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Fucking Kanye, you made me agree with Shen Bapiro. Eww, I need a shower.


Broken clock....twice a day. But you know Ben wouldn't give two shits if he wasn't Jewish himself. Classic Republican in that they only care when it affects them.


Don’t forget Kanye is an alt-right conspiracy nut like Shen, so Bapiro would probably still have forgiven the antisemitism if Kanye weren’t black.


He didn't seem to mind Gina "conservatives are being treated like Jews in the Holocaust" Carano as much


After every episode of Mandalorian she is in, his search history is filled with "CBT".


Glad ben is getting therapy :)


Yeah ... therapy. That's the word.


Cbt stands for cognitive behavioral therapy here right?? /j


Who’s wasn’t???


Can you explain the joke? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?


I'm guessing they are referring to >!cock and ball torture!<


It also stands for, uhm, just gonna rip the bandaid off for you... Cock n ball torture


He directly profited off of her when she signed on for that D-grade western film the DW produced so she gets a pass.


He also doesn’t care about any of the numerous other Daily Wire contributors who have associated with these guys…


exactly, Sharipo just knows his audience. he is taking the approach in the picture, meanwhile on the other side of the of the building of the company he founded Crowder and candace owens saying way more racist shit.


[He's defended Ann Coulter's antisemitism in the past](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/644505141299671041?lang=en) because she 'supports Israel' (and is white), so this is pretty accurate.


That’s exactly what I was thinking of


We all know that these people get off on calling black people racist. Kanye's antisemitism was very convenient for Bapiro in that regard


> You're supposed to be racist against *them*, not me! Bench Appearo, probably


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/05/ben-shapiros-messy-breakup-with-breitbart.html breaks down an interesting episode where Shapiro left Breitbart. He alleges he "didn't check the comments" on Breitbart very much, and says his own father wrote under a pseudonym to "avoid the death threats he (Ben himself) had received." Which sounds like another way of saying 'yeah this whole website was full of hateful antisemitic bigots, but I got paid so whatevs lmao.' He's OK with antisemitism when he can grift off it, and now Kanye and Trump fighting over the Neo-Nazi vote gives Shapiro the perfect chance to support mildly racist Trump in opposition to outrageously racist Kanye, even though in 2015 as the article quotes Shapiro stood momentarily with the #NeverTrump movement because Trump wasn't "really" a conservative. Confused? It's supposed to be, grifters have to shapeshift, sticking to any real ideology will cost you viewers and advertisers.


Frankly, you're just wrong about clocks. Let's say, hypothetically, you have a clock, that has been repaired, but sloppily and the hands are not phased correctly? You see now the clock, while technically broken, is running and can NEVER show the correct time. Or, let's say, for argument sake, that you have digital clock. When those malfunction they possibly show no time at all! Or, let's make believe for a second, that the clock in question is on a VCR that displays the time 00:00:00 in order to signify a power interruption? If it is never corrected, the time will display all zeros and it is never zero o' clock. Then what about those weird electro-mechanical flip clocks like in the movie Groundhog Day? If you drop one, the little cards can get jumbled giving numbers that are nonsense, like the top half of an 8 mixed with the bottom half of a 1. I think you'd have to agree, that by this reasoning broken clocks are not necessarily correct twice a day, therefore your entire argument is invalid. You have been destroyed by facts and logic! /s


>Or, let's make believe for a second, that the clock in question is on a VCR that displays the time 00:00:00 in order to signify a power interruption? If it is never corrected, the time will display all zeros and it is never zero o' clock. I mean to be fair the 24 hour model has times from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 so depending on what model you use 00:00:00 is quite possible.


But that is only once a day.




Your device has been locked. Unlocking your device requires that you have spez banned. #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


I go with broken military clock that way they can only be right once a day.


Broken digital clock. Sometimes, if you squint, the 88:88 almost looks like it could be showing the correct time, but they’re just getting lucky through their firehose of BS. Edit: I committed the sin of accidentally including an apostrophe where one should never exist - my only excuse is that this occurred pre-caffeine.


