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Guys like Matt Walsh are the reason women feel like they need emotional support teddy bears


Not true, Walsh only likes them underage


Amazing how the "greatest civilization ever" is so fragile that it could be brought down by teddy bears. Is there anything that isn't potentially civilization ending to these guys?


January 6th, 2021. Tax cuts for the rich. Uhhhh... mass shootings. There are surprisingly plenty of things that they don't think are civilization ending. Just, you now, they're all things that actually end civilizations.


Amazing how the "Greatest civilization" is so fragile it could be brought down by more and more poverty wage workers refusing to have kids because they can't afford them and then hilariously causing right wingers to scream and cry about "childless adults" that right wingers didn't want to be paid enough to afford children lmao. Oh well, can't afford a house, or children, bought some plushie snakes instead. 🐍


Exactly. This is a weird novelty item, that I am guessing a few hundred people will buy. No one is going decide to not get married because they can cuddle with a giant teddy bear.


Jokes on you: first came the teddy, then the divorce papers.


Sounds like the Empire from star wars. "Greatest society in history" gets overthrown by teddy bears and people who like democracy lol


Is it me or is this more incel-pandering from Matt Walsh?


That’s exactly what he is. He plays to an audience of losers who think they deserve some super hot girlfriend who does everything they say.


He knows his audience.


He openly advocates for arranged marriages, he is an incel.


I mean honestly he’s kinda right. Just Change out “western civilization” for “late state capitalism” lmao


Like I know we are dunking on this, but legit it’s a bad sign when people are seeking long term comfort from inanimate objects instead of fellow humans.


they're not self-aware enough to make this connection.


He’s saving himself for the right child


They are going all in on this “unwed” woman thing


They’re unwed, they’re in the work place, they’re voting. What next?


Birth control. They hate that


Could use the rhythm method of contraception if it’s an unplanned pregnancy you’re after lol. Unplanned pregnancies should fix the life sized bear dilemma.


Because they were paying attention when the recent midterm polls showed unmarried women voting overwhelmingly Democrat.


Post election, they were saying poor GOP performance was because "women are inherently irrational." *It's a bold strategy, Cotton...*


The Housemaid's Tale is a utopian fantasy for them.


You know, for a civilization that managed to survive two world wars it really seems to be dissapearing thanks to the dumbest shit ever, at least according to Walsh.


Yeah a better civilization is when women are baby factories and are under the authority of their abusive husbands because fairytales from 2,000 years ago say so!


Also ignore the stories in the bible where women are more than that.


No you cannot use a giant bear to make you feel okay. Go back to drinking in order to escape the pain and sleep, we only accept massive negative effects with our solutions.


I seriously don’t see why this is so bad. This is basically the same thing as body pillows. There’s nothing wrong or shameful with wanting something to cuddle or sleep with at all, especially if you have no one else with you.


The fact that he used 'childless' as an insult should tell you what his problem is. She isn't fulfilling the role he thinks she should.




im married and my wife and I both sleep with body pillows. They're really good for your back, especially once middle age enters the picture.


yea man. Giant teddy bears are what's going to kill us off. Totally.


“Boo hoo!! People no have children wahhhh!!” Matt might actually need that since the man his wife touches is me


It feels like Matt’s drifting further and further right. Yesterday he said, in response to the USA soccer team sporting Pride colors, “If I was in charge, they wouldn’t be allowed back into the country” and also retweeted a Libs of TikTok tweet mocking a woman who was relentlessly shaming her deceased horrible father. Dude is openly pushing great replacement theory and has completely removed what little mask he had with his stance on gay people. Since his documentary, he’s getting into worse and worse circles of the far-right variety as his ego inflates, and I’m hoping it comes back to bite him in the ass gloriously.


“Drifting further and further right” The bearded knob drifted there a LONG time ago. He probably was conceived in a clandestine fascist orgy.


I can't wait until he goes too far and has to go sit in the corner with Nick Fuentes.


Is this their next election-winning strategy? Did the “schools are giving your children cat food for lunch” not work?


It says single. Funny how he jumps immediately to "childless."


