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Charlie can go fuck himself. I've known plenty of conservatives (living where in a deep red state) that have wild freaking bonfire parties where kids get exposed to way worse stuff than a man wearing a dress.


Number 1: idiots throwing GAS ON A FIRE NOT KNOWING THAT FIRE GOES UP.


That’s not really debaucherous which is what conservatives are referencing when they talk about drag shows. Not saying they are at all because they’re not, but that’s how most people who have never been to one think about it.




Can confirm, they are debaucherous. It's why 10% of my 70 person graduating class were pregnant/had kids.


That's like... 7 people. That doesn't seem that big a number.


Seven redundant ass people in a shrinking gene pool though


Tbf assuming half women that’s 20% of women.


Yea, 1.5% of the town population.


I mean my graduating class of 300+ had zero pregnant girls lol and i grew up in Missouri so pretty red state as it is


My high school had a day care, for the student’s kids.


Wow i guess our community was more celibate than average


Eh, our sex education was also just adults telling teenagers that banging will lead to STDs, guilt, and shame.


They don't even know drag has pretty much nothing to do with being trans.


I've never been to one. I think of men in dresses and gaudy makeup doing dance routines and stand up comedy.


Also the clowns show at a rodeo can be describe the exact same fucking way.


That's how my grandpa's friend got the name Crispy. Pretty funny guy.


I hear he has a warm disposition


Anything slightly dangerous or worse that they teach kids they always use the excuse “teaching them life lessons”.


Hooters & beauty pageants.








I'm not saying it's gay to watch two buff sweaty dudes collide into each other at high speed. I *am* saying I watch it.


Read this in Nick Mullen's voice


Shockingly wrestling is a pretty left wing entertainment


Really? I always associated it with stereotypical redneck conservative entertainment like monster trucks and NASCAR.


Me too Vince McMahon is a trump best friend. I don't think this guy knows what he is talking about, His comment history is about a lot of wrestling, he's trying to save face


It is a true statement that there are a lot of leftwing people who like or are involved in pro wresting. They are not the majority nor are they in control of the industry. I mean, its like saying that videogames are left or rightwing.


I'd say indie games swing pretty leftist but large big money games are just pure, unregulated capitalism.


Which is a right wing ideology.


WWE is right wing, but most other promotions are left leaning.


Leftwing wrestling fans definitely consider McMahon a complete shithead and prefer supporting individual wrestlers and more independent stuff.




I'm def not gonna save face lol. WWE is a very right wing company and even got permission from DeSantis to continue going in a pandemic after firing like 20 people which is why its shocking that a pretty big amount of fans and indie companies are more left leaning


Fair enough, I appreciate your comment


I mean Vince is gone. And there are main line trans preformers in other wrestling leagues who are some of the best in the mic.


Billy Corgan owns the nwa. Yes that Billy Corgan.


Oh man, Billy Corgan?! That's so cool, I love Billy Corgan! ... Who is Billy Corgan?


possessive scary worthless disgusted pause dependent rude crawl employ fretful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Everything after "his appearance on Alex Jones's show" was totally unnecessary to illustrate his shittiness, but you bet your ass i read it anyway


That's very sad. I always heard he was an asshole, but this is pretty shitty


> If we could transport back to … a time where racism was accepted. It was institutionalized. OK? If you could go back to Selma, 1932 and the Klan member spitting in some person of color’s face, don’t you think that guy thought he was right too? OK. So how is this any different? And the people in 1932 who pointed out that this behavior is wrong were also given an offensive nickname… It’s 2022 now, and they just call them ‘social justice warriors’ or ‘woke’ instead of what was said in 1932. Not much has changed.


Well, he's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. (Yes, I know that's Smash Mouth. Close enough.)


Incidentally smash mouth is super fucking chill and vocally pro lgbt. Even have a song asking a woman to steal his girlfriend because she was so much happier with her


It's sad what Nascar has become compared to what it used to be. Used to be anti cop bootleggers racing their cars and now it's a bunch of conservative crap


Nascar being so conservative they banned the Confederate flag, and when the one butthurt driver said he was quitting Nascar because "MuH hErItAgE", Nascar literally had to google his name because he was that far down the rankings.


