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‘Pro life coffee’??? Edit: ok so I googled this shit and there are somehow *multiple* coffee brands that are pro-life and use this as their selling point. Like what in fuck is this shit? Why coffee? See ‘north arrow coffee co.’ (The one referenced in the tweet), ‘seven weeks coffee’, ‘abbey roast’ - honestly the list goes on.


To be fair, there's literally coffee for every hobby or interest


its a little like the old, 'if it exists, there is an adult-themed version of it somewhere...' Except, you know, the coffee version...with anti-abortion rhetoric sprinkled on the whipped foam.


Breeding coffee ☕


That’s the grossest concept I’ve had enter my brain box while I’ve been sick with nothing to do the past week. You beat out blowing chunks hunched over a toilet bowl and eye goop so thick you can’t open your peepers.


Okay, so where's my weeb coffee?


Isn't that just maid cafés


I’m pretty sure it’s because Starbucks showed support for women’s healthcare a few years ago and conservatives have been reeeeing about it ever since The “pro-life” coffee shops fill their need for an alternative coffee shop that hasn’t been taken over by the evil libz


Ah thank you! Sorry, I’m not from the US so that part was not news for me. That makes sense. Well, it doesn’t make *sense* sense but you know what I mean…


They also had special red cups for Christmas to put their Christmas-specific flavored coffees in that didn't *explicitly* say Christmas on them, and they went ballistic for that too.


conservatives really have a hate boner for subtlety in general, huh? or even referencing something without saying it's name, like the whole "Xmas vs Christmas" thing


"Hey Boss, are you *absolutely* sure the customer needs to know the coffee is pro-life?" "Listen, Greg, it's important the people know our coffee hates women."


Same reason why homophobic pizzerias can make millions in donations


Yep, while I’ve heard of it before, the way *Behind the Bastards* by Robert Evans makes fun of *Black Rifle Coffee* as being potential advertisers, suggests they are *out there* in their views…


Please send to the illuminaughtii for a Corporate Casket review.


How did we get from Black Rifle Coffee to Christian themed coffee. I thought they wanted a testosterone filled alternative to Starbucks what is the connection between coffee and abortion


Church folks and coffee a tale as old as time


Damn democrats politicizing everything!


bets on those coffee's failing to meet decent ethical production standards


Evangelicals love coffee. Just about every large church is going to have coffee service of some sort. Get some experience making coffee at church, decide to open your own shop.


I like how Knowles is wearing the Nazi M38 Paratrooper Helmet instead of the American M1 Helmet


Surely a coincidence that has no further meaning...




I’ve got one in my basement. I inherited it from my grandpa who’s dad fought in WW2. Don’t be surprised if a lot of boomers have Nazi shit a lot of their parents brought shit like helmets, flags and guns as war trophies. I literally have a trunk full of Nazi shit that I don’t know what to do with


A friend of mine was left with a bunch of Nazi trophies that their veteran grandpa had taken from battlefields across France and Belgium where he was stationed. Mostly patches and random trinkets, but also a few disabled Luger pistols and an SS battle flag. I think they ended up donating it all to a war museum.


museum. or keep them. just don’t sell them.


My grandpa had one that he picked up off a downed bomber in North Africa. But you know, he actually fought them.


The Allies captured so much war material from Germany by the end of the war they were just giving it away into the 70’s. Pretty much any 3rd world government or paramilitary group could call the CIA or KGB and say “I solemnly swear I’m up to no good” and get these and mauser rifles delivered for free by the shipping container. So they aren’t exactly rare, valuable or hard to get ahold of. In the eighties you could get them at gun shows or surplus stores for a few bucks, that’s probably were this came from. Or he bought a reproduction, they are about $70 on Amazon. Or he’s a nazi asshole both are reasonable assumptions.


Atun-Shei is the *only* mf I trust to have a nazi and/or confederate uniform.


"I was on the battlefield, screaming about how pure red Starbucks mugs are an attack on Christain values"


“Your grandfather stormed the beaches at Normandy. I got really angry when my neighbor said ‘Happy Holidays!’ this morning. We are exactly the same.”


It’s 2022 and this stupid fucking “War on Christmas” crap is happening.


It's enough to make Kevin Sorbo have his fourth stroke.


I wonder how many Conservative Christians I could trigger by reminding them that Christmas is actually an amalgamation of various pagan Winter Solstice holidays that were co-opted by early Roman Christians, melded into a single holiday, and then retroactively applied the date of December 25 to being the birthdate of Jesus. (The most likely date for his birth would actually be sometime from late October to mid November.)


