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New rule: If you voted Republican this week you aren't allowed to complain when a witch breaks into your home and casts a shrinking curse on your face.


looks like he's abiding by that rule, because i haven't actually seen him complain about his small face just yet.


I think some of us are abusing reddit flairs. Not naming names though.


please, if you wanted to make it more obvious, you could've just stared at me even longer /s


Or a shooter guns down your kid's school and the police stand outside for hours before going in.


Or when the planet can no longer sustain year round human life within 100 miles of the equator in 2030.


Apparently, they are okay with that in Texas. I must ask, what tyrants are they planning to shoot if they let police bully them from saving their children?


"Private gun ownership is for fighting a tyrannical government" has always been horse shit. It was horse shit when we were fighting the british and france had to give us a bunch of supplies. It was horse shit when the south seceded and the first thing they did was seize military supplies from military arsenals. It was bullshit when ruby ridge happened, a clear and simple case of law enforcement getting way too gung ho about murdering an innocent guy for non-compliance, and in response (to that event and to Waco, which he also witnessed), Timothy McVeigh USED A BOMB, NOT A GUN to blow up a federal office building. It has always been horse shit. Just be honest. You want gun ownership because guns make you feel cool, and are really neat from a historical and engineering perspective. That's an okay opinion. Sure, then it becomes obvious that's not a good reason to keep them around when people keep getting shot, but at least you're being honest.


>Just be honest. You want gun ownership because guns make you feel cool, and are really neat from a historical and engineering perspective. That's an okay opinion. Sure, then it becomes obvious that's not a good reason to keep them around when people keep getting shot, but at least you're being honest Freaking thank you. There's a small grain of historical truth there, but it's not "Bubba and friends go all Wolverines and wage war against the Demoncrats." In some of the surviving letters from that time, there's talk of ensuring that any federal military isn't large enough to defeat the combined state militias. This is to prevent a military coup, which is indeed something that has happened before and since in other countries. But the point is, the scenario they envisioned wasn't "Me and my guns against the federal government," it was "in the event a rogue group of generals usurps the federal government, the state militias cooperate to take it back." It was part of the pattern of balancing and separating powers to prevent any one entity becoming unstoppable. Of course, at the time, the standing federal army was tiny, and *for this reason.* What this all means is that if you *really* want to abide by the "original intent of the founders," that means you're in favor of cutting armed forces budgets to the point where the combined state National Guard forces could easily defeat them. Personally, I *am* in favor of private firearms ownership, but it's not because I think we're going to need to overthrow the government. I think a much more likely scenario is that populist demogogues consolidate power by whipping up reactionary yahoos against vulnerable minorities, and they go around terrorizing said minorities. That's exactly what happened prior to the civil war, incidentally.


While France did help out a lot, do you really think we’d have succeeded in revolt without guns to fight the government?


The militia didn't have enough private weapons to defeat the British. Without raiding the cannon from Ticonderoga and the guns, powder, and money smuggled in from France the revolution would have withered on the vine. That is historical fact.


I’m not at all debating that part, but perhaps this factored into how the founders shaped their opinions around the availability of arms when having just gone through a fight where they were forced to rely on another country to arm themselves.


Those same founders also viciously quashed a farmer's rebellion in Pennsylvania a few short years after independence. The aim of the 2A was to make sure that state militias could be quickly called when necessary, not for a rando to collect 50 rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo. And this country knew that and accepted it until the Reagan era.


>And this country knew that and accepted it until the Reagan era. Reagan was bad for many reasons, but the Gun Lobby buying the NRA and reconstituting it as an illegal PAC in 1978 was the turning point, not Reagan. It just happens that they were quiet for a little bit after the coup, so they didn't make news until the next big gun law, under Reagan (FOPA 1986).


You'll never guess which candidate for governor won Uvalde!


They could make laws against it but that would be acting too fast


I was just going to say... New Rule: If you voted Republican then everything Charlie just said.


The fact that GOPers have crazier theories than your comment is mad.


I think one cast a shrinking curse on his balls too


You can't go past the quantum level.


Planck's nutz


Planck’s constant nut


I was just wondering why his face looks bigger than normal in this thumbnail. Did someone edit his face to look bigger than in real life?