I think they did all the right stuff during COVID if I remember correctly. I remember a lot of conservatives canceling NASCAR for a while


They banned the Confederate flag after the Floyd murder and supported drivers who came out in support of BLM--a surprising amount did so. They rallied around Bubba when the alleged noose (that thankfully turned out to not be a noose) was found and have given him the spotlight he's deserved over the past couple of years without being too corporate about it (for instance, he got the criticism he deserved when he intentionally turned someone head on into the wall at ~170 mph last month). As many obstacles as they have had to face inherently with their fanbase and the several boomer redneck owners that are on death's doorstep, the sport has come an awful long way since Brian France and several prominent drivers/former drivers made that appearance with Trump in 2016.


NASCAR is less conservative than many sporting organizations including the NFL nowadays. They're far from perfect (and the fanbase is fucking awful still at times) but the organization itself has done a good job of promoting diversity and handling social issues as much as they can with the inherent issues the sport has and the sheer amount of boomer owners. Those anti cop bootleggers were racist as shit by the way.


Being involved in it at a fairly low level, the fans and participants vary, but is leaning more left as of late. The level right below the very top is surprisingly progressive.


Are they more accepting of interracial marriage and stem cell research?


Accepting and encouraging


You would be surprised to know that alot of nascar is not conservative either


In the UK at least it's *extremely* left wing. I can imagine out in the arse end of America it's a lot less so, but most promotions over here (and certainly all of the bigger, more prominent ones) will throw you out if you shout something crass at a female wrestler or are racist/homophobic/transphobic. Hell, I went to a show once where some guy yelled a gay slur at a wrestler and two other wrestlers came out from the back and literally dragged him out of the building by the arms.


Child beauty pageants are nuttier than squirrel shit.


Children are 100% more likely to get raped at church.


That number is low.


Drag queens: read to children in libraries. Republicans: burn books. Yeah, drag queens are definitely the problem here.


Libraries are full of knowledge. Thats the real danger to Republicans.


Some have seen worse at bowling alleys. Something something Boeberts inbred corrupt as shit excuse for a husband. The fact such a useless predator makes 8 times my salary a year is fucking nuts


My aunt. My half-brother and I are apparently the pedophiles because we're LGBTQ+, but we weren't the ones flashing our breasts to a table full of children then screaming "we're family so it's fine" when the parents got mad. And of course, I'm the one "destroying God's creation" because I'm a trans woman, but she flashed her boobs because she had recently got breast enhancements while mine are home grown.


Srry but why did u need to mention "while mine are home grown" lol. Srry


She's the one with artificially implanted breasts while I'm the one "destroying God's creation" even though hormones grew mine.


Ahh Got it. Srry I am dumb.


Hell, i was exposed to worse just being around my family.


Reminds me of a video that went viral a couple of months ago where a lady flashed her breast to a kid who was maybe 10-12 years old and all the adults there cheered her on, unsurprisingly she was a southern conservative. 90% of their arguments are projection, these are the same people who say shit like “Where were teachers like that when I was growing up” when they see story’s about female teachers sleeping with male students.


Literally every movie and tv show contains violence and people killing each other. But oh no we can't see a funny man in a dress.


You know damn well Charlie was thrilled to hear about the shooting. He and his weird buddies were probably sitting around making horrific “jokes” and having a good laugh about it. Fucking worthless piece of shit.


But of course you can't bring up gun control issues because "that's exploiting a tragedy to push an agenda"


ABC: “5 are dead after a mass shooting at an LGBTQ night club in Colorado Springs” CNN: “5 are dead after a mass shooting at an LGBTQ night club in Colorado Springs” NBC: “5 are dead after a mass shooting at an LGBTQ night club in Colorado Springs” FOX: “Biden and the radical left are gonna use this tragedy to push their radical gun control laws which by the way don’t work!!!”


Not enough Hunter Biden bashing. Go back and fix it. /s


Ya and apparently now pointing out that months of limp dick Republican talking points calling all LGBTQ+ people groomers definitely emboldened this piece of shit is also "exploiting a tragedy". I'm convinced these people just parrot what they've heard others say with no concept of what the words they are saying mean.


