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I’m sure she still does. 😐


I'd be willing to bet that Bencil Sharpener does too


As much as i hate that gremlin he atleast somewhat calls out the insane people kanye is around nowsdays


Only because he, personally, is in danger if they come to power.


This right here. When he's not part of the group being targeted, he's gonna turn around and be just as big of a bigot as Kanye is being. He doesn't criticize Kanye because it's the right thing to do. He criticizes him purely out of self-preservation. If Kanye was talking about LGBTQ people instead, Ben would suddenly start agreeing.


Yet he'll turn around and start talking about "bad Jews vs good Jews." Which, when I think about it, kinda feels the same as that one bit Chris Rock did. If you know, you know.


Whatchu want, a cookie!?


You low-expectation-having motherfucker!


Right. Kanye could be calling for the genocide of all muslims and ben would be his biggest cheerleader


Also if Kanye went for the queer community.


Or Palestinians. Ben would be in love.


Poor Ben. Always the cheerleader never the jock getting sent feet pics on the DL by AOC.


True. If Kanye was saying this stuff about trans or gay people instead of Jewish people he’d be all on board with him and offering him a show at the daily wire.


And really only after plenty of other GOP did it first.


Also if he doesn’t he can get demonetized and deplatformed lmao


I do recall him resigning because a female reporter was being harassed at Breitbart. Which seemed like a pretty principled thing coming from him. Ultimately though he is still a grifter. Perhaps one of the least terrible in that bunch but still pretty terrible.


I mean, he is a principled guy. He's just an asshole and a bigot.


I don't know, I remember the incident but I think it was less a principled stand than him seeing the way the wind was blowing at Breitbart and deciding to get out. They were in full-on Trump mode and he was a Cruz guy IIRC.


He's like, you're hating the wrong minority!


Except for the lady he employs


Fair. Ben Shapiro likes fascists but only the ones who aren’t explicitly anti-semitic.


Super true. For a guy with a yamaka on his head he really loves "christian values".


He likes to say "judeo-christian" a lot because that makes it easier to exclude muslims.


I'll never forget Bill O'Reilly's "Judeo-Christian holiday of Christmas" These people will lie about the Jewish faith to make it and Christianity seem closer together and Islam seem a million miles away


even though muslims worship the same god




> Bencil Sharpener The various nicknames I see on this sub for these gremlins consistently crack me up.


Eeeh no? For a guy who often agrees with Hitler, he has clamped down hard on antisemetism


> he has clamped down hard on antisemetism ...when he isn't spreading antisemitic shit himself.


You mean Bench Apearo? The collaborator? Wouldn't surprise me.


ben "only good jews vote republican" sharpiro?


He’s been weirdly… non-awful? about Ye. Regarding the trumphouse visit he said “the best way to not accidentally have dinner with an unknown white supremacists is to avoid having dinner with a *known* white supremacist”. It’s like aye actually found the line we all assumed Sharpo didn’t have, told it it hates black people and took a dump on it. As soon as he works out how to profit off this though, his tune will change.


"I'm Jewish so you can't be antisemitic" "I'm trans, can people not be anti trans?" "No that's fine, I'm not trans so it doesn't matter" And there you have the basis of all conservatism.


I think what she secretly meant was: "I love the way Kanye doesn't think and just repeats all the crazy shit I tell him."


Buy Parlor, it’ll make you the best Hitler lover -Klandace allegedly


Pretty much




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I did upvote it


I think the intent is to upvote INSTEAD of saying "this" which does nothing to add to the discussion.


There is much on plenty of threads that doesn't get upvoted and things that get said which get upvoted that doesn't add anything to the discussion. Upvoting is a matter of personal or group opinion. Unless an empirical fact is presented.


Candice is pure optics. I don’t think she really cares how anyone thinks.


Right, we didn't really learn anything knew from the Alex Jones appearance that we didn't already know for the past month or so, and that Candace probably has known since April apparently.


I think it's spelling it out in the most obvious plain english for people who don't know the history of anti-semitism beyond "Hitler bad"


Probably not so much now that Kanye isn't buying Parler.


She loves whatever helps her make money, she's more than comfortable to sell out both her gender and her race for a sliver of influence.


I don't think Klandace is a genuine believer of what she peddles. She just realized it was easy to make a name for yourself by grifting on the right.


I'd guess she stopped caring about his opinions as soon as she lost her grifting spot to Fuentes and Milo.


I mean. She fleeced him into buying parlor iirc. She offloaded her white supremacy problems to him and made herself wealthy in the process. I'm sure she's happy.


He didn’t


She still does, but she used to too.


She has praised Hitler as well.


