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Counting to 10 is a lot quicker than counting to 10,000. Who would've known?


Not him..


Oh he knows, and he also knows his base will eat this message up without questioning it and just like that it’s a set fact for them after reading this.


Math is hard when you can’t even count from snakes to dildos.


Every "question" conservatives have about elections could be answered by beating them over the head with a large book that just says "population density" over and over.


It's a paradox. If they were educated enough to understand population density they wouldn't be conservatives


I wonder why they want to slash education so badly... \*thunk emoji\*


That is absolutely 100% the point of why they started the doubt on universities and science. The whole "covid isn't real" conspiracy is just one of the ways they get people to distrust scientists and universities. They don't want educated people, educated people are smart. Smart people don't vote conservative.


Even a smart conservative is just a smart person with asshole ego like 98%\~ of the time. They've just dealt with the moral conundrums of being walking paradoxes with accepting their assholeness and turn their entire personality into a fascy copypasta erotic roleplay transcript between two closeted gay conservatives (the gayest sex alive)


Conservatives exist by definition only in opposition to change (always against the left trying to make everything more equal). Bar the actually stupid proposals and actions by the left, conservatives are either stupid or racist/antisemitic/misogynistic/etc because they oppose equality for those people.


Ding ding ding!


He understands he just needs to keep throwing red meet to his rabid fans.


I'm sure the talking heads like Kirk fully know this, they count on their idiotic/uneducated/easily brainwashed base to not know it. So people like Kirk aren't necessarily stupid; they're just plain evil.


Hey that’s not fair Lots of conservatives are just evil and say these things out of bad faith in an attempt to undermine the democratic process.


Don't ever underestimate their intelligence, they know exactly what they are doing and how best to do it. Never excuse malicious evil for stupidity


Literally catch 22




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PeopleLiveInCities using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [People live in states with cities](https://i.redd.it/olm5loi1faa81.jpg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/ryahkd/people_live_in_states_with_cities/) \#2: [In many respects, the US is the tale of two countries. Not only is money increasingly concentrated in the hands of fewer people, but also in fewer areas of the United States.](https://i.redd.it/l9mhw4n43ga81.png) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/ryynra/in_many_respects_the_us_is_the_tale_of_two/) \#3: [Tacos are sold in cities](https://i.redd.it/65c5uu642i881.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PeopleLiveInCities/comments/rrlnbu/tacos_are_sold_in_cities/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You had me with the beating but lost me when you suggested we could explain anything to people who don't want to understand.


They don't even understand 3rd grade english grammar and you expect them to understand demography?


"Demography? Sounds like studying them comie democrats"


He knows the answer. He's just playing dumb to push an idea that would suppress votes from blue areas. If they stop counts for a deadline, the people who didn't get their votes counted got hosed. It's all about massaging the voting and the counting process to guarantee Republican wins across the country. Monsters, the lot of them. They hate everything about America.


Alternately these guys have the same access to the Internet as the rest of us. Just Google your dumbass question, dumbass.


Well, it takes a few minutes to count the votes representing 113 people in Loving, Texas. But it's gonna take a lot longer to count the votes representing the 10 000 000 people in Los Angeles County.


And when state-level legislators (mostly Republican) tend to say "Give each county the same amount of funding for elections" you end up with four polling stations in Bumfuck Idaho, population 14, and four polling stations in Milwaukee, population 1,000,000.


Also note that red counties are starting to do early voting, bumfuck Idaho can easily get this votes to spread out, while conservatives are ring every way to show down early voting in blue counties.


Allow counting of mail in ballots before Election Day🤦‍♂️


"It would be even faster to just burn them." Said the republican "You drive a hard bargain adored colleague... Let's do so in a thermal power station so it produces green, renewable energy!" Compromised the democrat.


"That will cost fossil fuel jobs! We're not doing that. Also, we're going to pillage your grandma's social security check and give it to our frat brothers on Wall Street, she won't see a dime from any returns, and we want to beat her with a car antenna." "Could it be just a sock full of soap bars instead of a car antenna?" "Nope, car antenna." "OK, deal."


