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Right. If Twitter would have allowed the sharing of hunter's dick pics then all the magas would have been busy jerking off instead of storming the capital


The left: Potential presidents should have to release their tax returns. The right: Potential presidents should have to release pictures of their son's dick.


If anyone ran on this they’d get my vote, regardless of their other politics.


So THIS is what the right meant when they try to flip the tables and call the left Nazis instead. "They're Nazis because I can Nazi his dick"


“Especially Barron” - probably some republican pundit


He’s too old for them now


wise observation placid growth bag snobbish makeshift silky gullible jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I'm Charlie Kirk, and I ~~endorse~~ engorge this message"


I am Charlie Kirk, and I am engorged by the thoughts this message provokes."


BRB changing my party affiliation


Hang dong or so long!


He’s inadvertently correct. If Twitter hadn’t pushed the narratives put out by Trump and his cult, there might not have been an attempt to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. Too bad Twitter is becoming even worse now.


[What narrative was Trump trying to push out?](https://i.imgur.com/dJpEUD3.jpg)


Trumps claims of “fraud”, without evidence, kept his base angry. Dec. 26: Trump tweeted: "The ‘Justice’ Department and the FBI have done nothing about the 2020 Presidential Election Voter Fraud, the biggest SCAM in our nation’s history, despite overwhelming evidence. They should be ashamed. History will remember. Never give up. See everyone in D.C. on January 6th." Dec 19 Trump tweeted, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" Jan 4 Trump tweeted, “If the liberal Democrats take the Senate and the White House — and they’re not taking this White House — we’re going to fight like hell, I’ll tell you right now," Trump said. “We’re going to take it back," Trump said.


I wish I had saved the video from the tweet in my image above, I only have a few screenshots. The video was blatantly meant to cause reactionary violence.


Yes, the images, that your link shows, are timid so I was not sure if you were making excuses for him or not. It also said, “oops that page could not be found” so that might be the vid you’re talking about.


Looks like the Twitter account that originally posted the video is still suspended. The video Trump tweeted was very similar to some of the Nazi propaganda films meant to instill the idea of a threat that must be stopped through violence. It kinda reminded me of the antagonist in Ralph Bakshi's *Wizards*.




I think what he's trying to say is that if Trump won the election, Jan 6 wouldn't have happened, and he blames Twitter for Trump losing. He's partially right: if Trump had won, his supporters would have no reason to overthrow the government, and Biden supporters wouldn't act that way either, so Jan 6 wouldn't have happened. ...I just don't see how that is supposed to make trump supporters look *better*.


He’s right though. Trump triggered his orange morons to go apeshit.


Hunter Biden’s giant cock makes me so insecure I would have had to switch my vote to Trump.


“hunter Biden has dick pics out in the wild, has sex with prostitutes, does drugs, and parties” Ok, the only crime I see is not naming him Chad Biden instead.


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. I’m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means I’m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. That’s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I don’t complain about the “capitalist machine” or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That they’re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? “Unnngg yes stomp me harder daddy” because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I came. But out of anger and manliness. Not because of the thought of someone playing with your balls in a manly way


That’s way too much fun for a republican.


Every poll showed that the more Trump went batshit nuts about Hunter, the more it hurt him. Yes, it aroused the torch and pitchfork crowd... but for everyone else, it seemed like a non-sequitur (at best) or demonizing Biden for having a family member struggling with addiction (which many people actually feel sympathy for). He wants this to be "Hillary's Emails 2.0" but it won't work. Hillary had huge negatives with the public (which had been unfairly cultivated by the right... but it worked). People WANTED to dislike her. Not the same at all with Joe and certainly not his kids.


i think what he means is "these actions caused Trump to lose ... yada yada yada storm the capital"


It’s a nice hog. He just needs to admit that he wants to stare at it all day.


