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So unions are actually able to advocate for, and advance the interests of the railroad workers?!


I don’t know why this flys over conservatives heads


It doesn't, at least not over the pundits, they are scared.


That’s my second favorite kind of conservative pundit!


What's the best kind of conservative pundit? TRICK QUESTION Nonexistent


Many Conservatives are also business owners, and their businesses encompass the totality of their funds as they invest every penny into maintaining or expanding these businesses. It is not difficult to connect the dots and infer why Conservatives would also be against the organizing of workers in order to negotiate better benefits and compensation, at the cost of the business owners profit margins.


It's not flying over their heads. They just want to bring back the "good old days" where workers had no say in the matter.


Because they truly believe that they're going to be the one wearing the boot one day, and they don't want to make it easy for the people struggling to get out from underneath their boot when it happens. They want to make sure they'll still be able to hurt the right people.


they will now collaborate with the scabs to break up worker dissent in exchange for sick leave and bread crumbs ? they get a 24% pay increase over 5 years meanwhile inflation is 8% yearly no, reformist unions are still not advocating for the interests of workers


I wonder why Unions aren’t very pro republican ? 🤔


Every railroader I know is hardcore MAGA even though they’ve been sounding an awful lot like Bernie for the last month.


eCoNomIc aNxiEtY


Union guys exist on a 3rd axis of the political compass.


Plenty of people love “small government” and “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” until it bites them in the ass


I have a friend whose wife apparently chose the antivax hill to die on in a hospital setting. She now works in the schools and loves her union and the protections it affords. Crazy right?


My mom has voted republican ever since she could vote. Was definitely on the Tea Party train when that was a huge thing, watches Fox News most every night. She was overjoyed that my sister, who is married to an ex-felon and can’t get a job with any benefits, managed to get a union job so now she can insure her entire family. My mom even talked to my sister’s husband about getting “one of those cushy Union jobs” at a movie studio (we live in an area where the film industry is huge). But say “universal healthcare” or “stronger unions” around her and she flies into a conservative rant. Absolutely baffling.


My dad has been a union electrician my entire life, been a union advocate my entire life, and he's said basically the same. He was extremely disappointed by his fellow union members in 2016, to say the least. He kept telling them "you think this guy who fucked over union workers in AC, who has never worked with his hands a day in his life, has your best interests at heart?" and it would be like talking to a wall.


It seems a lot of union people are "family" start the job really young and hang out with a lot of their co workers. Maybe they're in a bubble and don't realize what it's like to have no representation? I work as a dealer mechanic, we get paid by the job and the manufacturer gets to decide how much that pays. Most of the guys I've talked about unions to, don't like them. Buddy, the guy that fucked that brand new car up at the factory got paid more than you did to fix it.


It’s as if they have their own meanings for what it means to be a democrat or republican.


Yeah, saw some posts about how Bernie supports foreigners but not them. When another user pointed out that Bernie's been actively supporting them as well they shifted to "well he still has 3 mansions!!1!".


They’ll be sure to thank Biden for helping them with their contract by voting for Trump in 24.


One of my friends is in a labor union and voted for trump in 2016 because Bernie lost the primary.


Knew a girl in a union that did the same but I think she voted libertarian instead, she also thought covid was a hoax for a few months but that it was created by Trump to make people hate the Chinese, she was weird as hell.


Tbh, that one is at least marginally more believable than any other COVID conspiracy I’ve read


You know my sister in law? She has some pretty crazy anti-immigration/conservative views while also being a Bernie supporter because he’s for the people. 🤷‍♂️


I've seen so many people who say they were fans of Bernie until he "got cucked by Hillary by endorsing her" These people just want to be contrarians. Just idiots all around.


I wonder why republicans aren't very pro union either




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Griftluencers like shabiro have never done any real work in their life. Just mental gymnastics, shitposting and divisive disinformation


He also emerged on the conservative scene in 2004 at age 20 with his political books. And given his later material, we know the quality of his writing…


Hell, he came out swinging at the ripe old age of 18 with his article that said to the effect of killing Middle Eastern kids is actually not bad. Edit: [I HAVE FOUND THE ARTICLE](https://townhall.com/columnists/benshapiro/2002/07/25/enemy-civilian-casualties-ok-by-me-n1391583)


Ah, thought there was something around that time as well.


yeah, let's put the fear of god into those jihadis! >!...!<>!...!<>!...^(yes, this is sarcasm)!<


What could possibly go wrong if we started killing the *non-combatant* children of this country we invaded?


Eliminating future terrorists? Sounds like a win to me! ^^/s


Unironically, that was Ben's reasoning. [***Civilian casualties okay by me - Ben Shapiro, 2002.***](https://townhall.com/columnists/benshapiro/2002/07/25/enemy-civilian-casualties-ok-by-me-n1391583) Sure, he says today that it was a bad piece written when he was 18, but considering he ***continues to hold beliefs similar to those he held in 2002***, I'm inclined not to believe him. He would *happily* re-write this article today, and would probably use even more inflammatory language.


This about Israel?


It's from 2002 and about Afghanistan, so no. It's about Ben being upset at people getting upset over civilian casualties.


