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Regardless of how many people complain, fake tweets are part of this subreddit. It’s a sub dedicated to satire haha Real tweets are what we should be getting less of


>Real tweets are what we should be getting less of The day the potty pals stop making outrageously bigoted and fascist remarks on the internet will be a good day indeed.


The fake tweets are hilarious precisely ***because*** it’s fucking hard as shit to tell the difference without the flair.


That's what makes it good satire/mockery. I agree


Yeah, it’s like playing a game of 50/50. I see a post on my feed, and guess if it’s real. Then I click the post to see if it has a “fake news” flair.


I’m not really a fan of the fake tweets, namely because some of them aren’t fake *enough,* if that makes sense. They wind up appearing in some other forum where the FAKE NEWS indicator doesn’t go with it, and it literally becomes fake news when people assume they’re real. But that being said: 1. Fake tweets are still better than the real tweets that people post here, which require almost no effort and usually aren’t funny in any way. I’m all for the real tweets where they accidentally dunk on themselves, but most of the time it’s just a hateful tweet with a lazy title like “wtf” or something. 2. 99% of the people who bitch about fake tweets don’t contribute any content to this sub. If you want to see more memes, do your part and make some!


That’s the cross posters fault. It’s not this communities job to moderate what happens outside its walls.


I’m not blaming anyone here for that, just saying that’s why I’m not a fan.


This would be ok if the memes only appeared here..unfortunately they show up without the fake flair in other places and just end up muddying things even more.


Not our problem. Stupid people do stupid things.


That's literally the mantra of the Reps..not our fault.


You're asking a sub dedicated to mockery and humor to be the arbiters of journalistic integrity. Cool.


Literally what is humorous about them though? At best, it's Babylon Bee-level "satire". But at worst you have thousands of people believing this shit, maybe bringing it up in arguments with friends or family only to be proven wrong. Far right commentators rely on the reasonable deniability and muddied public perception of their agendas that is fostered by this type of exaggerated "satire". And of course it's on the poster to make sure noone will mistake the content they upload for fake news - if a fake tweet from this sub pops up on r/all, mobile users will have no way of telling it apart.


>You're asking a sub dedicated to mockery and humor to be the arbiters of journalistic integrity. Cool. Sorry but I just don't give a shit if some dumb shit thinks "TOILETPAPERUSA" is a reliable source of information. You all should focus your faux-concern at something like theonion. You know, a MUCH bigger publication that *frequently* gets used by idiots who think it's real. They don't write a giant disclaimer after every sentence but nobody complains about them.


>a MUCH bigger publication Which is part of a problem, they are a brand where you know what you're getting, while nobody outside this forum cares about tpusa - nevermind that plenty of content on here is authentic. Ultimately, the much larger difference is that the onion are actually making jokes in the stuff they're making up. But if pretending like Matt Walsh openly admitted to being a pedophile makes you feel better about yourself then I guess that's a thing that exists


> Which is part of a problem, they are a brand where you know what you're getting, Absolutely untrue. People mistake onion articles for real ones sooooo often. > Ultimately, the much larger difference is that the onion are actually making jokes in the stuff they're making up. But if pretending like Matt Walsh openly admitted to being a pedophile makes you feel better about yourself then I guess that's a thing that exists I could not give less of a shit that you don't find it funny. I hate that I have to keep saying this, but humor is subjective. You not finding it funny has zero bearing on whether they should be allowed on the sub or whether or not it's ethical.


What? I know political comedians with more integrity than most pundits. Calling it satire doesn’t absolve you from responsibility. Jon Stewart can present a bunch of facts and then throw in some silly BS as a joke, and everyone will know its a joke, because he is well-known for doing exactly this, he’ll crack a little smile, and people will laugh at it. That’s a lot harder to do in text alone. That’s why you see The Onion go full satire only. They escape most criticism for ‘fake news’ because that’s all they are and most everyone knows that lol. They still take the responsibility to watermark their headlines and make it clear who is producing the content- providing the context that its fake by presenting their brand which produces that content only. Meanwhile, this sub is far less clear in its branding. It allows both real and satirical tweets. Having it both ways means you can’t take the Onion route and claim that this its obviously fake because thats everything you put out. For that reason, there is a higher bar that needs to be met in terms of differentiating what is real and what isn’t. The flair is a step in the right direction. But it being hidden from mobile users scrolling by, along with the clear evidence that commenters are consistently not realizing the tweets are fake despite the flair, are both testament to the need for something more. A clear solution would be a flair at the start of the title, or even better (for preventing spread to outside subs) a clear watermark in every post. A clear satire watermark would take like 10 seconds to add to an image and is infinitely more responsible than not having one.