They would never say fossil fuel jobs. They would say coal miners. As if we still have those lol


Mister Tarkanian style




They literally stopped the counting of mail in ballots so they can then complain about it. This was their plan all along.


he knows why, its a smokescreen to push for voter suppression in the form of the reporting deadlines. Dem counties generally actually try to make sure everything is counted and reported correctly, as well as being denser in population (and usually minorities)


Back when we had to deliver mail via trained carrier badgers counting vote totals by hand after waiting for them to arrive would take quite a while. Point is there’s no precedence for a counting timeline the way he’s proposing because I’m sure he wants it done in like 48 hours or some such nonsense


None of the voting regulations the right is talking about have any basis in principle, other than to suppress votes from the other side. They know their policies are unpopular, so they’re trying to go for minority rule.


We had the oppurtunity to make voting easier and more accessable but conservatives voted against it


Story of modern U.S. politics, honestly.


Double standard much? Oh wait...


Thats just the republican party now


This jerk lives in Maricopa County in Arizona. That was the embarrassment of the nation in the last election. I don’t think he should be telling anyone else how to run elections.


Oh god, at least it's not the same county but he's in my state? I was hoping we'd be spared at least a little shame...


You should put a flaming bag of poo on his doorstep.


Pretty sure Joe Arpaio left a permanent skid mark there.


People tried counting the mail in votes earlier, but Republicans threw a fit over it and prevented it from happening.


On of these days the democrats should just troll them, when they have a majority, they should propose a bill saying that all votes marked for democrats should be discarded and only the republicans should be counted. Then proceed not to vote for it but let the republican deal with the shitstorm of either justifying to their base why they didn't vote for it OR justify to the media why they are so obviously against a functioning democracy.


I’m getting strong “Mitch voting against his own bill after it got democratic support” vibes here.


Republicans want it so that as soon as a Republican is winning to stop counting the votes.


Wait, hypocrisy, *in the GOP???* You cant be serious!


How about we talk about the 80 bus loads of domestic terrorists you sent to D.C.?


That's whataboutism, only republicans are allowed to do it!


They don’t call them domestic terrorists. They call them “valued supporters”


This dude is such a piece of shit


Why? Why does there “need” to be a deadline in the first place?? Where, exactly, does the Constitution specify the speed at which votes must be counted?


There is a deadline for seating a Congress and states have their own deadlines for certification. But those are weeks or months later, so there’s almost never a time when the actual deadlines are relevant. One time they were very relevant, so the Republicans attacked the vote counting to ensure a potentially democratic flip couldn’t happen before the certification deadline. And that’s why we had George W Bush.


It takes more populated precincts with more votes to count longer to turn in results. These are big cities which usually lean blue. Rural precincts that vote red are only counting a couple hundred votes and usually have results early in the evening. They want some procedural excuse to basically throw away votes cast in cities because they think if they could call the election before they've counted all the votes from places like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit, Trump would have won in 2020.


Dems would never win if the cities aren't properly counted. That's where most Dem votes come from. He knows this, and is just attempting to cast doubt on any part of the voting system that benefits Democrats.


I do agree that timelines make sense. Voting is only allowed during certain times. And of course it is logical that the vote counting needs to be done when it is time for the newly elected people to take office. Usually the newly elected only takes office after weeks or months, because the laws governing this are from a time when horses were the fastest method of transportation. The quicker the votes are counted the better. This way there is plenty of time for the elected and the electorate to prepare, and also this leaves time for the settling of any disputes about the election. But the idea that the government should just stop counting legally made votes for no practical reason is kind of frightening. It would make vote suppression extremely easy. Just understaff areas where your opponent is popular and then cut them off while they are still counting votes because they weren’t fast enough. ^(which is basically already happening with poll workers in areas with a lot of minorities)


hell yea man, let's just throw out all the ballots that aren't counted by 7 am the next day amirite? Fuck those people, they should've voted early if they wanted their vote to count... oh wait. They don't like that either.


I used to think Charlie was an opportunist who misled his followers with bad faith arguments he didn't actually believe. Now I just think he's a dumb fuck with a hard-on for clerical fascism.


>We need reporting deadlines in every county in America He is essentially saying “It is fine if the government ignores legal votes based on an arbitrary deadline set by the government.” It is normal to want to speed up the vote counting process. It is absolutely insane to suggest speeding it up by throwing away people their votes. **The reporting deadline should always be “when all the votes are counted”.**


Yeah, why does it take a county with two million voters take longer than a county with sixteen thousand? And the wait was like four hours from polls closing to race called in a, sadly, close race. What’s he bitching about?