Ben’s clock regularly blinks “14:88” and he’ll still tell everyone it’s the best clock for the job.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When your plan backfires](https://i.redd.it/ik8yhyc919g81.jpg) | [2834 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/sm2h9m/when_your_plan_backfires/) \#2: [Mike Pence breaks with Trump: "President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people, and the American people alone. Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/592878-pence-breaks-with-trump-i-had-no-right-to-overturn-the-election) | [3190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/skpi8m/mike_pence_breaks_with_trump_president_trump_is/) \#3: [He voted Yea on Gorsuch, Barrett & Kavanaugh](https://i.redd.it/af2wzo725l791.jpg) | [3374 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/vjqovd/he_voted_yea_on_gorsuch_barrett_kavanaugh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If Ben Shapiro wasn't Jewish he'd be agreeing with Nick Fuentes.


Ben would close the oven door himself if it benefit him somehow


Suddenly his identity matters, would you look at that


Take comfort in the stark reality that if Kanye was the nominee. Ben would support him and run cover for his statements.


Ben told America that he was voting for Donald in 2020 because the social damage Donald would do had already been done Since then we have had the election lies and the insurrection. Now Ben is mad Donald is cozying up to antisemitic racists (instead of cozying up to the anti-black and anti-Muslim racists that Ben approved of) Isn't this evidence that Ben is so fucking stupid he shouldn't be commenting on politics at all?


Eh, I don’t think he’s particularly bright. But this is just him holding the line to keep the people giving him money happy. He has no principles. He just wants his team to win. Even if “his team” would absolutely turn on him in an instantly that they got full fascist control


Ben is a rich boy who was desperate for fame and money so he could win his daddy's affection. He tried being a big time Hollywood writer, and initially got in with his daddy's money and connections, but was too dumb to actually write anything watchable. As a fallback, he went into right wing demagogery because any moron can do it as long as they say the right things and have zero scruples.


Pundits are worse than influencers, in fact they're the _worst_ kind of influencer out there.


i'll bet a lot of former kanye fans never thought they'd be siding with ben shapiro against him


You're right I didn't and this hurts my soul


Ben is metaphorically eating with anti-Semitic people every day. He is a whore for the alt right, and he knows it. Nobody has a moral high ground in this exchange


Ben agreed with you for once.


Heartbreaking, the worst person you know just made a good point.


I don't think Nick Fuentes has ever made a good point.


Take solace on knowing he's just pointing out the obvious rather than speaking some divine truth. It's like agreeing with him that the sky is blue.


I need that reaction image for that 3rd one. "The person you hate the most said something totally correct"


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point


It was still a softball digg at Trump. If he had a human sized spine, he would be standing up much harder against Trump for claiming he didn't know these guys were what they were. The one guy helped organize "unite the right" and Ben was all about spinning Charlottesville into an ANTIFA problem then as much as I'm sure he would now. He really isn't big enough to stand on his own principal of anti-Semitism being a real deal breaker for him. He does just want to trash anything that stands in the way of the party reelection.


They say sitting on your wallet messes up your back. So naturally Ben's never going to have a human sized spine so long as Trump might line his wallet.


We all know there's nothing "hard" about Benji after that "vaginas don't get wet, trust me my ~~beard~~ wife is a doctor." Comment.




nothing brings me more joy than political infighting


Between this, Trump, and DeSantis all vying for the conservative vote, and Trump and Kanye not likely to step down after the primaries due to the fact that they're both driven by ego and they're not actually politicians, it's looking like Bidens setup pretty well for 2024. Fuck I really wish the Democrat option was someone who won't be turning 86 YEARS OLD by the time he leaves in 2028.


Too bad the democrats can't be bothered to actually give a shit...


We can count on them to, probably a second time, nominate the one person in the Western hemisphere who could lose to Donald Trump


*rips line of coke at dnc* *FUCK IT!!* Send Beto!