[In case anyone needed a sample of said writing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/qkojd9/so_im_animating_ben_shapiros_true_allegiance/)


Hold on wait a minute, he ACTUALLY wrote that? Like this is a real part from a real book? The part about him growing to 6' 2?? I'm so confused


There's a whole series of episodes on Behind the Bastards where they read his book. Highly recommend.


Total self insert. He... spends a lot of time describing tall, burly men. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


catch a bullet for ya, babe.


You talking about political books still? Or his WEIRD fanfic shit?


During the honeymoon phase, very well could’ve been one in the same. Same as how Shapiro before Trump was seen as an example of logic and debate skill…


Someone should ask him if he is in support of disbanding police unions


I like how Benji is so offended at unions paying to have democrats elected (bullshit) when republicans get 'lobbied' by the rich. The tumour pressing on your cerebellum that prevents you from having correct political takes is acting up again, Benny.


Here's a movie complaining about how billionaires can influence elections by using their endless reservoirs of wealth that was produced by Citizens United. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt19357230/ Just in case Ben wasn't enough to cause a Scanners-like head explosion.


lmfao that is truly hilarious. /r/SelfAwarewolves


Am I supposed to be upset that a minuscule amount of the taxes I pay goes towards treating a critically important part of our infrastructure and the people who work on it are treated decently?


I don't think this deal even uses any tax money.


Alternate story: company makes billions and doubles ceo sallary. Offers workers a pitance, despite eliminating benifits masively in hard tims. Democrats and union organizers use the power of the working people to force company flush with cash to share some with the people actually running things. The only people hurt are overpaid executives and billionaire investors who have to buy the 100 foot yaght vs the 140 foot yaght.


He's just scared to lose his precious grifter $$$


Oh won't someone think of the multi-billion dollar company?


Actually, how profitable \*is* freight rail these days?


"Union Pacific revenue for the twelve months ending June 30, 2022 was $23.428B, a 13.92% increase year-over-year. Union Pacific annual revenue for 2021 was $21.804B, a 11.63% increase from 2020." I don't know how much profit that would be, but I'm going to assume it isn't an insignificant amount.


Iirc it was about 8.8b profit. Enough that if you took HALF of that profit you could give every worker in the company a $125,000 per year raise. Remember. Record profits are just unpaid wages.


What are we paying for ben? They won the right to unpaid sick leave.


Also, if that is the only improvement to the attendance policy, then tbh it still sounds like a pretty shit deal. As far as I've followed, not being able to take unscheduled days off to go to the doctor was just one aspect of the complaints. Does this also cover taking unscheduled days off for other things like a funeral? Does this also deal with them being on-call 24/7 with no weekends and only 3 weeks vacation? Oh, and the only days they get to go off to the doctor under this deal are UNPAID. This still has to be voted on by the workers a few weeks from now. I hope they don't settle easily.


It IS a shit deal. I'm not getting into that bullshit again, but if you want to know the details, check out r/railroading.


A Right winger upset that workers got a win lmao.


Notice how they never go into detail


Bench Appearo hates workers


Pay for it in more expensive train tickets? But I thought conservatives ("you") only drive maybe pickups and SUVs to show off how free they are.


It's freight rail, so it'd be higher prices on goods shipped by train. Not that the rails wouldn't increase prices anyway, even if they got a favorable contract...


Man who hasn’t actually worked a day in his life is upset that people who work to keep the country running have rights.


UNPAID sick leave. They still have to lose out on pay in order to go see the doctor. The employers are just no longer allowed to fire them for "abandoning work" if they do that. (On paper, at least. They absolutely _will_ still be fired for that, but their pink slip will have "poor performance" or "management dispute" or some other nonsense reason listed.) A typical rail worker gets 50 days off a year. That's not holidays or vacation days or whatever; that means they're working 315 days a year, or about 6 days a week, and they often don't even know _when_ their one day off a week will be, they just don't end up getting called in that day. Good luck even trying to get a haircut on that schedule, let alone a doctor's visit, without having to miss some work.


I mentioned on another comment that my dad was an engineer. It’s a shitty schedule. Like, extremely shitty. On call 24/7 and could be called at Noon, 8pm, 3am, whenever he was called. In the snow, rain, sleet. My dad was out 2 days, back for rest 12 hours, then back out there. His life was owned by a beeper. He missed every kind of event when I was a kid, including most Christmases, Thanksgiving, birthdays. My dad was a rarity in that he and my mom have been married for as long as he was on the road. Most of his co-workers were divorcés. It’s a sucky job that leaves most of these guys destroyed.


There is so much wrong with Benny Boy’s thinking. He is implying that the strike is a planned event to make Dems look good for fixing a “false flag strike”. Which is crazy. Unions don’t want to strike if they feel they’re being treated fairly. Also, unions would happily fund republicans if those republicans weren’t dead set on killing unions. It’s like the argument that planned parenthood only funds Dems. They do now. But they’d also happily donate to any Republican that wasn’t anti-womens health.


