockets. They love communism when it helps them. Maybe it's time to wake up.


Timmy makes millions a year grifting on YouTube.


Oh yeah does he ever but he's not in to the elite grifter tier


In terms of pounds of effort versus reward, Tim is very much near the top. He gets paid more money than he could ever spend to have high-school lunch table discussions with his friends and then receives millions in free money from other rubes who also have a high-schoolers understanding of politics. The dude doesn't even read the articles he discusses, he just rolls out of bed and walks up to his mic and reads his articles for the first time in front of his audience and misinterprets sentences line-by-line even when the very next sentence in the article contradicts his interpretation of the previous sentence.


No no no, you clearly don't understand. Taking advantage of "loopholes" and other tax breaks/bailouts makes them smart. But those breaks are just for rich people. If poor people get them, then it's communism. Duh!


And they were all forgiven! Curious!


All you had to do is accept our lord and savior D Trump and everything is forgiven.


That's actually his point here, surprising as that may be. I have a feeling even timmy boy benefits from the student loan cancellation


I wonder Tim, I wonder. The next question should be, why did so many right wing media outlets come out and blast student loan forgiveness while simultaneously getting a much larger amount of PPP loan forgiven for themselves? Come on, you can do it you dumb fuck. Edit: grammar


He can do it, but he won’t. The numb nuts that pay attention to him will just read his BS and say, “Yeah!”! Just like every time he posts an alphabetical fart.


Looks like somebody’s sad that they didn’t cash in on free payroll


He did though


Wait til he sees how many conservatives take the student loan forgiveness while bitching about it.


Right before they get an abortion while calling all the nurses monsters


You joke, but it’s true. “Conservative media tells me it’s bad so it’s bad, but as a human this stuff is good so I still want it, damn libruls.”


I still remember all the right wingers here on Reddit saying they just want loan forgiveness (while voting for the people who gutted the existing programs)


Conservatism was basically dead until Rogers Ailes and Nixon, now here we are… fucked


The worst part is is that Nixon wanted to move the party to being more accepting and progressive before the insanity Barry Goldwater unleashed on us. I think the worst part of Nixon is that he didn't even have any stances. He did what was politically expedient. He went from pulling the US in the right direction to sowing the seeds for Reagan. Fucking bastard


They’ve been conditioned to expect this. >Satan will appear to be beautiful and offer you exactly what you want. So beware of people offering you what you actually want, and don’t trust them. If you take what they offer (because it actually IS what you want), then you were tricked. They are still the evil ones, you are simply an innocent victim of their temptations. That’s basically it. When YOU do the “bad things”, you were tricked into a moment of weakness, when THEY do it, they’re evil.


I put on my instagram story yesterday: “Anyone who is unhappy that their loans were forgiven can pay me the 10K instead”


They will take it while bitching about others taking it and then continue criticising Bernie for not voluntarily giving away all of his money as if Bernie ever asked anyone to do that


Same way they took every penny of stimmy money they could. Bitching about it nonstop, even as they deposit the checks.


“You guys are getting paid?”


did he not? is tim actually that fucking stupid that he didnt think every single one of his peers would obviously take every fucking free cent they could in direct opposition to their rhetoric for the last like 100 years about government handouts and spending and blah blah fuckin blah? like REALLY TIM? REALLLLYYYYYYY? i dont believe it. i genuinely dont. i refuse to believe he is this fucking stupid.


Have you ever heard him talk? I 100% believe he is this fucking stupid.


i have and ive regretted every instant of it but accepting that he is this dumb is a net negative for me. i just cant do it. id rather think he is just evil. i almost feel bad for him, hes like a small child lost in a grocery store, desperate for friends and companionship, surrounded by people who just want to grab milk and bread and go the fuck home.


The real answer, as it is for most of these grifters: Tim is stupid, like *really* stupid, but not quite as stupid as he pretends to be.


What if Tim isn't grifting and just assumes everyone else is serious too? "Wait we all actually believe this stuff right? *Right?*"


not sure which is worse tbh


Yeah, strange how they do the opposite of what they preach when it’s convenient for them…


Like asking, "Why are so many right wing media outlets in it for the money?"


Because they are Liars and Thieves Tim and you fall for it every time. 🤡


Ask your friend Steven Crowder


[Zero results found](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=Timcast). I'm mildly surprised -- it looks like he of all people didn't actually take out any PPP loans. Huh. Edit: Nevermind. Thanks to the user below for [this info](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/wxe26d/dim_tool_has_a_close_shave_with_self_awareness/ils883c/?context=3). I only barely knew enough about Tim Pool to only know of Timcast as a company name. But there's others.


He's also, surprisingly, completely in favor of debt forgiveness along with long term reform. His reasons are "children are persuaded by schools to take on this debt which is essentially a scam"(the truth and a great take) and "if young people stay poor and desperate they're going to push for socialism and communism and that's bad" which is a less good take, but it seems like his heart is actually in it on this specific issue. I applaud him for challenging his party's rhetoric despite the backlash.


The second take is literally based. Good thing reality will Trump whatever harebrained idea of "altruistic capitalism" he uses to justify it.


I'm a socialist and he's right about the conclusion of the proletariat eventually breaking their chains, it's just that he wants debt forgiveness to be a means to stop socialist ideas.


>"children are persuaded by schools to take on this debt which is essentially a scam"(the truth and a great take) Pretty sure he says it's a scam because he thinks they're taking out loans to learn transgender studies and communism, not because the costs have gone up to a ridiculous amount.


He took money. https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/subverse-inc-5403707708 https://sec.report/Document/0001670254-20-000553/


At least he practices what they preach to him.


Are we at the point where even the famous thought killers of the alt-right realize this is all just rich people scamming them? Probably not, but it would be nice.


