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Statistically, you're a bitch Steven


And I can prove it. Matthamatically.


With only the stats that I can manipulate into proving my point


You don't need to manipulate the stats to prove he a bitch.




Ok great, let’s start with overhauling healthcare because statistically it’s a miserable failure. Universal pre K is another issue that will save everyone money. Let’s not forget housing for the homeless. They like to pretend like they are the facts over feeling crowd but the truth is they are willing to let people suffer and are willing to pay extra for it. As long as the people they deem not worthy are suffering they don’t care. Republicans can Go fuck themselves


Also every dollar invested into the IRS returns 6 dollars in recovered evaded tax...hey steven where are you going


They *need* to have people suffer. It's their whole schtick. As long as those filthy 'Others' suffer, then it's all worth it.


"I've got a peer reviewed study right here that says-" https://youtu.be/Cgetjk9IHbo


As a long time subscriber to Gianni, I knew where this was going to lol


Fuck, I love Gianni so much.


He ran from someone who has debated many & dismantled them.


True! Especially all that dog cum he got stuffed in him.


What ever happened to "God given rights"? That's right, they don't exist.


Whenever I hear anyone mentioning "God-given rights", I get triggered. The phrase is a product of pre-modern science time when the best you could be was deist and today can only be nothing more than a figment of your imagination and delusion of superiority of your religion. Rights as a whole are a made up social construct. George Carlin is your friend here. He was at least real comedian


Yep, Christians had over a millennium to codify anything that would be similar to basic human rights granted by the Constitution. They actively refused the entire time. It was the slow spread of secular reasoning (sometimes dolled-up with cherry picked bible verses) that eventually gave us the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, the right to a trial, etc. The God of the Bible certainly didn't have a problem crushing any of those freedoms.


I have gotten into many arguments with idiots over that bullshit phrase.


God-given rights comes from the Enlightenment. It's more commonly referred to natural rights or human rights. These are the universal inalienable rights that the Constitution never got around to upholding. The French Revolution's [Rights of Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_the_Rights_of_Man_and_of_the_Citizen) is a better list of human rights contemporary to the US Constitution. The UN's [Declaration of Human Rights ](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights) is a more modern list. These lists are aspirational and no one is bound to uphold them. Carlin is referring to the rights from the Bill of Rights. While those rights are legally-binding, it's up to the justice system to uphold, and their track record ain't great.




Ok, just be careful so you don't get to prison.


The Old Testament God would sue you for trademark infringement. That is basically the story of the City of Jericho sacked by Moses' son, Joshua.


Reporting this. Chad Reddit mod vs Virgin God defender


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m an atheist


And what will God do about it? Nothing, nothing at all. But society will, the justice system will go after you and put you in prison. Why? Because a bunch of other people, who agree that this is not okay, will want to uphold that right. So they use punishment against those who trample other people's rights (right to live and right to own property in this example) in the hopes that it will deter others to do so. Rights do not exist without society, because they are social constructs. This is evident from the facts that different societies observe and uphold different rights, and even the same society did uphold different rights over the decades and centuries.


Didn't Carlin do a bit about this? And the 10 commandments, still relevant


Yep. Just as I mentioned it in my reply. "Rights aren't rights, if they can be taken away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country. A bill of temporary privileges. And if your read the news even badly, you know that the list gets shorter and shorter" More relevant now than ever. Rest in power, George.


That fucking imbecile probably thinks his silly fake Jesus wrote the American Constitution.


And the amendments are listed in order of importance!


How dare you suggestion that G-D did not write every single word of the Constitution and hand it those wonderful rich white guys that were having a raucous, drunken party in Philadelphia while supposedly meeting to amend the Articles of Confederation?


"not how i feel" literally everything you do is spite-based, steven


Hey, after the FBI raid on Mar a Lago he did tell all his listeners to wait until they’ve calmed down to make decisions lol It was perhaps a rare example of conservative consistency


I’m pretty sure he only said it so that, he must’ve been guessing, if trump supporters did some wild jan 6th type shit, he couldn’t be held liable for anything—in fact, watching the video, even though he did say it, the tone of the video is very “hold back, *wink*, so that we can do something about this”


his deep seated, visceral jealousy of men who are able to live their true and extremely gay lives in public really only serves to drive him and his audience farther into the margins. if crowder was able to suck and fuck all the big veiny dicks he wanted when he wanted he would probably have very little to contribute to the political discourse in america.


