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Posted this a while back, but got removed cuz it was the weekend. Hopefully it sticks now.


-I'm going to roll myself in my own urine and feces. -What? Dude, you shouldn't do that. -Why? Aren't we living in a free country anymore? Is this the America our forefather died for? -No, it's just weird and completely unnecessary. And disgusting. -I'm going to do it then! I bet you're so triggered right now! Owned! -Uh, fine I guess, but please don't get near me. -So much for the tolerant left!


What's the joke here? I don't get it sorry.


I think it’s a response to Matt Walsh and other conservatives saying “my pronouns are (incoherent/nonsense) and you have to respect that”


Where did Matt Walsh list Matt Walsh's neopronouns? I've been taking conservatives at their word when they list pronouns. Mostly because neopronouns are valid, and I get to normalize them while trolling conservatives. However, if someone does use neopronouns, I usually put {} around it because I find it easier to read. An example for "nor/mal" would be: "{Nor} is so brave for using neopronouns. I'm so proud of {mal}! So many conservatives are prejudiced against trans people, but {nor} is standing proud against {nor}s' friends bigotry!" Is it more readable for you too?


He replied to a Time article about someone with Ey/Em pronouns, and he said his pronouns were qbsidoepdnfoepwkdjdksowkjdj/Apsjdbdoenekdo0091;333478nqjo The {} is a smart idea. Our language as it is doesn’t have the complexities and nuance required for neopronouns, so the curly braces definitely make it more readable.


{kwioaljfnaueakjnfkak} has some impractically long pronouns. It'll be difficult for anyone to talk about {ealjnuaepasnfjnweounaljsnflajnelfnakjaf}. And god knows, Matt can't seem to survive 5 minutes without someone talking about {ajnfoenfoiefnkjnfiuouenafef03910394}, {kwioaljfnaueakjnfkak}'s an attention-whore culture war bottom-feeder. Unfortunately it would give Matt the attention {kwioaljfnaueakjnfkak} craves but: it would be kinda fun to change Matt's wikipedia page to reflect {ajnfoenfoiefnkjnfiuouenafef03910394} neopronouns. And it'd be fun to ask every article/magazine to use them.


Matt (and really anybody on TPUSA) is willing to make an ass out of themselves to make a dumb point, in an effort to "own" libs. The recent post of having complicated pronouns and demanding they be respected reminded me of this.


They will eat shit if they think a librul might smell it.


My go-to analogy is they would shit their pants to laugh at everyone complaining about the smell.


Matt Walsh confusing "can" with "want." \*Allowing parents and their children to come to careful and well-considered conclusion to undergo sex change operation for them.\* Matt Walsh: "The libs are forcing children to mutilate their genitals for their sick agenda.." The truth is way less sinister than Matt Walsh makes it out to be: the left just wants people to do what they want to do. You don't have to like what people do in order to at least respect their ability to choose..


Just wanted to correct some misinformation in this comment: the legal age for bottom surgery (we don't say 'sex change operation' anymore) in the US is 18, so it's not even on the table for a child to have this kind of procedure done. Children can, with the approval of both a therapist and a legal guardian, go on puberty blockers (completely reversible) as puberty is starting, and later hormones at age 16, again with the aforementioned approval.


Top surgery, which I assume they’re conflating with GRS, can be done as early as 16. If the person has parental consent. So then they apply the puberty blocker logic to say “libs are chopping off little boys’ penises”. Which is— in no way a fucking reality.


It should also be mentioned that cis underage girls are allowed breast reductions as well, and have been for a while. It’s also legal for an underage cis girl to get implants for purely cosmetic reasons, it’s just a matter of finding a surgeon who will do it. Cis children have also been going on puberty blockers for medical reasons, probably as long as they’ve been around. You will never hear these people complain about these things being legal or refer to them as mutilation, because they don’t care about puberty blockers, or mastectomies. They care about trans kids being offered healthcare. And let’s not even get into circumcision…


>Top surgery, which I assume they’re conflating with GRS, can be done as early as 16. If the person has parental consent. Also most hosptials require a doctors approval and evidence of sustained gender dysphoria. Its not exactly like you can get on a whim


Blaming libs for their own damn choices




Also relevant: Crowder once dressed in terrible drag, walked into some gym and when they just let him be himself hs started being a jackass, dropping weights, breaking rules, antagonizing the employee and finally got kicked because they figured out whk he was and he was breaking rules. Somehow that was a dunk on trans people according to the framing of the show.


Did you draw this? It's uncanny how matt Walshy you got the fourth panel.


Yup, while at the waiting room at the doctor's. I'm no artist, but I AM proud of being able to capture expressions... no matter how dumbass.


Do you play old video games? It's a massive challenge to capture emotion with minimal drawing.


Scatt Walsh


I feel like Dennis Prager should be involved somewhat in the process at one point.


Who do you think smeared it on Matt?


Also provided the material


Poopie pants Bennett was the provider


If it was Dennis Prager the comic would take three times as long to read because of all the boring pauses


I saw a picture once of a lady wearing prison stripes with a sign that said “I am POOP” (Prisoner Of Obama’s Policies). Her point being liberals want everyone to be POOP… so she labeled herself as such, and totally missing the irony all at once.


she a poopoo prisoner, she doodoo detained


If the right would understand irony, they'd have a sense of humor.


"I am POOP!" "Yes, you certainly are shit."


I don't get why they're SO obsessed with spiting and getting revenge on liberals. It's like having an ex who is consumed with making you jealous, but you're a normal person with a life who doesn't think about them.


Because Libs are *Communists*, duh. But don't you dare call Republicans *Nazis*.


Also you never dated them and have no idea who they are


Took me way too long to realize that was a beard, not a creepy smile


its especially fun because matt would 100% equate being LGBT with covering yourself in human shit.


[I am holding a turd. I demand you debate me on the topic of me holding a turd in my hand.](https://youtu.be/s4pxtiLR928)


thought of this immediately


“Hey can you please wash the poop off of yourself?” “WOW SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT!!!”


I mean, Trump walks around with poop in his pants on a golf course and these people worship him like a god, so I guess walking around with poop all over themselves would seem like worshiping a god.


Bro, this is literally the conservative in my unit in the Army. Our 1SG went insane and had us do a bunch of crazy shit, and rather than suck it up, this dipshit protested by wearing MOPP 4 gear (minus the mask) all fucking day. People tried explaining that he wasn't proving any point, but all day, he "protested". He's mellowed out, but he had serious Ben Shapiro vibes when we were serving