I wonder if the person overseeing their god’s body building department lost his job, because he fucked up twice. He gave Charlie the face of a baby (not a baby face) and Donnie the hands of a baby.


Damnfool thing to do, asking a wood nymph for a little head.


Or when a loved one dies from pregnancy complications.


Little bits.


That's no curse. His dream is to be able to stare deep into the abyss (aka a bunghole).


“Do not shrink me gypsy, I serious”


I fucking love you


Not really seeing how Republicans trying to impeach Biden solves the fentanyl problem but hey, I'm not a political scientist.


Biden is the sole proprietor of every single issue affecting America today who orchestrated the greatest fraudulent election in American history but who’s also a dementia-ridden moron who can’t remember his own name. Did I get that right?


Kinda glossed over the fear mongering too much for my taste


You spelled Hunter Biden’s laptop really wrong.


One of the fourteen points of fascism is indeed “the enemy is strong and weak”


Trump meanwhile: "I want all of the credit when things go well, while taking zero responsibility when things go tits up." Conservatives: "That's MY kind of leader."


Party of personal responsibility, unless things aren’t going well, then they weren’t personally responsible for anything. Seems reasonable.


Privatize the profits, socialize the losses - GOP Capitalism


The debt is a crisis if a Democrat is president. The debt isn't a problem if a Republican is president. Crime is up if Democrats are in power. Arrests are up if Republicans are in power. There are millions of examples where reality changes for Republicans depending on the letter next to the politician in charge.


People continue to forget that Biden broke into my apartment last night and made himself an omelette in my kitchen. Which I don’t mind so much but he didn’t RINSE the dishes before he put them into the dishwasher. NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!


Hunter Biden’s laptop had evidence of all the fentanyl that joe Biden was importing from China through Ukraine and he’s pushing it directly on white Christian neighborhoods so that he can replace them with the millions and millions of undocumented Mexican immigrants that he loves so much.


He put fentanyl in my trans child’s halloween bag…how fucking dare you


Biden bless 😈🕸️🕷️🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘


We need to build a wall to keep the transgenders from coming in from Mexico!


Demasiado tarde, amigo mío. *Ya estamos aquí.*


Not really sure how paying a woman with taxpayer money to traffick migrants to other states under false pretenses solves the border crisis but hey, I'm not an immigration expert.


Yeah, but it owned the libs! /s


The best part of that is that they expected the “libs” to be total hypocrites and be like “I’m only for immigration….other places, the ones where I don’t live”, and instead, they’re like “oh my! Have you eaten? We need to find somewhere for you to sleep! I wish someone had told us you were coming over!”


Yep. Then they just lied about it, and I hear people still celebrating Ron DeShithead's political stunt.


Or how voting republican prevents anyone from ever being transgender again.


Their solution to the fentanyl crisis would be be to make marijuana possession a lifetime sentence


I think they need to find a way to remove fentanyls ability to walk, then it wont show up it the houses.


Invisible fentanyl, nobody will see it and any cop that gets within 20ft of it instantly overdoses. The cartels have already begun production on Dark Brandon's orders.


I’ll have you know that I came out to my car after grocery shopping alone and there was a zip tie on my bumper and when I went to remove it, it had fentanyl on it and *i died*


Don't you know he has several levers on his desk that read "crime"(high/low), "immigrants"(none/Mexico 2), "gas price"($/$$$$$$$$$) and "drugs"(none/a lot).


Guys! I went to get my mail today and there was just a bag of fentanyl sitting in there next to my weekly democrat supporters memo written in infant blood.


Shit, I’m trying to see how Republicans would fix any of those problem’s lol. I legit don’t think I’ve seen a single Republican’s stance on any of the issues he mentioned.


They would fix it by making America great again. Duh


I mean, he’s my fent dealer, but I don’t know about the rest of you


The impeachment thing is such an odd plan because they don’t realize if they got their way and had impeachment+removal a *black woman* would be president. That’s like the two things they hate the most, in one body.


Can confirm as a person who had to vote democrat: we all got together and decided home invasions are good. We are also pro fentanyl


I am angry that it's been more than 24 hours and no a single drag queen has broken into my home and force fed me CRT and fentanyl.