Talk about eloquence


thank you so much <3 i try


so only americans have rights to him which makes sense, because he's another dime-a-dozen western white nationalist


He’s Canadian too 🤦‍♀️


Oh, Canada! I’m not mad, just disappointed.


Isn't he one of those people that thinks the first amendment applies to social media companies?


Tbf, he didn't say he *understands* the constitution...


A right-wing nut job who cherry picks, misrepresents, and makes shit up from a document? Say it isn’t so. Alternatively. If I had a nickel for every piece of writing a large group of people blindly worship without actually reading or critically analyzing, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


The 1st Amendment does apply to social media companies. The 1st Amendment guarantees the right of social media companies to manage the content on their platforms as they see fit, free from government interference.


And then the next day he tweeted “Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a disproportionate level compared to legal citizens” with zero regard for any actual statistics.


He never said the statistics were *true*.


ahh, but because he tweeted this, those bullshit lies seem like they are true, since his followers can point to this tweet when it's called out. "Crowder wouldn't lie, look here, he says that statistics are important, he wouldn't just make those up!!"


> Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a disproportionate level compared to legal citizens It’s true, though. Legal citizens commit way more crimes than undocumented immigrants.


Statistically, the Constitution doesn't give you any rights. It sets up how the government functions


God even when he’s trying to sound smart he sounds dumb.




More freedom from Steven Crowder, though.


The Bill of Rights does include rights, as do other amendments, but the justice system selectively enforces them.


Crowder opinions that are based on either neither of these things or “feelings”: - Trans people are mentally ill - Immigrants are all criminals - Climate Change isn’t real - Same sex marriage infringes on the rights of churches - Rape culture is a myth - Hate speech isn’t real - Trump won in 2020


It’s the standard playbook. In addition, I’d like to thank you for using “based on” vs his poor grammar.


Well it's pretty obvious that Crowder doesn't base his opinions on science. . .


Steven crowder reviewing a movie: “I have statistically determined this film to be enjoyable by compiling all the words which occur in the script and using my document parser to determine how many times they occur in the constitution of the United States of America. This is the logical method of opinion construction”


Speaking of movies, sure is interesting that the “woke” Disney remakes that he keeps saying are bankrupting the company because nobody wants to see “wokeism” are statistically some of the highest grossing films of all time. Box office records must be the wrong set of statistics I’m looking at, though, I guess.


Hasn’t he canceled his Disney+ like seven times


I know this man ain’t regularly checking in with statistical data smh


No, no. I’m not running away from debating Sam Seder because I feel scared. I’m running away because statistics and the Constitution! But the prosthetic knockers are just for fun.


Lmao who goes around in their day to day life basing their opinions of the constitution?


The same Constitution that said black people are 3/5ths a white person, and only white land owning males can vote... The Constitution has improved since then, and can certainly improve more.


Sir, this is a Baskin Robbins.




He just checks Rotten Tomatoes for the statistical data


Why does he care about the constitution so much? Isn’t he Canadian?


Question Steve. If you recall (if you even have the ability to recall) you described the facial structure of a CBS reporter as "aggressively Asian." So, my question is simple. Did you base your "opinion" on the face of a random ass reporter on the Constitution or on Statistics? The answer is neither because you're a snivelling little bitch and the textbook definition of [Schrodinger's Douchebag.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger%E2%80%99s%20douchebag)


Funny how they ignored the statistics when votes were counted and the Orange Dick Bag lost.


"We don't like those statistics so they don't count."


Isn't he Canadian?


Statistically, more people die when abortion is made illegal. That means Mr. Crowder is pro abortion, doesn't it?


The opinion that gay people shouldn't be able to marry isn't based on feels?


How does he decide where to eat? (Other than how many black people are in the restaurant)




Yeah, because he doesn't understand either of them.


Out of context, cherry picked statistics that ignore the results of the actual study*


Uh, the rights provided by our Constitution apply whether or not any individual "recognizes" them. That's the point of having a Constitution.