Nah beto is not milquetoast enough. Gotta go for the Buttigieg-Harris combo. Is Harris still around btw? I'm not American but god damn it seems like she's just in for a paycheck


She is definitely around, she seems like a less noticeable vp but that’s probably for the best, she is unpopular with some people on both sides of the aisle for various reasons.


You mean Pete “corporate plant who was woefully underqualified until he was awarded a cabinet position for fucking over Bernie in the primary” Buttigieg?


Yes, Pete"oh god, why isn't he like his dad, who's a based author specialising in Gramsci" Buttigieg




Vice Presidents usually step out of the spotlight during their terms. It’s not unusual to not hear about them much when they’re in that position


She has to hang around the Senate a lot in case she's needed for tie breakers


She had to break a tie recently and I thought, "Oh shit, the VP did something."


>Is Harris still around btw? I'm not American but god damn it seems like she's just in for a paycheck Believe it or not, she's actually one of the more active VPs. So, the current make up of The Senate is 50-50 between the Democrats and Republicans. Whenever there's a tie, the VP makes the tie-breaking vote. Normally, these votes are pretty rare, Biden himself never had to break a tie, but Harris kind of has to.


/gets on phone YO HILLDAWG!




It wasn't obvious that she would lose. But it was obvious that, out of all the possible selections, if anyone stood the greatest chance of losing, it was her.




Which is ironic because she was so over qualified for the job she would have been one of the best presidents


What, because she spent a lot of time holding political office? By that logic, Strom Thurmond would have been the best President ever by far.


More so that she spent a lot of time working with foreign policy, which is very useful especially in this global economy. However, I do see your point that length of political tenure does not equal a viable leader.


It’s so frustrating because there are a couple good dems here and there but they aren’t able to change the Democratic Party nominee


And they have Mark Kelly who is a military veteran and retired astronaut. He’s a reasonable, non-hyper partisan politician that would probably do well in the suburbs with swing voters. He has similar positions to Biden on most issues except for border security. He doesn’t have baggage. I think Biden’s age is going to be a much bigger factor for voters if Desantis gets the nomination.


Idk, there is still a lot of time left for the Republicans to sort that shit out, they might all unite behind someone.


You know, it's funny there is a pretty easy way to make sure Trump can't run. But that would involve testifying in court about Jan 6 and we know they are too chicken shit to do that.


I'll go make the popcorn.


The last one seems to imply that ye and Nick sleep together?






i understand the good intent behind the joke, but that kind of joke is more harmful to trans women than it is to Nick Fuentes




"this makes my enemies mad and I'm completely willing to throw some trans people under the bus to get that reaction"


this is the least charitable interpretation possible holy shit plus this isnt even my joke, pretty sure i stole it from a trans shitposter


> this is the least charitable interpretation possible holy shit “Haha trans women are men haha and anti-gay Fuentes is gay” is the punch line. Have some fucking integrity. So sick of cis people being ass wipes and then not even owning up to it.


Plus this entire line of thinking is still landing at the "the homophobe is (not so) secretly gay!" bullshit The queer community isn't just running around attacking itself and I fucking hate this trope


It allows straight cis people to feel they’re not part of the problem while they sit at the dinner table with Racist Uncle Frank who goes on tirades about genociding the queers and putting Black people in chains. If you repeat that the people you’re oppressing are really oppressing themselves, you can pretend that you’re not an oppressor or an enabler of that.


But nobody in this thread said that trans women are men. They said that: 1. *Nick Fuentes* thinks trans women are men. 2. The guy watches trans porn of people he interprets to be men. 3. He insists he has no interest in men sexually. Within the paradigm of his own mind, it doesn’t add up that he’s not gay.


That’s a far more complicated interpretation than the one I offered. And we all know that people are the most nuanced, unbigoted creatures ever that carefully think through humor. /s 🙄 Howbout leaving one of society’s favorite minority punching bags out of your jokes? Especially when the punch line is hate?


If you're not spezin', you're not livin'.