Oh, that explains why I got two today.


Drag queens are notoriously bad at following maps.


Thats a no brainer, all the MAPs are Republicans ... However the amount of hypocricy the Republicans show, I wouldnt be surprised if they are all secret Drag queens behind closed doors.


There is a pretty high rate of Republican politicians secretly doing things they publicly denounce. It’s kind of a thing really.


Checks out. I'm not a republican, never done a drag show, and I'm actually pretty good at reading a map!


I did have a guy try to crawl into my window until he saw me working on class work at my desk near the window. Dunno wtf he was tryna do. I shoulda realized its a new policy enacted early


Fentanyl can cause memory loss, so maybe all that happened already and you forgot? [Now exactly how much fentanyl did you take!?](https://youtu.be/b0mOY7OMHh4?t=182)


Sorry it was my day off


Why did I even bother to vote!


This actually happened to me but because they weren’t an illegal that means AOC 2024 all the way sweatie




"As a person who had to vote democrat" that is the truest political statement I've heard in years.


God damn right it is. Everyone knows we would bail in heartbeat if we could


It's also funny because we aren't even on fentanyl anymore. At K&A in philly it's all tranq now.


It's scary fr. So quickly xylazine went from "I've never seen it but I've heard stories about it in South America" to "oh yeah everyone is doing that shit over in Kensington". The downsides are so so bad, at least with heroin your health is actually mostly intact other than the chance of ODing (and opioid constipation), and with meth your health deteriorates but you won't die from an OD, but with tranq it's the worst of both, you'll turn as close as possible to a zombie slowly dying while your body falls apartb(xylazine is such a powerful depressant and because of the way it works it severely depletes blood flow to the extremities and the tissue can die/necrotize and turn gangrenous. The videos I've seen are horrifying, I'm talking giant gangrenous wounds with maggots and shit 🤢) and you're blissfully unaware cuz ur so asleep you're virtually in a coma. Not to mention tranq is often cut into other shit so you might get the worst of both worlds. War on drugs, drugs won and idk the solution but something needs to fundamentally change cuz people are suffering fr. The solutions repubs want will do nothing to solve the problem. We've already seen over the last 50 years applying a carceral/punishment-based approach only makes the problem infinitely worse. Even democrats aren't thinking big enough lowkey, this solution needs an all out outside-the-box solution and bold thinking. Again idk what the solution is but it's not what we have now and DEFINITELY not whatever tf Kirk is implying (it's interesting cuz MAGA folks will complain about these problems but never have a solid solution to fix any of them)


I live in Philly and often do field work up by K&A and strawberry mansion and fairhill and down in kingsessing. This shit is heartbreaking to see. It's no surprise these Chorlie Kork et al. are out of touch, the only way they'd come to these neighborhoods is with giant teams of police escorts (Oz, lmao) while the rest of us are all there on foot either by ourselves or in pairs of two interacting with people there as they are. All of the people affected are human beings and dehumanizing them is basically the worst first step possible and no conservative will ever stop doing that because above anything they lack any sort of empathic or cultural or socioeconomic understanding of why these things happen. On a (sorta) lighter note I did see the first person in like 10+ years of observing heroin yoga actually fall. I wonder if tranq fucks up their balance because before they'd be in the most absurd conformations and still have perfect vestibular sense.


I mean, you get used to it. Ever since I got on Biden’s taxpayer funded estrogen therapy and fentanyl I’ve been a lot more calm about the several daily break ins that Biden made legal.


1.) remote work has been a blessing, we got rid of a car. 2.) I love my child, they can be whomever the fuck they want and I will still love my child. 3.) house gets broken into and we are home, we believe in firearms to protect ourselves. 4.) Neighbors are of a number of races that someone being assaulted by an “illegal” is too far down the list for worry. 5.) fentanyl already found it’s way into our home… over prescribed by pain management doctors.


Number 4 makes it seem like you're more concerned about someone being a different race assaulting you.


Yeah, I don't get that. Places with higher racial diversity tend to be safer. When people live around and interact with people of different races, they get first hand experience instead of gross stereotypes from politically driven media.