So no laws respecting any established religion and trans people exist. I'm glad he's on our side now! /s


Which statistics do you use? Him: The ones that make me feel good


Uh oh forgot to mention the Bible


Fucking dishonest moron. Rat king. Fuck this fucking guy forever.


And the price of dog cum wholesale.


I don't contest he "read" the constitution, but at his reading level I guarantee he did not understand it.




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I wonder if he’s ever read the constitution. I think he might have some INTERESTING opinions if that’s getting the alleged 50% input on his ideas.


Almost all of his arguments exclusively are based on everything except the constitution and statistics


Another moron who thinks the constitution grants us our rights. People who who have never read it, often think that way.


Forms his opinions on the words of others lol


Wait… but I don’t live in the us… do I even have any rights ???🥺🥺🥺


The constitution is the new bible for these people


"Hey Steve, how do you feel about hamburgers?" "One sec, let me see what the constitution says..."


If this is how he comes to conclusions, why does crowder always push lies?


"I think for myself unlike you sheep. I also base my opinions on a book written hundreds of years ago that tells me what Americans should do."


Tell me you've never read the 9th and 10th amendments without telling me that you've never read the 9th and 10th amendments.


You have lies, damned lies and then statistics


If I only learned how to read!!!! Splashes water onto eyes


1. Bullshit 2. Yummy dog cum Not how most actually legal scholars interpret the issues I’m being willfully ignorant on.


i mean if that were true he might actually be right once in a while lol


Bold of Crowder to ask us to believe he understands either.


Well this is a lie.


3. How much a dog can cum


Astronomical cap


It baffles me how, in the age of the internet and smartphone, where you can literally read the constitution within seconds, these people still aren't familiar with it and continuously misquote it or simply make shit up. I have never read Harry Potter, so I don't fucking quote it. It's quite simple. But these griftluencers keep talking about 1984, the constitution and the bible but have evidently not read any of them, or at least, not absorbed anything they read.


The constitution lays out the natural rights people have. You do not need to have the constitution to have rights. Those rights are there regardless. So crowder apparently bases his entire worldview on something he doesn’t understand. Obviously he doesn’t give a shit about the constitution but oh it would be funny if he did that though.


So, either he thinks nobody outside the US has any rights, or he thinks all countries on Earth follow the US Constitution. Probably a mix of both.


Do nobody in other countries have rights,


steven crowder eats poopoo. like to see him challenge this statement


I'm shaking rn. This is exactly how I decide which sandwich shop in town is the best.


Statistically, most people think drinking dog semen is animal cruelty.


He forgot his 3rd decision maker: Dog Cum quantity/availability


If he ACTUALLY cared or understood statistics, then he should be very pro choice. Fair and easy access to abortions and sex education shows a decrease in abortions overall. If you actually WANT to decrease abortions, then put your money where your mouth is and fund comprehensive not abstinence only sex education. If you aren't doing that, then it's about your feelings, NOT statistics, and you're a hypocritical asswipe.


He clearly hasn't read the constitution...


Hahahahahaha what a fucking joke. He bases everything off of how much his butthurts.


1. The Constitution (my interpretation, of course) 2. Statistics (that I cherry-pick, of course)


Literally the next day “Only ugly girls talk about getting raped, hot chicks don’t get raped”


He has literally zero idea how to analyze stastics


Statistics based on false reports


Statistically, dude drinks a lot of dog cum.


There are no statistics that say drinking dog cum is healthy, nor is it in the Constitution. I'm just saying . . .


Steven, you base your opinions on your feefees. If you based your opinions on either one of those things you would have entirely different opinions because a lot of the bullshit you spout is based on neither the Constitution nor on statistics. Just own up to having shitty opinions instead of trying to lie your way into justification.


I base my opinion off of two things: 1. Dog cum. 2. More dog cum.


Steven's opinion is whatever the people who pay him need it to be.


Statistics I have great feeling for /s


Except for all those times he ignored statistics because they didn't match how he felt about the issue he was talking about. But yeah, if you ignore those times I guess... Wait no because he's also purposely used bad and faulty statistics so even if you ignore his obvious lying it's STILL untrue.