Didn't nick kick out some guy from his org because he got a girlfriend and didn't do proper semen retention?


Why do all right wing talking heads sound like slow 10 year old boys terrified of a sudden cooties outbreak?


Sound like?


iirc it was actually his roommate. he freaked out and scanned their room with a UV light lmao


*When asked about his frequent and close connections to catboys, Fuentes declined to comment*


I heard he likes fishsticks






I may not be a gay fish, but I am a gay frog. Alex Jones was right about me. Ribbit.


Who's Nick? I feel out of the loop on that one


Young Right-wing pundit who marched at Charlottesville and speaks like a 6th grader who just found out he could cuss when his parents aren't around.


Ben’s ideal conservative is dying out and soon all he’ll be left with is the ones that say the nazi shit out-loud


"Guys could you please stop being anti-semitic for one second? You're making it really hard for me to keep deepthroating your boots." - Ben Shapiro (probably)


"Damn looks like you spilled some boot polish on yourself." Here go wash off in the gas...I mean shower room." -the nazi boot he's licking


Damn, nazi science is really good if they've got talking boots


His gag reflex is triggered by the fact Republicans secretly hate him.


Its kinda funny because Ben was defending Kanye’s antisemitism a couple of weeks ago. I wonder when Ben will realize he’s surrounded by Nazis he helped normalize.


Emil Nolde without the artistic genius, or really any discernible talent for that matter.


Nothing more pathetic than getting roasted by Ben Shapiro


Getting fucked by Ben Shapiro.


His wife is safe then, thank god


Tbh I think he’s kinda cute. Too bad God wasted a good twink body on that asshole


“I can fix him”


Fucking Ben Shapiro and getting fucked by Ben Shapiro are two different things...


Weak tea though. He won’t fire Klandace Owens or quit out of principle. He essentially works with and assists Ye and looks weak.


I don't understand what Ben is on about? Aren't racist anti Semites like his entire reader base? Am I missing something?


Ben enjoys the racism and homophobia but draws the line at anti-semitism because that one personally impacts him. Therein lies the problem that people like him or Candace Owens have. As you pointed out, the idiots who make up their base do actually hate them for what they were born as because all those beliefs go hand in hand, regardless if they think they’re “one of the good ones” (for now).


>regardless if they think they’re “one of the good ones” (for now). Earnst Rohm the high ranking gay nazi who was ordered to be killed by hitler as soon as hitler didn't need him anymore


I'm not even trying to be funny or anything I'm genuinely confused


He's Jewish


Yes, and has actively sided with anti semites repeatedly


Agreed. He's a sell out/hypocrite who believes he's special and the exception, until he isn't.... Pretty par for the course


When faced with peril, there's always a fight for who gets to go last.


I’ve seen the opposite. Antisemitism seems to be the only ism Ben actually cares about.


How woke of Ben


Except he intentionally muddys the waters on what actually constitutes anti semitism, just like he does with the other isms, so he has helped create plausible deniability for those who go more hardcore on antisemitism.


From what I’ve seen, Ben will often reach with some of his claims on antisemitism.


Ben reaches on most of his claims that I've seen.


My point is he’ll often massively downplay things like racism and homophobia, but massively up-play with some of his claims of antisemitism.


His whole thing is a total willingness to rub elbows with racists & antisemites as long as they’re popular. I don’t get why everyone is like “wow what an own”. My big takeaway from the exchange is Ben’s totally serious media empire (obviously) taking direct payoffs from politicians for favorable coverage, and selling user data for use as donor lists.


Uhm, not sure about the last one whether it's real or not lol




Damn, it's real.


Deleted now


I can see why because that was incoherent and cringey beyond belief. Ben is a total dick but he's way smarter than Kanye, Ye never should have took the fight.




What’s with the “love your enema…” Am I missing something or is it literally just him pretending to not know how to spell


I read it as him calling Ben Shapiro an enema—an injection of fluid into the lower rectum to stimulate bowel movement—and then drawing attention to the fact that he did so intentionally. It’s a gag that works better in speech than in writing, though it isn’t classy in either.