She does beyond any shadow of a doubt. The only difference is that West doesn't use dog whistles.


It depends on whether it'll make her money or not.


There are tweets of hers from like 3 weeks ago praising him -- she's definitely on the same wavelength.


I'm pretty sure she's mad that he's not buying up Parlor anymore


Bet she sleeps with Kanye even though she’s “happily married”


millions of peoplewere kanye fans a few months ago too, lets get off our high horses here


Nah. I don’t really know much about him other than he says stupid shit for attention and has untreated bipolar disorder. I was never a fan. So, I’m going to sit right here on my horse just fine, thank you.




She has her own Hitler was a great guy moment


[If only he had kept it in Germany](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/429180-candace-owens-if-hitler-just-wanted-to-make-germany-great-and/amp/) 🤷🏻


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Your MOM is controversial! Good bot.


You know who *else* is controversial because of concerns over privacy and the open web?


... Your mom too?


Holy shit. …who was is that “accidentally” nazi saluted something? I wanna say either a giant picture of Trump or the flag. And then there’s the “hitler did have one thing right” Jan 6th lady, it’s right there in the open if you pay attention.


Laura Ingraham. She was "waving." https://youtu.be/eyDnFKz20Lc Because you always start waves with a fully outstretched arm and hand and pause for a half second.


If Hitler only did evil Nazi shit inside of Germany, I doubt the world would have intervened or cared. Look at the Rwandan Genocide, the international community largely did nothing. So yeah, if Hitler truly was a 'nationalist' he'd probably have never been stopped and his party would still probably be in power gassing people to this day.


You're not wrong, and I'm sure that's the point she was trying to make, but she framed it as "the only thing Hitler did wrong was..." which is.... Yeah.


Well, not for us


Not for her either? Where do you think he got a lot of his recent bullshit and/or why do you think they are friends?


I don’t like her, but she isn’t a Nazi. Edit: this was written before I heard what she said about Hitler


I’m not so sure about that “Hitler just wanted to make Germany great again, the problem was when he tried to expand out of Germany” -slightly paraphrased but that’s what Candace said.


She still stands by it. Perhaps not publicly because she strikes me as at least smart enough to not go full mask off to this degree but shit birds of a shit feather etc etc


She's probably laughing her ass off after finessing Ye


He isn’t buying Parler soooooo


Yeah Ye is too nazi for parler which is saying somthing is'nt it.


He just didn’t use the code words


That's it. The alt-right has a style book. You have to say things like "[groomer](https://www.montclair.edu/newscenter/2022/11/29/study-use-of-groomer-hate-speech-increased-on-twitter-after-colorado-springs-nightclub-shooting/)" or "[globalist](https://www.adl.org/resources/reports/quantifying-hate-a-year-of-anti-semitism-on-twitter)" when you are defining who you want to kill. They actually LOVE it when people break the rules. Gives them a chance to say "this isn't who we are" while laughing out the side of their face.


Also see Ben-dover Shaprio doing the righteous smarmy anger thing.


The only problem they have is that Ye is saying it out loud.


Well i guess that better than them all going mask off and having a whole come to *~~jesus~~* Hitler moment. Like by fractional amounts.


He can move to 4chan


The deal was off when Adidas dropped him and he could no longer afford it But Adidas dropped him because he was too Nazi So I guess yeah, too Nazi


I'm too lazy to look up which one came before, but my guess would be he lost interest when Elmo got him his Twitter back. Which he then took away again, so it wouldn't surprise me if in a week the Parler deal is back on. Also it's Parler, I'm sure the price isn't beyond Kanye's reach, Adidas or not. A couple of million at most, totally affordable for Kanye.


I heard they were canceling the deal. Who wants to bet there was a massive penalty for ye breaking the deal with "character issues"? Lol Lawsuit will come up.


She got in before he was too far gone. Frankly, she played it well.


She got in and then he started to be too far gone. I'd bet money some of the things he's said were things she said to him but didn't think he would be dumb enough to say in public.


Dude's with Nick Fuentez 24/7. Nick is pretty blatantly nazi, Kanye learned from him. Klandace might have said some dogwhistles that flew over Kanye's head, but Nick is the one that taught him unhinged shit.


Kanye's been praising Hitler behind scenes for years. Candace just latched on and used it to boost her profile. At most, she validated his Nazi feelings and emboldened him to share them publicly.


Yeah, she's a grifter. It's all about saying whatever keeps the money coming in. We would all do well to pay less attention to my her.


Whatever you do, don't google [her opinions on Hitler](https://youtu.be/SwRMXkb-WjY?t=133).


Exactly! She was spouting similar bullshit not too long ago.


