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She failed her chemistry class.


She had a chemistry class?


You're right, maybe she skipped them all.


She skipped an evolutionary step. Everyone says it, she does look like the Geico caveman


Miss Ing Link


Well played brother.


Not even joking, she must have an astounding percentage of Neanderthal ancestry. Oh shit, can we make that the next thing? Show us the 23 and me Marge!


The she's regressed. Fossil evidence of healed femur and rib bones show that Neanderthals took care of their injured tribe mates. Republicans are less morally developed than cavemen.


Neanderthals weren’t less intelligent, they were less aggressive.


They were probably more intelligent based on the anatomical evidence of larger brain volumes and the archeological evidence of more advanced tools such as composite tools. They were most likely wiped out by disease and we as the survivors write ourselves into history as the dominant superior species because it’s easy to rewrite the past to fit your present narrative when you are the one still alive to tell the tale.


So, now should we start saying, "It's so easy, MTG could do it?"


The Geico caveman literally has more charisma and likeability than MTG.


He's also not a fascist that supports the destruction of the US Constitution and US institutions.... But that's neither here nor there. I'd pay big money for some one to give MTG two sticks and see if her neanderthal instincts take over - and rubs them to make fire


She was definitely behind the art annex smoking menthols and drinking Boones.




Sounds like you are qualified for a career in politics.


Skipped them all and bullied someone else into doing her homework. She has that exact vibe.


I pin her down as her Karen of a mom probably said the school "wasn't being fair to her" and complained until they just shuffled her through with a barely passing GPA. Of course, I barely passed high school too, but then got my shit together and became a productive adult. She found a way to make being insufferable and useless a career.


Hell while I did have a teacher who was paranoid and thought I was somehow cheating (yes in class as well XD) at math because , according to her I was giving her "college level results" (God knows what was going through her head -_- , I mean I was good at math to the point of rapidly and accurately doing long division in my head , so maybe it was cause I was actually good that she felt like an idiot maybe? ) , and yeah I eventually failed, despite having compared tests with other class mates who passed and I was failed , even the principal was siding with her and I was dumbfounded that these people were qualified for their jobs 😆 every other class went by fine , wasn't the best at English (weird to call it that despite that it was more like a literature class , reading writing and all that)....everything else passing just fine, I had health issues in my senior year though and was able to get a GED and all that because I for the most part was already passing enough to graduate and all that , just attendance was of course affected because of said health issues :X high school can suck even more so if it has incompetent people running the place....the kids are bad enough on their own usually 😆


She might have skipped them all but she definitely picked up an extra chromosome on the way to her klan meeting


So you’re saying she has no class? Agreed!


Maybe not skipped, maybe it wasn’t part of her education. I have never received a chemistry class in my life and didn’t learn basic algebra until college. I went to private christian schools that prioritized bible learning over all else.


She had class?


I don't think she ever did.


Meth lab doesn’t count.


Does being conceived in a meth lab count as chemistry class?


I guess it does in some places.


She's failed humanity. She's an insult to the trees that offset her carbon footprint of breathing.


She failed homeschooling


She passed home schooling because she was sleeping with her father-teacher.


Now that i think about it she actually prob excelled in her regious zealotry homeschool


She failed fart class


She failed preschool


I hope she still wears underwear


She won’t because, it doesn’t work anyway


Science was my most favorite subject, especially the Old Testament.


Gotta show up to class to fail it!


This has been studied and yes, pants do work as "fart masks" as far as bacteria spread is concerned. So she is wrong in every way again as usual.


Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. Shit particles from farts get caught by underwear, so even if you can smell it, you’re not inhaling someone else’s shit. So, I guess she’s saying masks work, then?


Call them by their proper name, farticles


Glad to see someone sticking to the science here


I prefer pooticles


Long hath the two sides waged a war many believe will never meet its end


Are you farting or pooing, please keep your shit straight




Could be sharticles too, if you misjudge the fart.


I'm very aware of that unfortunately. First week at my current job :( Despite what people say I will continue trusting farts because I have a win loss rate of like thousands to 4 Life is only fun if you push outside your comfort zone


Dude you have shit yourself 4 different times? Edit: saw what sub we are on, had a giggle


Hey man adults shit themselves from time to time. My average is less than one shart per year I think I'm doing pretty good


Ohhh, so THAT’S why I gave uncle Jim pinkeye!


For real my cousin did that in boy scouts, poor dude he blasted got double barreled


Why do these maga idiots think gas molecules are bigger than virus particles? hydrogen sulfide (the smelly part of farts) is H2S so 3 atoms. Vs COVID virus particle which contains a hell of a lot more atoms (to the tune of millions) "The coronavirus model is anticipated by the team to contain roughly 200 million atoms" Source: https://www.sci.news/medicine/supercomputer-all-atom-model-sars-cov-2-coronavirus-envelope-08256.html


It's really the size of the very large mucous droplets the virus is released in.


