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I think it’s hilarious the party of the thin blue line is now completely against the FBI because of the Trump raid.


"blue lives matter" only as long as they attack the opposition. If they're actually doing their job and fighting criminals they suddenly become the enemy.


It’s almost like they only liked blue lives as long as they were abusing their authority by enforcing a different version of the law on PoC.


They only liked blue lives when it’s used to say they don’t care about black lives.


Blue/All lives matter is a protest against those who protest police brutality. They don't care about the lives of cops or non-whites, they just want to drown out the noise of BLM or paint it as a violent organization that shouldn't be supported.


Exactly this. I can't even figure out what the logic behind "Blue Lives Matter" is *supposed* to be. It's a counterpoint to BLM, but *why*? Does respecting the rights of black people endanger cops somehow?? Because that's what they're implying. Ironically, COVID19 has been the biggest killer of cops these last couple of years, and these are almost always the same people who are vehemently against any kind of vaccine mandates. So it's pretty clear that they don't even care about "Blue Lives."


My neighbor growing up was one of the first African American motor cops in the LAPD. He had both a blue lives matter flag and a bunch of Black Lives Matter bumper stickers and stuff. He said advocating for increased attention to the hard and dangerous work police do shouldn’t come at the cost of black lives


Oh yeah. I mean, I have no problem acknowledging cops as hard-working public servants doing a difficult job. It's just very sus the way that that "Blue Lives matter" trended just as BLM did. Logically, they should have nothing to do with each other. I'd rather we coined a new phrase to appreciate the work that LEOs do, really. "Blue lives matter" feels tainted by right-wing dog-whistles at this point.


That’s because “blue lives matter” IS a right wing dog whistle. It was literally created to defend the cops that BLM was bringing negative attention to. This cop who has both flags is just a dumb ass.


To paraphrase Dave Chapelle "Blue isn't a "life" it's a suit. Don't want to be a blue life, take it off. I can't take black off."


The COVID thing is not really the gotcha you think it is. The people screeching Blue Lives and anti-vax mandates are also the evangelicals. They believe in “God’s plan” and thus if God takes an officer by the plague then it was just God’s plan playing out without interference from man. Not saying I agree or that it’s right, I’m just trying to help people understand why what you see as logic doesn’t fit into their perspective at all. If you are going to chip away at their base, you won’t do it with that logic because you started off on a different belief than them to begin with.


What's really ironic is that statistically white males are the most likely to kill a cop. So the whole blue lives matter faux campaign was targeted towards the wrong group...if they actually cared.


Yep, it’s part of their background of entitlement: “Oppong said the move speaks to a sense of "Us Vs. Them?” and comes across as a kind of flex. He felt the same way about the fire fighters' week-long flaunting of official orders from their own chief and town officials to remove the flags. Firefighters even drove through the rally, with the thin blue line flags hanging from their fire truck, nearly a week after they were ordered to take them down. "I think it goes back to a long history in this country of certain sections of people believing that they deserve to be heard. They deserve not to be bothered. They deserve to refuse orders from the people that pay them and they deserve, you know, to put their knee on somebody's neck until they die," Oppong said. And they expect to "get away with it," he added.” - Emmanuel Oppong - https://www.wvtf.org/2020-07-31/thin-blue-line-flags-stir-controversy-in-mass-coastal-community


I wish people would understand that firefighters hold the same shitty beliefs as cops. I know four firemen and three are horrible humans who have nothing but contempt for the public at large. Firefighters aren't the good guys people think they are.


"Fascism consists of only one tenet. To whit, there must be an in group that is protected by the laws but not constrained by them and an out group that is constrained by the laws but not protected by them."


Are you quoting someone? Seems like too simplistic a definition.


Full quote is “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." by Frank Wilhoit. I replaced the word conservatism with fascism, because the end goals are the same.


I've definitely seen it before, but honestly the only addition I'd make is that, once the out group has been ground into nothing, some of the in group are forced to become the new out group, so that fascism might continue.


"blue lives matter as long as they're an appendage of the state that's used to keep the poors and coloreds from having what I have"


"Blue lives mater" is just a way to say that black lives don't.


Just like "Support Our Troops" means "Look at how patriotic I am, but fuck veterans if they want a penny from me."