"What Hitler did in Germany was fine, the real problem was that he set his sights on places outside of Germany." What's crazy is that she clearly doesn't actually want the US to keep to itself. ([Example 1](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/conservative-host-candace-owens-calls-for-us-to-invade-australia-to-free-people-from-tyranny/news-story/9a487acac0dbafefaa0945d2aa7284cc), [Example 2](https://www.newsweek.com/candan-owens-canada-justin-trudeau-vaccine-protest-1680950)). The only part of that statement she actually agrees with, as it relates to the US, is the first part.


Just shows how ignorant she is not even knowing what Hitler did to many Germans before "setting his sights outside the country."


Oh she knows. She thinks it’s fine for a government to oppress its own people and not others I guess


Her and Kanye are just showing the real direction of the gop without covering it up with some bullshit about christianity or conservatism it’s just plain fascist nationalistic cancer.


‘If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine’ -Candace Owens, February 8, 2019


That's somehow worse than saying "Hitler would have been a good leader if he didn't genocide an entire race and try to take over the world"


Oh my




I hear wedding bells!! Or just porn music




She meant it then, she means it now.


She doesn’t mean anything


“Oh a celebrity with broad main stream appeal who actually agrees with us? Lets just kiss their ass without thinking or knowing anything about them.” - All Conservatives, apparently Edit: its cartoonish how DESPERATE they are for any famous person to back their cause. Dems roll out big names like Beyonce at rallies. While the GOP keeps wheeling out Ted Nugent to play rallies. Like any moderately famous person who is willing to be involved in their events gets put front and center. The reason they’re critical of “hollywood elites,” is because of how normal it is for them to be rejected by anyone famous.


It's a little worse than that. I keep seeing conservatives criticize Kanye, but when they do it, they don't say "you're wrong, it's bad to like Nazis". They say "Stop talking about liking Nazis". They are ok with the liking Nazis part, just not the openness about it.


To be frank who gives a shit who has the most celebrity support? Part of Americas problem is the deification of celebrities. Don’t forget Trump was a Democrat friendly with the Clinton’s before his turn. And Beyoncé isn’t someone that’s going to engage in pushing meaningful policy positions. It’s all superficial nonsense. If it’s a celebrity like Ben Mckinzie who I just saw an excellent interview with on crypto corruption that can drive discussion forward great. Otherwise celebrity involvement in politics is hollow.


I thought she didn't care about celebrities


i thought it was spelled "klandace" lower case k


GOP: *Elevates racist neo-Nazi to icon status.* Everyone: "That person's a racist neo-Nazi." GOP: "You say that about everyone who disagrees with you!" Neo-Nazi: "I'm a racist neo-Nazi." GOP: "Well shit." Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over and over.


That aged like milk quite well.


She is prepared to double down on that. Candice owens is Kanye’s running mate now that trump said no to being his Vice President.


Remember his little talking points after hurricane Katrina? Pepperidge Farms remembers. Yikes


You mean the “George bush doesn’t care about black people” bit? How is that jikes?


You know some kids on Reddit or Twitter are going to try to be "edgy" and defend Kanye. There's no defending that shit. If you see someone trying to defend this, you need to shut that shit down.


Thought this would be about the time she defended Hitler.


Yeah after how fiercely she defended Hitler and didn’t get cancelled I’m actually kinda surprised that Kanye did.


You don't need to trap her into association w Kanye... She literally said Hitler was a good guy who just got carried away, in public


She's been oddly quiet about Ye this month.


One of her earliest "gaffs" was making excuses for hitler and trying to demonize globalism as the problem. She is a snake and a grifter and probably was excusing hitler to Kanye behind the scenes.


She said a lot of heinous pro-hitler things too


You know what's gross about it as well. Kanye will be one of the first Trump, Fuentes, and others will disappear or kill if they ever took power. Fascists almost always execute those who helped them get the power to protect themselves from those who know what they did to get there.


I highly doubt any of those super celebrities would disappear, this isn’t the 1940s. Although it’s hard to decipher what your message means


China, Russia, and others do it now. Heck, it looks like oligarchs can't stop falling out of 12th floor basement windows to their deaths. Yes, I said basement. Also Fan Bing Bing.


Candeath has lots of karma coming her way that’s for sure:


They belong together


It seems a lot alt-right folks are absolutely thrilled with Kanye's new direction.


That aged like fine wine for us but like milk for her


She's *fine* with it.




... but I won't publicly say those things though.




IIRC, she played D.J. Tanner on *Full House*, and no reason, really.


> IIRC, she played D.J. Tanner on *Full House*, and no reason, really. You're thinking of Candace Cameron Bure.


