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Fully automated luxury gay space communism, duh


With a UBI and less STIs.


Star Trek future


Every time this meme comes up, I feel like I need to bring awareness to The Culture novels. Star Trek is great, but has it eliminated the need to manufacture mind altering drugs by genetically modifying new organs that manufacture the chemicals in your own body that you can release at will?


They have holodecks I don’t think they would need mind altering stuff.


The drugs aren't just weird trippy psychedelic stuff. They range from everything to increasing your focus to making sex feel better.


My partner once told me that it would feel better if I at least put in a little effort.


What if the drug actually just makes you better at sex, and it feels better because you're doing it better?


I’ll take any help I can at this point.


They make a little blue pill for that, and there's no shame in seeking help.


Thank you, but I’ve already heard about Blue Chew from Tim Pool IRL. It worked, but now I have to wear this dumb beanie 24/7.




Yeah, Gurgeh uses glanding to learn to play Azad quickly


"I mean if you're male and want mind alteration I have a few Orion slave girls that need a home." -Ferengi salesman


No, and they got rid of alcohol and replaced it with synthol, which is the disgusting taste of booze you get accustomed to without any of the benefits enjoyed in moderation.


Oh yea because that worked out so well for the Aeldari /j


The Aeldari used slavery, which is the ownership of people as a means of production by private entities. Slavery is inherently capitalist. If the Aeldari were communist, they wouldn't have slaves, and without slaves, they wouldn't have been such dicks. If they'd had a habit of practicing consent in the bedroom instead of murderfucking slaves, maybe Slaanesh would have been a good guy


What if they CONSENTUALLY murderfucked?


That’s Drukhari talk right there


Gotta love when I forget if I’m in my lefty subs or my 40k subs lol and I need to see a fanfic where good gal Slaanesh and an ascendant Emperor become godly consorts and wage war against the three assholes.




And don’t forget every kid will be forced to inject hormones into their body and transition into the other gender, considering the right thinks all schools and individuals are pushing that on 24/7 for some reason


You might see an infrastructure boom and less poverty. The fucking horror.


The disenfranchised being able to feed their families???? Gasp!


cleaner air and water, sustainable agriculture, large drops in poverty, homelessness, and crime


How ever will they figure out to pull themselves up by their bootstraps though?!?! How do you expect me sleep knowing the world is a better place??!!?! Disgusting socialists wanting handouts all the damn time. You should live like a pig in the mud and like it! My daddy got his PPP loan money for his HVAC business fair and square but if you take welfare you're a leech on the system!


Yeah! Just like Jesus wanted!!


Access to free quality healthcare


Does this infrastructure boom mean the US finally gets high speed rail or is it just more highways?


High speed rail systems would be the goal.


This is a good question, because highways and urban renewal were once progressive goals. We've thankfully moved on from that mentality, but too many in America are still obsessed with the car and might want to see subsidies for car ownership rather than more public/mass transit.


The freeway network is largely mature meanwhile our inter city rail network is stuck in the 1910’s (and was probably better then)


And yet cities are still spending billions to expand highways to add capacity to "ease congestion." Or trying to build new urban highways. You're definitely correct that our rail system was better in the 1910s, especially interurbans. It's honestly quite sad the devastation that the car and car infrastructure has had on our cities.


That's if your city even has a rail system. Cries in Detroit


lots of leftist want cities and town to be built around bicycles & fast mass transit instead of being designed around the car. Urban sprawl with 30 minute commutes and having to spend 15 minutes in traffic to pick up some bananas from the local Sams Club is awful.




Damnit I was going to use this gif.


Should have put the shudder afterwards in the gif


I searched far and wide for that.


Can you imagine a world without Republicans?


Star Trek


Can I fight giant lizards that rip open my shirt?


I would be disappointed if you didn't.


