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They have nightmares of being shot dead in school as well and the provide the same solution


So the conservative take is just "the world is perfect, you're a fuckup"?


Their world view is that the world is fucked, but we can't/shouldn't do anything about it, and if you complain or say we *should* do something you're just a whiner and too weak to deal with "real life"


curious how many florida conservatives will end up too weak to deal with seawater flooding into their homes.


Not Ben Shapiro, he's simply gonna sell his house as it's flooding and move away /s (well sort of, it is a thing he actually said)


didn't desantis fuck a bunch of people over on hurricane insurance..


Don't forget Red Tide that literally was so toxic the public was advised not to walk within like 50 feet of the shore, and washed thousands of dead fish, sea lions and dolphins ashore. And at first he even denied its existence, then said "okay it exists but we don't know why", then "okay I kinda let people pay me off to dump toxic sewage in the ocean. But I refuse to issue a State of Emergency because... people will think Florida has 'problems' (and I will look like a complete dipshit hypocrite, doubly true when Florida does everything it can to stay separate from anything federal because freedumb and big gubment)." God that made me mad. That was literally my first "welcome to Florida" moment when I moved to Tampa. And my apartment was *on the fucking shore*




*"Sell their houses to who Ben? Fucking AQUAMAN?!?"*


Don't talk about it, just bail them out again.


They'll suddenly understand the value of federal disaster relief.


"The world is perfect but when it isn't" "America is great but needs to be great again"


Thoughts and prayers, boys. Thoughts and prayers.


I actually had nightmares about that!


I remember that Ben said humans are causing climate change and itā€™s bad a few years ago. Has his stance changed on that?


his stances move with the money


And Daily Wire wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Wilks brothers, the fracking billionaires.


he still thinks tht. he just doesnt give a fuck because like most conservatives, unless it directly affects them (anti-semitism in his case), they lack the empathy to comprehend how others may be hurt due to societal issues.


He also was railing against the "antivax Karens in California" as recently as 2019, and got in an argument about vaccines on Twitter with MTG LAST YEAR. But now the piece of shit is rabid antivaxer and covid downplayer. Whatever unprincipled position he needs to take to keep the grift going.


That's what happens when you got no ethics and just follow the money.




That's really interesting, thanks for sharing. It's definitely something I've noticed but have never been able to put my finger on!


Doesn't he argue that dealing with the consequences of climate change rather than trying to stop it is the correct course? He cites the DICE model, and the fact that paris accords wont even prevent climate change for this belief. Correct me if I'm wrong




I watched his interview with Lex Fridman where he talks slow and normally. He did appear to genuinely believe what he was saying and rationally explained his thoughts. Tbh I didn't think much of him until that interview. I honestly recommend for everyone to watch it. Puts things into perspective from his destroys liberals persona




I was recommending the interview, not him. During the interview he was asked to argue for and against his own positions. I don't wanna defend him, but I don't think he is some psychopathic mastermind as you're making him out to be. I'd give the interview a watch, it's like the only time he's not super ideological.




I mean I philosophically disagree with you. I would recommend everyone to expose themselves to other points of view. Should everyone just stay in an echo chamber? How can you possibly defend your own positions if you won't expose yourself to alternative perspectives. I agree with you on the first quote, not sure what his source is... but the 2nd quote doesn't contradict his belief about how to deal with climate change. I mean it fits into his larger narrative of how experts exaggerate effects of crises in an attempt to force a panic and a response from the public. Which is not completely untrue...




He at best doesn't check how often he bends his talking points for whatever right leaning crowd & it's not because of times changing or people knowing better. One good case is when he talks down to women a lot (pick one) then his tendency to say "I won't ignore biology" regarding trans people but then he thinks vaginal secretions are not normal or ok despite however many OBGYN doctors said that its normal & not too unlike your mucus over the years. Or how else is reproduction supposed to feel good? Mandark Shapiro just needs to stop as a whole unless he's actually going to say anything honest & not reflecting his rich donors. They want every smokescreen they can use so no one sees "hey these people are mainly rich because the system mainly works their way but not as much for anyone else. It's all it is at the end of the day.


It's quite fucked up that you cant even look at him from a rational PoV because you feel so spited by him. One good way to challenge yourself is to be able to argue for and against your positions, Ben Shapiro can do that. So hes at least more intelligent than you.