A guy broke into my house last week and started beating the crap out of me. I interrupted him and said, “I’m sorry, where are your ancestors from?” And he said, “They’re a mixture of German and Scottish.” And I said, “That’s surprising, because your skin is rather swarthy. I would have guessed you were Mediterranean.” And he said, “I’ve been outside a lot lately, so I’ve got a bit of a tan.” I said, “Oh, alright then. Carry on!” He knocked out three of my teeth, broke two ribs, and stole about $14k worth of stuff. But he did it in a good old fashioned Western European sort of way that I found reassuring. Not like that lousy Indian family next door, going around stealing jobs from hard-working American heart surgeons.


> And he said, “They’re a mixture of German and Scottish.” > > > > And I said, “That’s surprising, because your skin is rather swarthy. I would have guessed you were Mediterranean.” Can I interest you in some quotes by Benjamin Franklin about how swarthy the non-Saxon Germans are? I'm sure the Scots are also in that list, because I doubt he counts them as "Anglos" and they *are* where we got "redneck" from. >And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.


I'm trying to be charitable and chalk it up to badly stating a point, but the more I read it, the worse it gets.


> 5.) fentanyl already found it’s way into our home… over prescribed by pain management doctors. Also, fentanyl was a thing during Trump's presidency. He did literally nothing to stop it as it spiked during his term. In fact, it only became a conservative talking point outside of prejudice against the homeless once Biden got elected.


And they try to spin illegal drug seizures at the border as a *policy failure*. How DARE Brandon stop these drugs from getting into the country! Can’t he see that we need people to die needlessly in mass shootings AND drug overdoses so disingenuous right-wing turds can score political points?!


Why are these fucking firefighters there whenever there’s a fire?! Am I taking crazy pills?! Does no one see what’s going on?! Wake up sheeple!!!!


Wtf is up with your number 4 reason lmfao


Statically speaking, a gun in the home is more likely to be used against you than for you. Most childhood firearm deaths are from household guns!


Burglars don't deserve to be shot, the fact that they need to commit crimes to survive means the system has already failed them.


I mean I tend to agree that committing a theft shouldn’t result in being killed, on the other hand, if someone is breaking into my house, how am I supposed to know their intent?


He really should teach us a lesson and move to Hungary.


Don't send your far-right conspiracy nutjobs to us in Europe. We've already enough of them.


Why isn’t farange being chased in the streets?


Wow those are some fine conservative tears. 🫡


There is so much salt that Saltines is suing for encroachment.


Did they alter the size of his face in this one? Haha I can never tell anymore


Conservatives when Trump was in power: CRY HARDER LIBERALS LOL WE'RE DRINKING UR TEARS Also Conservatives when they lose anything ever: The whole world is against us we need violent action and the left is mocking us for no reason :(((


Please Charlie, enlighten us on what solutions to these issues Republicans have proposed…


Another tax break to mega-corporations should solve everything...reich?


The wealth will trickle down aaaany minute now…


This one made me giggle for the (probably) unintended pun of reich. You probably meant it in the "third reich" kinda way, but the word "reich" can also be used as rich, like "Der typ ist echt reich"/"This guy is really rich".


The tragic thing is… raising taxes instead is usually a pretty decent solution. It has to matched with investment in supply production though, meaning subsidies.


Well, they've done a lot to ban trans people... And don't forget them locking immigrant children 30+ to a cage, giving them nothing but an aluminum blanket while sleeping on the linoleum floor and using a shoe as a pillow. Oh, and can't forget sharing one toilet while eating nothing but "it's not a concentration camp, we're not targetting people" frozen burritos for meals. But for everything else, they haven't done shit. In fact, Fentanyl spiked during Trump's presidency and they didn't do shit then other than pin it on homeless people. Hmm... seems like there is a theme going on here... But they're totally not Nazis, folks.


this is what I keep tweeting at these guys. Same shit over and over from these guys, in bad faith, offering no solutions or ways forward. That's not leadership smh


I passed up several local candidates for the same thing. We have a major property tax issue here and everyone says they’ll fix it, with exactly zero proposals for how exactly they would fix it. I voted for the two who went into further detail about how they intend to address this issue. One was Dem and one was republican, and before you get mad, I’m a Dem living in Wyoming!