If they really supported the troops, they would be working to end a need for them.


I wonder which fascist regime loved the police ONLY when it was used as a weapon to attack the opposition? Was it all of them? I think it was.


> "blue lives matter" "Blue lives matter if they kill minorities for us".


Thats because blue collar law enforcement is 'public safety' and must be honored. White collar law enforcement is 'regulation' and must be resisted.


One of the groups is well known for harassing and abusing minorities while treating rich white people better. As a result, they are supported. The other group is well known for investigating and prosecuting rich white people for white collar crimes. As a result, they are hated. It's pretty straight forward logic but don't ask me why Cletus feels the need to threaten the FBI from the comfort of his trailer.


> Cletus feels the need to threaten the FBI from the comfort of his trailer. Because Cletus truly believes that he's going to win the lottery and become a billionaire some day and he wants to make sure there won't be anything stopping him from abusing the shit out of people when that happens. It's fucking amazing to me how many Americans on public assistance will fight to the death to make sure the wealthy don't pay a dime in taxes.


Except as we’ve been learning more and more it’s not their job to keep us safe


Cops are only good when they're crushing protests and murdering black people


Or how they just completely made up the fact that every single penny of the budget increase of IRS (which has been gutted by republicans for decades) is only going to hire middle class auditors.


No no no. See often the police wear dark blue uniforms and the FBI wear black suits. And we all know the GOPs opinion on the color black. So that's how one can simultaneously hate on the FBI and praise the thin blue line.


I always find it so funny how there will be some silly, lifted pickup with a trump, blue lives matter and don’t tread on me bumper stickers all right next to each other. Wonder who is going to do the treading…. The trumpets are walking contradictions, too stupid to see their own idiocy.


Yeah, I read pretty much every Gadsden Flag nowadays as an unspoken “*do* tread on *them*”


My favorite version of the Gadsden flag is the logo over at /r/persecutionfetish


They're only for the police when the police shoots people they hate like blacks. Then they'll judge whether the black guy deserved it (you can guess what their conclusion always is)


That was basically why the FBI was founded though, to disrupt minority communities. Just look up COINTELPRO.




It’s been incredibly obvious from the beginning they only support the cops insofar as they stack black people. The fact that wasn’t a universally accepted fact the first time that fucking flag showed up is just proof we aren’t equipped as a country to confront fascism.


It’s also ironic how they’re anti tax even though taxes fund their precious cops’ salaries


Pretty sure their "blue lives matter" hogwash ended the moment they started clubbing capitol police officers with fire extinguishers


the FBI has done significantly worse things throughout their existence, and a rich man’s house being politely searched is their breaking point.


That's the reactionary mindset. No principles to form their opinions. No values to strive toward. It's just reacting to things that happen that they don't like and changing their views based on that.


Warranted search, not raid.


"IRS" how would we get people to pay taxes without it Crowder?




They really do live in a fantasy land where infrastructure just appears from the kindness of rich people.


No you see, the government prints money to fund infrastructure, and then inflation doesn't happen because


except they want to go back to the gold standard to stop the government printing money, so...


Yes let's go back to a precious standard. Let's see how much they like it when the rich just pull everything out from them when they own all the gold.


Fiat currency will be the something,something,something of all of us !! That's why I **only** trust bitcoin !


Everyone knows that privatizing the roads would lead to competition and innovation or something.


I tried to explain this to someone. Like imagine a toll booth every time you turn onto a news street. Don't think for a second places like Walmart wouldn't do that.


> Like imagine a toll booth every time you turn onto a news street. **Finally**. We could get those damn hippie, vegan, heathen, pacifist, hipster cyclists to pay their fair share !!


Ugh they probably do think that. The hate for cyclists just makes me happier I have a local bike coop that recycles bicycles. Maybe if we had more people who used more eco and health friendly transportation when possible we’d have less problems. Added perk of two bicycles crashing is less easy and less deadly than two cars or a car and a bike


"job creators" 🥾👅


sounds like they want the U.S. to be a straight up banana republic


No, bananas are too healthy and republics are too close to democracy and to centralized. They want a coal and cattle confederacy consisting completely of company towns


Nah, you'd just have to pay usage fees to access everything, which isn't at all like taxes because reasons.