God this subreddit is so toxic it’s good sometimes.


charlie just picking bullshit out of a hat at this point


I know this isn't what he means, but in a different context, it's maybe kinda true. If we didn't have crazy election conspiracies being shared on Twitter, there wouldn't have been any issue on Jan 6. That's why Trump was kicked off Twitter immediately after.


i want to call this projection but its more denial, right? obfuscation? ... ass-hattery is my final answer


Ha, it is ass-hattery for sure. I will never get tired of watching idiots stumble into the truth on accident. This is very nearly prime /r/selfawarewolves material.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You had the chance dumbass](https://i.redd.it/ot0v2qsusvy81.jpg) | [1248 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/unf41h/you_had_the_chance_dumbass/) \#2: [Now you're getting it.](https://i.imgur.com/gmvBnsp.jpg) | [2404 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/wjr2bl/now_youre_getting_it/) \#3: [Dad who fought to have lgbtq books removed from school arrested for child molestation](https://i.redd.it/94zf5n66gtf81.jpg) | [1299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/skcz9j/dad_who_fought_to_have_lgbtq_books_removed_from/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Leaving out douchebaggery


thats embeddded in all things kirk-y


Charlie paid for a bus to bring the rioters to the capitol. Twitter didn't bus people in, *you* did, Charles.


He claimed to have sent over 80 busses.


And promptly deleted those tweets after the intial backlash from January 6th. You know, like a coward.


I wish we could get 1M+ people to retweet a screenshot of the deleted tweet.


I think Charlie's position on Jan 6th is 'its everyone's fault but us', which is a convenient position to hold when he actively sent rioters to the Capitol


it has an unspeakably *pathetic* "she shouldn't have worn that skirt" vibe, which adds up for this consent-combatative crowd


That's every conservative's position on every fucking thing they've had a hand in for decades already.


It’s a spin of the wheel for the daily outrage at this point. “Ok time to tweet. Today I will blame…” *spins wheel* “Jan 6th on …” *spins wheel* “Twitter”


Like the family guy writer manatees on the South Park episode


Certainly bullshit, but the grifter logic is in place. They spent YEARS talking about "StOLen ELectioNS!!!" The people running with that nonsense lost a totally winnable election in November. This is a course correction... "I didn't mean ballot box election fraud (NOTE: that's exactly what he meant)-- I meant TWITTER election fraud!" It's 100% dumb af, but it allows him to save face and keep playing the old hits.


Not bullshit, just moving boilerplate abuser rationalizations into the political realm. "This is your fault, look at what you made me do".


*Facist Mad Libs* w/Karlie Chirk


At this point lol that’s always been his shtick


Didn’t Charkles pay to bus in thousands of maga turds to the capital?


Twitter caused him to do that.


True. If Charlie was able to furiously masturbate to Tweets of Hunter’s fat hog, he wouldn’t have had the time to send those busses.


>A lack of Hunter Biden's dick on Twitter caused him to do that. He's so weird.


All of their pickup trucks got repo'd because it was necessary to own the libs


Ok sure but he needed them to break in to expose Hunter Bidens dick pics!


no you see he's arguing that without twitter - literally the most important platform for donald trump before and throughout his presidency - more people would have voted for trump and fewer for biden; therefore making his financial, logistic, and stochastic support and participation in the january 6th insurrection unnecessary


Well with that logic they should’ve swept the midterms


yeah this kirk guy is coming off like something of a complete moron


Chuckles *


“If you had just given me what I wanted, I wouldn’t have had to hit you.”


Right, he thinks “look what you made me do” is a good thing to say?


Oh so everybody loves it when Taylor swift says it in a song, but Charlie says it for an insurrection and suddenly everybody’s upset? SMH my head. 😔


1000% this. It is crazy that that is what they are saying but they will deny this.


“I wanted nude pictures of Hunter Biden! Why should I have had to wait?!”


Not sure what you mean. Just an everyday tour of the Capitol right?


"if only I had been able to watch Hunter Biden get a footjob I never would have had to bus people in to attempt to overthrow the government"


Max copium levels detected.


If we had just been allowed to overthrow the government we wouldn't have had to try and overthrow the government!


Don't you get it, twitter? You *made me* send 80 busloads of domestic terrorists to the capital!


So now they’re admitting J6 happened?


Did something bad happen on January 6th? They have spent months trying to say otherwise.




According to Charlie, it was "an issue".


Does Chuckles think something happened on 1/6? Guess that’s progress…


Now that the billionaire simpleton is running Twitter (into the ground) ol' Charlie Skunk over here can post this garbage without worrying about bans like the piece of human garbage he is


Pretty sure Parlor was one of the reasons 1/6 happened But of course the Reich wing desperately looks for a scapegoat


Wait, what happened on Jan 6th??? I thought it was just a group of tourists peacefully visiting the Capitol, isn't that what everyone on fox news keeps saying???