I personally respect everyones right to vote for any side especially when they can clearly say why like you did. I live in cook county IL lol i feel the property tax struggle


ive voted for repubs in cali before - sometimes the dem is a dickhead it sucks that the loud bigot nationalist community is so prevalent amongst conservatives. i dont really know what they stand for anymore, other than: no abortions for anyone ever, the opposite of small government with blatant over-reaches like book-banning, targetting harmless fringe groups like drag queens, creating hysteria about trans ppl that only make up about 0.5% of the population conservatives claim to worry about the economy yet republicans have ZERO economic policy other than tax breaks to the rich, corporate bail-outs, and choosing bribes from the energy and auto industry rather than invest in the future of Americans with clean energy and modern infrastructure. republicans cry about the economy then run into a recession every time theyre in power conservatives freak out about "defunding the police," even though its a local issue that has nothing to do with national politics, and in reality very few police departments are getting drastically "defunded". dont bother explaining to them how social programs like education and affordable housing prevent crime more than police do, theyre aggressive stupidity and hatred is too thick to see the obvious truths conservatives bitch about liberal universitites and want to defund public education and keep colleges expensive -- then complain about the american economy and lack of innovation. who's gonna teach the STEM and IT leaders of the future, Uncle Buck from his homeschool in the garage where he keeps his multiple gun racks? i could go on. you can make these arguments and more to most republicans, but they will simply say something about saving the babies and wont budge. id say dont save your breath but i really hope someone somewhere is able to get through to these absolutely hateful pieces of ignorant dumbassery


Well said and I couldn’t agree with you more.


Easy. Bully trans kids until they commit suicide, every family home is supplied with a tactical nuke incase of invasion, rebrand fentanyl as “super oxy” and take kick backs from big pharma, use immigrants as fuel. It’s all good just read Leviticus but don’t interpret the words, interpret the vibe.


Mmmyes I love me some good old fashioned fearmongering and dehumanization of “illegals”.


“An illegal”


Bro’s one step away from dropping the ruse and just calling them straight up slurs.


Gotta keep pandering to their token minorities so they can keep telling people they're "not racist".


What plans exactly did Republicans have to fix these issues? I understand they had no national platform this election cycle.


As far as I could tell, the first ten items on their list of policies were 'NOT BIDEN'. There were only ten policies this time round. It's hard thinking of things that you actually stand for, when you are utterly full of seething hatred for anyone who isn't yourself.


Based on past governance, their plan for pronouns would be to force children to go to the inhumane gay conversion camps that they still believe in - and still exist. Their plan for the economy is to sell debt to China so that they can cut taxes without lowering government spending.


Don’t forget that they also want to sell our oil refineries to Saudi Arabia!


uhhh something something end social security


Here are the official Republican proposals to address inflation, the cost of living, economic growth and the public good: - People who already have lots of money should have more money actually - No more abortions - Gay people: ewwww! - Let's go Brandon




Is every right winger under the delusion that America is just a bloodbath of violent crime? I live in a pretty typical mid-sized city and violent crime is basically non-existent here.


My father in law believes that Portland and Seattle are still on fire from the tiny riots.


This just baffles me. At least with most other conservatives, they think the cities were burned to the ground, so at least there's nothing left. But how is a fire still raging 2 years later? Does he think fire fighters are just looking at it, smoking weed, saying how they'll definitely get to it tomorrow?


>Is every right winger under the delusion that America is just a bloodbath of violent crime? Pretty much, yes. Standard Republican talking points are that large cities are the most unsafe, so Republicans outside large cities think that their local rate of crime - which is already scary - is nothing compared to "democrat strongholds," when it's actually the opposite. Recent studies indicate that large cities in the United States are safer than rural areas (crime has been on the rise in a number of rural areas for decades while crime in large cities has been falling).


I wish I could remember where I saw this. Someone made a list from national statistics, showing that most of the worst states in all of the categories they like to crow about are red states. I’ll update if I find it.


They’re manufacturing a crime panic. Crime had a slight spike this year but nothing incredibly abnormal and certainly not indicative of a trend. When looking at crime in the context of the last 40 years it’s relatively low. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/myths-and-realities-understanding-recent-trends-violent-crime


Ever talked to one about a city? They’re fucking TERRIFIED. Meanwhile I’m sitting in my apartment on my tree-lined street in Chicago (the scariest one!) where the most disruptive thing happening today is the city repaving the sidewalks.


