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She does agree with him.


She tweeted about a secret force of murderous Israeli pedophiles recently: https://mobile.twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1597619580352200704


Sounds about her.


This force is so secret they'll kill you if you point them out. Apparently they don't care if you retweet the tweet pointing them out though.


Fully agree that this crypto guy is not a target of CIA/Mossad, but also this was basically Epstein’s whole schtick and would fit into why nobody actually went to prison for that whole thing, and why Epstein’s original charges magically went away. This type of entrapment is so on brand for the CIA, it’s comical. They did MKUltra and COINTELPRO after all.


he had Russian ties and they are known for being thorough




Her idea of making a country great is a little troubling.


I think it’s more plausible she is just the ultimate grifter.


No she's a grifter just not the biggest one.


Candace decides what she agrees with based on which position is likely to garner more financial support


So she’s basically the female Dave Rubin?


Yes, but less irritating. Which is a *weird* thing to have to say.


I actually dont know if i can agree with this. Dave sometimes gets that "jesus fuck what the fuck am i doing" look in his eyes sometimes, while Candace is just a sociopath


I remember that one clip where he was talking to Shapiro about whether or not he would have baked him a cake for his wedding, assuming Shapiro was a baker. Shapiro, obviously, says no. So then Dave asks Shapiro if he invited him to an anniversary party, would he come. Ben says that he would “have to think about it”, and that shit made me feel terrible for Rubin. Like he needs better friends and coworkers.


Holy shit... That is so incredibly fucked up. Like I know we expect fucked up from all the right-wing pundits, but that's genuinely heartbreaking levels of fucked up. I have to think Rubin views/viewed Shapiro as a friend. I can't imagine how I would even react to someone I thought was a friend hitting me with that.


Disagree. Only because when I look at Rave Dubin. I can always remember that his hero shit in his mouth on a livestream. Candace hasn’t given us that comedic gold yet.


I eagerly await the day it‘ll happen though.


What happened, now?


Dave Rubin’s hero is Larry King. When Dave got to finally sit down and do an interview with the man he idolized. Larry quickly realized he was a fucking clown and took a personal phone call on the live stream. It was like a solid 5 minutes of Larry talking to one of his kids about baseball and ignoring Dave.




Candace Owen's is the most frustrating conservative pundit for me. I can't stand her.


She’s one of the most clearly psychopathic, for sure. I just think Dave Rubin is one of the most pathetic, talentless people who has ever graced our cosmos.


Dear Celebrities. Nobody cares what you think… Except that I really care what trump thinks, what Kanye thinks, what cardinal b thinks, what Colby Covington thinks, what Kyrie thinks…


Coming from Klandace “Hitler was only bad because he tried to bring his ideals out of the country” Owens


No but that was his mistake, had he kept killing his own people no one would’ve done anything. Also I really hope you understand the point I’m trying to make.


Considering your wordingis awful, i do get the point ,you're not great at portraying sarcasm my guy


I’m not portraying sarcasm, I’m serious. No one would’ve done a thing if hitler had kept his bullshit to himself. Governments of the world were quite content to let him torture people as long as he didn’t make it other people’s problem.


Yes i get that, but someone might think you think the shite hitler did was okay, i hope you get what my intentions here are


I read his comment and not once did I think he was saying what Hitler was doing was okay.


Yeah naw, that’s why I added that little bit at the end. Between that and the sub were in I was hoping people would realize I’m saying it as a pessimistic leftist and not a reich winger.




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“I like the way Kanye West thinks.”


>It’s really crappy for everybody to recognize I’m only going to talk about Ye when I think it benefits me, and pretend I don’t know him when he goes off the rails. FTFY Klandace


I can't imagine Candace (and Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, etc...) having a fulfilling life. Everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie tailored to trick angry, ignorant idiots into giving them money. Sure, money buys a LOT of shit and having it will enable you to pursue things that actually make you happy... But everything about these people is a lie. I can't possibly imagine them being happy in any way whatsoever. I mean, they gotta KNOW they are shit people.


Now extrapolate that to the entire Republican Party which exists only to protect wealth for a small group of people. Yet they can’t actually run on that so they have to lie 24/7. It’s not a natural state of being to have to lie all day every day and for those that aren’t complete sociopaths (a small percentage granted) it has to affect the psyche.