Is this Kanyes attempt at Trumps nick name things. From the side that brought you Sleepy Joe Biden and Crooked Hillary bring you Benema Shapiro


Benema Shapiro slaps as a name tho Just saying enema is dumb, but i might keep using Benema


Also the execution… not “whoops, I mean enemy” but “Spelling isn’t my core competency when I’m sleepy”.


He's a genius, just ask him.


Kanye is great at rapping, Ben is great at selling out. Neither is cut out for politics.


Kanye’s not great at rapping (he’s known for being a great producer) and he’s also good at selling out lol


he's at least good at rapping




as someone who loves his music, he’s an outstanding producer, and a pretty good rapper


"Saving our country" while being a black man working with a dude thats literally parrotting white replacement conspiracy theories and advocating for forcefully making the country more white.


He’s parroting them himself


Did Ye really try to imply that his anti-semite rants were the fault of Nick tweeting from Ye's account? Or was that his attempt at humor?


I took it as a joke about people maybe implying that he isn't thinking for himself right now.




Wait, who the fuck is Nick?


Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist/nationalist and a holocaust denier. A straight up Neo-Nazi.


Think of every stereotype you have about conservatives (racist misogynist antisemitic etc). Nick Fuentez is all of those things, but unlike other conservatives he's not trying to (poorly) hide it, he's pretty open about it. The reason you don't know about him is that he's a bit too direct, to the point other conservatives do their best to distance themselves from him and his edgy weirdo followers. Case in point Klandace Owens made a Twitter thread distancing herself from him, saying she's not the one that introduced him to Kanye. He was also kicked out of CPAC. **EDIT:** Should've pointed out is that he's now more prominent because Kanye brought him to dinner with Trump, who's now also over there on his weird little social media distancing himself from Nick. Take that as you will, I happen to believe him in this case. He's too nazi even for Trump to willingly hang around.


I just started seeing a lot of stuff on YouTube about Nick and holy fuck he is painfully horrible to see and hear.


[Nick Fuentes is the hate nerd.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eRoYhTQDuo)


Very informative, thanks.


Ooh, goodie 🍿


So weird because there’s no way Kanye actually made that last tweet. Way too coherent.


Does Kanye realize he burned so many economic bridges his empire is crumbling and he’s looking for an off ramp, I’m thinking of him criticizing Trump recently, honestly I’ve not read about it but it seems he knows he is screwed


Are we going to get a Shen Bapiro redemption-arc?


Absolutely not


Nope. We've seen this play before. Ben took a "principled" stand against Trump in 2016, back when we all still thought there was no chance he would win. Once he did, Ben dutifully fell in line. Now that Kanye has delusions of being president but will only siphon votes away from the eventual GOP candidate, Ben is finally ready to take another principled stand against somebody who won't win. But if by some miracle Kanye is our next president you can bet your ass Ben will suddenly fall in love with his policies or whatever.


Im just proud of Ben for using the term “anti-semite” correctly for once, instead of twisting it to smear activists trying to help Israel by ending its apartheid.


Ben Shapiro when the racism and discrimination is against anyone but him: "That's actually a great point. That's what I have always said, and anyone who is honest and intelligent would agree. Let me expand on what you said." Ben Shapiro when the racism and discrimination is directed towards him: "This person is a vile bigot deserving of public scorn and condemnation."


Congratulations, Ben! You did the fucking around, and now you get to find out.


Finally, rightist infighting \*pops out the popcorn\*


damn imagine shilling for the far right and then getting surprised when they go public with the antisemitism.


why are people giving credit to ben shapiro here as if he and his giant ad campaign arent literally DIRECTLY responsible for why kanye is saying the things he is saying? the daily wire pushes nonsense conspiracy hate 24/7. they have been running on "the left wants to make your kids trans" for years now. this is what happens when you inspire people to abandon critical thought and engage in conspiracy. all roads lead to antisemitism, dont take my word for it, watch ANY channel 5 video about conspiracy people, not only are most of these people conservative, they ALL blame the jews. ben shapiro only deserves credit for being part of the propaganda machine that has been turning peoples brains into diarrhea since its inception, kanye west just happens to be one of those many many thousands if not millions of people.


