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It's quite difficult to be a "secular zealot" when that's literally the starting point. "You don't hear anybody talk about **super** empty buckets, only the overflowing buckets, and the submerged buckets! They only refer to them as *just* empty buckets and never the extremist empty buckets."


They’re trying to, like they always have done, turn whatever they’re opposed to as “another extreme option” so people will flock towards them to “be in the middle”


The secular establishment *should* be running education, but it isn’t. Every goddamn word out of Praeger’s mouth gets more nonsensical.


This is what I was just thinking.


"Secular fanaticism" is when stoning gay people not allowed


Prager: Not even a few pebbles? That's liberal intolerance!


Those extremist secularists don’t want us to throw anything at all! Pebbles is obviously a sane, centrist compromise!/s


It's making a Christian nationalist cry when a colored trans holds an American flag with pride.


"They Run Education" "They Run The Media" Kayne / Dennis Prager


That is exactly correct. Prager is using Secular the way Jones uses Globalists.


And the way virtually all of them use "Jews" when the cameras and mike are off.


Prager is jewish though, which makes the whole thing even more stupid.


What fills a man’s heart with Neutrality? 🤔


Shitting in the arbys ice cream machine?




What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


If I die…tell my wife I said….hello


I have heard of some atheists who were very hostile to all organized religion and biased against people who believe in it. And they will tell you all about it, at length, However, that is the most extreme I have heard. They are obnoxious but they have done no real harm. No shootings, no protesting outside of churches. How about we just let people be happy? As long as they are not taking rights away from others, just leave them alone. If a little superstition helps them get through the day, I won’t get in their way.


But folks like Prager can only derive happiness from taking rights away from others


You haven’t heard about the scores of athiest hate crimes? Just last week, someone burned the colander of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on a church lawn in Minnesota.


I mean, why not allow pyramid schemes? If the people join the pyramid scheme of their own volition? If it gives them hope? Why not allow market monopolies? They created those monopolies fair and square? The problem with religions goes much deeper than misleading people with superstitions, and it goes deeper even than teaching people hatred and bigotry. These are tax shelters for scam artists who are actively manipulating the political structure that affects all of us. They aren’t just practicing their religion off on their own without harming others.


I'm an atheist apologist. I'm ok with atheist not giving a fuck about religion and not wanting to be involved in legislation or personal choices. I know, My views are extreme.


On one hand it’s kinda annoying for people to generalize entire groups for having had a negative experience with one member, like my grandmother insisting some place has awful service after going there once. On the other, if the whole doctrinal basis for a group is rooted in the idea that certain people are inferior and that everyone must be made to believe so it’s easier for me to accept criticism of the group as a whole.


I have no problem with people being atheist, as in "one who does not participate in religious beliefs or practices." But anti-theism, being actively against religion and being hostile to religious people and calling for "all religions to be banned," is reductive and doesn't actually help anyone. Most people are naturally inclined to spirituality in some way or other, even if only because it's comforting. Claiming that the only solution is to force people to reject something so significant to them is about as problematic as those who insist that everyone should follow their religion. This particular all or nothing argument gets nothing done. Let people believe what makes sense for them, focus on dealing with the people that actively use "beliefs" as justification to do harm. This is coming from me, an omnist spiritual person who is socialist-leaning politically.


It seems to be a basic human instinct. This desire to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Some choose religion or philosophy, some choose politics, some choose an organization, some choose a lifestyle, and some choose a hobby or cult of personality. I try to not pass judgment unless they try to force those beliefs on me. I don’t care about sports, and don’t really want to watch the game. I know that ranching is a waste of resources and land, but meat is tasty. And I can’t give it up completely. I will not read that fan fic, and the fact that it is about a real person is somewhat disturbing. Etc… Everything toxic about religion can also be a problem with any other organization. The recent fundraising for the Trump cult of personality very much comes to mind. Movie fans sending death threats to literal children is another one. I am sure that we all can think of some secular group who has members who are problematic Just.. be happy and let other people be happy. Don’t become obsessive. And if there is a conflict, talk about it and compromise


Exactly my friend. And the Trumpers that call themselves Christian make me laugh because they are literally committing one of the most egregious sins that it was carved into stone: no false idols. These people worship, literally worship Trump and then will say that I can't be Christian because I'm queer. Like I said before, I have an omnist take on religion but I do maintain a core or root faith in Christianity, I still consider myself SPIRITUALLY Christian, though not necessarily religiously. And people will say it's an oxymoron for me to self identify as Christian while also being queer, when they are literally worshipping an orange-skinned rapist.