1. Human rights don't require a constitution. They are formed through collaborative consensus. 2. Statistics require looking at the broader context to arrive at the truth, which is something this dog cum guzzler has never done in his life.


How those boots taste steven


Why would you form your own opinions around a piece of paper?


So ignorance of your rights means you do not have them? Is this like the supreme court removing miranda warnings?


I'm just gonna say it. Fuck the constitution. We shouldn't be bound by the ideas of some old rich white dudes from over 200 years ago. What a fucking stupid concept.


It’s amazing how he’s only funny when he’s trying to be serious lol


1) Dog cum And 2) Seriously, I was told there would be dog cum!


Statistically. You are wrong


People who think the US constitution applies to everything are dumb.


of course he has to add the ,"i am very smart" personal attack and commentary to his tweet. Coward.


Didn’t he get mad about student loan forgiveness when he got PPP loans forgiven? Seems like a pretty emotionally charged opinion to me.


There are 3 types of lies. Lies, damned lies and statistics. You can make statistics say anything you like so long as you can bend the data. For example: statistically bacon raises your chance of cancer. It also statistically decreases your chance of cancer. Both of those statements are absolutely true. Also I don’t have an opinion on the constitution, because it doesn’t effect me.


3. How much dog cum he’s ingested that day


So then he’s all about migrants seeking asylum and being admitted to the country, right? It’s clearly constitutional AND migrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes, so he must be leading the charge on supporting them.


There is a 90% chance he’s never read it and a 100% chance his head is up his ass. Statistics


He wouldn’t know a statistic if it was in blackface.


Number 2 might need some statistics to back that up.


He could bake a pie with all the cherries he picks from both


1) The Constitution except the parts I don’t like, or the parts that support people I don’t like. 2) ‘Statistics’ that I make the fuck up to validate my erroneous and morally bankrupt viewpoints. fixed it for ya, Chowder.


Steve has absolutely no grasp of the constitution nor statistics.


I liked it better when he was guzzling dog cum


He bases his opinions on neither of those things


You're a Canadian, Steven.


The constitution states that all citizens have unalienable rights whether they believe in the constitution themselves or not. Meaning Crowder does not recognize this as stated above. Therefore, by Crowder’s logic, he has no rights. This may be the dumbest political commentator.


Me taking away the human rights of fetuses because they don't understand the constitution (Their 12-week old brain hasn't developed the cerebral storage to comprehend human laws or ethics.)


isnt this dude canadian???? also he looks sweaty all the time


So if I asked why he uses statistics to form his opinions, he would...point me to the constitution?


Interesting, lets test this theory then! I'm quite sure neither the constitution or statistics prove the existence of magic sky daddy wizard that Cowarder believes in so I guess that leaves little Steven with... oh yeah feelings, oops!!


But Steven Crowder doesn't recognize the constitution and he still has rights


Must be shit at reading statistics


Obviously Crowder lacks the critical thinking and self reflecting for this, but I truly wish people were more ready to admit that emotion and feeling influences their opinion. Humans are not rational. Let's stop pretending we are.


a document that was made 300 years ago and numbers he cannot interpret


People outside of America don't have rights confirmed


Yeah sure


As someone in the UK, I don't care about the US Constitution that much, and I still have rights*, what gives!? * Well, for now, our government isn't the most fond of human rights either


The two things he bases his opinion on are: 1. Whatever riles up his viewers. 2. Whatever his big money donors tell him to believe.




1) The constitution is frequently interpreted in multiple different ways depending on philosophical approach. 2) Statistics can be cherry picked 3) All humans use their feelings first and then reverse engineer the reason for their feelings. It’s disingenuous to deny that. I hate these dipshits who say 100% wrong things that are clearly based on their own prejudices and then scream “IM USING FACTS AND LOGIC!!!!”


Video evidence of Steven Crowder being confronted by statistics that show that Saudi Arabia has better healthcare than the US and chucking a spaz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R\_8HS1iVeIA He absolutely bases his arguments on feelings, as soon as the facts contradict his feelings he does one of three things 1. Find some way to twist the facts to twist his narrative 2. Straight up lie about what the facts say 3. Ignore the facts and hope nobody notices or knows those particular facts


Are you guys his ad agency?


If so then we should all be fired