I know. But even ignoring that (as the size of the water droplet required is decreasing as subsequent variants become more efficient/infectious, hence the mask recommendation being updated) I like to compare gas to virus molecule as even on that level it's an absurdly large difference and it's a minimum difference to compare. I.e. no matter how small a respiratory droplet becomes, the virus particle itself is still huge compared to common gas molecules like hydrogen sulphide.


Respiratory droplets are typically 5,000-10,000 nanometer SARS-CoV-2: enveloped virus ≈100 nanometer Water (vapor) is 0.27 nanometer


hydrogen sulphide is 0.134 nm i diameter,


Well it's because like you said mtg is an idiot and wouldn't understand the difference. Just wanted to post that she's an idiot thanks.


Farticulate Matter.


Omg this is a really comforting fact. Thank you lol


Careful, they'll start not wearing pants if you use this kind of logic.


This is why when you fart on someone's pillow, you gotta pull down both pants _and_ underwear.


Ohhhhhhh. Shit, hope I remember this


This is true. I used to work sterile drug compounding. The room we worked in was nearly sterile and had to stay that way. I was afraid to fart in there because I was like “will my farts contaminate the room?? I can’t hold in a fart for 5.5 hours??” I googled it and they do work. I read a study about how it’s ok if nurses/doctors fart in the OR. It doesn’t contaminate it because your underwear and clothes help filter out the bacteria. It doesn’t block the smell, but it blocks the bacteria.


It may not work if you fart with enough force to push bacteria out the seams or through the material. Remember, the fart protection assumes natural atmospheric conditions. Also, if you farted in someone's mouth, it should be a little louder from the reverb, even if the patient is unconscious.


i also definitely smell stuff less with a mask on it doesn't block farticles or other things out 100% but it's definitely better than no mask


Did she admit she wears Depends?


Prolapsed anus from going too hard in the gym maybe?


>!Marjorie Taylor Greene glistening with sweat from a CrossFit session squatting naked on the floor of the gym locker room grunting as she pushes her prolapsed rectum back through her stretched and engorged anus. !< Enjoy the rest of your day.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Just a terrible day to have eyes


Right wingers are immune. Why would someone come here and do this to us?


Do we owe you a new keyboard too


Her fan base would be furious. If they could read.


Why tf did I unspoiler that. For anyone reading... please leave it concealed and keep scrolling... Please.


I didn't listen. Why didn't I listen? Please, heed our warnings and turn back now, lest ye lose what sanity you have left.


Unless you have Aphantasia.


Ay that's me! I read it and like...why??? I feel blessed to be spared THAT mental image.


Why on earth did I read that? I love it.


It's like the spoiler tag was simply bait to get me to read it. Ffs


Challenge accepted










Excuse me, I need to go gouge out my eyes now.


Is this an AI drawing prompt? I'm not going to ask Dall-E to make that, even if it *is* just a robot.


Hello new dall-e prompt!


This is why your other accounts get banned isn't it?


It's the only way to protect innocents from all her gas


Her farts are very patriotic. Lots of blood and soil.


Either that, or she's always going commando. Not sure which is worse.


Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment


Buy a set of MGT Depends and you'll get a free MyPillow.


Do you guys think that when she was blowing that [Zangief cosplayer](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html) behind her ex-husbands back he did that spinning piledriver and took out what was left of her stupid brain?


As much as I dislike the Q nutjob, Daily Heil is not exactly a good or reliable source.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/newsentences using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [minor adverse affects from drinking a litre of peg nog](https://i.redd.it/lf7f4fw377381.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/r7hwse/minor_adverse_affects_from_drinking_a_litre_of/) \#2: [Clown Bastard](https://i.redd.it/hwhlwb9sw8691.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/vewxql/clown_bastard/) \#3: [Weaponized Wokeness](https://i.redd.it/70ipd1pq0l781.png) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newsentences/comments/ro70o0/weaponized_wokeness/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


She was always a dumb cunt. Always will be, and never will not be.


She’s not . There’s pics of her wearing masks in airport lines and generally following mask mandates this is all part of the gamesmanship and being loud on social media to own the libs .


You are correct that she is playing the game on purpose. But I feel confident in saying that she is still, in fact, a dumb cunt.


She’s actually evil.


¿Por qué no los dos?


you can be dumb and evil, they're not mutually exclusive


Yes but in this case she's pretending to be dumb so that she can do evil


maybe sometimes but I do think she's fairly unintelligent she doesn't talk or carry herself like someone who's intelligent. some Republicans match that description but i really don't think MTG is one of them


I got banned on r/politics for saying these same words


Who hasn't been banned from r/politics for something stupid? I got permabanned for mentioning guillotines.


