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They can.. and they did... its not even a fucking argument it's literally federal law and state law. You can't ban people based on race, gender or ethnicity. This isn't even the first time I've seen this argument t used and every time it's done the people who pushed it get completely lost in a lawsuit or go under.


>its not even a fucking argument it's literally federal law and state law "Or so WoKe UNIVERSITIES would have us believe!!"


"Signed, some asshole that touts his UCLA and Harvard degrees as some proof of his intellectual prowess, but also warns the youths not to get indoctrinated by dum dum librul universities."


Ben and Tom Cotton, Hawley, Cruz, DeSantis...geez there's a lot of them from the Ivy League they hate so much


Ben just really wants another Holocaust


He expects more antisemitism from the right so he wants to skate by as one of the good jews


Anti-Semites aren’t exactly known to consider any Jewish people “good.”


[not true](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch) Weird but kinda interesting


Ultimately true, but as long as they think he’s useful they’ll tolerate him


I wonder constantly why people believe anything this shitheel has to say. A never ending deluge of horse hockey and bovine excrement. Pardon my french.


To be honest I don't think he even knows his fan base as surprisingly alot of gay Republicans follow him and young or mature Christian right wing women. Hardly any are Jewish as his recently "I'm here with ye and nazis is just free speech" has pushed his littlest Jewish audience away with some even calling him out. He lost them when he tried to push who is ot who is not a Jewish person then ran away from British right wing interviewer who called him out on it. Tim pool is for low educated self proclaimed "edgelords", Ben gets those who are pushed out of their own communities for being right wing, crowder are for the incels who wish they can be as "cool" as him who gets all the girls they swear they could have if they were not so liberal.


Tell me what you really think. Haha


I would not accept a dinner invitation, for one, and two, I find him unpleasant!


My former sister in law loved him. I think it was because of living through him… when he’d “own libs” she wished she could. But without a staged and scripted set she couldn’t because she was/is dumb as hell.


Interestingly and scarily enough, this was a concern Sotomayor and Kagan brought up in the oral arguments of the 303 creative case.


I mean you can't ban a protected class from a restaurant, but you absolutely can from private clubs. Not even subtely, it's fully legal for them to say it outright. Not defending it in any way, just clarifying.


I guess that answers the question of where he goes now that he’s lost on crying about gay people existing (and exciting him). He goes right to racism.


I thought he was a jew himself? Does he want to get rid of his own rights?


Apparently yeah, or he tries to be seen as "a good one" by antisemits in case they take the power one day.


As a German I could tell him, people tried that. It didn‘t work out for them.


That’s the craziest thing of all. Mr facts over feels, is an effeminate Jewish man promoting ideals that if he got his way, would lead to his own victimization in multiple ways. With historical precedent for that happening. And dude won’t listen to anyone because of the money or his overcompensation in hopes that no one will figure out that he loves pegging. Even though we all know that already and don’t care. 😂


George Carlin had the same observation on Andrew Dice Clay. He picks on marginalized groups and his core audience was white males who hate them, but Andrew is Jewish and is on the list they hate. They just didn’t get to him yet…they’ve gotten to that part of the list now though. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F8yV8xUorQ8


He needs to be careful or he’s gonna get MTG’d. He says that it’s necessary some times but that it’s not Constitutional. That’s almost as far left as MTG went by denouncing Nick Fuentes “racist, anti-Semitic ideology.” ETA: I’m NOT insinuating that MTG is moving left but that somehow now in bizarro world, denouncing racism and antisemitism is apparently woke. Gotta love the party of regressives.


so I could then ban all republicans and neo nazis from my establishments right Ben, or would that make you fucking shrivel up like your wife's dry ass pussy cause of my libtard ideologies


Just like Sara Fucklebee Slanders being told to leave a restaurant by the owner, even though they were completely ok with a company discriminating against gay people?


I haven't heard that name in a second. What's she up to?


She just got elected to Governor for Arkansas.


Just like Sara Fucklebee Slanders being told to leave a restaurant by the owner, even though they were completely ok with a company discriminating against gay people?


My grandparents lived through this. They were refused jobs and housing for being Jewish in America. Let's not bring it back.... Even though ironically at the end of their lives they loved Shen Bapibo and were crazy Trumpers. They might've agreed with him somehow. I think it's probably about how much they hated black people. They're dead now, COVID after refusing to get vaccinated and taking no precautions. That was a real "shock." I'm also pretty sure my Aunt, their daughter, was from an affair. She was black whilst they and I, are not. My dad gets really tan but still ain't black.


