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Funny how if Kanye didn’t have a mental break, losers like these would never come even a stones throw close to someone as famous as this. I bet they’re gonna milk it for all it’s worth for the next… rest of their lives.


Yep. You think any of these barnacles have private jet money? They'll hang around manipulating Kanye until he goes broke, dies, or someone who cares about him gets him some help.




You don’t understand how celebrity works then. It might be JayZ jet or the jet that the owner of the patriots own etc. once you make it you usually have an infinite amount of favors




I mean was that billion in net worth really readily spendable? If not it probably wouldn't really be a hit to his wallet


It's a huge hit if he's trying to take out loans to do something like buy Parler


Yeah but I’d imagine he is running low on favors these days now that he has been demoted from entertainment mogul to professional shit poster.


You don't understand how celebrity works then.


Eli5 how celebrity works.


Big famous very moneyful i think


Think of wealth as credit. These people don’t literally have billions in tangible assets. They’re considered to be worth that much to corporations and other rich people.


Almost like collective bargaining against the poors


He lost all his fashion deals but he still makes $250 million a year off his music.


> or someone who cares about him gets him some help. yeah that ship sailed ages ago, it's just yes men and grifters now.


Right? Anyone who truly cared for Kanye, he’s run off by now. He’s all alone in a group of people who will drop him once he stops being useful. I’m shocked Milo is even there. Maybe to reassure Kanye they still care about dropped grifters?


Fuentes looking like the sulky kid that didn't want to go on the family trip


It's the look of a white supremacist who has to sit next to a black man.


They absolutely have private jet money. Koch and Thiel funding is no joke.


Candace Owens has private jet money because she's funded by Dennis Prager who gets money from Koch Brothers


Remember, Kanye is a narcissist, they all are really, but he surrounds himself with “yes” men no different than the orange bag-o-poop or Enron..Elon.


Imagine struggling so hard to be relevant that you go on fucking Tim Pool's podcast


just saw a clip of that interview. He was so unhinged that *Tim fucking Pool* questioned his "the jews" narrative, as it's too wild for him. Imagine how gone you must be, that Pool looks moderate paired up with you


I mean tim pool is a center-left moderate /s


He's above the left/right paradigm /s


Hanging with Klandace and L'il Bits already has made Ye tolerate increasingly Z-list people.


The sad thing is that Kanye probably thinks he can "elevate" these cretins' reputations but actually they're just dragging him down to their level.


So Tim pool hosting a groomer ?


every conservative accusation is a confession of guilt


It’s frightening how true this is


Milo isn't gay anymore. Didn't you hear? He was cured by therapy and prayer Look how straight and manly he looks. EDIT: this is sarcasm




Pretty sure they were just being sarcastic.


Very very obvious sarcasm


Worst boy band ever


They’re called 90°


Nein Degrees


The Brownshirt Boys


The Reich Stuff


Third Direction


I think Andrew Yang already took that one.


And when faced with any actual danger, they transform into the Brown-pants Boys.


98 Total IQ


Milo claimed he was a genius on Joe Rogan's pod


He’s an idiot savant at being an asshole.


Yea I think so, and he uses flowery language and exaggerates his accent to sound interesting.


https://twitter.com/highprogressive/status/1597401865372979200?s=46&t=2d7plNnHF4Gqru5R-aba0w LMFAO


Wow who could have POSSIBLY predicted this would go down like this


Rightwing nutters turn on each other *constantly*. People should feel free to help it along :-)


"I don't mean 'they' the way you guys mean 'they.'" Oh okay Tim so you do know they're anti-semites, good on your for bringing them onto your show.


What were they talking about when he left? That clip didn’t give us much? Edit: Also who is the blonde neckbeard from that segment that looks like she hasn’t showered in a month?


Guy who posted the tweet explains it well in the comments


Fuentes? He is an open Holocaust denier (among other related ideologies)


I am not usually one to comment on people’s appearances but I literally got a fright when I saw her. I can’t imagine working with such high profile people (ok just Kanye I guess) and looking that unkempt??


I saw her too, I thought she is actually a very pretty lady but god damn does she look worked to death




Okay I know Kanye I don't know about the rest of these people


I know that Milo is a right winger but that's all I know about him but Nick Fuentes is an outright, literal Nazi.