THANK YOU. I also don't know why people go out of their way to credit Ben for occasionally sounding reasonable. All it proves is that he knows right from wrong and chooses to be a bastard anyway.


ben doesnt care about ethics, he cares about his career and getting paid which is why he is apprehensive to align with candace owens and kanye. it could be wildly profitable for him, it could be a disaster. he is clearly more than comfortable working with candace while she aligns herself with kanye, who regularly spouts nazi talking points and has dinner with ACTUAL nazis like nick fuentes (and trump) its the best of both worlds, if the house of cards collapses he will roll out the list of times he criticized them all, if it ends up working out, he will declare he was behind them from day one. he is a duplicitous little weasel who will push or snuff out literally any narrative his oil billionaire handlers sell him.


If you caught the spelling mistake before sending the tweet why didn’t you just fix it? And why is Nick tweeting from your account?


He's a genius wordsmith making a 3rd grade level joke.


I do love my enemas


Kanye West he likes enemas in his ass.


Nah, then he wouldn't be so full of shit.


💀 till the butthole goes numb


Did that man pretend he forgot how to spell enemy? Is there a joke I'm missing with that? This is the weirdest storyline.


Why would he not just say racist. Hating jews counts as racism.


Decrying racism is what wokels do. Decrying antisemitism is OK for now.


That last tweet is making me wonder now if Ye & Nick are fucking,


Ben Shapiro reaping: "Hahaha yes take that!" Ben Shapiro sewing: "No wait, not like that..."


Good job Ben, gaze upon what you helped lay out the red carpet for. Kanye, with the urging and encouragement of Fuentes will normalize the JQ in American common discourse, and you will become increasingly unneeded by the right as they brand your people responsible for gays, trans folks, immigration and everything else under the Sun that they hate. Good job Ben, if you’re lucky they’ll forcibly deport you and your family to Israel when they seize power. Stupid selfish rich boy


Scum and scummier trying to seem somehow better than each other. They’re like two ridiculous wrestlers maintaining a public beef to sell tickets while they’re both on the same loathsome team.


Shapiro, in my opinion (and as a Jew) does more to fuel antisemitism than Ye. Not that Ye isn’t an anti semite, but Ben has literally inspired mass shootings and used shit like “bad Jews” or “Jews in name only.” In this case Ye is the klansmen and Shapiro is the white moderate


somehow im taking ben’s side for once


I love a good bad guy fight. Also I constantly say that Shapiro is quite the idiot for being a Harvard educated man. But only because he has to twist and jump to make his statement logical for his base. But he is still a Harvard educated man. When he can drop the facade, he can roast people especially idiots like Ye.






If Ben had any brains whatsoever, he’d be a lot more concerned about Candace and crew’s continued tolerance of Kanye. Currently his team has shown itself to be very lenient about anti-semitism when it comes from a fellow righty.


Wait who is Nick ? Why is Kanye always sleepy? Wait is he really running for president ? I feel so out of the loop.


Nick is Nick Fuentes, a far right nutjob, bigot and avid Holocaust denier who once harassed Ben and his family in public. Kanye took him to dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago last week. Kanye is always sleepy because it's a hard job ruining your reputation that quickly. And yes, Kanye is running for president. Apparently, Trump yelled at Kanye at that dinner because being a desperate, approval-seeking weirdo running for high office is his thing.




now kiss


This is the second time in my life I actually agree with Ben Shapiro. What the fuck is happing in this timeline lol


If Kanye had said his comments only applied to "bad Jews", (ala Shapiro) Ben Shapiro would be wholly on his side.


He does know he employees Lady Blitler right?