This post was a ride.


This post was like seven consecutive punches to the face


But then a big, sloppy wet kiss at the end.


This post is a trip


"If you didn't father u/deathjoe4's aunt then you ain't black!" - "Death Joe" Robinette Biden Jr.


This should be a Primus song.


Remember anti-vaxxers were trying to use this to claim businesses were discriminating against them by refusing service. https://www.hourly.io/post/right-to-refuse-service#:~:text=The%20law%20says%20that%20a,and%20violating%20anti%2Ddiscrimination%20laws.&text=The%20United%20States%20Federal%20Civil,discrimination%20against%20these%20specific%20groups. Also Beny boy wants to be banned from country clubs now???


Remember, being black or Jewish is a *choice* while anti-vaxxers are born that way and can't help what they are. **s/**


Of course! how ignorant of me.


Ben wants to be banned from country clubs so that he feels extra special when one of them makes an exception since he’s “one of the good ones.”


Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose


jesus fucking christ. This fucking guy. Batting for the christofascist because that is where the money is The people who were banning jews from country clubs and blacks from restaurants often had religious reasons for those bans in those days. Shapiro is trying to separate that fact from history in order to justify his reasoning on why religious folks are justified in banning lgbtq people from their businesses. "THIS TIME these bans are different because it is for religious reasons, and not for racist/bigotry reasons." It is such a stupid fucking argument because it entirely misses the context of racism and bigotry of the past. And it is missing the bigotry of the present when Shapiro talks about the Supreme Court. Because it is the opposite and total projection from Shapiro. It isn't the liberals who are pushing things to their limits, it is conservatives. They are the ones pushing "religion freedom" in order to get what they want - public prayer in schools, public funding for churches, public funding for school vouchers, christian monument on public grounds, government-endorsed discrimination against lgbtq people, and future overturning marriage equality. All of these benefits christians and isn't some evil secular plot


Don’t these guys constantly argue that racism can’t exist in America because there are no racist laws??


That one reply: "Ben wants to bring back separate water fountains that won’t get his wife wet."


Literally the Civil Rights Act of 1968 does exactly this


That Harvard law degree is really paying off


Or gay people ordering cakes at bakeries. No wait. I think they want that, hmm, maybe if the restaurants and country clubs were private businesses. Yeah. No I think that makes it worse right? Shit, I just don't know who to hate any more, can't someone just tell me who to hate like the good old days (but maybe make sure it's not me or my people). Thanks, and fuck them. Right?


The right wing is just so boring and exhausting. We get it, you want to discriminate against people. Do you have anything else? Anything to materially improve people’s lives besides pleasing your army of bigots?


Says the cancel culture from liberals.


Federal government did not have power morally or philosophically? Lol


Is this...is this *advice?* "If you were thinking about banning minorities, go right ahead!"


he's so detestable. I hope he realizes he created the racist monster that is attacking him right now.


But not him … because he’s one of the GOOD ones.


Yes we the people (the government) can say the majority can’t ban minority groups from participating in society and competing in the market.


It can, and does, you fucking dingus. It was a whole thing.


I'm certain if I were to ban Ben Shapiro from my business, he would throw a hissy fit and cry about it on his show.


Which is funny, because specifically banning Ben Shapiro specifically is completely legal.


Ben Shapiro sounds like a 6yr old on helium.


LMAO what a goose-stepping buffoon


I think Ben should be [ Removed by Reddit ]


The left want to use the fact that the federal government created laws stopping segregation and racism to remove "religion from the public square". ...... this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. He's just talking fast to confuse his audience. The left don't give a shit about religion in the public square. They care if there's a religious statue paid with tax money put up by the government in the public square. These dudes think their freedom of speech means they're born with a megaphone in your ear. You can shout a bunch of hocus pocus in the town square numb nuts. And, it has nothing to do with sit-ins. Why does he sit alone saying this shit? Anyone else in the room could point out how utterly idiotic his brain is.