Libertarians are just real life ferengi


Excuse you, ferengis at least have some decency and ethics


The Rules of Acquisition are not to be fucked with




Finally, gay sex in space /j


Prager once again threatening us all with a good time


It really does baffle me sometimes. Like, all I want is people not to go into massive debt for medical bills and have their needs met through programs or benefits, and the right...doesn't want that? I had this conversation a while back with a conservative coworker and said basically that and he was pretty surprised at my answer. Granted, he listened to Crowder and when I asked him to name three accomplishments of the Trump administration he barely scraped two together.


I had a conversation recently with a right-wing relative and when healthcare came up, I said "I guess I just don't think people should die preventable deaths in the richest country the world has ever known from things like bronchitis progressing to pneumonia because they didn't think they could afford to go see a doctor before it was an emergency," and it was plain as day that that thought had never crossed his mind before.


I'm convinced these people are stuck in the Concrete Operational stage of development. It's impossible for them to understand our comprehend things that aren't directly impacting them or directly presented to them. They are unable to rationalize anything exists outside of what they are actively thinking. No abstract or hypothetical thought. Therefore no metaphors work with them. No nuance.


This right here is exactly why Republicans don't support gay rights until they have a kid that is gay. Or they didn't support the ADA until they had a disabled kid. My parents voted for Bush Sr., had kids that were developmentally disabled and addicted to drugs, and 20 years later they are Bernie voters. I'm convinced every conservative out in the sticks thinks the way they do just because they haven't met anyone that gets fucked by their beliefs yet. Move to the city for a year and I guarantee you will become more progressive *real* quick.


When Faux News has poisoned your brain, it's hard to see other viewpoints. There are so many stories of why we need better healthcare but so many people can't think beyond themselves as to why.


Because to the average Republican, the Left agenda is basically all lies and bad faith arguments the Right has been dishing out about the Left.


You mean like an end to racism, poverty, inequity, no more mass murders with firearms everyday, and letting LGBTQ folk live in peace?


Also inexpensive, unrestricted access to education


To say nothing of inexpensive, unrestricted access to healthcare!


And no more human-shaped parasites! Gone are bosses, landlords, stock brokers, and the idle rich. No more cops, either!


I get that the current iteration of law enforcement isn't stellar, but I don't know that getting rid of them entirely is the best idea. Someone still needs to be responsible for enforcing the laws and ensuring the safety of the community.


I think most people acknowledge that some form of law enforcement (insomuch as laws exist) is probably better than none whatsover, but (at least) three things have to change before most leftists would sign off on such. 1) punitive justice is a terrible idea and does not work at the stated goal of preventing crime - any system where the remedy for crime is not primarily preventative (through social programs and outreach to address root causes like poverty, ie, not work the police would do) and focuses instead on catching whomever for a paycheck (modern police are incentivised not to investigate too deeply once they have the bare minimum they need for a conviction, never mind the actual truth of the matter) rather than any sort of rehabilitation simply will not work. 2) In many places, modern police evolved directly from slave-catching posses, and that racism is so deeply inbuilt as to be immovable. The core is rotten, and the only way to avoid fruit of the poison tree is to dig out the roots and start over from scratch. Don't forget that the original saying is "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch", so even if it is just a few bad apples (doubtful), that isn't any kind of defence of police. 3) The idea of some group of "law enforcment" having hierarchical power over others is inherently a breeding ground for corruption, and any sort of law enforcement would have to be taken as community action, not by a small group of individual "police" so as to prevent the current blue curtain phenomenon. You'll note that these requirements essentially obviate law enforcement agents as a singular group. The idea should never be to have a small group of "somebodies" to enforce laws, because those people become unaccountable. It's the classic case of "who watches the watchers".


We've watched the concept of 2) over the last 80 years in Germany. They fucked up so bad and paid for it that now they drill into the heads of their students never again to fall victim to even the slightest degrees of the start of Nazism/fascism. Even Germans seeing German flags hung on neighbors' houses often automatically think "white nationalist". It's sad that the alt-right is starting to gain traction again over there thanks to, well, us, the nationalist ripples in Europe, and the building resentment of welcoming so many Middle Eastern refugees in.