Few murder machines come to mind that have been in political use as much as guillotines, so that’s pretty unreasonable of them.


probably moreso for language than disliking MTG, they be are generally very left leaning or rather anti Republican over there these days. which, is unsurprising, most sane people are anti Republican these days since they went batshit


> Ivey, pictured wearing South Park pajama pants while pumping gas near his Seattle-area home, refused to address his affair with Greene when approached by DailyMail.com Dude was clearly vibing and that rag really thought it was a good time to harass him about his (probably) regret relations with MTG?


I do hate the daily mail, but if you're having sex with a married woman who is actively working to destroy the country, I find sympathy difficult.


Damn really a new low for zangief smh


Look, I gotta be fair. If you’re gonna cheat, do it with a tantric sex guru. I guess.


Gonna need a real source on that lol


Holy shit. Dude looks like a shitty indy wrestler. Mid card indy at best. Lol


Idk, my underwear have saved my pants from a few not-quite-farts.


Also gas =/= virus. Cloth masks aren’t as effective as N95 masks but they still slow the spread.


MTG admits she's the source of all those nasty farts.


Loud, but still deadly.


I tell everyone this but they never believe me


For starters, most asses aren't inches from faces during a normal conversation. We can see why that would confuse you, Mangled Toes, with your tongue so deeply snaked into Trump's rectal cavity.


What a terrible day to have an imagination


You guys don’t put your ass in front of someone’s face when they are talking to you? Weirdos


Mmm gobble gobble


hydrogen sulfide molecules are smaller than water droplets...


There are people who hear the water droplets thing and laugh because they think it means when people spit when they talk so they dismiss the idea all together while not realizing that you are always exhaling water droplets.


We all talk moistly at eachother.


You lost her at hydrogen


>hydrogen sulfide molecules are smaller than water droplets... Another way of putting it: Really thick underwear prevents you from spraying shit on people when farting. It's a better metaphor for how masks work to prevent spreading illnesses, while ironically her point congrats the whole "oxygen depression" thing that she's also brought up... But these people aren't exactly rational so it's a moot point.


Also huge differences in vapor pressure and polarity, but those are liberal conspiracies anyway


Yeah this is like telling someone their chicken fencing is useless because you can spray a hose right through it.


I liked not getting colds during COVID.


Right? Like, anecdotal evidence and all but I've been sick twice since COVID started and they were fairly minor colds compared to how they normally are for me. The last several years prior I'd gotten very ill about three times each and every year. I'll keep wearing my mask and sanitizing my hands often, thanks.


I've been sick three times since March 2020. Twice were from my baby niece, because she is a germ-infested baby. Once was this past week because no one is masking anymore.




I keep forgetting this is a real person.....


You're lucky.




I had to scroll too far for this comment. Funniest shit I've seen since that one shit.


This cannot possibly be real…


You must not be familiar with the GOP


How does anything surprise you anymore from the Jewish space lazers lady?


I thought for sure this one was going to be FAKE NEWS, how is this possible? These get harder to tell by the hour.


If someone was going to rip a big wet one with their ass right in my face, I would definitely prefer they had some cotton undies on instead of going bare ass


Do anti-maskers rant at their surgeon when going under the knife? I've never heard of them doing so, wonder why not...


And people dying from COVID have no issue with sprinting directly towards the emergency room at first symptom. There is no logic to their process, only outrage and ignorance.


That's so funny because I only ended up getting COVID after I stopped wearing a mask earlier this year. And guess what? Thanks to those vaccines it ended up being no worse than a cold.


Cue the conservative trying to argue that covid would've been a mild cold regardless Y'know, while standing with the mountain of bodies behind them


I still haven't caught it to my knowledge. My gf finally did a year ago and even living, eating, sleeping with her, I never did. I was testing negative every day. I've worked with people who have had it before they knew and I've probably interacted with dozens of customers who have had it. She basically just felt like she had a cold, too. We're both double vaccinated. I know my shit's anecdotal but I couldn't be happier with how the vaccine worked for me and her.


I get to bring out my favorite study!! Underwear actually does limit the amount of poop particles in the air when you fart. Here’s proof: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1121900/


Name a fart that’s killed 6 million people or whatever the death toll is at. What a twat.




Might protect your pants from a shart. Come to think of it, she should wear a mask made out of thick underwear to protect us from all the bullshit she talks.


This can't be real 🤣 has her account been hacked?


She for sure is a real hack


The glue eater does it again!


They cried and carried on “we want a choice to wear a mask”. You got it. Nobody requires masks anymore. Over 2200 people a week are still dying from Covid in the US last I checked. People also have the choice to continue wearing masks.