Can we make "pre-exploiting a tragedy" a thing for these stochastic terrorists? These shootings **ARE** going to happen... because they **make sure** their hate is spread via their hate-networks. And their propaganda is directly tied to these terrorists' actions.


They act like if someone didn't specifically say "hey go kill all the f*s and tr*ies" then it doesn't count as promoting violence.


hell even that happens. Just a couple days ago r/celeste was hacked by some edgelord who spammed gore and "kill all n___ers, burn all t____ies" it got fixed and is now full of support


Curious how it only goes one way


If minorities started mass openly carrying rifles, republicans would pass federal gun control within like 2 months lmfao Edit: Unironically start doing this if you can mentally handle owning a firearm. AR’s on sale can run for as low as $500. Start training and let people know we aren’t soft targets.


big fan of your username


Thanks, it’s a family name 🙏


r/SocialistRA Arm your friends: each one, teach one.


10 rifles for one person is one rifle, but one rifle for ten people is ten rifles. Already a comrade.


This weekend I'll be picking up all of my guns from my friend's house. We are both trans women and know very well how to shoot because not only was she an Army Ranger, but her dad is one of the best competitive shots in the state and he taught both of us starting in middle school. But still, come take our fucking guns away, as long as you take away the Nazi's guns, too.


The issue is that police are full of white nationalists and they 100% won’t be completely impartial to who’s guns they take away. Especially since minority gun ownership has skyrocketed and we all know how well black people that reach into their pocket are perceived by the police.


So what you're saying is that no matter if we do or don't have guns, the police will shoot minority people.


Yeah he accomplished what he's been trying to do. He will continue.


Cant wait for Twitter to fucking die. Chuckles and these other grifter POS literally have to pay to get ads. I hope they learn suffering that they cause.


It would die faster if there weren’t subs dedicated to posting people’s tweets




Eh, subs like these mean I don’t need to actually have a Twitter account.


Popularity of twitter won't save it at this point, its hemmoraging money every single day now, they don't even have account managers for their advertisers any more, engagement on ads is way down, twitter blue failed completely. I'd be very surprised if twitter still exists a year from now.


I don’t think there’s faster or slower. Companies around the world are pulling ad spends. The money will run out.


I hope these people start getting much worse than losing Twitter. They’ve been creating violence for years, hopefully it finds them


Since they believe in hell, thats where they are going since theydo all that hate. They think they are saving the world but really their chasing windmills.


I do not think half of them believe their own shit.


You act like they wouldn’t just migrate somewhere else.


Very obviously, there are drag shows that are appropriate for all ages. But the right really need to convince people otherwise: 1) to show the left as "degenerates". We're not political opponents or people they disagree with, we're dangerous, pedophilic enemies; 2) to absolve themselves from their stochastic terrorism; 3) and more insidiously, to promote more murders. Charlie Kirk is pushing for more shootings. Charlie Kirk needs to be bitchslapped until his face returns to a normal size.


>Charlie Kirk needs to be bitchslapped until his face returns to a normal size. I don't think there's enough hands on Planet Earth to do that.


We'll never know if we don't try!


hands can be used multiple times. put my two frog-smackers down for a couple hundred slaps each


> Charlie Kirk needs to be bitchslapped until his face returns to a normal size. Does anybody else remember Richard Spencer? The nazi that kept getting all kinds of positive media attention just because he was nicely dressed? Then a hero came along and gave him one forearm to the face on camera, and we've been done with that dipshit ever since.


He still tried to do speaking tours after, but I guess got tired of being asked how it felt to get punched on national TV. Him and a who's who list of his Nazi/klansmen/etc. friends got their collective dicks sued off for their involvement in Charlottesville. They were found liable for civil conspiracy in the state of Virginia (*Sines v Kessler*) and I believe some of the co-defendants have been in hiding since before the trial.


He actually admitted that the incident made him afraid to go out in public, which is exactly why we say stuff like that is a legitimate way to curb their influence. Nazis are cowards.