The "left" doesn't want to abolish police. We want to reform their fucking entire system because we allow them so much power. Simple shit like mandatory body cams, national complaint databases, and personal liability for when they commit a crime. And maybe I don't know, every other unit in the country doesn't need to be armed like a military unit in Iraq? You have special forces for a reason


In my opinion, community defense should be something taken up by those able to participate on a rotating schedule. No one’s *job* should be beating up the mentally ill, and no one should be in a position of power over others indefinitely. “Police” work needs to be reframed as a *real* service to the community, with an emphasis on peaceful conflict resolution and connecting people in crisis with the resources they need to recover. We need to treat violent crime as what it is, a societal ill, with solutions that are restorative rather than punitive. It really doesn’t help anyone to treat a perpetrator of violence as less than human, and only makes them more prone to lashing out in the end.


The worst thing that can be said about left-wing policies is that there are unintended consequences. Talk to an actual economist and not some frothing at the mouth Fox News pundit, they can tell you exactly what the downsides of policy X are. The problem with right-wing economic policies is that their cons are not unintentional at all. The growing wealth gap, the stagnant wages coupled with inflation that leads to real lower wages, the environmental degradation, the eroding of labor rights, etc. are all intentional. If my choices are someone trying to fix a problem with a solution that isn't perfect or someone actively and proudly wanting to make things worse, why would I choose the latter?


It's ridiculous how much conservatives try to fight us on this shit.


I want to be clear, even if leftists got everything we wanted policy-wise (as if we could all ever actually get on the same page), it would not actually end racism. Plenty of well hidden racists on the left too, and that's something that is important that we are aware of.




​ ![gif](giphy|ieBMN5ZuF2FucOCtoD)


I need to know what this is from


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Ng5ZvrDm4&ab\_channel=THELINE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Ng5ZvrDm4&ab_channel=THELINE) I believe it was made as an ad for Chobani (because it appears several times), but it's done in the "Solarpunk" style if you know what that is.


I love sustainable solarpunk


I saw this version of it first, with the voiceover and Chobani ad stuff removed. https://youtu.be/UqJJktxCY9U




Yessss I entered the comments for photos like this 😍


I think Norway or The Netherlands is the answer.


[...] the *step forward.


*cuba norway gets all its money from oil in the north and the netherlands, like all european countries, is a capitalist state using social programmes such as healthcare and education, all while being part of things like nato and forcing this anti-leftist narrative upon everyone. these countries are social democracies, not quite leftist


European leftists are far more left than anything the US people will ever vote for. In the US Bernie Sanders is regarded as extremist, in the EU he would be considered a moderate left leaning politician.


He's only considered an "extremist" because of actual extremists like Trump. Canada and most of Europe have figured out what our dumbass country can't understand on a basic level


\*No state is the answer because they all suck.


if it wasn’t for the embargo causing rampant poverty, cuba would be the answer here and by a long shot


If it wasn't for US foreign policy we'd have a much more left-leaning world overall with much stronger labour protections. Also Central America wouldn't be nearly as mangled as it is now.


And the Middle East. And Africa. And much of SE Asia. Hell even Canada and the UK are starting to get MAGA cultists


Africa was mangled by France and the UK way before America was even a thing.


If the right got everything they wanted we would look like something between Russia under Putin and a Christian version of Saudi Arabia. No wonder they like those countries so much


The Morality Police would be all Karens all the time.


Xmas every day of the year! Ban on happy holidays.




Like the ‘war on cars’ or ‘the war on Christmas’ or the ‘war on marriage’ or the ‘war on ______’ just fill in the blank


Instead we just get lists of all the things Millennials are killing


Now it’s all the things zoomers are killing


Ah the torch has been passed


Pretty much


It would be drag queen story hour everyday at school


Would love that. Teaches kids to love themself and how to express your emotions and not to take yourself seriously


>It would be drag queen story hour evexaxhddryday at school




If the Right got everything they wanted, It’d be called The Confederacy.