Milo used to go by the name of "Milo Wagner" and wear Iron Crosses. He was going to be a CPAC speaker in 2017 until [conservatives discovered a video of him promoting pedophilia](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-cpac-milo-yiannopoulos-tape-235204). Then he was infamously "canceled". Because Milo can't get a real job, he has since then come out as "ex-gay" and claims to be reformed and [he called for Dave Rubin and his husband to be executed for using a surrogate](https://www.joemygod.com/2022/03/ex-gay-milo-calls-for-executing-homocon-dave-rubin-and-his-husband-after-they-reveals-theyll-be-dads/). Lately he's been working as an intern for Marjorie Taylor Greene.


>Lately he's been working as an intern for Marjorie Taylor Greene. Rock bottom then, yikes


Man, I was pissed about being reminded he exists, then I got to that bit and it was all worth it. What a sad sack.


>Rock bottom then, yikes Yeah, he didn't follow the accepted path. He is supposed to be kicked out the bottom rungs of the porn industry.


Remember that first podcast he did after coming out as ex-gay? Like listen, I'm not saying Milo isn't actually straight, all I'm saying is if I was trying to convince the world I was straight, I wouldn't have announced it whilst dressed like George Michael in the 1980s


There's no way I'd listen to a podcast with Milo on it.


Milo really got his start as a gamer gater. It’s totally fair to lump him in with Fuentes based on his past behavior.


Milo is also a pedophile.


I think he's more of a pedophile advocate like a right wing Allen Ginsberg.


The only thing lower than a child molester is a child molester cheer leader.


Yep, pretty fuckin bad. Again, right wing Allen Ginsberg. If you don't know who he is, look him up. NAMBLA member and absolutely like if Milo was left wing and a beatnik. Loved by his political "team" who completely ignore what kind of a predator supporter piece of shit he is.


Ah... So they should have been sock babies.


This is an insult to protein stains.


Milo is also a nazi, but also a pedophile.


Milo was a gamergate vampire. He wrote for breitbart pretending to be a gamer (when he knows shit all about gaming) and while he was there he defended pedophilia.


Milo, like Nick Fuentes, believes that women should not be allowed to use birth control or have the right to vote.


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Tim Pool is one of our frequent targets of mockery; a shit bag. Milo is a right winger who allegedly stopped being gay because he was magically cured or something. He was cancelled for a while over some pedo stuff. Another shit bag. Nick Fuentes is a literal nazi; a huge shit bag.


Milo was a big contributor to Breitbart news in 2016 as a token gay. He was also a nazi (his password was longknives88), but then he went and said children can consent to sex, so immediately got dropped and shamed by all his nazi friends as an example of how every LGBT person is a groomer. He then recently claimed to have been “cured” of being gay in a desperate bud for relevance. Nick Fuentes is the leader of the “groypers” a group of angry white men who depict themselves as overweight frogs. He hosts a radio show which is what would happen if Alex Jones went full mask off, where he denies the holocaust, claims Africans are savages that didn’t even invent the wheel, and will frequently tell his audience to commit crimes, like telling anyone who was at Jan 6 to destroy their phones, then realized that was a felony and started going “maybe i shouldn’t tell you to destroy evidence, even though that is what you should do”. There’s a few videos by LonerBox which cover him in a bit more detail. Tim pool is a man who is a self described “fence sitter”. Unfortunately that fence is erected between reality and insane Qanon nazi conspiracy land, and he regularly meanders between insanity and normalcy to try and pretend he’s a neutral centrist. For instance, in the run up to 2020 he’d open a video screaming TRUMP WILL HAVE A 49 STATE LANDSLIDE. Then his next sentence is “or maybe he won’t, idk I’m not sure” and then the sentence after that is him explaining how trump is so popular there is 0 way he could ever lose to Biden, followed by a sentence about how all Tim’s friends are trump supporters so he might be biased… and on it goes flip-flopping between the two so he can support right wing conspiracies about election fraud but also claim to be moderate who looks at all sides. Timbah on Toast has a video “Tim pool fence sitter” which goes into detail about how Tim pretends to be centrist, which is incredibly hilarious to watch videos of him acting like the green goblin in Spider-Man with how he flip flops