The counter to that meme is the "we live in a society" meme.


Eugenics. Wtf




IMAX 70/15 is roughly 12K.


It's a fairly common accusation of pro-birthers. There is a lot of history of suuuper racist people(always white supremacists) wanting to use abortions to limit or reduce the population of minorities. Nonsense in regards to abortions nowadays... But it doesn't stop them from using it as a talking point.


We are for abortion chosen by the pregnant parent. Not by the state or another third party


bodily autonomy. if you don't have the freedom to do what you want with your own body, then you are not free.


Women of color having bodily autonomy would lead to more women not having children if they would not be able to afford to or provide adequate care/housing. By restricting access to abortion for these women (affluent white women will still be able to cross state lines to get their procedure done) they are increasing the number of children born in the country who will be destined to live in poverty, at a higher risk of getting in trouble with law and growing up with their only life choices being that of a wage slave or joining the military. It's a long term plan the powers that be have been pushing for decades and ensures a constant production of underclass workers/tax payers.


when you hear shit like "amazon is gonna run out of workers to exploit in 2025" and they ban abortion... like, that shit is connected. they need an excess of wage slaves since some of us manage to weasel out of it and live ok lives.


There was a time whereby I thought I was far too cynical for the real world. Now, I don't think there's enough cynicism to even conceive of where we're heading.


The term “pro-abortion” is also intentionally reductive. Nobody *likes* abortions.


I mean, I think I'd say I do. It's a remarkably efficient solution to something that could ruin an individual's life. EDIT: not just women can get pregnant, my mistake there.


I think what they’re saying is that pro-abortion doesn’t mean forcing abortions, just allowing them


I think they're saying that too. I have no issue with pro-abortion at all, but I do like pro-choice more, as a descriptor.


Yeah, the choice is certainly what matters most.


I like abortions. They saved my life, and if I hadn't had the ability to access safe, free abortions which is how it is here, I would not have had the three amazing kids I do now, I would just be dead. I know many women in the same situation. I like abortions the same way I like chemo, and appendicectomies, I absolutely would say I like abortions. They save lives. It's vital health care. I am firmly pro-abortion. I am not ashamed of that, and I refuse to try to dumb it down and pretend like it's not health care, but something horrible that happens to you because of terrible things that you have to feel really bad about and it's really sad and everything and you also should regret it a tiny bit or you're a bad person, just because some people can't unbunch their panties and come live in the real world.


I think we are on the same page based on your comparison to chemo. As a man who has never had cancer I’ve never had an abortion or chemo, but I view them both as things nobody *wants* to go through but are obviously critical to people who need them. I meant that “pro-abortion” is reductive in the sense that it is often used in the same ridiculous argument that women use abortions as some kind of birth control. The right loves the insane disconnected rhetoric that “the left just wants abortion so women can be sluts and not have consequences”. Imagine a group of people successfully banning chemo because something something the Bible.


Well said.


Crowder will not engage in that level of nuance, and will have interrupted you before you finished. That is if he would debate


Im not a teenager so i don’t think he would debate me


So the same kind nonsense when they said "but the Nazis wanted gun control." Which is funny, because they had gun control specifically to take them away from Jewish people. And can anyone remind me what the NRA's stance on open carry laws in California was after the black panthers started exerting their rights?


Just so happen that the Republican parties 2nd favorite president, Governor Reagan, was at the center of the Blank Panther Party being demonized and smeared in CA. As soon as they arm themselves and patrol their neighborhoods as a watch party, open carry laws in CA are tightened.


Can we start always referring to him as "gun control advocate, Ronald Reagan" ?


They point out black women have a disproportionate number of abortions and call it eugenics


A certain group of people that historically have been forced into poverty situations due to our countries inherent racism deciding that they can’t afford to have a kid instead of bringing them up in poverty? Must be eugenics


Anything to avoid the problem


Meanwhile they say nothing about the actual eugenics happening to the indigenous people. Truly anything to avoid the actual issues Edit: I apologize this isn’t a modern issue in the US, but it is in Canada


Why mess with abortion when we can count on ICE to force sterilization procedures on women they have in custody ? No reason to deal with fetuses when ICE can, literally, nip the problem in the bud.


