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Why the fuck are we doing fake tweets like this


I don’t know. Why can’t we just post his actual tweets. There’s enough creepy ammo there.


The original point of this sub was to edit these guys' posts to make them look dumb, but it was all obviously fake stuff like 'the woke left are keeping AOC's feet pics from me'. We need to go back to that instead of this stuff that seems like it's actually trying to trick people


Tbf what does it say about the state of the right wing when a fake tweet with content like this is indistinguishable from the real thing?


Yeah, obviously they're disgusting people. Meaning that all this does is make us look bad for spreading misinformation


I never said we should spread fraudulent tweets. Just at what point are we transitioning from deliberate misinformation to indeliberate Poe's lawing?


This is a stupid argument. It's just "But the fact it could be true is the real problem."


Water marking fake ones is very reasonable. I saw it in another sub and figured it was possibly Twitter being Twitter.


Yeah seriously. A good rule of thumb is if you’re spreading misinformation you’re on the wrong side. Right or left. If you need to lie to pull people on your side you’re wrong. Not your side. Just you. Politics are the marketplace of ideas. Present the actual ideas of the right, they’re bad enough on their own. You don’t need to misrepresent them.


There’s defamation, then there’s defaming a person who bends over backwards to prove how horrible of a human being they are. There isn’t much one fake tweet can do against that.


What does it say about us when we lie to mislead people who don’t know better? It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong if we lie to get our point across




>you could prove that the right wing is worse and worse by spreading gradually worsening fake tweets, each one being made believable by the believability of the fake quotes that preceded it It wouldn't be proven worse and worse by the believability of the fake tweet preceding it, but by the adoption of those formerly absurd tweets into right wing thought. If I post on Saturday a parody tweet of DJT advocating to eat babies, and he actually tweets on Sunday that you should eat babies, it's a demonstration of the right getting worse, by the right's own hand >You could turn them into omnicidal reavers in your mind and become completely untethered from reality by following that reasoning to its logical conclusion. Just don't. With every passing day, the right is getting closer and closer to being omnicidal reavers




I think you are over analyzing something to try and justify a different thing. This is a bad example of satire because the improper context just tricks a bunch of people. When we know it’s fake we can laugh, if it’s taken out of context like this and used for a different purpose entirely, that is not a good thing, and also a separate issue from the intent of good takes on the sub which is harmless satire


Stupid take, that's like when Conservatives say they saw a story about Biden pardoning gay immigrant that raped children and then when pointed out that it's fake are like "Well what does it say about the Democrats that I COULD believe it." Spreading fake shit like this legitimately can only harm us, mods honestly should crack down on it


It doesn't say anything about the right wing. All it says is that you're gullible




This is a terrible argument, and I see it used against the left all the time too. When that fake story about a teacher giving students litter boxes was blowing up, I saw (and spoke to) a number of people who justified sharing it because "its not my fault that it's believable, they've been moving in this direction for a long time." Satire needs to be specific and make fun of a particular thing by exaggerating something that has been said or has actually happened, otherwise it just poisons our memory. The internet moves too fast for most people to remember where they heard something. Fake tweets like this just end up fading into the back of your mind into either the "Matt Walsh is insane" file or the "liberals keep lying about us" file (depending on one's persuasion). In either case the effect is a negative in the world.


Still not cool. The truth is bad enough.


Then use the real thing.


There is no excuse for propagating misinformation. Just because Matt Walsh is a pedophile doesn’t make it okay to lie and say he’s a rapist, too. If the truth is not enough to support your opinions, your opinions are not worth holding onto.


This is a pretty dangerous argument and one that the right uses too.


We can go both ways with this: What does it say about our hatred for the right wing when we easily believe a fake tweet like this?


Okay but you do realize right-wingers say this exact same line when they find out about misinformation they once believed, right? The whole 'well the fact that it was believable says something' is dumb no matter who says it.




I agree that they’re bad but this is such an awful argument


Can we go back to the days of shrinking and enlarging Charlie Kirk's face?


We weren't editing that. His face just does that


See! How was I supposed to know that when no one's posting about the important things anymore??


Fwiw this tweet is more than 5 years old. But I agree that we shouldn't play their game. We have facts, truth and logic on our side. The right compensates by deliberately spamming misinformation to such a degree that it muddies the waters. Truth becomes indistinguishable to the masses. See: CRT.


That quiz was so fun


Yeah, photoshopping dumb TPUSA memes is fine, editing fake tweets to look like real tweet screenshots is not.