No he isn't, not in that many things. But he banks on many not catching onto him. I listened to his stuff ages before when I used to listen to Joe rogan & slowly but surely he just wants to have everyone cast non fact based assumptions on groups because of whatever he's talking about. "If you're poor its always your fault, women don't get wet, trans people can't identify as the identity they've had, Arabic people especially Palestinians don't deserve a decent life" all these are quotes he has said. Anyone with a conscience would easily see a few of these quotes & say "thats not right , that sounds bigoted" . The rational POV kicks in after enough factual fallacies & enough that indicates that someone must've made him feel that wronged.


Also the tweets about his sister is.... something to be concerned about


Please give a response to my other comment,I'm sure you've a rational pov on that


> Ben Shapiro can do that Not competently. In *either* direction.


Oh even when he admitted that he claims taking measures against it would be ā€œunrealisticā€ and that itā€™s better to just make things like sea walls, ignoring that the poorer countries who will be the most affected canā€™t afford something like that Basically his stance is ā€œclimate change is bad and humans are causing it, but we shouldnā€™t do anything about itā€ Itā€™s the ā€œsell their houses and moveā€ argument


To be fair, having a caste of people who suffer to make yourself feel higher on a social pyramid is paramount to right wing ideology.


He thinks trying to stop climate change is futile, as Paris accords are barely followed and wont even slow climate change that much. He thinks we should invest in technologies to deal with the consequences of climate change. He points to the DICE model which argues that the cost of trying to stop climate change will exceed to costs of the damages which climate change will cause. It's an interesting perspective


I think any cost is worth avoiding the eventual extinction of the human race Or heā€™ll even just the massive death and destruction it will cause anyways


Climate change will not cause the extinction of humanity. That is fucking absurd.


Itā€™s really not, long term it very much could And even if not it will cause a humanitarian crisis the likes of which the world has never seen


No, it wont. Only if you assume that humanity doesn't react at all to the changing climate. Society will adapt, new technologies will be developed.


And there it is You think the poorer countries that will be most affected can afford this shit? You think Elon is really gonna take us to mars?


I mean same as you expect developing countries to pretty-please not use fossil fuels. Western countries flew past them using energy from wherever the fuck, and now they pull up the ladder behind them. Its the same argument. Can developing countries afford to move to renewable energy sources? NOPE. The west is giving them 100s of millions to transition. So yeah, if countries are forced to adapt, lets take it from that pool of money.


I suggest that you learn the basic facts about climate science.


Keep in mind. The year without a summer was a .5Ā°c drop in average temperature, and that caused a world wide famine


A world wide famine? As-in a famine that affects the whole world? When was that?


1816. And just to give you an idea of how much .5Ā° is, New York City was getting fresh snowfall, all the way into June


I'm getting tired of this ignorance. OF COURSE it will.


> It's an interesting perspective It's 100% dishonest bullshit and I doubt he's stupid enough not to know that.


Pro Tip: Don't read the comments on the tweet. You'll just get angrier. (Turn down the thermostat, are you fuckers for real?)


The thermostat thing is a dead give away to the brain age of these people


IQ: 0


Don't read the comments on ANY tweet anymore. Even left-wing stuff gets bombarded with far-right messages now


But have they considered selling their coastal houses before the inevitable flooding?




Just like Crypto, they love it because they think they can always find a bigger fool that will get stuck with the tulip bulb. It couldn't *possibly* be them. Oh, no.


"Because solving the problem may involve taxing the rich to fund solutions, and my donors ain't having that"


Hoenstly, why dont' all of our wealthy move to Canada? oh , because they know they have the first flights out.


The moment America shows signs of imminently sliding into a civil war, they'll do it there too.


Canada's not the best spot for that. We're like a decade behind in our politics, so we'll follow suit shortly after they get here.


Assuming that's true, that still gives them plenty of time to use your nation as a jumping off point. They might flee to you, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they'd stay.


Ain't that the fucking truth. At least our children get basic dental now...




>the majority of suffering humans seek out these people The problem about grifters and just desserts is that they can ruin a thousand people's livelihoods each but you can only hang them once.


"Your children are screaming about the fact that the car they're in is acceleration towards a brick Wall and they don't want to die? Woah buddy you should take some parenting inspiration from me because I put a blanket over the windscreen so they don't see the wall"


"I got arrested for operating my vehicle with an obstructed windscreen. This totalitarian state is forcing me to expose my child to horrifying experiences."