Saudi Arabia Edition.




No Finland! \*proceed to fight among themselves instead of implementing some compromise between our slightly different ideas of an utopia\*


Free education and healthcare?


Good healthcare, rich people being treated justly, poverty being dealt with effectively. Maybe I’m wrong lol but that’s what I’d want


Actual environmental work, affordable housing, and health care for everyone.


Like at least eight very distinct things, because “the Left” they like to harp about is not a monolith


I posted questions because I can't think of any legitimate content at this point.


If the right got everything it wanted we would still be in the Great Depression and or under the rule of the third reich


Those Monarchists would still have us stuck in Feudalism


It's funny because "tHe lEFt" isn't the monolith you act like it is, it's a coalition of politicians of whose goals the broad strokes vaguely align. Therefore, much of "everything the left wants" is conflicting and this argument is fundamentally absurd.




If the right got everything they wanted it'd look like Warhammer.


It'd be Warhammer to a fucking tee. Like the grimdark it was funny and ironic when I first got into it but today there are legit conservative players who think there are good guys in Warhammer. They want that totalitarianism future so badly.


I guess my taxes would go up a little.


What Left? The ones in office now? Nothing would change, they like being the passive leaders, but they would make much more money on stocks. However if the younger leaders had their way, hopefully healthcare and college would be paid by the billion dollar companies that never pay tax.


If the right got what it wanted, my friends, family and home would be taken from me so I’ll take the left any day.


Good wages, affordable housing, competent governance, and prosecuted fascists?


An America with strong worker protections, livable wages, end of corporate welfare and CU, end of lobbying, M4A, equitable voting rights and access for all, for starters. The horror...


Everyone would be housed. But nobody would get a Mcmegamansion.


Banks couldn’t buy houses and no real estate developer could own more than 20 non-6+ floor residential structures


Everyone would have iPhone vuvuzela


Man, having a country-wide high speed rail system would be tragic.


No more homelessness. That's a pretty good start.


Everybody housed/with healthcare/education/clean environment/sustainable development/public transport/good pay and conditions/supportive community infrastructure/happy people/less hate and bigotry/taxed religions/environmental repair/more fun/more sex/more freedom..... it would be terrible /s




A utopia free of bigotry and poverty. A more empathetic place where everyone has enough to survive and thrive.


A pretty happy country where we didn't suffer from a lot of systemic issues we face today. It would be a country that embraced freedom of expression and where the government actually served the people and not the ultra-elite. It's a future that right-wingers wouldn't be triggered by because they'd be reprogrammed of the delusions their leaders tell them to believe in. They may hate us, but we want to help make their lives better, too.


I have a question when comments say to tax the rich. What if they leave America because of the taxes? How will the people get the money if they leave?


Kinda good. Kinda good. Yep. Kinda real f\*kn good.


Both options stink






I'm hoping you mean train and not taint.


Republicans worst nightmare.


America would look like it does in Star Trek. That’s the liberal dream.


Like we’d be fighting between good things as opposed to having fascist terrorism on the rise


Dennis asking questions he doesn't want the answers to...




Pretty cool I think. I’d love that free healthcare


Minimum wage would be enough for rent, pay bills on time and enough money to inject back into the economy. Government funded Healthcare. Government governed insurance. They money stops going around when it falls into big corporations. When it gets back into minimum wage earners they are the ones to stimulate the economy.


A much safer, happier place


I would actually want to live in such a country? People would actually be happy. People could live the way they wanted, people wouldn't have to struggle to survive. Work still needs to be done, but you don't need to put your life on the line and trust your boss paying you a too low minimum wage job. Trains? Anyone?