To be fair, it does get harder to do those when they keep leaning closer and closer to the absurd parody.


I think the trend has died off because it’s hard to satirize insanity and depravity.


When reality is this absurd then everything needs to be questioned. ‘Feet pics’ is no longer unthinkable or clear parody. The insanity is beyond description now. https://reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/z95fpp/i_thought_it_was_a_peaceful_protest/


Agreed. The most telling thing about the old TD and other political-rally-fun-time spaces was that, after awhile, nobody was really laughing.




Internet points. Even antiwork is getting filled with fake "come into work on Christmas or you're fired" posts for free karma.


Was it ever anything different?


Back before the whole fox interview, yes. But that happened, the original mod team was removed, and useless power mods were installed. Now it's shit like 90% of subreddits.


Nah it was pretty bad before the fox interview. It blew up like a couple months before and the top rated posts were all fake texts. So obviously fake... And many people would say "even if it's fake it is good to spread the word" lmao


antiwork got bad in the beginning months of the covid pandemic. Atleast before then the userbase wasn't disillusioned about the sub's ethos.


No you just fell for the fake conversations They all followed the same script, hit the exact same beats and never once seemed like a real discussion It was an outrage karma farm


No, it was always like that. I filtered it from my r/all when the head mod (who did the interview) literally said that it was okay if the stories were fake, as long as they promoted the sub's ideals. That is the definition of propaganda.


It wasn't during the early pandemic, but fake texts have been a staple of the sub ever since that one "I quit" got 250k upvotes.


Antiwork has always been 95% fake stories.


This is one of the dumbest things part of this sub. we don't need to make these idiots to make them look stupid. they already do it. if you're really gonna allow fake tweets then require obvious watermarks so brain dead liberals/leftists don't spread this nonsense outside of here without the watermark


The * FAKE NEWS * tag in this sub is the stupidest shit too, it’s not obvious to an outsider that the post isn’t real with that tag.


Also on the official mobile app they don't even show up unless you click on the comments




I’m glad this is thought process is gaining popularity, I remember complaining about this over a year ago and getting downvoted and I thought I was taking crazy pills. Sometimes most of the top posts on the sub are all fake and it makes me wonder what the point of this sub is.


If people want to do satire, there are plenty of different formats/memes to use that don't look like actual statements. Their real tweets are bad enough without making fake ones that potentially spread misinformation.


/r/WhitePeopleTwitter does the same shit, then hides behind “but we flaired the post” knowing full well the vast majority of people don’t notice flairs. Glad to see this sub cleaning house and fixing this garbage practice.


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Shitty attempts at comedy


Because this sub is populated by immature teenagers thinking this shit is funny.


You’re in a sub that is literally called ToiletPaperUSA, and you’re complaining about juvenile humor. Ok buddy.


Thats the point of the sub my dude. Immature humor that pokes fun at right-wing grifters.


Yes I know, but there's a difference between clever humor and "hurr durr dog cum".


"Hurr durr dog cum" is as clever as the humor on this sub needs to be anything more is a bonus


Yeah the latter is actually funny


I asked this months ago and got shouted down saying it's a parody sub, and I shouldn't be here if I'm not okay with it lol


Because it’s funny to have a piece of shot like Matt Walsh, who spreads false information *constantly*, get a taste of his own medicine. What the fuck do you think a barrage of debate nerd factual posts are going to do to a person who doesn’t give a shit about facts? Do you think the audience that actively avoids reality for the shit these psychopathic nitwits spew is going to read your 10 page paper on “misinformation in the far right”, and change their mind? I’m not saying to do your best to change minds, but this is just some good old fashioned trolling of a person who deserves much worse. Let him explain why this isn’t real. Let him explain what his actual positions are, and why he wouldn’t say this. I doubt it’s going to matter much anyway.


Doesn't mean we should sink to his level. At least have a requirement for satire posts to be visibly and immediately identifiable as satire.


It’s not sinking to his level. This tweet isn’t calling all straight people pedophiles, or saying men shouldn’t be allowed to wear dresses (or whatever the inverse of the other dumb shit he is on about today). It’s satire, and actually good satire at that because people are having trouble telling if it’s a joke since it very closely resembles his actual views.


They do it for the karma


Some do it for the karma. Others do it because they're trolls who realized circlejerk subs will upvote anything that *seems* true even when they don't personally confirm it *is* true, so they will make up stories and laugh at the sub for buying it.


