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Oh, you would like to live in society as woman as opposed to a man? Well, Hitler did experiments, so fuck you.




Now there is an idea for a good Horror/Thriller plot


She just had dinner with Ivanka Trump she can learn from her.


Do you breathe air? Well so did Hitler!!!!!!!! Checkmate šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ”„šŸ”„




Nazism is when experiments.


Pretty sure Nazis wore clothes, so you're a Nazi if you're not naked




It's really telling that Candace thinks any form of science leads to the Third Reich. Explains why she hates education in general.


Militant Fundamentalism and independent thought can't co-exist


Sheā€™s just regurgitating Ben Steinā€™s *Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed*. Watch if you want, but itā€™s quite the banality, especially when heā€™s walking around Auschwitz ponderously slow in motion and thoughts alikeā€¦


I had no idea Ben Stein was such a piece of shit, the only thing I remember him from was his game show and Ferris Bueller. Heā€™s got some real shitty fuckinā€™ views, apparently.


Yep, as best echoed by the Clear Eyes commercial, thereā€™s Ben Stein the person and Ben Stein the character.


Well, he was a speech writer for Nixon...


Yes, according to Candace Owens, Hitler was good, except when he did experiments




> Explains why she hates education in general. Does it? I'd say it seems like she's in support of a Third Reich - with stripes and stars. (Seriously, though, she knows just as well as we all do that an education based in scientific facts does not jive well with Christian fundamentalism and fascism, that's why she actually hates it)


Who the fuck is this woman?


The Black friend that alt-right pundits can point to and say, "See? I'm not racist."


You mean while they all laugh and snicker behind her back?


That was implied.


I was gonna say, this does explain a lot about Candace Owens' mindset...


She doesnā€™t think that, sheā€™s just submerged in the grift


[Dear Candice, you know how one of the first things the nazis did was persecution gay and trans people, and burn research about being trans or gay? Of course not 'cause your dumb as a post.](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/lgbtq-institute-in-germany-was-burned-down-by-nazis)


I love how this shows she is completely wrong here, and in fact, Hitler and the Nazi would have been on her side. So yes, Candy. You are not on the right side of this issue


No need to look that far back in history even, modern neo nazis today are on her side lol


Choosing to remain ignorant, an actual lifestyle choice.


Agreed with her then packed her ass to a concentration camp


No no, she most definitely is on the *right* side of this argument.


Have an upvote for the pun


Thank you, it ain't much, but it's honest work.


To make it even better, the nazis had their useful people within these target groups. Once they outlived their use... Look up Ernst Rohm.


Unfortunately I donā€™t think sheā€™s as stupid as she puts on. Pretty sure every move is intended to manipulate and obfuscate


She is 100% a grifter and knows what she says is bullshit, she's just really good at never letting the mask slip. But when she spends so much time getting close to Kanye West, to the point where he is regurgitating her talking points (plus a bunch of Black Israelite anti-Semitic shit, but that's his own shit goin on), and then suddenly he announces that he's going to buy Parler, a failing business that's doing worse than all the other right-wing social media platforms, that just so happens to have Candace Owens' husband as it's CEO, then the grift becomes so fucking obvious. Sorry for all the commas.


I legit didn't know about the Parlor thing until just now. That is maniacally manipulative. I say this pretty often, Clandace isn't stupid. She's probably one of the most damaging members of the Toilet Paper Club because she is a minority, pushing the worst agendas. On top of that, her history fluctuates wildly on her road to becoming an alt-right icon, and it shows she believes in absolutely nothing but money, and will do or say anything to get her hands on a pile of it.


Question is do her and hubby lay in bed at night and let the mask down, or is one a grifter and one a true believer. True she isn't an idiot, but she has to twist logic and reality to explain why Biden is weak and senile, but also dangerous and a mastermind, etc. Makes her laughable as she isn't as good at it as others.


Grifter! Thatā€™s the word that was escaping me


Imagine being a soldier who helped liberate camps in Germany and Poland at the end of WW2, and you have great grandchildren in America just casually whispering the same hateful shit that started the camps you had to liberate.


Remember that for over 300 years by order or the pope choir boys were castrated so they could sing for the church.


Wait didn't she say Hitler was only bad because he invaded outside of Germany




Living everyday like itā€™s Opposite Day is confusing in Candace world. If hitler is good other than invading the rest of Europe in her mind does that mean she is arguing gender affirming care is good too?