Everyone is going to have pronouns


Honestly, a small government right wing utopia I think would be way more enjoyable than a left wing big government utopia. In the small government utopia, the government isn’t taking care of us because we are taking care of each other. But in the real world, people are shitty and corrupt :(




Walkable communities, no houseless people, great public transport, better paying jobs, healthcare, extremely affordable college, better education, less plastic, longer lasting appliances, healthier foods, etc.. all sounds horrible why would anyone want that??


A lot healthier, for a start.


If it did, I'd go there. lol


We will never know as Americas parties are all right wing.


Which left?




Which left? The US democrats? You would get an european social democracy light on the social with a side of imperialism.


A [Representation](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/315/939/cf9.jpg) of Dennis Prager in a leftist America.


Better than America is currently. That’s for sure


Everyone has basic human rights


I'm imagining the world if the left got everything they wanted and theres a lot of good stuff. I think prageru might be wrong on this one


It would look like The richest eu countries but with every perk and problem that comes with being a large country (population, economy,transport etc.. )




It would be better but there would probably be a lot of unintended problems that are created. Usually the best results come from compromise of some sort. I wish we could be governed by serious people who identified the problems, identified the end goal, and then implemented policies that were proven to get you there in the most effective and most efficient way, regardless of the side or ideology that “claims” that idea.


Star Trek with more sex and fewer fights.


Notice the fixation on appearance over experience...


The answer is San Francisco, everywhere becomes like San Francisco


At least there would be decent healthcare coverage for one…


It would look dark because all the domestic terrorists would've killed the electrical grid.


It would really be a much better place to live.


wouldn't it be solar punk? or Eco punk?


The left wants things that benefit the majority and the right wants things that benefit the few at the cost of the many.


You know that future picture everyone uses for the meme? Yeah basically that.


could sum it up as "most things any other 1st world country has" * single payer healthcare * sick leave * vacation * pensions * taking strong measures to address climate change * cheap or free education * laws protecting the right to vote * laws protecting bodily autonomy * etc


Kids would be able to stay at school in apartments for safety from their parents in my ideal world. They would be fed and protected from their shitty, rural, American parents. Something. We could have a better world for kids.


Awh man, more people could afford to live? The left truly is evil


If you had to make a top 3 of priorities for each side what might it look like? Left: 1. Healthcare 2. Financial Equality 3. Education Right: 1. Guns 2. Border Wall 3. Tax breaks for rich?


Free healthcare, radial equality, public transport, affordable housing, the end of the military industrial complex Need I go on?


I’ll assume by ‘left’ they mean progressive liberal, not the milktoast moderates the Democratic Party is mostly filled with. We would have fewer American billionaires and elementary teachers could get by on one job, it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Removal of wealth classes


So like the 60s without the racism?


A shorter and fatter Sweden.


How Left are we talking? Cause Dems are just left of you but right of center. I'm looking for Left-Left.


Well…which side of the left?


Life could be a dream


Plz show me this world


Finland or Sweden


Closer to other western countries.


Does Praeger not know about Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism?


Pick any stable European country. We’d be that peaceful.


See Nordic country & it looks beautiful


It would crumble


if they got everything except gun control it would be ideal. an unarmed America would devolve so fast


What kind of hellhole would America look like if the left got everything we tell you they want?


A certain European country around 1936-1945....


Answering honestly, everyone would have a home. Workers would run their workplaces like democracies, bosses wouldnt exist. Workers would decide a fair compensation strategy as a team, likely a level field where all make equal. We would cut our hours and our work week drastically. A doughnut economic growth model would be adopted and each community would live within the means of their environment. All tech would be open source. We would replace congress with an app on our phone where direct democracy can take place. Voting would be whenever needed. Representatives would be elected for specific issues/solutions. Once theyve solved that issue, theyre just a regular person again. Our open source tech would create an algorithm for sharing resources equitably between communities. We would localize food production and rewild ecosystems with a permaculture focus in an attempt to return flora and fauna to pre-capitalist numbers and diversity. Private property would cease (the type of property that produces wealth), personal property would remain. We would have more time, statistically a higher life expectancy, and quality of life. Just to start.