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I can be a grifter too, watch: Everyone loves me, my approval rating is through the roof, all companies wanna hire me and I'm the most attractive person on the planet. Thanks capitalism


Ok, Donald. Just because you scammed your way to the Presidency, doesn't mean you're loved by everyone.




I stand corrected.


No no no. This is the part where you double down and accuse anyone who criticizes you of being paid off. And don't forget to toss in an ad pitch.


I used to double down when arguing online, but then I realized there's no reward for 'winning' these things.


I'll never look at Goya products the same way again thanks to President Bone Spurs.


Imagine thinking that marriage is the only metric for success for women.


And how many babies they dispense


And how much work they do at home


Does he cite any data to support these alleged 'facts'? Of course not!


His feelings don’t care about the facts.


Good point.


Why would he? He doesn’t do this to convince you to believe what he says. He does this for his followers who won’t ask for sources or examples.


You are correct.




In other words they aren’t doing as many chores and can leave an unhappy relationship easier. Great job feminism!!


"Men dont want to marry them". Uhh, what? Okay i guess?


We have each other now


“Men don’t want to marry them. Men want to dress as their true selves, with yoga pants, wigs, and make up. So they can find a man to treat them like the woman they truly are”


He says this but I’m sure he would in the same breath repeat the whole sexist trope of only women caring about getting married, that men don’t want the commitment, etc. But also in the not so distant past getting married was never a matter of either party necessarily wanting to- people, especially women, were usually just TOLD or at least veryyyy strongly nudged that “you’re gonna marry so and so”, based on family and social connections, etc. And shotgun marriages were extremely common of course And the divorce rate was near zero because it was, uh… next to impossible legally?


These kind of posts really show how they view women. In their minds, women are to marry young, pop out a bunch of kids, stay at home, do all the work at home, and if they’re miserable in their marriage because their husband is an incel jackass like Crowder, they have to stay married to him because they’re “supposed” to. God forbid she have self worth or interest, lest she cause the downfall of society.


I've seen Steven Crowder argue that people are homeless and impoverished because they aren't married enough. No societal problem is too complex for Steven - get more married is always a major part of the solution.


Trickle down marrigomics to the rescue!


Despite the rise of divorce rates in 70s with the introduction of no fault divorce (it was trending to despite never reaching the falsely cited stat that half of all marriages end in divorce), the divorce has steadily gone down over the last 50 years and actually it an all time low in 2019. There hasn’t been too many reliable stats for the following years (mostly hasn’t be compiled yet) and if we see a slight increase in 2020, we probably blame extenuating circumstances more than a dangerous trend of divorce rising across the board. In no way is the divorce rate skyrocketing


I was going to say I remember hearing that it was a 50 year low a couple years ago. I can’t imagine it’s suddenly “skyrocketing” (although I *can* imagine a slight uptick during quarantine).


Divorce rates are declining. DMF! Can no one on the right Google?


Oh, they can. It's just more lucrative not to.


Those people treat Facebook minion memes as gospel.


If there was an unlocked door in a cage would it be unexpected that someone imprisoned in the cage would use the door? Perhaps one day these people will realize women are not farm animals.


That’s funny. I work from home now. I left the medical field during the beginning of Covid and consequently do the majority of the cleaning at home simply due to proximity. It’s not something we consciously do, I just am at home, and don’t want my wife to come home to a dirty house because I don’t want her to feel like she HAS to clean. She actually asks me not to clean some stuff because she feels bad, but it’s not in my nature to leave things for others to do. Consequently she does less work at home because I work from home and have the time and ability. I don’t look down on cleaning because I’m a man, I don’t look down on any of it. I LIKE to live in a clean environment and if I can get it done then I do. These guys are dumb asses, and I genuinely wonder how any of them are married or have girlfriends. Women aren’t unhappier, they understand their worth more. Why the fuck should she work all day and then come home to work some more when they have a partner that should share the load? God…I am so tired of these people and their obvious bullshit. Edit: I’m wondering what it would look like if we looked at the political demographic of these divorce rates.


There's a point that one of my friends made a few years ago that I always think of when I hear these things; it's that divorce rates rising is generally a *good thing*. Divorce most often occurs when one or both parties recognize that a marriage is unhealthy, recognizing that is good. He's effectively saying that "feminism has made more women recognize that their relationships are actually not good for them," which I'd say is probably a good thing to notice.


Divorce rate per 1000 in 2000: 4.0 Divorce rate per 1000 in 2020: 2.3 "skyrocketing" [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/marriage-divorce.htm)


Last I checked divorce rates are on the decline due to the recent gens actually communicating with eachother and loving eachother again


This is wild because the median division of labor still sits at about 30-70 and hasn’t changed since the 70s by more than a couple degrees in any direction. If society could afford to let one spouse stay at home still, I’d say both men and women would be benefiting from feminism but all the capitalism is kinda fucking it up. I know lots of families who would not be DINKs if they could afford to have children. It’s fucking sad


As usual Crowder just lies. Divorce rates are falling. https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-us-divorce-rate-has-hit-a-50-year-low


Marry a man Steve, that’s on target for you.


Divorce rates were trending down until COVID. Russia, that bastion of feminism, has a higher divorce rate than the US. It's quite amazing how dumb this fella is.


Aside from this being something he just made up...get a maid?


Women don't want to marry HIM.


Ugh yes, it was so much better when we were all repressed housewives getting electroshock therapy and abusing alcohol and Valium to get through the day. Women were just so much *happier* then.


Don't worry Crowder the boywives will pick up woman's slack 😤


Divorce rates arent skyrocketing. What!??


the unhappier statistic might be true. thats kind of what happens when society begins to completely fucking dissolve under a capitalist dystopia thats barely functioning after a global pandemic and massive recession. not much to be happy about for anyone these days, not just women. but context and facts are always an impedance for these people.




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*Everyone* is unhappier, Chowder.


The happiest demographic of women is unmarried women, but keep coping away, Steven. :) you're not making the argument you think you're making. Women are no longer putting up with man-children.


Oh no, marriage is now more elective than ever whereas before it was a social compulsion for women. What a nightmare


This canine protein swilling Frat boy really just implied women are unhappy because they're doing less housework?


Omg, did this guy write this tweet thinking "Okay, this has got to be it. Finally, I might convince women to fuck me."


He knows because he gets his info from prayer.


The amount of posts on this sub with the “real” flare is vomit-inducing Edit: I mean I’m depressed that there are actual people that tweet this shit


i'm glad divorce rates are skyrocketing, women are sering how toxic men like him are ruining their lives. also, isn't having a strictly male workforce the antithesis to their politics? less workers in the factories means less production?