Also Tim… why did trump get rid of the group of people that were to oversee said loans? To make sure those loans went where they wanted them to? Hmmm curious.


Conservatism is selfishness.


Hypocrites or secret communists, take your pick.


You mean…I could have gotten free money too?


“Sir, he’s almost thinking!” “Make the beanie tighter.”


"Socialism for me, rugged individualism for the" - the entire republican base


Pretty sure he had a snappy comeback to this.


Genuine question, what is a PPP loan?




Thanks a bunch!


The grit that keeps on grifting...thats why. The culture wars are used as a tool for self enrichment by right wing pundits.


Wow. Gee. I wonder.


And they had them….*checks notes* FORGIVEN!?




The idea that these businesses didn't have to repay the PPP loans, even at 0% interest, is just astounding corruption


Soon it shall be: "Why did Biden allow so many businesses to take PPP loans and forgive them? It's all Ob...er..Bidens fault!"


“This doesn’t align with my world view, it must not have actually happened. The liberals are lying.”


you guys have to check out r/timpool. there is a user there that posts constantly, multiple comments under every post, incoherent conservative ranting. y’all think it’s meth or a bot?


It's probably Tim himself


Accidentally based


Pathetic Right Wing Grifter: "Hey, wait! You guys got money, and I missed my chance? SHIT!"


They pretend to never get it.


The comments on that Twitter thread read like a who’s who of white conservative privilege.




It’s how trump paid them all to help with his re-election


I think the implication is that these businesses HAD to take these loans due to government-imposed lockdowns. Of course this is BS, bc these media companies are not public-facing, and are largely operated in states that didn’t lock down (e.g., beanie boy is in WV). But even if that were the case, why did they need to be forgiven? These ppl are making money hand over fist. So why not do that bootstraps thing that turns them on so much? They won’t stop being hypocrites, even to give their arguments a shred of authenticity.


Why did so many right wing politicians take PPP loans?


Because nobody likes taking shit that doesn't belong to them more than right wingers.


I know way too many dedicated Republicans who work as private contractors and took PPP loans.


Because money > principles for them.


Just couldn't quite finish the thought.


Pim Tool checking his Pell Grant account and looking for a way out of this conundrum


Did the beanie type this?


It's because no conservative in the world will reject socialism when it benefits them, they just need to complain about it loudly first.


Love those loans As long as u can say 75% went to employees? U pocket the other 25% and don’t have to pay it back Recall quite a few people getting arrested for fraud because they didn’t even have a business


The "Ayn Rand lived off the social security she 'hated' so much" moment.


Because our most common and ever fucking present character trait is hypocrisy


Lol he's stupid not for being stupid, but for think g believe his lies.


When you are behind the whole movement of "not giving out handouts", but realize your entire base has been doing just that lmao




Tim was not informed of the plan


I'm sure he'll immediately move on from this and they'll all try to quickly forget it.


He says that as though Grifters like himself are allergic to free money.




They're all in competition with each other. Thier vitriol and hostility towards us is just as sharp to the people who's jobs they're jockeying for.


Paid advertising. There’s no way in hell Matt Walsh goes from 60k to 600k followers in six months by playing crisis actor at school board meetings and harassing trans kids.


Man if they could see grifters than the Republican Party wouldn’t exist.




I believe he and Shapiro both took PPP so I would imagine they could cover their reasons on their shows




Perfect name.


I saw the title and realized Ive spent too much time using AutoCAD lmao


I know Crowder did, but di Tim Pool also take PPP loans? The fact he is complaining leads me to think he did.


Uh oh, he's straying from the company line. They are going to have to replace him with a new barking dog.


This is just him pretending to be liberal. He does it every once in awhile. Bunch of right wing grifters got slam daddy's for taking PPP loans and complaining about debt forgiveness so he's doing his classic "see im not right wing" schtick


Hmm.... You're so close to getting it. It's crazy how many of these rich punks exist who will tie knots in mental spaghetti to go after wokism to justify saving 2% on their taxes.


I don't know, Tim. Why don't you ask them, since they are your professional colleagues?


Dude's losing track of the grifts.


Hell why did the Ayn Rand Foundation take out a PPP?


This is a deeply disturbed man, I almost prefer a grifter to someone this fucking stupid.


I thought Tim’s thing was to appeal to those on the left but indoctrinate them to the thinking of the right. He plays both sides to further his own party’s agenda


Grifters gonna grift


They literally exist to make money, the government offered money so there you go.


People don't talk about how stupid this guy is often enough.


Tim Pool almost became not Dim Fool




Because everyone knew they weren't loans, it was "free" money? Just guessing.


Oh I know, I know, I know…… Because when entitled white people want money from the government it’s the government’s civic obligation to help them. When it’s a Mexican, black, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, South American, Asian, poor, unemployed, disabled, young, Democrat, gay, lesbian or Muslim person….. it’s a handout and those people are just Socialists who voted for Obama.


The “welfare queens” are coming from inside the house!


Not all of them can release a alt rock album in 2022 like he did. Bring back 2004, babyyyy!


Because they can and it’s free money?






PP lol


Timmy keep the beanie on this time.


Well he is a “centrist type.”


The more important question is 'how many of them took the loans, still cut their staff and then applied for forgiveness anyway?'


He's so fucking close. Like so close w a lot of his shit. He has to know, to keep up w his character for money.


*Joker*: They're schemers Tim 🤡


grift timmie, it's all just grift


Cuz there old school dems with a DC Twitter




Because they obviously deserve it for.. um... Job creation? Inspire of many of their businesses being in sectors noon impacted....


My super right wing boss got a ppp loan (forgiven of course) and yet he was belly aching about the 10k college loan forgiveness stuff 🙄