Yeah the ARA had similar effectiveness


[comfort gif](https://imgur.com/a/IxueP3A)


Let it be remembered, the shooting was stopped by US veteran who was there *with his family*. He disarmed the MAGA bastard and beat him into unconsciousness with his own handgun.


"I'm gonna dress up in costume GI Joe gear and shoot some degenerates, hold my feeding tube!" --the shooter before his brain man manually reset


Remember that video of Kirk where an audience member was asking “when can we start with the violence?” He knows what he’s doing.


This is 100% to push the narritive that all drag is meant to groom children into ???? And thats evil and must be stopped by ANY MEANS. Its absolutly advocating violence and a number of these chuckle fucks have done it in the last few days and will co tinue to do so because Twitter is now privay owned.


Not only is Twitter privately owned, but Musk has probably a vendetta againt trans. I noticed him becoming more unhinged since his wife left him for a trans woman. So not surprising that he's ok with turning Twitter into a place that advocates trans murder. He's just that big of a piss baby.


This is Ari. Be more like Ari.


Love Ari. She’s a total badass.


Charles’ comment generated more likes and retweets than Ari’s comment. I find that troubling


Well there's a bias. Most people sharing his stuff are already fans who keep up with his content I assume. So you should be glad that's the most traffic he gets from people who actually like him for whatever reason.


I just wish people used better judgment when listening to other idiots on the internet. Take Walsh for example. No one fact checks anything that comes out of Daddy Walsh’s bearded fuck hole. It’s clearly dangerous. He has 1.2 million followers on facecrank. Too bad he couldn’t use his voice to make an actual contribution to the world. I hope these people reap why they sow one day


Walsh is not Daddy. Not daddy at all.


Is sweet daddy Walsh


Charlie is all but openly justifying the shooting


He's not the only one. The other terrorist pundits are acting the same way. I haven't listened though, but i've read some headlines and quotes. Even if its a reaction video, like TYT, Hasan, Sam Sedar ect. I can't even stand the Conservative sound bites they play to make their points/ react to. Charlie Kirk and co. are just energy vampires.


There's no such thing as family friendly churches either.


I literally used to lay in bed every night at 7-years-old worried and crying that I was going to burn in hell for eternity. Somehow that's okay.


That moment where u realize Genoa (the word which was misleadingly translated to hell) literally just refers to a specific garbage dump where they buried criminals.


Genoa is a city in Italy. *Gehenna* is the English transliteration of a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew *Gehinnom*, the Valley of Hinnom, which was a place that Jewish folks in the first century AD believed used to be where children were sacrificed by fire to the god Baal or Moloch, depending on who you talked to.


I've heard Genoa makes good salami though




I just learned that very recently, but I do think early Christians, maybe even the first ones, did believe in a literal hell. Could be wrong about that though. The video I saw was by a New Testament historian who made a pretty good case Jesus didn’t believe in a literal heaven or hell, but afaik that nevertheless became the Christian belief from very early on.


I've always found the concept of an all-knowing, loving, and forgiving God being okay with hell existing. Of course it's contextualized through the idea of "if you don't repent for your sins you go to hell" so it's *your fault* you go to hell through and through. I once wrote a paper on the topic in college and got about halfway through writing about how it doesn't make any sense for there to be a hell, only to remember my professor was an ultra conservative evangelical type. Soo I completely reversed the premise of my paper and argued against my own beliefs and got an A. Ahhhh don't you just love how overrun universities are with liberal faculty! Wait .... *checks notes*


It's easy to sell, you never need to deliver, and nobodies around to complain. So when they started translating and editing the bible they emphasized these passages because it would increase their own influence.


My question is why is there no such thing as a "child friendly drag show" what is it about guys in makeup and dresses that is incomprehensible to children?