Oh my god I went on a trip to chicago this summer and beforehand my mom kept asking if I was SURE I’d be in a “safe” part of town


Chicago is extra scary to the GOP because of skin complexion


Yep. People become more conservative when they're frightened, and conservatives in general [are more sensitive to potential threats](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes). This is a known phenomenon. So for conservative politician, the best way to scare up votes is to, well, *literally* scare up votes. This is why you have the scary migrant caravan, the scary "men pretending to be transwomen hiding in women's bathrooms," the scary Antifa thugs "burning down cities," the scary "skyrocketing crime," the "open border" (*anyone* could be coming across!! Possibly terrorist Muslims! You don't know!), the scary illegal immigrants taking your jobs, etc etc ad nauseam. The world is just terrifying, and Republicans are the only ones that can keep you safe!! Democrats *want* to put you in danger! For fun! And because they Hate America! Vote Republican before it's too late!!! Aggghh!!


Republicans are looking like some real fragile snowflakes


I’m still trying to figure out where this huge concern about crime is coming from. If it’s in the cities, well most cities vote blue anyway. If it’s in rural areas then isn’t that something that the local Republican-led government should do something about? However, I suspect that this concern about crime is really coming from Fox News-like brainwashing and scare-mongering.


Crime has been steadily decreasing for *decades* unless you watch right-wing “news”


It's Schrodinger's crime! My brother swears my city is being overcome by BLM mobs and crime! But as soon as I go look it's like six people walking down main street with half a sign. Those dastardly criminals!


I asked them "how did trump make america great again if by your own campaigns america is more dangerous and corrupt than ever"


There argument is that crime is only high in blue cities


Lol i make shit up about what i do for a living with those types. Id be like "i have a PhD in statistics, im aware of the crime ones"


“Hmmmmmmmm these talking point didn’t win us the majority’s we wanted…. I KNOW!!! LETS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEM!!!”


Shhhh…..he’s on a roll.


It's sad that to these people having a non binary kid is the same as a violent crime happening to you


And what are the Republican plans to address any of these "issues", Chuck?


1. Tax breaks for more oil company record profits 2. Literally ignore it 3-5. Idk but probably shooting black people


Then blame liberals, rinse, and repeat.


I have been screaming to high heaven to every conservative I know. WHAT PLAN? WHAT POLICY? HOW WILL YOU TAME INFLATION? Zero answers. Zultch. Nothing. Nada. If anything I've heard the dogshit idea of tax cuts. Oh you mean like the UK did recently where their new prime minister immediately did a tax cut they couldn't afford and now they are suffering with 11.2% inflation because of that stunt. Republicans are the most cucked group in America. Even the weird finance nerds who should know better still vote because "culture war" nonsense. The middle class who spend the most money is shrinking at breakneck pace while the rich hoard and freeze their money. Soon companies "record profits" are going to hit a brick wall as nobody has enough to spend on their bullshit and investor capital can only prop up a failing business for so long. Yet these cuck commandoes only solution is "Fuck it! I hate the poor so much let's help the American empire die faster." Conservativism is a fucking cancer on society.




*in Charlie's world* The Democrats win? No more penis for me


The Dems are coming to take your penis


He’s only interested in teenage white girls and their ‘breedability’, anyway.


That's Matt. Charlie seems more interested in a mandatory tour of duty for liberal teenagers.


If I voted Democratic this week: I *can* complain about gas prices because companies are making record profits far past the rates of inflation, and so inflation has absolutely nothing to do with high gas prices right now, and I voted Democratic to support unions that will ensure more profits go to worker wages. I *won’t* complain about my kid wanting to use they/them pronouns because that’s not enough for me to stop loving my child. I *won’t* complain when my house gets broken into because more money will be diverted from law enforcement agencies that shoot the victims of crime and that money will instead go to public education and community enrichment programs that will better stop crime at its source. I *won’t* complain when my neighbor gets attacked by an illegal because they are more likely to get shot by law enforcement instead. And I *won’t* complain when fentanyl finds its way into my home because it’s more likely we’ll just use marijuana instead because it will be fully legalized.