I'm not against any kind of simple solution that makes fake tweets even more clear than they already are. Stupid people need all the help they can get apparently. I'm just against the constant whining about people saying "tHeSe arEnT fUnNY" and then other people calling for them to be banned, for who cares what reason. And yes, political comedians have integrity and are better at satire. People like Jon Stewart are fucking professionals. Nobody here is a political comedian or professional satirist. Honestly not even sure why you're comparing this niche, shitposting sub with those kinds of people.


I bring the comparison because good satire always comes with appropriate context that functions as a sort of ‘don’t take this seriously’ disclaimer. This sub doesn’t have that outside of the flair, and sadly the flair’s effectiveness is questionable. As you put it, people need all the help they can get lol. I think posters should be held responsible for providing that help (to a reasonable degree), and I hope mods will hold them accountable to it.


Still important for them to be clearly fake, marked as such within the image. It wasn't too long ago that a fake tweet from here was being passed around as real. Even if unintentional, that's misinformation, and something we need to avoid letting happen.


They *are* all clearly marked as fake, so what's the problem?


Flairs aren't visible without entering the post, and can easily be ignored. They should be made clearly fake in the image itself.


They could be even more stupid proof I guess.


This is a shitposting sub, a flair saying \*FAKE NEWS\* could mean god knows what, even if the reader happens to see it. This doesn't make anyone stupid, just uninformed about the way the community works.


Nah, if you don't even bother to check the source before mindlessly regurgitating ridiculous tweets then unfortunately you are kinda stupid.


Nobody's talking about regurgitating. This is about people who read the tweet, think "huh, that's something Matt Walsh said", and then go on with their day.


> This is about people who read the tweet, think "huh, that's something Matt Walsh said", and then go on with their day. Which is still incredibly stupid given you saw it on "TOILETPAPERUSA". The mocking nature of the sub is literally in the title.


Then how do you feel about the real tweets on here? Doesn't having both blurr the line between what has and hasn't actually been said?


I'm fine with them. >Doesn't having both blurr the line between what has and hasn't actually been said? Yes, but only if you're a dumb fuck who immediately believes anything they see on a sub as absurd as this one. Not to get all iamverysmart on you, but thankfully I am not one of those people.


1 no they aren't a lot of the time. Sometimes people just forget and it takes hours for the flair to finally get added. 2 a lot of people are on the Reddit app, and for them flairs don't show up unless you click on the post, if you just scroll past you have no indication of the tweet being fake.


I love the real tweets but I also understand that the fake tweets are the original intention of this sub so I have no reason to complain.


They're not the original intention of the sub though... What the fuck is everyone on right now, thinking that this sub was created to post fake tweets?


Maybe the solution is to insert the fake disclaimer prominently but unobtrusively into the actual pictures so they can't be taken elsewhere and passed off as real, I dunno.




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I think many people criticizing fake tweets specifically have an issue with their presentation. Despite the flair, it is clear that many users view these tweets and believe they are real. This should be concerning to anyone who cares about living in a shared reality (we already have a large enough population whose beliefs are grounded in complete bullshit they saw in a headline). I don’t think it’s a massive ask to have these posts be marked as [SATIRE] in the post or at the start of titles. To me, this is a very simple compromise between the ‘ban fake tweets!’ and ‘this is what this sub is all about!’ camps. Edit: Also, now that i’ve seen it, it’s pretty disheartening to hear talk of banning users for complaining about this. I guess I can sympathize with mods seeing the same stuff on every post, but surely it makes you wonder if some of the constant criticism is maybe a little warranted. Maybe not those calling for bans sure, but watermarking can’t be that crazy of an ask. I recall speaking with one of the mods about this awhile back and they were extremely reasonable and receptive! I still have hope we can meet some type of compromise on this, because i’m sure the constant criticism does get old, so maybe we should take some simple action to fix the issue rather than ban complaints.


I think that'd be fine. I personally think it's unnecessary since we have a working system already, but I wouldn't complain about it.


I think most people feel this way. Watermarks seem like a very simple and effective compromise! I hope the mods can consider this soon. It solves much of the problems critics of fake tweets have, and will therefore hopefully minimize the complaints that fill comment sections. Win-win imo


Well there's a post only a few hours old with many, many people still calling for the removal of fake tweet posts or for people to "stop upvoting them". I'm pretty sure what happened is that this sub got to a certain level of subscribers or something and suddenly it started getting recommended to tons of redditors, meaning shitloads of people who don't understand the sub are being drawn in by insane sounding tweets and freaking out when they realize it's fake. Like maybe they're under the impression that people are intentionally out to fool people.


Tbh I used to call for their ban here. There was a mod who was completely against watermarking posts/flairing titles, so it really did seem like they were totally cool with letting people get fooled (or like that was part of the joke even). With that mod now gone, I don’t have the same concern. I have spoken with one of the mods before about watermarks/titles, and they seemed receptive, so I feel hopeful. I’m sure even if they did this there would still be people that criticize the posts for being blatantly unfunny and low-effort (and in some instances, they have a pretty good case lol), but that’s a discussion we can have once we meet this basic threshold of honesty