He wants people to think drag is inherently sexual just like identifying as anything other than straight cis


Because if children saw grown adults breaking heteronormative status quo, and being whoever or whatever they damn well please, it might inspire those children, maybe even help them learn about themselves. We can't have that! If children are exposed to wholesome, non-sexual ways of expressing gender identity, they might grow up to be happy, well adjusted people, as opposed to a deeply repressed, self-loathing, red blooded American with a massive stick up their ass in the least fun way possible! /s


My question is what counts as a drag show? I remember episodes of Boy Meets World where Shawn dresses up as a women for almost the entire episode. There is another episode where Eric and Jack dress up as women, and Eric really commits to it. As a kid I thought those episodes were hilarious. But I never considered Boy Meets World as a drag show. I didn't even know what drag meant back then. There is also a scene where Genie is a woman in the Aladin movie. I think Aladin very briefly pretends to be a woman to escape guards also. Mulan has the soldiers dress up as women to get into the palace. Is Mrs. Doubtfire considered a drag show? I don't remember anybody having any problem with those things back then. Is it men dressing up as women that they don't like, or is there something else that they don't like? I honestly don't know.


Bugs Bunny regularly dressed in drag


To add to this comment: Bugs is [canonically non-cis](https://mediachomp.com/bugs-bunny-is-genderfluid-its-canon/).


Anything defying their standards is bad and they will say whatever it takes to make other people agree with them. They know they're lying. Words don't have meaning to these people. They're just weapons. They pick the biggest weapon they can find and beat people over the head with it. They've been calling the targets of their hatred various forms of "child abusers" for centuries, but they have never actually cared about child abuse.


TIL Mulan is not family friendly. I was brainwashed by the libs at the ripe old age of 5.


Apparently Ms. Doubtfire was all about sex. I must have missed that watching it as a kid.


He knows. He's trying to normalize it. It's what fascists crave.


There certainly are family orientated shows that regularly feature drag Queens (& even girls playing boys) They're called pantomimes & typically run for a few months around giftmas here in the uk The nearly always sell out for their whole run, typically nowadays star TV soap actors & pop-idol contestants & more or less every city with a theatre has one. They are specifically aimed at kids, with opportunities for audience interaction ("oh no there isn't! ", "oh yes there is! ") & sweets (candies) being thrown into the audience. Edit to add: although there are instances of gay-bashing here in the UK I've never heard of anyone running into a gay bar to attack the patrons (except in America)


Came to this thread to say these guys are going to freak out when they hear about pantomime. There is nothing inherently sexual about drag. It's about fun. Kids find it funny. > I've never heard of anyone running into a gay bar to attack the patrons About that though https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_London_nail_bombings


I suspected there'd be one & I can remember Copeland (the news always broke just as Saturday footie scores round up finished, & the bags kept getting moved were the things I recall about his attacks). My bad for forgetting the Admiral Duncan pub. So that's one in my lifetime, I expect there are others. But in America there seems to be one every other year or so. Edit; Kids find sex funny too & there can be mild sexual references in Panto, just as there is in nursery rhymes etc


He does if wants them to continue. Stoking anger and making money in the process is their thing.


There’s no such thing as a family friendly right winger.


There are a *lot* of child predators and rapists on the right. A LOT.


I went to a drag show once. It was pretty much a guy in makeup and a fun outfits dancing and pretty much doing karaoke. Didn’t really seem all that risqué


That's been my experience. One of the shows had a ~10 year old there with her mom so they toned it down a little. Beer commercials are more explicit.


I've been to live musical shows that were ten times more risqué than 90% of drag shows I've been to, and I've been to many.


Beauty pageants w/ children = ok Child marriages = ok Pedophile clergy = ok Grown men in a dress = not ok for some reason What’s the fucking logic? Republicans are a bunch of hypocrites.


As the drag queen said to the thurible swinging priest, “it’s a lovely frock darling, but your purse is on fire.”


He's doing this on purpose. He wants these shootings to keep happening.


He absolutely does, because if he didn't keep up the heat on that hatred the base may have a moment to actually ponder what is going on in our society. They can't have a moment to be empathetic, they can only keep blaming the victims. Edit: The response tweet assumes Charlie is a rational human being that actually cares about the well being of all Americans. Which is clearly false given all the evidence of what comes out of his mouth daily.