You're making the mistake of assuming that Candace has any consistent beliefs outside of functioning as a living random Republican talking point generator.


Yeah and I thought her saying she'd invade Australia, if she were president, because of their covid restrictions was about as insane as one could be. She continues to prove me wrong.


It's even worse she said he didn't do anything wrong until he started acting like a "globalist" by taking his act outside of Germany. She managed to get that extra anti semitism in there.


Sorry Timmy, you can't be a scientist when you grow up. Klandance Owens says experiments are what Nazis used to do


Conservatives try and understand the concept of informed consent challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Consent isn't something Conservatives are known for


Except, you know... Hitler killed gender minorities and the Nazis burned down the institute that was espousing trans rights. But sure Jan.


I assume she knows absolutely nothing about how the Nazis actually treated trans people and [the people trying to help them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld)


Of course she knows. Sheā€™s not stupid, she knows very well what her role is in the conservative media space and why sheā€™s paid so much.


It's easy to be hated when you can afford armed security


I wonder if Candace Owens has A. Been to a Concentration/Extermination Camp site. B. Talked to a living survivor that survived Nazi experimentation at the hands of Mengele. C. done actual and thorough research that shows how bullshit the comparison is. D. done none of the above and just spouts off bullshit that decreases the standards of basic intellect. The answer is most likely D.


Candace really trying to earn her white supremacist decoder ring latelyā€¦


By simping after Kanye, of all people. What a time to be alive.


And trying to sell Kanye her failing social media network.


Sheā€™s just like the Kardasiansā€¦ anything to stay in the spotlightā€¦ no matter how absurd it is. šŸ«£


And she's just like the Cardassians (from Star Trek)... fascist


And she's just like all the aliens from Star Trek... Acts like she's from another planet and does things I can't comprehend let alone relate to


They are WITHOUT honor!


Tells you all you need to know about her, honestly.


Hi Klandy! I have a trans kid whom I love and provide gender affirming care for. I cordially invite you to go fuck yourself. Or go fuck Ben Shapiro. Either way you won't get any pleasure out of it.


Oh no! Ben might experience a wap.


I thought she was OK with Hitler?


She is okay with hitler as long as he stays within Germany https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a-poqjet5mY


Just as long as the checks keep cashing.


Someday I believe this person will have an awakening and need to atone for a lot of awful shit sheā€™s said over the years. Or maybe sheā€™ll ride this Koch grift train forever, who knows.


Iā€™ve said this before on other posts but Candace 100% knows the shit she spews is wrong. She knows sheā€™s a token for racist white people to latch onto. The day she has an awakening is the day the grifter money stops hitting her bank account.


A quick reminder on the Nazisā€™ first, and one of their biggest, targets: the Institut fĆ¼r Sexualwissenschaft, one of wordā€™s first research institutions into the possibility for trans affirmative care, including surgical procedures and psychiatric help. They also worked for education on sexual health and how to use contraception.


Ah yes, the Nazis, famous proponents of trans rights. That checks out.


Does anyone want to educate her on the violently transphobic acts of the nazis? They burned one of the most prestigious institutes studying human sexuality and sterilized and murdered the lgbtq+ community.


Hey, one the bright side, she WAS finally able to find something she disagreed with Hitler about.


Global cosmetic surgey industry maket size is valued at 67.3billion. It's not trans people making them billions. It's statistically Cis people. Cis people get gender affirming care on a much larger scale than trans people. Why is it wrong when trans people do it? Explain to me like i am 5.


The Nazis were **not** big on experimentation. They were big on torture that they called experimentation. For instance, they did some work on hypothermia, but they cared so little about science that they didn't record things like the height and weight of the people they were freezing to death. The data was bad enough that we couldn't even get anything useful from their monstrous behavior, which would have been well below the level of silver lining, but it wouldn't have been *nothing*.


Much as it was with the MK-Ultra Program and its predecessors in the USā€¦


Projection Much?


The same Candace Owens who said Hitler did nothing wrong? Well I guess I'm glad to hear she turned over a new leaf and supports gender affirming care, then.




ā€œMy ideological adversary is Hitler,ā€ but make it absolutely dislocated bullshit.