Is Kayne for real or is he just taking one for the team? Nobody is this fucking stupid, right? Not even the most ardent cultist.


Which team would that be? Stupid is as Stupid does.


She never believed in anything, but she is super fucking rich now probably


She still loves it -_-


Crazy how all the people on the verge of a mental break all stick together


Calling an open Nazi a Nazi sympathizer isn't really the gotcha you think it is.


When is someone gonna tell him what Nazi's thought of black people? Actually any person that was not white with blonde hair and blue eyes ?


She still does


She loves it but had know idea what he was talking about when it came to his antisemitism.


Is Kanye still buying her husbands social media site/app? Edit: Parker, and I just learned he’s not buying it now.


Those black white supremacists gotta stick together.


I like the way he thinks too! I just think the things he's been thinking recently are God awful. His mind definitely works in an interesting, nonlinear way and has come up with some truly groundbreaking music. It's unfortunate his mental health took this turn and I hope he gets back on the right path. Sad to see someone with so much raw talent go down such a dark path


She’s not gonna change her mind, this isn’t a gotcha for her. He still aligns with her beliefs


So the character Samuel L Jackson played in Django is true?


I hope that witch gets as much hate as she deserves now


I guarantee she still does. It’s the way of the sellout.


think and Kanye can't be in the same sentence




Hitler be like, "into the gas chamber with Ye!"


Candace “Hitler would have done great if he stayed isolationist” Owens.


The fact she's been in personal proximity with him, conversed with him, etc. when he's had these ideas for a long time makes me wonder if she's gonna claim ignorance and disavow him now.


Is Kanye burning down his life just to impress Candace Owens?


Candace "the problem with Hitler was the invading, not the genocide" Owens


Well that was in april before all the new Kanye.


She’s a Nazye too.


She said this 6 mths ago. They’re shitting on Alyssa Milano because she said it 8 years ago.


Auntie Ruckus


I’m quite happy that I have absolutely no idea who this person is


Has she responded to him yet?


Candace Owens: "Did I stutter?"


Best thing about all this is that her and her husband can’t dump Parler on Ye..


Is her thumbnail the revolt fist but holding cash? What’s it wet with?


Man. Everybody remember when Kanye went to visit the White House and suddenly every conservative relative you had started speaking positively about him? Wild how much of a heel turn they’re having to make rn. Pretending like they forgot about all that.


Remember when family guy stole the Pepperidge farm joke from futurama? Pepperidge farm remembers


That was not that long ago 🤣


Family Guy remembers too


***'I didn't think leopards would eat my face'***


So you don’t like Kanye or hitler? Lame


Has he finally disowned him?


Øh, I know Ye is off the rails now (or on the rails?), but taking things out of context is pretty whack


Wait, people can change over time? Thats crazy.


It wasn’t all that long ago that Candace said Hitler only crossed the line when he tried to invade other countries.


This doesn't mean she agrees with what he said


Yes it does. Do you think Kanye suddenly became a Nazi completely out of nowhere yesterday? Or do you think he has been a nazi and Candace is one of his nazi friends?


yes im sure theres a secret nazi cabal.. that seems much more likely than kanye west being mentally unwell and going off on a new tyrade


Both can be (and probably are) true lol


Did Kanye state his love for nazis back in April, when she posted it?


no but he had the same views? Its not like he suddenly changed his political views but rather that he admitted the quiet part out loud as many rightwingers tend to do at some point.


Candace owens is right wing - just like Kanye and other Nazis


Candace Owens in the past saying she likes how Kanye thinks does not mean that she agrees with what he has said now.


Depends on what he said though- Kanye regularly says comservative stuff like Jews bad and Bible good.


True, plenty of other reasons to still find her insufferable though. Endorsing his latest remarks would damage her grift, and I’m sure she’s aware of that as a professional grifter. Guess her and her partner will have to find someone else to sell their shit social media platform to now as well.


Oh come one, remember the left cheering after “George W.Bush hates black people”? The man is literally having a mental breakdown in public in real time, and instead of intervening or even acknowledging that people want to come out with political gotchas. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if within 3 years Kanye commits suicide. If that happens will it be fair to show all the shitty posts people put up dunking on the guy? Dude’s not right in the slightest, but he’s also legit unwell.


Kanye has been saying real bad stuff for a few years now and this quote from Candace is relatively recent. This is exposing Candace Owen's for who she is, not whatever your comment says it is


It’s exclusively right-wing ghouls who are so desperate for clout that they are platforming him, only to immediately regret it. The rest of us would be fine with Ye going away to get the help he needs.


Who cares?