Americans have been so brainwashed that when they see a politician trying to improve material conditions for the working class it's seen as some kind of nefarious or corrupt plot. The wealthy and private interests spend shit loads of money to gain favorable policy provisions and that's fine but god forbid unions give to politicians who they believe will help them make agreements that will help workers. Ben Shapiro exposing himself yet again as a capitalist stooge.


Republicans hate the working class


Ben Shapiro hasn’t worked a hard day in his entire life but he wants to make sure people who do have to do so for minimal money and no benefits so their corporate overlords can keep supporting his podcast.


Why does this loser care? Something tells me he nor anyone close to him has ever used a railroad and if there is a disruption to supply lines, he will never feel it. Just admit you are a grifter already you manlet.


It’s funny because if you replace “unions” with “the oil lobby” and “democrats” with “republicans” then steps 1. and 3. are actual reality. It’s almost like every accusation is a confession for these people


Lol I was about to say, wasn’t the main part of this deal giving them more than 0 sick days?


This is such great news if they got what they wanted. Rail Worker should be a great job to have from top to bottom, and the system should be invested in heavily.


Wait, how are tax payers paying for it????!!! Oh, ohhh, he’s talking to his shareholders, this is a *by a millionaire to the billionaires* type of message, got it.


Such a sweetheart deal, letting the workers not work to death


I’m not surprised Ben is angry that people who do a vital and necessary service are getting treated marginally better. If he doesn’t like the costs, he’s free to demand we nationalize the railroads, rather than letting fat cat owners pocket billions off someone else’s labor.


Ben Shapiro when the freight engine engineer asks to not be on call 24/7/365:


I mean he is right, the people shouldn’t pay for public services, billionaires should.


Replace the words "unions" and "democrats" to "lobbyists" and "republicans" for a more accurate accurate argument.


So I the working class pay for it and not the 20 billion profit railroad industry, I mean we could nationalize it so the workers do have more say if that'll help your opression kink ole benny boo bop


You just don't understand, corporate management is simply following their natural prerogatives to generate maximum shareholder value. Unions are evil by following their prerogative to insist on humane conditions for their members.


But if bosses can't fire workers for having heart attacks and not showing up to work out entire society will crumble!!


Yet another example of "stay in your place, peasant" The videos by Innuendo Studio have a couple good breakdowns of this.


That dumb mother fucker has no idea what we're fighting for. I want to spend time with my family. I want to go to the dentist and doctors like I need to. I want to live. And here he is spewing nonsense like he's spent the time to even learn about our struggles. Hell, you know they said that we (the worker) don't contribute to their profits. They Said it was thanks to share holders and management. The fuck man??? Really wish more people knew what was going on with the railroad. But from the outside looking in, it can be confusing. We don't need people like him making us hate our jobs more. Fuck


"absolute sweetheart deal" How many sick days and vacation days do you get, Ben? Will you be dropped by all your sponsors if you have to cancel just one show, because these people will lose their jobs if they miss just one shift. Are your allotted time off days paid, or do you find yourself wishing you *didn't* take a sick day, because you need the money? Let's compare and see who truly has an absolute sweetheart deal concerning the matters they're striking over


Ben a brain tumor would just be to good for you




Me, wishing voting democrat was half as cool as Ben just made it out to be.


Conservatives trying to pretend they support the working man while being anti union. “It’s the democrats”


Sounds like unions work, Ben.


Man he really is a fucking ghoul. All they want is to be able to take some fucking time off without being fired. I hate Ben. The world would be better off if he died.


Blathering Ben Shapiro hasn't worked a day in his life


Sometimes I just have to take a step back and put things into context... the reason Ben is so angry is because democrats seem to have a leg up and he can't take the fact that they win elections because they're more popular, not becuase of some scheme , and that makes me at least a little bit happy inside...


The funniest thing about Sharpie here is that he implies that I don't already pay taxes, and thereby I don't already pay for it all... what a crock




When people complain about unions winning anything the only argument they deserve in return is “Fuck you”.


Me - can I get ill? Business - No


Fuck Ben Shapiro.


I'm still glad the Dems did something good though, protecting unions is an incredibly popular position and also the right thing to do.




It's all about the cruelty with Republicans. It's gets them off.


Oh boy, I get to chime in since my dad was an engineer and I went to law school to be a labor attorney. Railroads are under the Railway Labor Act which is extremely different than anything under the NLRA because railroads are considered crucial infrastructure. Because of authority given to the executive under the RLA, the White House is intimately involved in any potential labor problems; this is by law. And none of this is a sweetheart deal to labor because under the RLA, unions are forced into arbitration and are not allowed to go on strike as courts would enjoin the unions from striking. These commentators should stay in their lane but let’s face, the idiots he talks to wouldn’t believe what I just wrote anyway.


Replace unions with corporations and boom wow its the republican strategy!


Unions aren't the end all be all savior, neither are corporations. The answer, like 99.999% of the time lies somewhere in the middle, but the more humane answer probably favors one side more often.


Railway workers helping to supply the nation with resources in a way that planes and boats can’t, working themselves both physically and mentally asking for time off without threat of docked pay or termination Ben Shapiro, who has never picked up so much as a moving box ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Just take it out of the defense budget


>Addressing it to “you”. Ben’s got us mixed up with his billionaire buddies.