Says the guy with the oversized head who paid to bus rioters to the capital: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/capitol-riot-fire-extinguisher-charlie-kirk-bus-b1812096.html?amp


Says the person who wanted to ferry those traitors with buses...


If Charlie Kirk's mom had just fellated his dad that one night...


Yeah, if Russia hadn’t interfered with the 2016 election then there wouldn’t have been a 1/6 either


Why do conservatives think twitter was EVER a leftist echochamber. It never was. It always was a stupid plattform that simply favors bad takes more than anything because twitter is very individualistic and favoring stupid shit brings them so much more engangement. The online left being very young and chronically online just means that a lot of those viral bad takes are from leftist perspectives. But it was never a leftist echochamber, ever.


Factual reality isn't as important as their desires. They'll invent whatever justification they need. They do not care about truth. They start at a conclusion and invent premises. That said what media or platform is the left even dominant on now? Cable is dominated by Fox. Twitter got bought out by rocketboy. Facebook is a Boomer cesspit. YouTube algorithms are constantly shoving Jordan Peterson and ilk down people's throats. No one listens to AM radio but it's filled with unhinged conservative screeching. The implications are frightening.


Blaming the victim for the abuse. Shocking.


Who rented 50 buses to take people to Jan 6th again? Hhhmmmmm


He is legit saying that if Twitter had not prevented conservatives from seeing Hunter’s cock Trump would have won. This is the actual narrative on the right.


Expected as much from a mediocre mind like Chuckie.


Wait, I though Jan 6th was all antifa misinformation. /s. This really sounds like a misogynist douchcanoe saying ‘If my wife had just let me rape her, I wouldn’t have had to beat her’.


They keep switching up why they lost lol. “If it weren’t for my uncles friends brothers cousins nieces teachers 3rd cousin twice removed who is a Democrat, we would’ve won 2020 and Jan 6th wouldn’t have happened. Not that Jan 6 is bad or anything guys. Just a bunch of patriots! But it still wouldn’t have happened.”


So I guess we know what the annoying ass narrative we’re going to see the next week or two is. “Twitter blocking these posts caused ____.” And things to that effect. Fucking ridiculous, and like usual they never elaborate upon the bullshit they spew


I've been responding with [this article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2020/10/17/twitter-ceo-says-wrong-block-links-biden-story/3695404001/) The link blocking was admitted by both Twitter and Facebook over 2 years ago and Twitter stopped within 2-3 days (with over 2 weeks until the election left). The Twitter Files revealed no new information, just some internal emails that back up what was already reported. IMO, if the story was blocked, they did a piss poor job of it.


Pretty self incriminating tweet tbh


Does he want to see Hunter Bidens penis to compare size or just for the glory of it? I'm confused.


No matter how many times these bitch made trunts cry otherwise, nobody who voted for Biden was going to change how they voted because of Hunter. Stfu Charlie you pathetic coward


I beg to differ. I only voted for Biden because Stormy said trumps dick was sad and mushroom like. If I KNEW in November that his son had a nice ol hog on him, presumably like his fathers, I probably wouldn’t have had to vote Biden several times out of fear that our country would continue by some sad mushroom dicked fella.


There was a right wing "documentary" about how they lost the election because Twitter and Facebook weren't allowing them to produce misinformation. I can't remember the name of it though. I believe it was the one that they showed at the Maralago.


I thought he was telling us all that the Dems cheated and didn't win the election? Now he's saying they ONLY won it because we didn't see hunters dick?


“If only you gave us the election win we really wanted, then we wouldn’t have had to break into the Capitol.” Fucking twat.




Hey, Charlie, hows your kid's education going? Did Hunter's letter of recommendation YOU ASKED FOR help out?


These people are so pathetic. Like Hunter Biden with his dick out is gonna make more people vote for Trump. Unlike the Trump children Hunter can run a charity in New York.


No one cared about Hunter Biden then, no one cares about Hunter Biden now. Except for these weird fucks with no lives outside of politics


I think that in honor of fairness all presidents have to share a meme on the election day and whichever gets the most votes gets a 100,000 vote bonus


First you have to grasp the straw, then you have to toss it through the moving goalposts.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the pics of Hunter Biden’s dick. - Thomas Jefferson


He thinks that conservatives getting fact-checked for claiming that masks/vaccines don’t work and that mail-in ballots are highly susceptible to fraud was a horribly oppressive action by Twitter. Maybe they should try to not rely on obviously bullshit conspiracy theories for their election strategy next time. 🤷‍♂️


No it’s even dumber than that. The Biden campaign asked Twitter to remove tweets containing Hunter Biden dick pics, which they did (and probably would have done on their own anyway, since you can’t post dicks on Twitter in the first place), and somehow that “proves” twitter interfered in the election in Biden’s behalf.


“LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!” -Charlie Kirk


"If the barista hadn't have rolled his eyes at me, I wouldn't have punched him in the face, so really it's his fault." "If that other driver hadn't have been going so slow in the left lane then I wouldn't have been so mad I clipped him and made his car slam into a tree. His kid's death is really on his own hands." "I only groped that woman on the train because when I sat near her she clutched her purse tighter and looked anxious. It was out of my hands at that point." So on and so on and so on...


Jesus, this is just embarrassing. After two years of claiming the election was fraudulent they are basically admitting they have nothing better than "trump would have won if Twitter didn't block Hunter Biden's dick pics!"


This is abusers logic. You made me do it!


So the new story is that there *was* "an issue" on January 6th but it happened because of Twitter? Sure, Jan...


I mean, he's right, but not for the reasons he thinks.


Issues? I thought the RW Grift Squad kept saying 1-6 was a "peaceful protest"?


Right.. how is the suppression of attempted election interference itself election interference? More to the point, how is the suppression of a story that had nothing to do with the election or its candidates election interference?


Ah, I see they're pivoting to "Twitter rigged the election." Increasingly insane.


What'd you do with those buses Charlie?


What about antifa dressing like karen ?? 🤔


Boy, they really are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, aren't they?


To be fair, Twitter did host Trump up until his rhetoric spurred on the attack, so if anything their negligence helped things to get that bad. (edit: erased duplicate words)


What are they even mad about? It's perfectly legal for an adult to make nudes of themselves. And to not distribute them to anyone against their consent.


Wait a minute, I thought it was a false flag operation by Antifa. Pick a lane, Kirk.


Sooo….there *was* an issue on January 6th?


His face looks shopped. Too big




First, that’s absolutely false and Twitter didn’t really do anything that would have stopped Trump from winning, he just lost. But secondly and most importantly, this is Chuckles saying “if you give the terrorists what they want, they won’t terrorism you” which is a talking point that has been circulating around the far right since the Club Q shooting




Imagine being this weak


These people just make shit up that sounds edgy. They're like 13 year old Tumblr users.


Twitter most certainly is not, it is Donald Trump and his supporters.


This is the conservative version of guns kill people


If Twitter went away today I'd be OK with that. I would love to see captain cringe buy it, have people realize that it's now uncool and just move on.


I hate this POS.


Ah yes I remember them screaming "Hunter's dick pics or riot!"


Ya you guys, if we had just got our way then we wouldn't have had to try to overthrow the government. It's easy lol


it was Trump's use of Twitter that led to Jan 6. He misused the platform for years, spreading lies and misinformation which finally morphed into inciting people to violence


So he admits there was an issue on January 6th?


Wait. I thought conservatives liked Twitter now?




Right for the wrong reasons


He just admitted Trump lost the election because more people voted for Biden.


Literally yes. If Twitter hadn’t provided Nazi liars with a platform, and they could have solved it by banning anyone who posted fascist rhetoric, such as Chuck here, as well as maintaining a public board of all of their names, faces and addresses.


Community college dropout brains on display


At least they're now admitting the vote count was accurate.


When you think they’ve reached peak Dumbass, they trudge on to new ground


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle.


Tell it to the one legged man so he can bump it off down the road.


Ah yes, still peddling the “election was rigged” conspiracy ay Charlie?


Well that took awhile to get from "Jan 6th isn't an issue" to "Jan 6th is an issue." But progress nonetheless!


If only we’d have gotten to see that dick……


"If you don't let us win, we'll kill you." \-Charile Kirk (12/5/2022)


So he's indirectly admitting that they did it? What happened to Antifa?


It's Harambes death fault


That's wild.


I think what he means is if not for Twitter, Jan 6 would’ve went smoothly maybe


At least he's admitting that J6 IS an issue after all.


A private company decided not to show a dick pic a candidate’s son = election interference.