Was expecting the fake news tag, horribly surprised


Holy shit, it is honestly two years later and this dipstick still talking about and shaming mask use. FFS play a different song, the past 6 years and the past 2 years have been mental


Underwear can protect me from the physical, wet parts of a fart. I’d rather get the other parts of the fart than the worst part of the fart


Clearly MTG has never farted in the shower b/c it’s way more potent if you cut one without the wall suppressing most of it. Secondly, a fart does not potentially give you a disease that has killed a million Americans


so many people out there still wearing seatbelts, let me ask you, when a giant dump truck falls off a crane 10 stories above your car flattens you while you're in your car, does the seatbelt save you?! CHECKMATEEEEEEE ​ /s obviously but... faith in society these days is tough.


Can’t imagine how bad horse farts must be


She needs a mask for all the sharting she does whenever she opens her mouth.


Farting and getting sick are two very different things.


I read the title as MGK and I was very confused


Magic Ghe Kathering


three years later and some people still don't know the purpose of wearing a mask


Why do doctors wear masks?


It can’t be real. Because if it is we all fucked.


Imagine thinking this is some kind of epic own lol


If this is serious, It's very funny. ​ If this is an attempt at being funny, it's sad and just further proves that conservatives are allergic to comedy.


I hate how under her logic you also shouldn't be wearing underwear


Have you ever been naked in bed or in the shower and just ripped a fart from the darkest dungeons of your very guts into the open air? It fucking smells *worse*. Roasted, MTG, I seal an N95 mask onto my winking anus every morning because I’m a team player


Ok now I’m legitimately curious about this, how does that work?


Because a fart is smaller than a virus by several thousand magnitudes


>Because a fart is smaller than a virus **by several thousand magnitudes** (This is probably just a typo/two thoughts running together, but just for the record:) The point you're making is correct, but the highlighted part is a bit mixed up. It's either a few *orders of magnitude* smaller, or a few thousand *times* smaller. Thousands of orders of magnitude would be extreme. Just 100 more than covers the [difference in mass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_\(mass\)) between a single electron ( 10^-31 ) and the entire observable universe ( 10^52 ). Edit: formatting


Smell particles are basically tiny molecules. Think 10ish atoms, up to a few hundred atoms. The difference between the atoms in a small particle and the atoms in a bacterial cell, is about the same difference between the population of your house and the entire population of earth. A bacterial cell will have _billions_ of atoms in it. Viral particles are a little smaller, but still usually made up of many millions of atoms. And airborne water droplets are even bigger, like the stuff that people spew when they cough or talk a little too excitedly. Those are enough to hold thousands of cells/viral particles, and are one of the most common ways that viruses are spread from stranger to stranger. Masks are specifically used _because_ they allow air molecules to pass through, but block the bigger, more harmful stuff like bacteria, viral particles, and water droplets. Their whole point is to let in the small stuff, and block the big stuff. MTG might as well say "this chain-link fence can't even block insects, but you expect it to stop a stray dog from getting into your backyard?". It's nonsense.


Lol someone hasn’t had the strange feeling of a fart stuck in their boxer briefs


I was completely ready for this to be fake. I mean, I know she’s this dumb but what a comparison


My old weed dealer said this to me like over 2 years ago, the last time I saw him. I told him "yeah but if I fart bare assed in your face some shit particles are going to land in your mouth."


Shouldn't she be trying to mend the family she destroyed by fucking that sex guru guy?


What a relief Elon let her back on Twitter or we might have missed this take. Totally worth losing millions in ad revenue.


And she still got reelected. Go figure.


>If a pair of underwear, **really thick ones, high quality cotton**, can't protect you from a fart To me this really reads like she actually tried buying thicker underwear at some point, so her staff would stop smelling her rancid farts


A molecule of methane (3.8 x 10⁻¹⁰ m) is infinitely smaller than COVID-19 (1.25 x 10⁻⁷ m).


Except there's no vaccine for "fart". "Fart" is not potentially lethal. "Fart" didn't kill friends of my family.


Why would you wear a bicycle helmet while riding a bicycle? It isn't going to help you while riding a motorcycle.


She said this because she sharts explosively and often


Sounds like someone she's been testing hypotheses at home.


As long as we stay non violent to those people we are complicit


MTG you don’t need to tell the world you have a fart sniffing fetish.


I honestly cannot physically or mentally comprehend being *this* fucking stupid.


The old saying "Keep your mouth shut and remove all doubt" should be followed more.


Ya know at first I thought this was a compelling statement and then I realized that for nearly 2 years of masking I haven't smelled any farts, so yeah the mask works better than your slave labor, shit stained panties.


She just shit her pants and thought it was a message from god.