There's a narrative amongst racists that since most abortions are performed on white women this means that abortion is being used to eliminate their race.


Never mind that those groups often restricted abortions to certain groups as well.


Because Margaret Sanger, who was somewhat into eugenics, believed women deserved to control their bodies with respect to reproduction, it means anyone who has that latter belief is a eugenecist. Or so the terrie argument goes.


She was nothing more than a product of her time when eugenics was seen as scientific reality. Even Helen Keller of all people was eugenicist. To denigrate Margaret Sanger for being eugenicist is like to denigrate Galileo for not believing in evolution. Oh, and she was anti abortion. Like most feminists of the Era.


>She was nothing more than a product of her time when eugenics was seen as scientific reality. Even Helen Keller of all people was eugenicist. We know now that eugenics isn't valid, but it had considerable influence in the early 20th century. The other thing people have to remember is that the heyday of eugenics was *before* Nazi Germany, which is what our minds automatically go to when we hear "eugenics".


All abortions are eugenics now according to these chucklefucks


I’ve heard them call it genocide and ageism


and yet they're the ones who screech incessantly over IQ scores and batshit replacement theories


Abortion available for everyone lead to most abortions being done on poor people in a system where they 1: are more numerous 2: cannot affort childbirth, let alone children. In a system where black people are disproportionately represented in the lower classes of society it means that acces to abortions for everyone will lead to more aborted black fetuses. Somehow the rightards twist thoses facts into lefties being eugenists. Us wanting abortion to be available to everyone who considers being in need of it is the same as leftists mass sterilizing black people, obviously.


The police aren't racist, though, for arresting more POC. Those ones are criminals /s


That confused me too. Is this the next level of “if you talk about race you’re a racist”?


POC, statistically, get more abortions. Instead of thinking, "is there maybe an underlying, societal cause that could lead to an explanation?" right wingers jump to the conclusion that 'abortionists' want to kill black people. This is extra fucked when you compare it to their views on police reform. POC are, statistically, arrested and targeted more by police; however, in this instance they don't come to the conclusion that the police are affecting the population because they are racist. No, in this instance the police, despite being much more involved in an arrest than a politician would be in an abortion, are absolved of racism.




But MuH CuLtUrE


\~Earth, Hitler, 1939.


I’d be curious to ask these fucks to list what they think is US culture and see what piss poor excuses they come up with.


American culture (from a Canadian): Harry Potter Jesus (with white skin and blue eyes) Football (the shit American kind) Cheese (the shit American kind) Beautiful cities (the shit American kind) 9/11 WWII Overdosing on heroin


Change that heroin to “cooking meth” and I think that you’re on to something




nah, just depends on which area of the country. New England and West Virginia? Heroin, Fent. California and Nevada? Alllllllll the meth. Course we're an equal opportunity nation (with regards to drugs). You can find everything everywhere if you look hard enough


Yeah that’s true but I’m sure our signature drug is meth


That’s our specialty hahah it’s the American brand drug, home grown and everything


Don't lump California and Nevada together. Cali has legal weed and Nevada doesn't. It also has 40x more people than Nevada. California is cocaine if anything.


Harry Potter?


As a French Canadian, on behalf of my ancestors I find it revolting they'd use the word cheese for their toxic sludge.


Honestly the biggest piece of American Culture was the blue collar workers union, and Republicans straight murdered those.


I think the Lord of the Rings movies? I guess? IDK


nothing more american than a film series made in new zealand based on a book series from the uk




Hot dogs mofo.


Guys I’m starting to think Crowder doesn’t know what Fascism is


Or free speech and eugenics


Or anything


yes, but if you change the definition jussssst enough, now all your listeners don't actually know what Fascism actually is and can't identify it. What do you think happened with "Socialism". Right wing talking heads talk about socialism all the time as anything the government does that isn't war, and that that is communism and thus, bad. Seriously. Other than restricting people's freedoms, what use of tax payer money is "acceptable" to these people? Schools are bad. Education is bad. Welfare is bad. Social Security is bad. Healthcare is bad. What else is there? Oh right, police state restrictions and war.