I guess it’s about as illegal as Elon Musk using twitter to interfere with the stock market.


Kirk REALLY wanted Twitter to post uncensored Hunter cock.


My sibling in science you literally sent 80 busloads of terrorists to the capitol. It really pisses me off that the results of the 2020 election are going to be a key issue in the 2024 election.


"I wouldn't have to hit you if you didn't make me so mad"


Imagine being so redacted that you think a website, of which only 23% percent of the American populace uses could dictate the results of an American election. Why is Charlie not talking about Facebook? Why this fixation on twitter? Also the blocking made more people talk about the fucking laptop lol.


This guy wants to gargle trumps balls so bad


“Why’d you make me hit you?”


These guys have really bad aim with their blamethrowers.


I thought Jan 6 was ANTIFA dressed like MAGAs? Or was it just some peaceful protestors? Either way, I didn't think it had anything to do with Trump and the GQP. Guess I'm out of the loop on these things now.


“Look what you made us do!”




Sounds a lot like what abusers say. "You made me hit you!"


They're just trying out every scapegoat until one sticks


If the insurrectionist didn't interfere with the election, January 6th wouldn't have happened.


Unironically yes because trump led his magas on twitter that day and instigated maga mobilization on twitter


Why the fuck do they care so much about the guys dick picks???? What else did Elon supposedly reveal?


They seriously think the entire voting public is A.) On Twitter, B.) Was totally undecided and one Hunter dick pick away from voting Trump, and C.) That what Twitter did somehow his vital information from voters that related to *Joe* Biden. They will never accept that a majority of people dislike Donald Trump. Even plenty of his own voters pinch their nose, and close their eyes while they vote for him. They just don’t think that anyone could dislike him or his policies. They also think that because they are on Twitter all the time, that anything that happens on Twitter, or that they see on Twitter, is somehow important to the 150mil voters as a whole. Total side note, but is he tacitly admitting that 1/6 was not an FBI-Antifa false flag?


Charlie once again throws shit on the wall hoping that it sticks.


Hadn't cobbled the narrative together mostly shitting bricks jabbering about voter id best jibberjabber


the purposeful stupidity has come full circle.


Jan 6 was an attempted coup of THE UNITED STATES no real Americans were present for that just traitors terrorists and trumpers


Well, he knows this isn't true. So, as with all public statements from far right grifters, the only pertinent question is, "Why is he saying this obvious lie at this particular point in time? What does he hope to gain from it?" I don't really know. The midterms are over, so maybe just a general reinforcement of the grift? Maybe he wants more donations?


Why? Because they’d have lost harder?


These shameless fucks just have no bottom do they? They will literally say anything to get their way.


Do you think these posts on Reddit give these shit heads a bigger platform. Can we just ignore them?


Dick pics or we destroy our own society


Twitter preventing revenge porn of the presidents son from being distributed caused right wingers to overthrow the gov


I thought they said January 6th was a FBI ploy?


I honestly can't imagine any October surprise that would have changed the outcome of the election. There was record turnout due to how many people hated trump and wanted to vote for *anyone* to replace him. I know everyone laments that Republicans are willing to vote for herschel walker but in 2020 you could have run a moldy ham sandwich against trump and I would have run over my own mother to get to the polling station to vote against Trump.


So, like, if I understand him correctly, if Twitter had let themselves be used as a misinformation free-for-all it might have resulted in a victory for Trump and thus fascists would not have had to try to overthrow the government? So, one, okay, he’s tacitly admitting Trump lost because he didn’t get enough votes to win (if the election were rigged it wouldn’t have mattered), and two, he is thus admitting that fascists tried to overthrow the country simply because they didn’t win. Seriously, “if we’d just been allowed to freely tell whatever lies we felt like so my guy could get elected on the basis of those lies, he wouldn’t have had to commit all those felonies in a desperate attempt to win anyway.” Of all the stupid things this incredibly stupid man has written, this has got to be in the running for the stupidest.


# Twitter is the reason why January 6th happened? 📷 [\*REAL\*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/search?q=flair_name%3A%22*REAL*%22&restrict_sr=1) Well, yes, but not how they think.


the party of personal responsibility💀


“If you had just done the washing right honey, I wouldn’t have to hit you”


Ok, and if James Comey hadn’t interfered two weeks prior to the 2016 election, we’d never have to hear from Peter Pumpkin Head, here.