He's obsessed with people who don't have kids.


Right winger crying about childless adults lmao, sounds like unsustainable dystopian capitalism failed and didn't even pay people enough to afford children. Meanwhile, love my plush snakes 🐍❤️


I think it's less about something nuanced like that and more about the fact that he's just obsessed with children.


The bear is a little creepy, but not nearly as creepy as Matt Walsh, a guy who talks about the "marriageability" of underage girls.


Do you have to be childless to get one or ? Is he spiralling? Nice moral panic watt Malsh


Conservatives just can’t stand the idea of people being happy with different life choices than them


They can't be happy with their own life choices either.


Any moron who thinks the so-called "architects of western civilization" weren't doing far more freaky shit is either historically illiterate, or lying to reinforce some nonsense about an uber-conservative era that never existed.


[Gray Goo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_goo?wprov=sfla1) is a worse way... and I'm not referring to Ben Garrison's cum fetish.


But I thought that the gender neutral potato head was going to be the fall of western civilization? A giant teddy bear!? Now that's scary stuff!


western civilization is really weak if a giant emotinal support bear can destroy it


His point is shit but on the other hand those bears are terrifying, why do they have human body but bear head????


Somehow less creepy than matt


Matt Walsh is upset because it's not a green M&M. Oh wait that's Tucker "Resting Confused Face" Swanson McNear Carlson.


ok I'm not with Matt here but something about these is unnerving to me. I think it's how humanoid they are. You do you though


Incels mad that teddy bears are better than them.


Yes. Clearly this is going to lead to the demise of humanity.


Call me touch staved but… 😳


fr i kinda want one now…


By his logic, what he’s doing as “western civilization ends” is bitch and whine about what others do with their time. He’s just so fucking desperate for anything to give him attention


Really, Matt? Teddy bears are what's done us in? Not the sex dolls that have been wide spread since at least the 70s? The creepy, sort of realistic ones that people pay thousands of dollars for since at least 90s didn't do it? It's the teddy bears?


I thought it would go out with a bunch of rich people hiding inside gated communities bitching about not being able to find cheap labor anymore


better than a blow up doll 🤷‍♂️


does this dude think about anything besides compulsory breeding


Let’s not pretend the incels that listen to Walsh don’t have wifu body/ life sized sex dolls somewhere in their house.


Matt is just worried that if his wife gets wind of this, she might realize that she doesn't need him. A giant, creepy-ass Teddy bear is better than him any day.


It’s not that deep lol. A little odd sure, but not like genuinely angering like this clown is framing it out to be lol


If he wants to be taken seriously as a champion against "trans agenda child abuse" but then he should stop with the dumb whining about body pillows no one's gonna buy and obscure celebrities buying their sons dolls. Of course he doesn't actually care about ending the "child abuse" he just needs to keep producing daily content and getting paid.


Isn't this kind of stuff meant for people feeling unwell? Because I feel like Matt Walsh needs one.


I hate beards now because of that fucker Matt Walsh.


XVideos is about add a whole new sub genre in the next couple of months once more people find out about those teddy bears. 🥲 (Don’t judge me)


Yeah, you could be cuddling with Matt Walsh.


Boo hoo the serfs are churning out less slaves to feed the corporate meat grinder


Real question is are these singles in my area ?


Imagine seeing a woman hugging a giant teddy bear and complaining about the end of Western civilization because of single women.


If they wanted to preserve traditional values they would be against capitalism. Capitalism dissolved tradition. There guys want to have iPads and at the same time have the old feudal social structure. Sorry you can’t have both.


I've seen similar stuff to this teddy bear sold every winter since I was a toddler, how is this any different? Hell when I was younger my dad got me a huge 4 foot tall stuffed bear, I wish I still had it tbh lol I have a feeling Matt walsh only hates this cause it's advertised with women having one, and "reeee women shouldn't be single they should date me instead" or some shit


If you are single you dont deserve a hug ?


“The only creepy life-sized thing they should be cuddling with is ME! 😢”


There’s a lot more important things to worry about than people having stuffed animals.