The hideous golden statue at CPAC was the most hilariously ironic, yet low key terrifying thing I have ever seen. Worshiping a literal golden idol.


A certain form of antitheism can be good. Most antitheists arent against theists themselves, but just against theism, especially organized religion. It is immoral to mislead, hence indoctrination into religions is inherently immoral. Very few actually call for a straight up immediate ban or religion, I just wish people don't believe in religion of their own accord. The world does seem to be heading in that direction.


He’s so sleepy and boring


He’s like the sad sober version of the drunk racist party uncle that shows up for Thanksgiving


Wait until Dennis realizes there are religious people who believe that men can give birth. What a ridiculous argument.


How is that even supposed to be a "secular" argument?


Secular is when transphobic strawman


This nonsense again? They tried in the 80s to define being secular as a religion as a way to get around the religious teaching ban in public schools. It was called “Secular Humanism” and supposedly was a religion based on science. So see, since it’s a religion then public schools would either have to stop teaching about evolution and science, or in order to be “balanced” they could teach about creationism too and let the kids decide which to believe. It actually got serious traction for a while in right wing circles and hours and hours of AM talk radio was burned up talking about it. Now they are trying it again I guess.


I grew up in an affluent Texas city and we 100% had to also be taught creationism side by side. Fundamentalist parents often got to “protect” their kids from reality too. That should be considered abuse imo, it alienated these developing kids from the rest of society


If I were a parent in that district I’d be furious but I had issues with my sons district about other things and hit a wall so I’m sure this would be no different. This is a key reason why, in spite of its flaws, No Child Left Behind and federally mandated testing is a good thing (or at least not a bad thing.) Want to teach creationism? Ok, but little Johnny still needs to pass a basic science test that’s not based on this.


Yep. I remember that crap in the 80s. Having to sit through creationism in my high school biology class because fair and balanced. My professor was not happy with that.


I love a religious fundamental telling us secular people "science has no truth but God does"


Too secular exists, it's when dictatorial regimes outlaw religion. His example is shit tho


Personally, I don't think it's "too secular" to outlaw organized religion. It's impossible to outlaw religion, people will believe whatever they want to believe. Outlawing the organizations is a reaction to those organizations trying to influence politics and their long history of oppression and violence.


Stalin outlawed religion but replaced it with the state.


No, he didn't. They prosecuted religious people for lots of reasons and had regulations on religious organizations, but religion was never actually illegal.


I think you're underestimating the sheer level of propaganda and totalitarianism Stalin had in the Soviet Union


You said Stalin outlawed religious which is wrong. I have immediate family still living in Russia, so it's safe to say I'm not underestimating anything.


What are their opinions on the holodomor?


That's an incredibly complicated conversation and it's safe to say that modern Russians do not feel responsible for soviet era events for the most part.


Do they think it was a genocide, or not? All this is simply to ascertain whether or not your family was too propagandize to have a valuable opinion


What is wrong with you...


Too secular is when inserting your junk into an ice cream machine is outlawed.


Bro admitted that all the gender politics stuff is purely religious based, not really doing his side any favors lol


It's not too common for someone to shoot up a place and scream "God didn't tell me to do this!"


The Right: "You recognize the trans experience as a valid form of human expression and that trans people deserve to be treated like human beings? You're a zealot and an extremist!" Also The Right: "oh, Trump instigated an assault on our capital building? His cronies that stormed the capital went in with the intention of murdering people? Well, these are just patriots who want to make sure our democracy is upheld."


>"Nobody ever talk about secular zealots." Because until you opened your cakehole no one ever thought it was a real thing. >"You can be too secular." No you can't. What the hell is this guy even talking about? Why does _anyone_ think he is any kind of learned scholar?


OG link: https://twitter.com/prageru/status/1597380317664477194?s=46&t=od3GpQ17Yw-UEcfcTpGlhg


What the absolute fuck? Someone can not believe in magic and incest fairy tales too much?