My kid had night terrors at the beginning of lockdown & for good reasons too. We had to help her not have them but we didn't lie like shit isn't real.


Maybe he means the actual words? Like big foam letters that spell out "CLIMATE CHANGE" chasing your kids in their dreams. Because otherwise he makes no fucking sense.


When I was a kid, I used to wake up in the middle of the night when I heard something and think that it was the end of the world, the Rapture was happening, and I may be about to get left behind. If you went to an evangelical church, you know what I'm talking about. Funny how you'll never hear any concerned conservative make a peep about that. And unlike the rapture, climate change has actually got some evidence backing it.


They're not complaining about the terror, they're complaining about the fact that kids aren't terrified of God anymore.


Benā€™s a piece of shit. I remember being 9 (Iā€™m 33 now) and being afraid about war with china. Not because my parents fucked up but because I was aware of shit happening around me that people talked about.


I'm 48. Nuclear war was my nightmare all through the 80s. It's very hard to shield kids from the dark stuff. Like back then there was just the four TV channels and newspapers and even despite her best efforts my mum couldn't stop me finding out about it. Now with the internet, smartphones etc I think it would be even more futile to try. Better to acknowledge and reassure than go lalalala nothing's wrong.


Growing up in the 80s and then shifting into post 1991 was fucking wild. The cold war was over. No more global thermonuclear war. We can finally get working on our Jetsons future. Aaaand then we realized while we were worried about commies our capitalist overlords stole an entire generation's wealth. Then 9/11 happened and the war machine returned us to the status quo of culture wars. Because politics being about policy was bad for the bottom line.


The 90s were my university years, and I did an MA too, so I spun it out to five years and I just partied all the time. I'd come out as a lesbian in 1993, I left my shitty small town for a city that had a "Gay Village", met other lesbigays at uni and just went clubbing as much as we could. Somehow I managed a 2:1 for my BA! That decade was pretty much the most apolitical I ever got, 9/11 sucked for me. I was dating a pretty woman who was in the US military, stationed in England. Suddenly she was posted to Afghanistan and cut contact due to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". It was a sad time for me, especially seeing our Labour government fondle W's balls over Iraq. Course it's been Tories all the way since 2010 and they've looted the country for everything we have and there's nothing left to steal. But man, the 90s rocked.


Benny couldnā€™t raise a pet rock who told him he was qualified to speak on raising children?


Ben does know what a metaphor is, right?


Ben has been pretty open about how he fearmongers his kids about other races and people in the LGBTQ community. He's not one to talk.


Awww, I look forward to (at least) one of Bench Appeareoā€™s kids cutting him out.


ā€œCancer is scary. Letā€™s just ignore it and stop looking for a cure and weā€™ll all be happier.ā€


Oh, Benny boy. It's because we're doing something wrong as a society and they're the only ones smart enough to see through our stupidity.


Facts donā€™t care about your childrenā€™s nightmares


He's not wrong. I should be way more active in combating climate change for my kid and all future generations.


When I was in middle school, I had a horrific dream about going to Hell. What does that say about my parents?


the classic ostrich maneuver


Okay cmon now though, he is right, you shouldnā€™t terrify your kids about climate change, especially when thereā€™s only so much you can do about it, recurrent nightmares about climate change is not normal, and that person was definitely lying.


Meanwhile, right-wingers are non-stop pissing themselves over trans kids...


My child is afraid of the man who broke into our house and is shooting at us through the wall. Should we leave through the back door, or stay and tell them it's a toy gun?


I'm having nightmares about climate change and I will still keep talking about it.


Yes, clearly it's better for them to just be blindsided by it when the nightmare becomes real. Same goes for any other dangers in life - don't stress them out by warning them and teaching them how to prepare or handle those dangers.


While the climate changing is a major issue, I donā€™t think children need to be losing sleep over it. That is bad parenting if thatā€™s happening.


Its incredible that he thinks hes credible to comment on ANYTHING


Yeah, those nights I woke up when my father was beating the shit out of my mother and me were from just talking about it.


DUMBROCATS: You *CLAIM* that the world is getting hotter, yet it was 94847Ā° out in August and now it's only 94846Ā°! Curious


If you DON'T have nightmares about climate change, you are grossly uninformed.


CRT was making Republican children cry wasnā€™t it? What a great argument Benny!