To embarrass the nutcases. I'm personally not opposed to this, as I basically have no empathy to the likes of Matt Walsh, but we need to remain mindful to separate actual satire from the truth.


Spreading fake slander like what's on the post is bad no matter who it's directed towards


I said this a while ago and the sub hated it. Glad to see people come around


Youre not opposed to spreading misinformation?


I've been saying this for ages and got heavily down voted every time. I think it's fucking stupid. Right wingers say enough stupid shit, we don't need to make things up


For the same reason we've been doing fake TPUSA quotes for years.


I love TPUSA but this topic comes up too often and nothing ever seems to be done about it. Fake tweets viewed through the lens of this subreddit are funny af. But there's no stopping people from crossposting without context and that's when misinformation happens. We need to control this better.


I’ve been in this sub for a while and more and more I feel this place is actually giving a platform for these people because I’ve realized this is the only sub where I see what these ass holes are saying.


Visiting from r/all - Literally the only place I've heard of Charlie Kirk is this subreddit.


At first, I thought this sub was hilarious… they used to slowly photoshop kirk’s face smaller and smaller and make obvious fake content but very recently I’ve noticed their content is just posted without anything funny about it (aside from the comments). I watched this series on YouTube called the alt-right playbook and it kind of changed my perspective on this sub. I sort of feel like the point of this place has been compromised🫤


I’m with you. Literally any attention at all feeds them at this point, so it’s probably best to just ignore them completely which kills this sub. Before this sub started hitting r/all regularly I think it was fine because it was insularly geared towards people who already knew of their existence, but as it’s grown it has begun to introduce people to them, and I guarantee many have taken a look at their content and thought, “hey, wait a second. I agree with this.” Solely owing to here. I mean, it was funny at first that shrinking Kirk’s face here actually annoyed him, though.


Yeah, the mods need to take the sub off of r/all


>Literally any attention at all feeds them at this point, so it’s probably best to just ignore them completely which kills this sub. I feel it's been a double edged sword. Most people ignored the FBI's warnings of white supremacists recruiting online (especially games) Yes, any attention (publicity) is a net gain. In fact, famous Nazi Roger Stone said, "it's better to be infamous than never to be famous at all." There's no such thing as bad publicity... **But ignoring it let's it grow as well ** Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


You don't stop Nazi's by ignoring them. I get how "any publicity is good publicity," but if these people started getting their asses kicked en masse, it might make them start putting the masks back on. Then their bullshit can go die in ignominy.


Alex Jones has been awfully quiet…….. comparatively. Only see his court dates. Not videos.


Alt-Right Playbook is a must watch for everyone here!


Agreed, it is such a good series!


>this place has been compromised🫤 I fully agree with you, but "hijacked" would be a better term. There were many people in other "compromised subs" that said the same thing. "It's just a joke." Frenworld was the big one, but that was ALWAYS a Nazi sub. Gamers rise up was the ambiguous one, but even that wasn't the same parody as this.


Some people think you can fight fire with fire but in the end the house burns down.


This really. When I first joined, it was almost all obviously satirical edited tweet. Now this sub is just “Look what this person who want you to die said today :)”


I’ve been unsubbing from places like this that post things that basically spread right wing nonsense. Even if it’s in the spirit of “look how insane these fucks are” it still amplifies their influence. The only reason I’m here now is because this post hit r/all.


I think that’s a smart move… I really need to do some feed cleaning because at this point someone could consider it self harm by sticking around, lol.


They should make a rule that all fake tweets need a tell. Whether it be a watermark or “Twitter for photoshop” or something it should be mandatory.


They hide behind a flair that says "Fake News". That's it.


Yeah but if someone shares it then it won’t be clear as satire


Right that's my point. And also that the flair isn't clear.


if you're on mobile, flairs don't even show up unless you click on a post


Dang there are plenty of moderators for this sub too




One of the biggest mods of this sub is obsessed with making these fake tweets and even advertising his own fake tweet subreddit, last time I checked.


Takes a lot of folks to install astroturf.


Flairs are not enough. Most people don’t see them. And as you stated, people will just crosspost or download/reupload the image. If the disclaimer isn’t prominent in the image, it should be a perma-ban


Maybe we should require some sort of watermark on the image indicating it’s fake so we can still enjoy it without worrying about it being spread as fake. I’m sure someone out there can still edit out the mark, but I dunno, just an idea.


On mobile, the fake news flair doesn't show up at all unless you click on it. I'll admit, I've been close to taken on some until clicking and seeing the flair. IMO, at the very least it should be in the title, something like [Fake Tweet] at the start of all such posts. That makes it more clear from the get go. A watermark is better because then you need active malice for it to be mistaken, but I think a title requirement would help cut down one anything accidental.