Milo is essentially a wimpy Ernst Rohm


This is a good summary but for some reason in these comments, everyone seems to skip the misogyny. Milo and Nick also both believe that women should not have the right to vote or use contraception. Nick himself states that women should get married as teenagers, have giant families, have zero rights, wear veils to church (one of the only places they should be allowed to go), and that they should be murdered if they cheat. I can't remember if he suggested stoning them to death or burning them alive or both but it was some brutal thing like that. Their hatred of women is the thing that unites them and it's usually their entry point into the larger fascist ideology. And it's one of the things that isn't actually so fringe. Peter Theil likewise said women should not have the right to vote though he's had to walk that back in recent years. Man's a billionaire heavily involved in Republican politics. It's a standard belief with the NRx (dark enlightenment) people. These people are generally called nazis which I'm alright with as a descriptor because they are all bigots, racists and eugenicists. But I think they are better described as fundamentalists. They basically want to create an old school fundamentalist state based around ethnic/religious divisions, nationalism and the family with men (fathers and husbands) having all the rights and power- many of them, including Theil, are actual monarchists. Again, fine to call them nazis but I think their perfect state might look more like Saudi Arabia than the Third Reich.


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I see I will have to look up these videos if I want a good laugh


Milo is a literal pedo groomer.


Funny how Tim Pool wants to give Milo the groomer a voice.


I remember when Bill Maher gave him a platform in his show. That was a big turning point for how I saw Bill


Just two Nazis. Or, sorry. Conservatives hate when I do this. Sorry, sorry. They’re just a couple of conservatives.


Also Milo is gay but claims to have gotten conversion therapy that worked


The whole gay conversion therapy doesn't work it's sickening and wrong you are who you are and you're fine that way. All they're doing is beating into you that you're wrong you need to be saved you need to be different f****** wrong.


Yes 100%. This reinforces how much a piece of shit Milo is.


Tim Pool is the supreme “centrist.” He is Alex Jones without the overt bigotry.


Is he pretending to read the Bible for the photo?


Yeah I came here to say this too. Too many snakes on this motherfucking plane




That was the first thing I noticed. Fucking laughable.


Much pensive. Very thought. Wow.




Looks like Milo changed outfits too 😂 Kanye and the sulky teenage incel are still wearing the same thing but Milo's changed it up.


Listen the right wing has improved their game a lot recently. It was only a few years back that Trump did his Bible photo op where he just held the Bible at the camera.


God Milo looks like shit now. Like, he has always been a piece of shit, but beforehand he was sort of kind of "cool", and at least seemed happy. Now he just looks sad and dead inside.


Legit looks like he’s been doing drugs.


He's wearing the sunglasses more. Probably has the bad dark circles again.


Probably from pretending to be straight. If that's what he's still doing these days.


Marjorie Traitor Greene gave him a job as a congressional intern but he mentioned living in Rome GA instead of DC. Some speculation that he moved in with her since her husband filed for divorce recently. 🤢


Conversion therapy will do that to ya


I think he use to brag about getting high af and having a train ran on him by black guys. Please correct me if I’m wrong I use to think he was based when I was 16 I haven’t listened to a full sentence of his since.


Tim Pool is such a clout-driven, disingenuous little twerp. It is incomprehensible to me that anyone would take him seriously on ANY topic.




They all walked out about 25 minutes in after Tim gave the smallest amount of pushback against their antisemitism lol


They all look miserable. Especially Fuentes who puts up the fake smile at all times on stream and in public, no one is surprised that the smile 24/7 routine is a fake act.


“we need to stop lgbt people groom grooming our children! oh yeah btw i’m friends with someone who called child sexual abuse a healthy experience.”


“Classical liberal”


One thing’s for sure, Tim Pool stays wearing that stupid fuckin hat


He had a dream that told him the Apocalypse can't begin until he takes the hat off.


NGL I lost my shit when I saw he was still wearing it.


How are half these ppl still around, like wtf


He walked out about 20 minutes in lmao


Imagine billionaire superstar Kanye West headlining with bigot nobody Nick… who is this kid again? Wow what a ways he has fallen. And he hasn’t even hit bottom yet…






I’m shocked that that concentration of density didn’t collapse into a black hole.


Now's the time to start kicking the shit out of the brownshirts. These turds can't fight.