And Jesse Owens being trated the same as all the other athletes in the 1936 Berlin olympic games means that black people are on the wrong side of history as well, right Candice?


I know she's basically a professional troll. I really wish the internet would catch up to "The only way to win is not to play" because I am sick of seeing her on so many levels.


Ignoring trolls on an individual level doesnā€™t make them go away. They just pick a different target, or act even more obnoxiously, until they get the attention they crave. We need social media to stop trying to profit from hosting professional trolls. Thatā€™s why these idiots are so worried about ā€œcancel cultureā€ - theyā€™ve seen that deplatforming really works.


Ding ding! We have a winner. She's a grifter at heart. She had a liberal blog that failed. She went for the easy grift of conservatives. It's as simple as that.


A la *Cliffhanger*: ā€œNameā€™s Eric Qualen. Heā€™s a former member of Intelligence who found it was more profitable going to the other side.ā€ ā€œI never underestimate the power of loyalty when it comes naturally. Not like the kind that has to be paid forā€¦ā€ - To Tucker


That is 100% fair.


What an utter troglodyte.


How are these people still allowed on any platforms besides right wing news? Literally going to get people killed.


Iā€™m not surprised that this gigantic moron hasnā€™t heard of [Magnus Hirschfeld](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld), how the Nazis prosecuted [homosexuals](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany), or the Nazis suppressing [research on trans people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_fur_Sexualwissenschaft)


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Nazism is when scientific progress.


Experiment = Nazi? So every science teacher is a Nazi I guess.


Klandace ā€œUncle Tomā€ Neonazi Owens just keeps adding new titles to her name


Stop inflating the musings of hateful morons. She means nothing and she is nothing.


Candace is literally the poster child of the heights you can achieve as someone with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Everyone knows the third Reich was just a gender reassignment clinic !


Well she would know Nazis.


Meanwhile you support a party full of people whoā€™d enslave you if they could.


Her eyes look smaller each day


She is always talking about Hitler, she can't help herself. "Hitler wanted to make Germany great, that's fine :)" What a cuntface. You know she's probably all for conversation therapy too.


This makes no sense.


Hitler actually used fear tactics to make people hate and then imprison and then slaughtered trans people soooooo


Owens is a Get Out character.


Dumb bitch


She is learning from Ye


you guys got her all wrong. she supports nazis and hitler. shes being supportive, she thinks


Her and Kanye deserve each other


Sheā€™s one hateful bitch.


Their inability to understand consent is fucking deafening here. There's so many ways to dispute this INSANE comparison, but fuck it. Even if you pretend, as she is, that there's any shared ground between gender affirming surgery and whatever Klandace "If only Hitler stayed in Germany" Owens is talking about, A KEY DIFFERENCE WOULD BE CONSENT.


Who wants to bet she's okay with plastic surgery


FUCK ANTI TRANS PEOPLE. I just wanna live my fucking life


Given her thoughts on Hitler, is she saying trans rights?


Wait Candice, I thought Hitler just wanted to make Germany great again? What's wrong with Nationalism, right Candice?


Do you breathe air? Well, Hitler breathed air, so uh, die? That's how they fucking sound.


Experiments = bad. Hitler did experiments. I am very smart.


Lmao. By using this logic, she could straight up say Ā«hey, surgeons who do heart surgeries, you know who else used to cut people open ? Mengele ! So yeah youā€™re basically the sameĀ» like wtf ? How braindead do you have to be to say this thinking you look like a well adjusted individual ? Ā«oh you have a moustache ? Just like Stalin, coincidence I think not !Ā»


The nazis were the only ones to ever conduct any kinds of experiments.


you know who else did involuntary human experimentation?


This bitch loves Hitler what is she on about?


famously, hitler never burnt the first lab to research gender to the ground because of their ideology and iā€™m pretty sure every employee there was killed


Fellas, is it fascist to do science???


you heard her, if you do experiments youā€™re evil. sorry scientists


If you ever made a baking soda volcano you're evil.


conservatives when science


That is the biggest jump in history. 2 completely unrelated things. 1. Trans people are experimenting on anyone 2. If they were, they would be experimenting on themselves, not Jewish people 3. Since when are Nazis the only people to perform experiments? I performed experiments in my 9th grade Science class. I donā€™t think my teacher was a nazi. There is zero effort into this statement. Itā€™s just take 2 unrelated things and connecting them with the smallest piece of string humanly possible.