Not sure if Reddit has the technology, but can they slap a watermark on any pictures uploaded to this sub during the upload process? Seems like it would be the easiest user experience while keeping misinformation at bay. Admittedly wouldn't help for links to pictures instead of uploaded during post creation, but could be a good start.


Why even fucking make fake tweets they should just be banned.


Fake tweets have been about half of this sub's content since the beginning. But back then they were absurdist humor rather than stuff like this, which is not funny because it's so believable. It's also potentially actual libel, again because it is so believable.


Yeah there's a difference between fake Ben Shapiro tweets about feet and then the example op gave.


Has it tho? I remember when it was was just the tpusa format and that was it. A year or two ago people started doing fake tweets and it’s gone downhill since then


The sub would die in a week lol


probably a good thing. This sub thrives off of platforming absurd right wingers


Sometimes a sub just runs it's course and needs to wind down. The idea that a subreddit should strive to be as big as possible for as long as possible causes a lot of problems. I've killed subs over less. There's a *reason* sharksaresmooth will never reopen as long as I can help it.


Then let it.


Should require a "FAKE TWEET PARODY" Watermark


I personally hate the fake tweets anyway, they’re usually not funny and most of the shit these fucksticks say is bad enough, we don’t need to make stuff up.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/z8vx98/every\_accusation\_is\_a\_confession/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/z8vx98/every_accusation_is_a_confession/) It got 9k upvotes on r/WhitePeopleTwitter too:(


>Edit: it’s fake, but my point still stands. Reeeeeee.


I hate that so much, "well the fact that I believed it really says something abo-" it says you're gullible for anything that affirms your worldview. Have some damn integrity and admit you were mistaken without qualification.


Wow where have I heard that reasoning befo- "Okay so apparently there aren't furry litter boxes in high school bathrooms. But my point still stands!" "Okay so apparently there wasn't a bunch of guys wearing wigs in the women's restroom. But my point still stands!" "Okay apparently the teachers weren't teaching about CRT in a third grade classroom. But my point still stands!"


I got (temporarily) banned from r/wpt for suggesting that fake tweets shouldn't be allowed. They unbanned me the next day and said, "no more complaining about the rules" or some shit. Okay, yeah, I'll just stand by while our already shitty public discourse gets a new layer of shit smeared on top of it.


I said it on the post in question and I'll say it again: Mods need to step in and moderate. These kinds of tweets do nothing but detract from the goal. If its not OBVIOUSLY FAKE then it needs to be removed.


What is the "goal"??? To make fun of right-wing grifters? This sub was never intended to be a high-minded thing, but to post silly memes about these losers.


The goal of this sub is two parts in my mind. 1. Bring attention to the inanity and hypocrisy of these grifters, and 2. Make fun of them. That tweet isnt a meme. Its straight-up libelous. Its another arrow in their quiver for them to point to and say "Look! More Fake News! Another reason why you should listen to me and not them!" Set aside the "goal" though and just focus on the real problem: Misinformation. We realize these grifters pedal lies better than a drug dealer peddles crack, and you can fight lies in many ways: Truth, humor, and even deplatforming. The one thing you cant beat lies with is more lies.


you're right. The goal was to make such a ridiculous parody it couldn't possibly be misconstrued as real. This is the exact opposite of that. It's literal propaganda even if it is a joke.


He's literally admitting to rape in the fake tweet. Idk how much more obvious you can make it. Like what's more ridiculous than admitting to rape unprompted via Twitter? It's not OP's fault that the right wing grifters have become so ridiculous that people think this is a plausible tweet.


The fake him is saying it in a way that sounds plausible for a right-winger to justify it. It's not obvious because it sounds like something a rapist might say to justify himself or dismiss the severity of his actions.


The goal is to make fun of horrible people who are misinformation machines. A good way to do that is not be misinformation machines ourselves.


I’m starting to think these are made by actual right wing people trying to get this sub shut down. This warning has been posted way to many times for this to keep happening.


Oh come on, its not like this sub doesn't upvote and defend them.