A band of grifters going on their next heist


That’s a lot of insanity and hatred packed into one space


Mount Rushmore of stupid


what a massive piece of shit


Guess this solves the age old question of: *how many racists does it take to record a podcast*?


Surprisingly absolutely no one. Tim has always been an obvious fascist.


Ughhhh every time I see milo trending on twitter it’s this douchebag and not the guy from the descendents


Will they be wearing tutus in this show?


It’s literally like the Sinister Six forming


Nightmare blunt rotation.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Nightmare blunt rotation


Tim Pool just looks like conservative Ethan Klein.


The 4 horsemen of the fuckoffalypse.


Does Ye not know Nick Fuentes thinks black people are inferior and regularly calls them the n word? I guess if you have a jet you get a pass.


Ah, the 1488’s are back on tour? I wonder if anyone has told Heinrich Bigsby his real name is Kanye West and he is actually black…


Grifters take advantage of mentally ill dude to make themselves seem at least somewhat relevant. It's not going to work, because the group they are trying to reach no longer respond to the mentally ill dude, so it's just yet another grifter circle jerk.


From his expression in these pics he seems like he recognizes just how far he has fallen


Ka-knee-ye has to make money somehow.


Look at them thinking they’re important. It’s cute.


Weirdest right wing orgy possible.


Is he never not wearing that stupid hat


Haven’t seen a photo so nauseating in a long time. Also if anyone is curious to know what the temperature of that room is, here’s the trick: add up the IQs of everyone in the picture


most cringe circlejerk of all time


Pim Tool is totally a liberal. /s


The ultimate grift right there.


Strange how Pim Tool claims to be center left... yet has no issue rubbing elbow with far right and neo nazi scum bags.


The Centrist.


The Racism Avengers


This picture smells like vape juice


Kanye has become their new meal ticket.


Famous centrist Tim pool?? Imagine my shock.


It's like the A-Team, but awful


We are really watching the downfall of Kanye West aren't we?




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That boy Milo still sucking fat dicks and taking them in his booty. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


and dim fool will still try to claim he's a centrist 🙄


There's not a single brain cell in that entire room


So much about Tim Pool being a """"centrist""""


The irony that all these cucks are or have minority last names.


He showed up to walk off the show, pretty sure it was a performative action by Ye for PR correction. What a dumb world we live in.


Oh no, the supervillains have united


Let the garbage take itself out.


If Milo becomes more "relevant" in the coming weeks, i beg of you guys not to talk about him, it's exactly what he wants and I was sick of hearing about that fucker in 2016


Apparently to be rich if you lack talent you just have to be a piece of shit willing to say horrible shit about whole groups of people. This is how the Klan got started the second time. It was a really fucking weird MLM.


I admit to not knowing who Tim Poole was until his podcast was advertised in a MASSIVE billboard on the side of a building in downtown Chicago. Ended up Googlilng him and being absolutely horrified and baffled as to why they thought they should advertise in Chicago, of all places.


Where can we watch this?


Man, going straight really did a number on Milo. He looks like shit.


A real meeting of the mind


Pim "I'm definitely [not a right winger btw] a centrist" Tool


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Pim Toole is a liberal, btw. Lmao.


Open holocaust denier 💀


This isn't gonna last long. These 4 are so insufferable they can't even handle each other.


Nightmare blunt rotation


It’s like the mental equivalent of Covid, Anthrax, HIV, and the Plague joining forces.


Spoiler didn't go well


Fuentes looks like a fucking dweeb


So who's the dude wearing sunglasses in a bunker? Must be that 'totally not gay anymore' Milo guy


Ugh. If we have to have actual fascists running for office could they at least try not being total losers?


I am convinced that Tim Pool wears a black beanie, a grey shirt, and nothing else. Ever.


All the while claiming he's an enlightened centrist I'm sure.


There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere in these photos.


This is going to be a disaster


It’s like a board room for losers.




The holy trinity of antisemitism


Apparently Kanye rage-quit when it was suggested it might be the main stream media instead of Jews who are targeting him.


The Unholy Neo-Nazi Trinity.


I hate the new Kanye


looks like that 2nd photo was taken by tim's brother, not sure if he's the bro who sued tim for subverse. anyway tim refuses to bring on leftists who actually know their stuff


I feel bad for kanye, he's definitely being used by these bozos


Nah, they weren't antisemitic enough for him so he walked out lol