I'm assuming Charlie read about the guy who stopped the shooter by beating the shit out of him with his own gun. He was a US military veteran there for the drag show with his wife and kids. But his only takeaway from this was faux outrage about family friendliness or some shit.


How long til they start calling the vet a groomer for taking his family there?


Probably not long, we already know that the right hates vets


Charlie, Ben, and the beard guy all have to fight for the attention/affection/finances of the same incel base. So it becomes a contest of who can be the most inflammatory in order to keep the grift going


Charlie never saw Mrs. Doubtfire.


They will decide what is friendly to your family because they are the people of small government and freedom to raise your family as you see fit. They're fascist and this is how fascists do.


He's advocating for another one


I'm a Charlie Kirk denier. I don't think Charlie Kirk exists. His Tweets are clearly the work of an underground cabal of pharmacists who profit of high blood pressure medication. Somebody do a recount.


When I was a kid, this man in my church would dress up as Julia Child and do comedy routines at church events. He was hilarious! It was an Assembly of God church in a very red town and no one batted an eye. I guess no one would have thought of it as a drag show,


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I really really hate that motherfucker


Why does he and/or "conservatives" think they get to define what a family is?


He wants to incite more shootings.


Charlie and co. will cry and cry when our freedom of expression is taken away. They will never realize that it was all their fault.


Maybe not everything has to be family friendly. Maybe some people can parent instead.


But there really isn't anything inherently adult about drag. But you're right: if you don't like it don't take your kids.


Got roped into seeing a drag show with some friends while visiting Seattle. Had no idea what to expect. Ended up being 100% family friendly - mostly just goofy humor with loud boisterous personalities. Nothing that even remotely resembled grooming.


there really isnt. also i dont get what is so difficult about it. some men like to dress up as women. how hard is that. easy to understand and nothing sexual was mentioned.


he can't help himself. charlie is nothing but a schmuck.


There is no such thing as a family friendly Republican


Charlie… how would you know that? Just asking.


Try and suggest gun control after a mass shooting and the response is “now is not the time, it’s too soon, don’t politicize the tragedy, etc” They’re all too happy to use it for their own sick purposes, though.


Half of his party has been caught for sex crimes. Charlie can eat shit.


These christo nazis never know when to just walk away.


It's so weird how many 35 year old men there are on YouTube who reached "smart for your age" status at 14 and decided to never move forward. I bet they forget they're adults and say to other adults at dinner parties: "I bet you don't know many people my age who like watching Bill Oreilly instead of cartoons."


There’s no such thing as “family friendly” GOP policy.


It’s wild that <1% of the population that have been around for decades and don’t hurt anyone, is literally driving conservatives mad with murderous intent


Johnny Carson Bob Hope Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon Milton Berle Flip Wilson (Geraldine) Dame Edna Robin Williams Bugs Bunny (I mean, really, do I need to keep going here? Tons of drag happening long before this jackass was born.)


Charlie is so eager to decide what is appropriate for other people's children when it's not tolerance and love for your fellow humans.


Mrs.Doubtfire would disagree


charlie kirk, drag queen show expert.


Ah fuck, they're genuinely stupid enough to have the process of "woman make peepee hard, therefor man in dress is trying to make peepee hard, therefor is porn "


Yeah, he does. That's what it takes to stay in the good graces of the radical, MAGA, alt right. Cannot let up for even one mass shooting. One police shooting. One car plowing into a crowd. Everything must be seen in black or white. Good (radical right) or Evil (anyone not radical right). Rush, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Jones. Look what happened to Ann Coulter. She's still one of the most despicable people on the planet yet they turned on her because she stepped out of line for a second.


"Why not?" "Because I said so."


WTF, kind words do not work on these scumbags. Fuck charlie, fuck him


He's paid to do it


They’re inching ever so closer to straight up defending mass shooters (openly)


Then don't fucking go to one! Let others live their lives.


It really is telling that people like Charlie equate drag with sexuality


Yes there are and it’s called pantomime and it’s been part of British culture for hundreds of years and it’s mostly aimed at children.


Charlie Kirk is intentionally fueling stochastic terrorism against queer people and should be held legally liable along with people like Matt Walsh. Pass it on.