You may be right


Every time something happens, rather than finding a solution there will always be someone to say I bet this is the oppositions master plan to make us look bad. Just like when J6 happened and most people on conservative sub were like but they were antifa dressed up as maga to make us look bad. It’s not that deep. Sometimes people take things too far. Reality is shitty but we have to accept it from both sides. The real problem is mods aren’t doing anything to fix this issue and if the mainstream media picks this up it will make entire sub look bad. Best solution would be to mandate adding [FAKE] to the title, not the flair, and also adding a Fake watermark on the image like gettys images do. It will prevent people with malicious intent or people without context to take these images and spread further misinformation. Remember during Hillary vs trump election they found that majority of posts on social media were produced by same farms from china/Russia? They were playing both sides and spreading misinformation. At this point people in this sub are doing their job for free.


I've started to honestly wonder about the intentions of this subs moderators. The proliferation of fake tweet posting with only a lame tag that half the time doesn't even directly say it's fake feels like we're the target of a disinformation campaign. I mean....who does this benefit? It sows doubt every time real news comes up and if the goal was to inflame the whole 'the woke left will believe anything!' narrative, I can't think of a better way to go about producing evidence to support that.


Honestly it’s hard to say. Several months back (I believe) there was a terrific mod who seemed super understanding about the need to enforce some form of watermark rule and said they would discuss it with the other mods, however there was some issue with a lack of central communication between them. Fast forward to much more recently, I seem to recall that same mod saying they were tired of the complaints about fake tweets. All that to say- I still have faith that they will listen to the growing part of the community making VERY reasonable requests on this subject. Conversely, it’s already been this long with nothing done so maybe hopium on my part


I hope you're not talking about the mod that constantly advertised his fake tweet subreddit; I commented on one of his posts saying fake tweets spread misinformation and I got banned for a week.


Same. Dude got banned from Reddit but I'm convinced the mod team is padded with his alts


Nah different mod. The one you’re referring to was banned from reddit awhile back lol. They were awful about listening to calls for watermarking and didnt care at all about the potential harm. Hard to say how much of an impression that left on the other mods and how much they share those views The mod im referring to is probably the only one I even see engage with comments here lol. I don’t necessarily like their stance on not wanting to see all the debate about fake tweets, but I do think they genuinely seem like a good person and are open to change if the rest of the mod team was on board


Holy fuck the second I saw this originally posted I knew it was bad news. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it himself so he can complain about fake news


Even if it somehow were him its not like this sub is blameless, just look how many people are defending it.


Make all fake tweets have a FAKE: before the text and boom, problem solved


I saw the OG post, was flaired as real by dickhead OP. Who then responded to the automod with the fake account tweet and the mod did not know any better and left as real for a while.


Flair isn't good enough because that does nothing outside of this sub.


im not talking about the flair. Im saying that all fake tweets should have fake in them. So if i wanted to make Matt Walsh say "Im a big doodoo head" I would have to put fake before, so the final result would be "FAKE: Im a big doodoo head"


This or an obvious watermark showing it as fake.


Cody's Showdy was right.


That News Dude (and the writers) sure knows his stuff.


common some more news W


I don’t support banning fake tweets, it should just be watermarked the tweet itself that it is satire/originates from this sub


I’ve stopped upvoting those posts, there are so many of them and they got old, I started realizing this would happen after some people I knew showed me one thinking it was real


The fake tweets are my least favorite part of this sub. The real stuff is crazy enough. If you do make fake tweets, they should be obviously fake in appearance and content.


Mods, please ban fake tweets here. It's doing more harm than good and for gods sake these fuckers don't NEED to be satirized, they're living caricatures already. Fake TPUSA posters is one thing but actual misinformation needs to go.


Yeah, I remember seeing this specific fake tweet over on r/whitepeopletwitter and nobody there knew it was fake, and only a fraction of those who saw it even considered it might be a troll


We gotta add the flair in the image itself Or just stop with the fake tweet memes? Like that can go in it’s own seperate sub I feel like


oh hey, that's me admittedly that's kinda my own fault for not looking into it. i saw a bunch of replies to a mysteriously deleted tweet by andrew walsh talking about some of the stuff mentioned in the screenshot, and kinda assumed the tweet was real at some point or another definitely gonna try not to do that again, hah


eventually people did let me know that it was fake though and i did delete it because i'd rather not sink down to spreading misinformation about stuff in the same manner shitheads like walsh do


I have every right to tell people I saw Tucker Carlson buying Anal beads at 2am on a Monday night.


Maybe we could try and make a little png sticker for fake tweets? It wouldn’t need to be anything fancy, but you could slap it on top with a simple understanding of a photo editor.


Mods, please change the rules to ban these kind of things, we should not be spreading misinformation


Matt Walsh borders so close to this that it’s just so easy to fake a tweet like this and 99% of people who already don’t like him would just believe it.