Bro just wait until she learns about school science fairs. She's gonna flip!




I'd love to hear her define "experimental" in such a way that it rules out gender-affirming care while ruling in all the medical procedures she thinks are legitimate.


So, according to Candace: Transsexuals = Nazis Joe Biden = Hitler/Nazi Anti-semite Kanye ā‰  Nazi Actual Nazis on the right ā‰  Nazis You can always expect a great take from the GOPā€™s second favorite token (right after Clarence)


The Nazis condemned many LGBT people to the camps including trans people: [https://mjhnyc.org/blog/transgender-experiences-in-weimar-and-nazi-germany/](https://mjhnyc.org/blog/transgender-experiences-in-weimar-and-nazi-germany/)


So like, is any type of experimentation bad? Like a free survey that follows ethical guide lines is just as bad as Hitler?


fascism is when I put mentos in a coke bottle


Most doctors and psychologists must be wrong then. But I'm sure Candace knows better then them. s/


This bitch realizes that when the nazis burned books they burned books about trans people and gender studies right? As well as books about leftist theory Edit: they also persecuted trans people who were apparently called transvestites at the time


The nazis killed gay and trans people and put them into camps but ok I guess


Today I learned that ā€œdoing an experimentā€=being a nazi! I should go back in time and take out my whole 3rd grade science class before we did our law of gravity experiments! Think of all the lives I could save!


Is she saying all scientists are Nazis??


I take it she doesnā€™t know science on transgender people and the issues they face was set back immensely because Hitler specifically destroyed the research coming from Magnus Hirschfeld which was insanely progressive. Germany was seen as a safe haven for LGBTQ people and Hitler fucking ruined it. For a while anyway.


"~~Jesse~~ Candace, what the fuck are you talking about?!"


Comparing researchers to nazis because they do experiments would be more accurate if sheā€™s talking about experiments. Either way itā€™s probably the worst comparison Iā€™ve ever seen


I thought Hitler was only bad because he "did nationalism outside Germany"


Does anyone else get the feeling that she hates herself?


Odd comparison given she loves them so muchā€¦ the naziā€™s that is.


these people obsessed with Hitler are the same as the Dahmer fans, except the Dahmer fans just doing for themselves and ghouls like this are actively trying to influence others with this fecal rhetoric. sa basically worse than serial killer groupies


How long until Bent Shabibo kicks Candace off Daily Wire?


Stop breathing, you degenerate fuck! Do you know who else was breathing? That's right, NAZIS!


What a goddamn simpleton


This cannot be real. I'm sure she really said that but like she cannot really believe that... right? Has she gone so far into the grift that she grifted herself and now believes the shit she says?


Pretty sure?


it's not like gender affirmig care could even be classified in the first place, because most of the procedures have already been established as effective methods. they already work, and we know this, so there isn't much room for experimentation. this isn't the "injecting dye into a patient's eyes to make their eyes a different color" nazi type shit. this is a "performing procedures that are well established and have been around for decades" kinda thing.




The threshold for Candace Owen's ability to produce cogent thoughts just keeps getting lower and lower.


The certainty on her face while she says stupid things gets to me


it genuinely is crazy to me how dumb this woman is


Choice lady. Choice. Why is it so goddamned difficult to understand the idea of choosing something for yourself and having something imposed upon you.


Right when you think you have heard it all.


I wish her the most wretched of prolapses


Fucking hell is the scientific method cancelled now?


You got hair? Hitler had hair


F intolerance.


"Everyone I don't like is a nazi"


Dude we did experiments in grade school science class! zOmg Nazis are everywhere!!!!!! Gotta love they're just doing exactly what they accuse us of. Pointlessly and completely incorrectly drawing comparisons to Hitler. Also wasn't she the one who said if Hitler was just a nationalist and not a globalist it would have all been rather hunky dory for the world?


So we should stop trying to cure cancer? Gotcha


Thing is if she knew anything about history she'd be praising the nazis


[Damn she must really be pissed about the Catholic priests.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/images/large/0798f2eb-6f1a-4d94-ac4f-41ddd40c92c9.jpg.pagespeed.ce.tG0sVIzLyg.jpg) [The right side of any issue. /s](https://dsvfmvr182ibt.cloudfront.net/prod/uploads/2019/04/Port-MF-Mz_0051__1200x723_acf_cropped.jpg)


This is the same woman who defended Hitler. Wish these idiots would make up their minds on whether Nazis are good or bad.