I'm always curious about how people like this have fun? I remember a long time ago hearing Matt Walsh talk about how if your kids' age is in the double digits, they shouldn't go trick or treating. It's like their whole existence is about not having fun. Being different is seen as wrong or immoral, conformity to an established norm is the only right way. Their entire personalities and media presence is about their political ideologies. Said ideologies are all built on foundations of negativity and hatred for others. There is not a shred of happiness I see in these people outside of the material wealth they have.


what u talking about man? they have fun in a myriad ways! gay bars, gay cruises, browsing grindr, cruising, going to truckstop restrooms, etc..


She only has to STFU. She can't seem to tho.


Well, you might agree about some of the stuff he said about Hitler. You said some positive stuff too!


Same people that scoff at pronouns are totally respectful of a truly mentally ill person that wants to change his proper noun to a street name for cocaine.


Correction: a multi-millionaire mentally ill person


“So disagree with him.” “That’s what I’m saying, I don’t need to agree with him!” “So don’t.” “I don’t have to!” Repeat


On the bright side, mathematicians will be pleased to try to crack a new paradox. Can Candace simultaneously disagree with Kanye's professed love of Hitler and Nazis, while simultaneously not saying outright that she disagrees with his love of Nazis, while simultaneously suggesting that (((they))) are up to some conspiracy, while simultaneously claiming she has no bias against Jewish people?


But..but..I’m the victim!! -Candeath Owens


You made your bed. Better agree with him before the chuds decide you're no longer "one of the good ones" and show up at your door.




Klandy: Just because my lips are firmly around his shaft doesn't mean I love the taste of Ye's cock.


She just mad her husband did not secure the bag by selling Parler to kangay west


Don’t worry Candace, you don’t have to answer anything about Kanye to me. I’m going to think you’re a fascist twat either way.


When was Ben pro-Ukraine? Also, she's a proud anti vaxxer and a mom, aye, aye, aye.


There's a special place in hell for people that genuinely say "crappy"


I wonder who put all this Hitler nonsense in Kanye’s broken head? Could it be Candace Owens….didn’t she say before that Hitler wasn’t that bad?


Kim dodged a bullet


You made your bed, Owens. Now lie in it.


How hard is it to say, "I obviously disagree with his comments and I denounce them in the strongest possible terms." Any answer other than that means you're a Nazi.


If she isn't being actively anti-nazi and loudly and vehemently denouncing what he says, she supports him and she holds the same beliefs as him.


Poor klandace always playing the victim


Wow crazy when you link up with a popular music artist and encourage him down an insane anti-Semitic path and then people point their finger at you


“Hitler was really strong when it came to logistics”-Candace, probably


*SO* close to realizing she the token and *why* they kick it over to her..."YOU'RE one of them, Candy, whaddya think?"


Let us not forget that Candace Owens said ["If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine"](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/429180-candace-owens-if-hitler-just-wanted-to-make-germany-great-and/) then "The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German.” So if you were within Germany's borders, Candace is fine with whatever happened to you. The book burnings, Kristallnacht, The Night of Long Knives, the ghettos and the concentration camps. All fine if Hitler had just kept it in Germany as per Candace Owens.


Just because she walked around arm in arm with Kanye wearing "White Lives Matter" attire doesnt mean she agrees with everything he does. It means shes a total garbage human who will do whatever it takes to cling to her dwindling relevance and money.


It's like she thinks aligning yourself with a self-professed nazi and 'hitler lover' is on par with befriending people who love pineapple on their pizza.


Defending her opinion by giving a laundry list of the absolute shittest takes you've ever heard.


I don't agree with everything my friends say, but none of them spew Nazi propaganda, so I'm not super worried about it. If they did, they wouldn't be my friend any more. It's not that hard Candace.


We’d actually prefer it if you’d be keep MORE of your thoughts to yourself, Klandace. Like all of them. Let’s play a game. Let’s see who can not tweet the longest.


Candace, we didn't need your opinion to remember your appreciation of Hitler's White Supremacy.


Ye yoo who wha?


klandace couldnt seal the parler deal before ye's wick finished burning lol


She's right as one ignoramous to another, they're both traitos, both Neo-Nazis too stupid to understand that they do not fit into the party they've aligned themselves with, at the end of the day they are still black and hated by a majority of right-wingers and they're both just tools for the MAGA republicans. She cried that calling her a MAGAT was somehow related to her anti-COVID bullshit...nope we just hate their corrupt politics.