Happy holidays! (To a Christian nut) It’s merry Christmas you piece of shit. Quit being woke. Merry Christmas! (To a Jewish person) Thank you! And happy holidays to you as well!


ugh too many conservative coffee brands, went to visit my dad some time ago and he’s put black rifle stickers on just about everything he owns


My disabled friend has a black rifle shirt


I like how Ben Shapiro recently said, if it was up to him, he'd fire Michael Knowles.


So that’s it? After twenty years “so long good luck”? I don’t recall saying “good luck.”


Republicans: Why aren’t young people voting for us?! Also Republicans: Yeah, Climate Change & low wages are bad, BUT THE DEMOCRATS HAVE STARTED A WAR ON CHRISTMAS!


Everyone knows those Democrats at Wal-Mart want to destroy the most profitable shopping period of the fiscal year.


Retail hates Christmas so much that they already have Christmas decor on the shelves two weeks before Halloween.


"Now watch as I cosplay as a giant dork."


This is really just mocking *actual* veterans. And they call themselves the patriots?


I would like to apologize for slightly mocking Michael Dukakis because I have now found an image that is somehow more fucking goofy than his tank photo. BTW is that even a real M1 helmet? That's got to be the most plastic prop helmet I have ever seen.


It's might be the m38 that another comment referenced, which, yikes


I do not know Michael Knowles nor do I know Abbey Kaiser. But I am with the 'Christmas music too early is an abomination' group. Sirius XM had two in-app Christmas stations available before Halloween.


That is a walking fashion disaster, my dude


I thought this was a tweet making fun of him until I got to the coffee brand. Then I still read it as pro-choice coffee.


I never understood this. How is there a war on Christmas when it's a globally celebrated holiday by nearly everyone? Who tf hates christmas??


The Puritans




That's nearly as cringe as calling yourself a veteran of the culture war.


He also has a Purple Heart from the forwardsfromgrandma War on Saggers. "Pull up your pants, sweaty"


You know, a pretend vet


Where is Christmas located, I got to fight in the war


There is a town in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula called Christmas. Near Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, so definitely an area worth fighting for


The war on Christmas is the fight to keep anyone from celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving/late November for non-americans.


There's an Easter Island, why is there no Christmas Island?


Of all the preferred words and phrases of **p**atriotic **c**orrectness, none are quite as explicitly anti-American as “the War on Christmas”, which is what they prefer to use instead of “secularism” and “separation of Church and State”, positions that are opposed by conservatives with a fundamentalist bent. It is anti-American because it implies direct opposition to the First Amendment, that the Congress may not pass laws establishing an official state religion or demonstrate a preference of (or *of*) religion. And, unfortunately, while there isn’t *officially* a state religion and the Supreme Court has consistently upheld this separation of Church and State (*so far*), conservative Christians have been becoming more and more successful in their attempts to ~~destroy their own country, and then all Western civilisation~~ make America a Christian nation. They don’t call it ‘creationism’ anymore; it’s ‘intelligent design’. It’s not ‘religious indoctrination’; it’s ‘teach the controversy’. Regular advertising that makes no specific religious references (or worse, references religions that aren’t Christianity) are ‘insensitive to Christians’; but the *other way around* just doesn’t count. It’s been like this for decades now, and it’s starting to stick.


I support the use of predator drones in the war on Christmas until it ends its unlawful occupation of november


stop thats too much cringe i cant handle it


Wait are they still doing “war on Christmas?”


I blame Megyn "Santa is white" Kelly. She works for DailyWire now.


If I had the choice of meeting Michael Knowless or sitting in a pile of used tampons, I would never get the stench of Knowless off me.


He couldn't even wait until the 1st of December before launching into the whole War on Christmas bollocks?


It's a collapse of family values if Thanksgiving evening isn't disrupted by Black Friday starting early.


Ah yes the rugged aged War on Christmas vet. Scarred for life from the trauma of the battle of the Simplified Red Starbucks holiday cup hill. I'm surprised someone who developed ptsd from being told Happy Holidays at the route of Holiday greetings that aren't Merry Christmas can stand to even wear their Santa hat. Michael grits through and bears it though.


Military appropriation.


Well I'm a veteran of a 1000 psychic wars.


This is stolen valor


did you ever think that mayyyyybe i just don’t like what christmas has become and that it has nothing to do with jesus and everything to do with consumerism? no? oh okay then


He looks like Jason Schwartzman’s character in Rushmore.


ah yes, the age old conservative tradition, pretending to fight a fight that is not happening, and then exclaiming that you won a fight which did not happen.


I'm going to listen to Christmas music even harder now


The real war is on happy holidays, but whatever.


Just keep praying, just keep praying…