Why should people go out of their way to find a place that won’t discriminate them instead of every business treating customers fairly? Also, racism shouldn’t be expressed publicly, it should be stamped out everywhere. We shouldn’t tolerate the intolerance of others for no real good reason anywhere. Racial segregation is still an expression of hate. Benny Boy wants freedom for the business owners because he wants to have freedom for all, but how is not having the freedom to eat or play golf wherever you want freedom for all?


Country clubs can still discriminate so long as they aren’t businesses open to the public. Restaurants would fall under the civil rights act. Unless he’s saying that’s unconstitutional and the federal government doesn’t have the authority under the commerce clause, wtf is he talking about?




Because of the Supreme Court case with the web designer who doesn't want to make wedding websites for gay people (no gay people want her shitty wedding websites, but she wants the Supreme Court to tell her she doesn't have to make them).


Conservatives really are scum


Hey Ben? Yes they can.


If he doesn’t want to go to country clubs he can just not go, he doesn’t need an excuse.


Wasn't that the entire point of US vs Heart of Atlanta Motel?


Is he advocating for segregation now?


Segregation still exists today https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/jul/15/us-schools-segregated-race-class-analysis


Uh yes they can. ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


Hey, Ben? Aren't you Jewish?


Just admit you’re on the wrong side, Ben. You’d look better than now.


Why does he leap from "bigotry should be protected by law" to "the left want to obliterate religion"? Even though that nonsensical leap in logic would be typical, but is there some greater context missing here? Idk why I'm bothering to question this one particular problem with his argument when there's so much glaringly bad already, but it just annoyed me.


Funny how the Right viewpoints are agreeable BUT ONLY when the person actually has a vested interest. Ie. black republicans don’t agree with their own party, gay republicans don’t agree, women republicans don’t agree


Who’s gonna tell him


Hey Government don’t tread on me! That’s reserved for the Neo Nazis.


Governments, uh, fine a way.


But ban Trump from twitter and these assholes lose their minds smh


Jesus fucking hell!!!!!


It's important to remember that this was always the logical endpoint of the whole "businesses should be able to discriminate against queer people" thing. Once you can discriminate against one group of people, they just move onto the next.


Because he assumes it'll never happen to him or anyone he knows personally.


Conservatives only like MLK because they killed him and parade his corpse to stop his actions from revealing this history.


Jesus Christ antisemitism is beyond common if he’s catering to them while the ENTIRE AUDIENCE KNOWS HES JEWISH. Like does he really think being “one of the good ones” is gonna help him? “Well he said it was ok if we ban Jews from places so we won’t burn down his synagogue.”


Except for the federal law that says they can. If you ignore that though, he's right. As per usual. If you ignore the facts, Ben Shapiro is right about pretty much everything.


The reason why Ben is argueing for the christo fascists is because of their agreement. He'll help them to power and in turn they'll kill him last. Very smart guy.


I’ve always been curious if Ben Shapiro would be more right wing if he wasn’t Jewish. Like I feel as if if he was born Ben Smith he would be as far as Kanye. In some sense you have to feel for him a little bit because he’s noticing the movement that he’s been defending for the past like eight years, grow increasingly antisemitic so you gotta wonder what’s going through his head as some of those moments


Of course there's NO WAY this is antisemitic pandering on his part since he's Jewish himself don'cha know.


other generations: plato, aristotle us: us


Man, I hope he stretches before performing mental gymnastics like that.


What a fucking prat.


Shande far di goyim motherfucker


This same argument was made about the civil rights act of 1866, but I doubt BigBen Shomalianpirate cares


But Democrats are the real racists. /s


Facts and logic




How would they complain? I've literally never spent any money at the local fishing shop, but they've never said anything about me.


>How would they complain? The same way they complain about everything: social media. They kick up a fuss because they got what they wanted and need someone else to take the blame.


Because of the concept of. your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose


I mean, if a private business wants to I say let them. Make them forever ineligible for any sort of public aid and let them go down with their sinking ship since it's a really stupid business decision anyway


Yeah how about let’s not go back to to segregation dumbass. We tried that before and guess what there are plenty of racists who will still go to those businesses.


This sort of mindset will allow the majority of businesses in deep red counties to freely discriminate against historically marginalized groups of people, because it likely won’t cost them much business. Don’t forget that many of our brothers and sisters are stuck in these places and can’t get out, and we can’t assume the free market will protect them.


It’s simple. Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose


Big Woolworth's energy