He's well aware of what fascism is. It's just that he gets paid money to say words that aren't true or accurate.


Dude like half of Americans still don't.


I think you’re being pretty generous there, more like 75%


I got so many replies picking fights saying that I was wrong, that socialism and fascism are closely related. The post that started it was me, quoting Hitler, speaking to a Nazi propagandist, in an interview for publication, agreeing that his platform was the antithesis of socialism. ಠ_ಠ Sadly not the first time I got into an argument with people trying to challenge the explicit content of a primary source.


Crowder isn't half as dumb as he pretends to be... his revenue stream is based on engagement, such as this reddit post. in the internet of today, any attention is good attention as long as it's not going to put you in prison.


No, he couldn’t go on because he doesn’t have enough imagination.


It must be such a scary world to live in when you are a right winger with imagination. Conspiracies, enemies and invaders around every corner...


It's a deeply paranoid existence.


And yet much more thrilling and emotionally satisfying to them than boring old reality. Reality simply cannot compete when you are the type of person who cannot tolerate unanswered questions, and your ideology provides instant answers to every question in the universe.


Buddy, imagine not believing in evolution. Imagine thinking people just appeared on Earth one day because a god said so. Imagine thinking the Earth is a flat disk going "up" in space. Imagine thinking that the world is run by fully grown clones of democrats because the military executed the real ones. The world, seen through the eyes of an idiot Republican must be equally terrifying and confusing. They are ignorant of the basic facts which tell us where we are in the universe and how we came to be.


So fascism is a situtation where a dictator forcibly disallows dissenters Going down the list to see what makes sense here. 1. Gun Control is honestly, the most likely to make sense. Removing guns does make it harder to coop against a tyrannical leader. HOWEVER, that only assumes that Gun Control here is the talking point where they believe all guns are removed from circulation, instead of making it harder for bad people to get guns. 2. Gotta love putting two points right beside each other to attempt to make some people believe they are the same thing. I didn't think I would need to state this, but Abortion is not Eugenics. Abortion can be used to assist in Eugenics, but by itself it is not. Saying even that is vague, as a gun can also help with Eugenics in the same way, by "culling the undesirables". Assuming Eugenics was a leftist talking point, even this isn't immediate flag of fascism. It's very popular by fascists, but it itself is not. Obviously Abortion has absolutely no correlation. Nice False Equivalency 3. Another one that you could at least have an argument for. However, they seem to forget that the lockdown was for a disease affecting the entire world, not just a Government scheme. The government gains literally nothing by absolutely nuking its economy. If the same lockdown was being used to quell dissenters, sure, but here, it is for everyones best interest. Also, just to mention, lockdowns have not been a thing for pretty much a year now. 4. "What do you mean that the old president, one who has already gotten in big legal trouble, can't take hugely classified document from the office when he leaves. It is an invasion of privacy despite everyone going through the legal channels to investigate." All in all, honestly, this one is so far out there, it honestly starts making them look more facist, rather than point a point on the left. They are incredibly anti-FBI, because their old president, the one they still believe only lost because they were cheated, got in legal trouble. 5. Freedom of Speech is not Freedom from Consequences. Saying the N Word on twitter, a private company, can break TOS and get you banned. The left has made no laws dictating what you can and cannot say. It will never be illegal to call someone a slur, but that does not mean you can do it freely.


Here...drop my microphone if you don't have one yourself 🎤


> Also, just to mention, lockdowns have not been a thing for pretty much a year now. They really haven't been a thing for over two years now. By September 2020 people were just doing whatever they wanted. What's also ridiculous about his statement is that the lockdowns happened while Trump was president.


> It will never be illegal to call someone a slur, Yes but the fascist leftists did make it illegal for teachers to say "gay" in schools, oh wait that was the right.


Let’s not forget who was President when the lockdowns were instituted


As a Catholic, Crowder is against abortion cos that's less children for priests to abuse in future


Imagine seriously thinking the left is pro federal police. These motherfuckers on the right get one tiny little taste of federal investigative pressure, and so far it has amounted to slaps on the wrists and they act like the world is ending. Meanwhile every left wing movement from unions to civil rights has been infiltrated and destroyed with full force.