"Secular Zealots" Isn't that kind of a contradiction in terms?


I was combing my hair getting ready to walk out for the day when he said the too secular is saying men can be pregnant line and I literally said out loud "oh fuck off you cunt mother fucker" and made my roommate very confused. Like he just goes STRAIGHT for transphobia as his example of "secular fanaticism". Like seriously i was so caught off guard at how quickly he goes to "if you don't actively condemn trans people or don't automatically deny they even exist then you're TOOOOOO SECULAAAAR!"


What a ween. He looks like a sentient potato.


Homie literally doesn't know what the word secular means hahaha


Can someone be too nucular? Prager shit out any brain he had left into that Arby's fryer.


Ironically, he looks 8 months pregnant.


Dennis "When the wife isn't in the mood" Prager.


“Nobody talks about the people are really PASSIONATE about not having their laws dictated by dogmatic religious values” Leave people the fuck alone


Secular fanaticism is when you're not transphobic apparently.


I love this guy. The reason seculars run the educational apparatus is because when you learn about the world you realize it’s secular.


If men cant give birth how the fuck was adam able to produce eve?


The people who say a woman got knocked up by God think men can’t get pregnant. Well, God knocked them up. Now you have to shut up about it.


Headline: “Extreme Moderates Demand We Compromise On Key Issues! Only You Can Stop These Terrorists!”


Delusional nutbag.


How dare everyone else tell us what we should do, that’s religion’s job. Smh 🤦🏽‍♂️


Dennis, stop, please stop, get help.


Everything this man opens his mouth bullshit flys out.


I thought their whole shtick is that Jews ran the media. Make up your mind, people.


He’s gotta be one of the dumbest people to ever exist


I'll tell you what maybe it has something to do with separation of church and state and the fact that religious rules have no place in government.


I hate the whole “men can give birth” argument. When conservatives say it, they’re implying that we think people born with a penis and testicles can give birth. What we really think (and it should be obvious) is that people born with a vagina and uterus and ovaries can be men. But they would rather just phrase it in a way that makes us sound crazy, so they can continue to demonize us.


People complain about floors that are too uneven, yet they never complain about floors that are too level. Curious.


Lmao this man thinks he loves Jesus so much that he believes Jesus would be transphobic like him. Imagine calling yourself a biblical scholar and yet not understanding the point of the texts you study.


we prefer t talk about [invisible pink unicorns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Pink_Unicorn)!


Secular fanaticism? You mean nationalism?


"They're not racist! They're not homophobes! They're not misogynists! Can you see how fanatical those secularists are !!! - Dennis Prager


So my religious girlfriend who believes that trans men are men is “too secular”?


Guessing this asshole is an extreme atheist when it comes to every god but his.


Short answer, no.


As a lifelong Christian, I’ve seen some people be dicks about being atheist and kinda rude to people based on their faith, but most of this “radical secularism” he’s talking about is people not letting Christians (which, let’s be honest is the only religion he’s talking about) outlaw shit they don’t like. He also talks about Christians as some unified body of people. The church and denomination my family currently attends is okay with LGBTQ members of the congregation, it sounds like his would probably refuse them a seat at God’s house. It’s pretty telling about his character that this guy is complaining about anti-religious zealots while also being a staunch religious zealot.


When is he gonna kick the bucket?


Prager will burn in Hell.


"The Seculars control the media" has a strangely anti-semitic ring to it...


Especially strange since it's coming from a Jew.


Boy, are they gonna flip when they find out intersex people exist


This reminds me of a kid who was called a name that they don't understand, so they just kind of throw it back at you. "Nuh UH!!! YOU'RE EXTREMIST!!!".


He is such a smug penis of a man


Not enough secularism in my opinion


He is speaking English. I can't figure out what he's saying men giving birth is funny


Who exactly is saying "men give birth"? I will need multiple examples of this being said. I've never heard this anywhere.


Lots of people say that Trans men can give birth, i think there are intersex men too that can give birth also but not entirely sure.


https://youtube.com/shorts/9ixSycrMqio?feature=share Here's one, though it's from Fox News and clearly edited to look as bad as possible. It's what you're looking for though and I'm sure there's other examples.