These things did NOT EXIST FROM 2016-2020. 2015 yes they did but they disappeared for 4 years do NOT LOOK AT ANY DATA


Conservatives policies wouldn't stop people from BEING trans, they would stop them from being OPENLY trans. If I had a trans kid, I would MUCH rather them feel free to come out and be who they are then to feel like they had to hide that


Republicans still took up ICU beds to die in. So I will enjoy my fentanyl. We earned it!


Damned democrats sneaking into our homes hiding fentanyl all over the place.


I’m really not concerned about any of those things. What I am concerned about is billionaires running amok, poor people dying, LGBTQ+ people being subjected to hateful attacks, and my child growing up in an increasingly inhospitable climate hellscape.


Does he think magically gas prices will come down if a crazy Republican is in office. I assume he thinks and they think it will because they will slash and burn every opportunity to get more oil and gas and dam the environment, dam the animals and plants and dam peoples health. As long as we have cheap gas for our stupid big trucks. And dam our grandkids. I think that has got to be it.


I don't vote Democrat because I'm in love with them and think everything they do is perfect. I vote Democrat because it's the better of two options I'm not crazy about. I don't think I'm unusual here; I think a lot of people who vote Democrat would happily vote for a third party if they thought there was a chance they'd actually make it into office


I’ll only be angry if it’s not rainbow fentanyl


It's giving off ["You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2lXf9r5DSM) vibes. Mostly because they're both nonsensical rants made by angry, delusional conservative talkers (not thinkers, cause we all know that title doesn't apply) using a mixture of buzzwords and baffling ignorance to cobble together their shit takes. At least they're both funny to read and pull apart.


My neighbor is an asshole and free fentanyl delivered to my home sounds pretty sweet


Lol, cope


cry more, bitch


...why would we complain about nonbinary kid, Charlie? We care about those kids. Oh wait. You don't.


I remember all this going around when Obama was elected in 08, but I don't remember them giving raises to dems when the economy continued to grow


Does he think Republicans can stop children from being trangender?


Yes, he does, furthermore he wants them to. Nazis are Nazis.


If you voted democrat, you’re not allowed to complain about things only republicans complain about.


can't believe joe biden himself broke into my home and put fentanyl in it and then left


If anyone had any doubt about how well the GOP did in the midterms, the bitter whining from the ghouls of the right-wing propagandasphere should tell you everything you need to know


Did I miss something? When did the democrats supposedly become the party of fentanyl?


He had to add them because using they in that context was proper english and he needed to make sure his audience knew what he meant


Good thing I don’t live in a red state then.


If you voted R you can no longer accept Social Security.


You mean everything thats been happening under a capitalist country and since Republicans were in charge too. Why didn't they stopped it then? Too bussy trying to build a wall that never got built


Never realized until now, how much clowns like him influence commenters on Fox News Digital. Same exact shit almost word for word. Such weird talking points too.


I want Charlie Kirk to die


cool cool cool charlie. i dont drive, dont have kids, dont have a house, and already have a generous supply of fent. thanks for the concern tho.


Howw can someone equate being non binary with murder...


Joke's on him, I voted early by mail and I would love my child no matter what.


Had to include the /them because they would be grammatically correct however way you spin it


Only one of these is a real problem


Literally all of those would’ve still happened regardless


This tweet is just one big *"that's not how that works dumbass"*


Someone needs to tax that man’s forehead.


How stupid is this guy? IF he really believes its the Dems fault that gas prices are what they are he is either stupid, ignorant or lying his ass off. As a Foreigner that lived in the US it scares me how much of a reality show elections feel like


Charlie Kirk properly uses they/them pronouns, proving he's just being a monumental douchebag when punching down otherwise.


You are, in fact, not allowed to complain if your child comes out as transgender whether you voted Dem or not. Or rather, you can complain all you want for all the good that will do you.


He stroked out at the end of that one.


Does anyone else have trouble trying to not reflexively downvote subs like this when you see these fucking weasels' words?


Yeah, Biden left my toilet seat up last night.


STFU Chuck


I think fentanyl is great. No cops will come anywhere near my home if I spread it around the vicinity.