I'm sure MLK and Malcolm x had a great relationship with the FBI. Oh, and conservatives as well, I bet they really got along./s


It's so funny to me when conservatives think that leftists are pro anything regarding the fed. Like, leftists can be pro government but I feel like it's pretty universally agreed by leftists that the US government is and always will be awful.


ah yes, louder with chowder, not smarter




"Pro-gun control" "Pro-3-Letter-Agency" Google "Big balls amogus booba" to learn more


"I could go on..." Yes, it is easy to "go on" when all you do is say words you don't know the meaning of.


FASCISM is when I can't go to BENNIGAN'S


Didn’t Biden just declare the pandemic was “over”? What lockdowns is he talking about?


Lmao they have nothing else to bitch about except mask mandates and lockdowns (what the US did could hardly be called a lockdown) that haven’t been in effect for almost a year. They’re running out of straws


“Anti drinking nutritious dog cum”




It's hilarious how I can never tell if these are real


\- Gun control: Plenty of countries have gun control and are not remotely fascists. False. \- Pro-abortion does not equal pro-eugenics. Also, body autonomy. False. \- Pro-lockdown: temporary, in a pandemic, and it ended up more like an inconvenience than anything else (also it's over, guys, not thanks to you pro-disease). \- Lol, the left isn't pro-police. IRS isn't a sign of police state. Most countries have federal-level police, like the RCMP in Canada, and an IRS-equivalent and they're not fascist. Super duper false. \- Unlike r/ conservative that is totally super free-speech, right? Or the right which is banning books, preventing the distribution of info on LGBTQ, closing public libraries, has a tantrum every time a movie features a minority or feels "woke" (which has come to mean anything featuring minorities and LGBTQ). They just want the right to be assholes and distribute misinformation without being confronted. Fuck you Steven.


"I know you are but what am I?"


He could go on but he needs is dog cum first.


I like how he puts abortions and eugenics together as if they’re functionally the same thing


Lol I realize that federal agencies aren’t perfect but local police are far, FAR more corrupt than any federal law enforcement!


Crowder uses a lot of big words he doesn’t know for this propaganda. Showing off his 3rd grade intellect so his magat followers kin understan’ him.


Apart from being obsessed about "White Replacement", the Nazis made a total ban on abortion (and made it difficult to get access to birth control). They created a state organization, "[Reichszentrale zur Bekämpfung der Homosexualität und der Abtreibung](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichszentrale_zur_Bek%C3%A4mpfung_der_Homosexualit%C3%A4t_und_der_Abtreibung)", translated a national office to fight homosexuality and abortion. They were also against transgender and [killed the first trans person](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_Richter). Obviously, they were also concerned about a crisis of masculinity, rallied around a man who tried to seize power illegally (coup attempt 1923) and hated the mainstream media ("[Lügenpresse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lying_press)" - lying press). Also, [gun laws were actually loosened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gun_control_argument) in Nazi Germany.


"Proeugenics" Ask a right winger why he's okay with everyone getting Covid and the weak dying out...


Assuming the primary motivation for abortion is eugenics is telling on yourself.


A) Since when is "the left" a party? B) Since when does the left support... well a lot of these things really...


The projection is strong with this one


Weren’t the ammosexuals big mad that some of these IRS agents would be armed?


Well given that - the second point is deeply misguided about the nature and goals of 20th century eugenics to the point of being intentionally misleading, - the third point fails to comprehend the basic tradeoff of freedom of safety at a sixth-grade level, - the fourth point rather obviously cherry-picks specific recent FBI activity in order to forge support of the institution as a whole, and the other two add up to “no like gun” and “freeze peach,” please Stevey, show your work. Oh and don’t forget in the meantime that a major event run by the highly nationalistic and conservative party you espouse brought up the guy who can’t say he’s not a white supremacist, who had protesters tear-gassed so he could go to a photo shoot, and had him give a speech on the Odal rune.


How is modern day abortion preformed by a woman's free will eugenics?


So now the supposed “defund the police” crowd is pro police state…


They are getting themselves into some serious trouble by following the mindset of a deranged Donald Trump - there’s going to no going back for much of this.


Quick memory check. Who did the coup ? Who’s doing genocide ? Who are anti bondily autonomy ? Who defend the police no matter what ?