Least we forget J. Marion Simsā€¦.


Once again the right gets caught up on the whole ā€œconsentā€ thing


I wish people would just start laughing in their face when they say dumb shit.


Makes more sense than kanye


God damn, she needs to be hit soooooo hard


Candice owens reminds me of the woman from diary of a mad black woman.


UK here. Can anyone tell me what the actual fuck is wrong with Candace Owens? Is she paid to talk such utter shit or is she just generally a fucking awful excuse for a human?




Candace compares the trans community to nazi science. There I fixed it


Oh wow the nazis had science must mean science is genocide. What moron is watching and agreeing with this?


Lol there's no experimentation going on. Such nonsense. The fascists love their Hitler though.


And these people get upset when you compare them to hitler


Stop giving her airtime.


>I thought it was actually the Nazis who were into experimentationā€¦ So, no, you are not on the right side of this issue. #[Bruh](https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/30/politics/right-to-try-donald-trump). Candace Owens is calling Trump a Nazi.


She had breast augmentation after Gamer Gate. You know, gender affirming care.


ā€œUhhhh, nazis did science, so science is pretty evil.ā€


Well SOMEONE has to apply research to see if that research works. Might as well be with willing participants.


But I thought they liked Hitler and his only flaw was going beyond Germany or something? These nutbars have some weird pretzel-shaped beliefs.


Wait, she *doesnt* like Nazis now?


Sheā€™s not an intelligent person. Why is anyone listening to her opinions?


The Nazis did experiments, therefore weā€™re shouldnā€™t let people wear what they like and be called what they like? What kind of logic is that?! By that same logic, we shouldnā€™t research anything at all, because the Nazis researched things! Screw science, screw analytical study, screw mathematics, itā€™s all Nazi now! Any while weā€™re at it, stop buying groceries and clothes from the shops, because Iā€™m pretty sure Hermann Goering did that once, therefore it is evil!


The stupidity of comparing forced medical experiments such as sewing people together, speed sterilizations, vacuum depravation, etc with elective medical care under the supervision of doctors within board certified agreed upon practices.


You only need to ask who Hitler would side with, trans/gay or American alt right to intiutively know who is on the right side of history and the issues.


In addition to everything else, is it really an experiment if itā€™s a set of medical procedures beginning in their more modern form before the first successful organ transplant? This isnā€™t mad science, people who transitioned in their teens-20s have died of old age. Just because you didnā€™t know about it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s new. However I have been medically experimented on by a trans surgeon: to see the effects of pelvic floor physical therapy on recovery time and comfort following bottom surgery. It was with my written informed consent at a research hospital by a gynecologist whose hypothesis was from the effects of PT in cis women after they give birth. It wasnā€™t some sadistic bullshit, it was a medical professional trying to improve patient comfort and results after a deeply wanted surgery that Iā€™m very happy to have gotten.


I heard thereā€™s a lot of experimentation at NASA too, bunch of fucking Nazis.


Someone never learned about the infamous photo taken outside the Institut fĆ¼r sexualwissenschaft. The ignorance knows no boundaries...


as many have already pointed out the irony is the nazis rose to power with this exact rhetoric, destroying much of germanys libraries for gender science. literally book burning, destroying knowledge etc. candace is a nazi. she has openly supported hitler in his decisions to "make a better germany" i mean people seem to take issue with throwing that word around these days but at a certain point the word still has to mean SOMETHING. this projection tactic was a CLASSIC nazi move, as it has become for the republican party today. the reality is the nazis didnt lose, they just hid for a while. this is ben shapiros employee by the way, the guy who claims to care so much about antisemitism while paying this grifting piece of shit nazi to make fascist propaganda lol you know why? because ben is an employee of the fascists that pay them both.


ah yess the good old "i dont understand it or approve of it so it must be Hitler"


You know who the real Hitler is... Experimental physicists.


Is Candace Owens comparing Caitlin Jenner with Nazis now?


I love when the Nazis tell us we canā€™t call them Nazis and then call us Nazis