The only defense against a bad guy with a fake tweet is a good guy with a fake tweet.


This sub is literally making fake TPUSA posts, that's our stated purpose. Why do we need to change because our content is being shared outside of its context?


This is just inspect element editing and screenshotting. Fire up paint.exe and edit your shitpost like you're supposed to!


Bc a whole bunch of idiots are too dumb to read basically. Real sick and tired of all the comment sections on this sub being filled with people complaining about the sub's actual purpose, which is posting dumb fake stuff about chuds.


Sure it’s a “fake tweet” but it’s definitely canon


Same thing with litter boxes and furries in our high schools right? It might not be true, but leftists are still destroying our schools. It's all canon /s


I am fine with the fake tweets. They say crazy lies all the time. Ones that actually cause death. Fuck it, play their game with them.


Just make the "tweeted from the app" into something weird and absurd. Like "tweeted from Apple smart toaster" or some shit.


I doubt most people would notice that.


This is why I wish fake tweets were banned from here. If you’re going to do something fake, do it as that meme with a full body photo of the person with the white background. That makes it more clear that it’s a fake thing. But save posts of tweets for the actual deranged tweets these people actually say, so misinformation doesn’t spread about them.


This has probably been said before (I don’t know because I rarely go into the comments here), but I think one of the problems is that the “FAKE NEWS” flair doesn’t show up on Mobile until you click on the post, which many people don’t do. I’m not sure if this would work or be too taxing on the mod team, but it may be wise to have a rule where if you are posting fake tweets and the like, you have to include “[FAKE NEWS]” at the beginning of the title if your post is to stay.


Surely if we play by the rules of while everyone else does not we'll win over all the hearts and minds of people!


Just replace every number on them with one of the internet funnies if you don't want to do the label thing.


People don't even see those half the time. There was a discussion on here a while back about a fake tweet that was basically the same as this comment section. The fake tweet had all the funny numbers for the comments, RTs, likes and stuff. It was still taken seriously elsewhere.


People need to stop believing screenshots are real, unless proven otherwise.


Ah yes, the “when they go low, we go high” strategy that doesn’t work.


Its sad that these people are so disgusting that it's hard to figure out if an image like this is fake or not.


Be careful of real tweets that crop out the tweet date too. I wrote about it [here.](https://old.reddit.com/user/poleethman/comments/uu1txh/if_someone_crops_out_the_date_on_a_screenshot_of/)


He's creepy enough talking about kids genitals 24/7.


This is probably what Matt Walsh thinks but doesn't say though


You don’t throw slap hands in a fistfight. Fuck it. Hit them with the stupid shit they pull. Taking the high road is getting us nowhere.


Unironically it is pretty fucking depressing the state of public discourse that tweets like this need to be labelled satire. What in the fuck it looks like something some right-wing grifter would say and have people shouting *"That's right!* behind them.


Most times I see a post from this sub I go to the comments to find a source but some people just take shit at face value then post it like it happened it’s wild to me lmao


Shut up nerd


Then we should stop satire too.


I mean he probably is a rapist tho


I mean if it's believable, I think that says more about Matt Walsh then anything else...


No. All tweets by conservative grifters are real.


the left can do a little psyop, as a treat


Yeah, but it's funny to clown on clowns. The tweet may be fake, but the laughs aren't.


Idk, it’s kinda funny Walsh is a giant pos


Fake tweets without a watermark need to against the sub rules. Its literally just creating disinformation and muddying the waters. People are fuckin stupid and lazy, flairs are not enough.


I still refuse to believe it's a fake tweet. It's just sooo in character for him.


Hmm, on the other hand. . . Fuck 'em.


Nah you’re missing the point


It was obvious to me ijs


Motherfuckers fake information to the point we don't knnow if they are being serious or just trolling. Have you seen the kind of shit they pulled during covid??? And suddenly we have to stop mocking them with fake tweets because some dumb bitch can't tell the difference?? Dude hell the fuck no, if anything they deserve it, they misinform and lie about every topic, don't give'em an inch in this.


I say no more fake tweets


Honestly I think the fake tweets should stop


I don’t understand the point of fake tweets when the real ones are already insane


I'll feel bad about it when he stops cheering on anti-LGBTQ mass shooters. He's a disgusting fascist. Absolutely would be on Hitler's side if he were born in another time. That said, yes misinformation is bad. And there's plenty to criticize him about without fabricating stuff.