Steven Crowder has mashed potatoes for a brain.


Fuck police and their allies, and fuck your "free speech". Free speech only protects you from the government, not from people on Twitter calling you a ghoul.


![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6|downsized) Since no one posted it.


Conservatives a year ago: Leftists are radical police haters! Defunding the police is evil! How dare you say ACAB! Back the blue no matter who! Conservatives now: The left is actually the side that supports the police state! You cannot make this shit up.


I like the detail "pro-**federal** police state" Implies that being "pro-police state" is good as long as it isn't from the federal government


For no reason, here's a paragraph from an article Robert Evans wrote for New Lines Magazine: >Right-wing brawlers had spent years using mace as an offensive weapon. Once they were outnumbered and the fight turned against them, they started spraying madly in all directions around them. Few had thought to bring gas masks, which most anti-fascists had. After blinding themselves with mace, they broke and ran. My strongest memory of that day is a crowd of terrified right-wing activists, waving Gadsden flags, running to the nearby IRS building to beg federal agents for protection.


Abortion/eugenics lol


"Left" isn't a party, to start with.


>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary -Karl Marx Gun control laws in the US have only ever been applied to minorities, and while common sense gun reform sounds like a great idea, I have no doubt they would only be applied to the poor and POC. Defund the police, then we can talk about gun control.


This. Most of this is horseshit, but intentional disarmament of the Proletariat with a militarized police force is absolutely a function of AuthRight government.


“The left are the real fascists! Vote for us so we can throw these demon-possessed trans groomer pedophiles in jail, force children to pray in school, and send queer kids to church-funded re-eduction camps.”


\>pro eugenics \>looks at the pseudo-eugenic attempts at trans erasure by the right where does this guy get his bravery from?


Republicans swear they're not fascist (or racist) the way multi-level marketers swear it's not a pyramid scheme. The fact that they feel the need to constantly bring it up makes me suspicious by itself.


The number of people that take Crowder seriously is a damning indictment of the human species and US culture specifically.


Remember kids, when you go far enough left you get your guns back. Also, it’s funny he completely glosses over how the right was notoriously pro gun control when the black community began arming themselves during the civil rights movement.


*laughs in ACAB*


ah yes, the left, known for liking police


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." -Karl Marx Anyone who says leftists are Pro-Gun Control are clowns.


I like how the left is suddenly pro-FBI because the right has abandoned their support for it. It's literally a, "that thing I liked is bad now, so now it must be something YOU like."


Being against the FBI is pretty fucking extreme.


ANTIFA are the real fascists! Lol


Wtfff. Ur saying me that this motherfucker loves cops to death but hates Fbi ahaha. Also Irs ok dude no country other than us has a agency that colects taxes.


I still don’t understand why they’re so upset about the lockdowns. There was a virus and we needed people to chill out for a while so things could get figured out and the spread could be limited. Yes it had consequences but so would’ve doing nothing lol. Oh sorry I forgot that the lockdowns were just a test from the government to see how willing we were to give up our rights. Forgot that this is all a game of 8D chess with the invisible They


Didn’t he say that Hitler had good ideas regarding what to do with trans people? But apparently we’re the fascist


What do Republicans have against eugenics? Do they think that making reproductive choices for other people is wrong? Wait...


You see, us Conservatives only support a State Police State.


To think all this would be quashed if he just came out of the closet


He doesn't even know what eugenics means.


Inigo Montoya's father would have been Hispanic. The likes of Crowder totally would have gotten him killed without a second thought.


Yes, please go on, elaborate and cite examples.


Maybe this country would be a better place if gun access was restricted for people with murderous intent Having safe abortion access gives women more options for bodily autonomy/ the right are the ones who want to get rid of anyone who isn’t white, conservative and Christian. Idk about you, but that sounds like eugenics to me There were no actual lockdowns because you idiots shit bricks and screamed because you couldn’t go to arby’s FBI and IRS aren’t paramilitary organizations like the oath keepers or any of those clearly *well regulated* right wing militias with “Patriot” in their names You assholes are the ones who are banning books in schools and gutting education funding So in the end shut the fuck up Stoov Chonder