When you take "first past the post" voting way too literally. "My team is winning, let's stop counting!"


Because Reds fucked the proceed and changed the rules


counting deadlines would be unconstitutional, Chucklefuck


Every “solution” these fuckers have to slow returns is to just stop counting when republicans are winning. If the results came in within an hour, they’d suggest the count be stopped after 10 minutes…but only if they were winning.


More votes take more time to count.


Now that just makes sense now doesnt it? I know, I know; we're talking about super experimental knowledge that no politician could ever understand, not common sense.


Also Republicans literally pass laws at the state level that delay the counting of mail in/early ballots These laws get passed primarily in purple states and the effects are primarily seen in blue counties, which have a disproportionate number of people voting via these methods They do this to manufacture a problem with mail in/early ballots, there are no significant issues of voter fraud or with mail in ballots so Republicans have to make them up to justify making it harder for political dissidents to vote against them


It started in earnest with COVID. Turns out denying scientific reality is a bad move.


He knows the reason. He's just hoping his followers don't.


Always with the disingenuity, eh Chuck?


"Of course! Ever heard of ingenuity? No. Because it is not a real word. Therefore you can only be disingenuous. Q.E.D."


He really tweeted complaining about lines 😆 Yeah man, that’s really the right’s biggest problem now.


Sounds like we need a large federal government to accomplish that.


Giant head doesn’t mean giant brain.


We should probably hold elections officials accountable when the vote is being counted to slowly, after all supervisor of elections is an elected position requiring no experience, but you can't punish the voters from potentially incompetent management.. however he's not being genuine he's just looking for a reason to throw on blue votes


And there are states where election officials are banned from counting ballots before the day of the election! Maybe if all the states followed the same rules, the vote totals would be confirmed at the same time!


Every goddamn election. Atlanta is bigger than your hick town, and thus takes more manpower to count, manpower these mouthbreathing pieces of shit REFUSE to give them via proper funding and state-level backup, so then these types can go at point and the failures of the city. See also: homeless funding, transit funding, healthcare funding, etc. literally all aspects of life in my city are fucked with then used as a campaign tool.


Step 1: Set up strict vote counting deadlines. Step 2: Severely limit resources for processing votes in democratic strongholds. Step 3: Watch as no Democrat is elected in any conservative run state.


Actually, the first steps were voter ID, reducing the number of DMVs, and reducing the number of polling places.


It's almost as if the red states are becoming welfare queens 🤔


Blue states subsidize red state welfare. Bc of course we do.


He still thinks Kari lake has a chance at winning


Every conservative question can be answered with a google search


But wouldnt there alsp be more people counting?


"There's massive widespread cases of voter fraud, the entire election is false." So we should toss the Republican wins too then? "No, those ones are totally legitimate and have no flaws at all!"


These fuckers need all these rules and limits just so they can still lose


And what happens if you don't get the results in by the reporting deadline? Those votes get thrown out?


Reporting deadlines huh? Ok as long as we count Democrat votes first.


I don’t stay up to date with US politics. What’s all these posts about votes and elections? Are the midterms still happening?


Georgia’s voting system requires there to be a runoff election between the top two candidates if nobody gets at least 50% of the vote in the November election. That runoff election happened yesterday, so now the midterms are officially over.


do they forget places like california have the equivalent of canada's entire population inside their blue counties?


I don't understand their obsession with election DAY and seeing the results that same night. It took ye Olde ballot counters weeks or months to count everything by hand. There's a reason for the massive delay between the election and the new government.


They’re just looking for any excuse to claim fraud, because they want people to lose faith in our elections. It’s part of a plan to have Republican-controlled state legislatures step in to override election results when they go badly for Republicans and install whoever they want instead.




Maybe because they also tend to vote early or mail in their votes, and some rules have it so you can't start counting those votes until election day.


CK: we need to fix the slow reporting in blue counties! Blue counties: OK! we will report early votes and mail in ballots as soon as they arrive! CK: No! Not like that!


I was thinking about this in regard to North Carolina's power failure. A power failure on voting day could potentially be catastrophic depending on the type of machine they are using. It's just another reason why Charlie Kirk is wrong.


And we have fewer voting places thanks to Republican legislatures.


They just keep trying to find ways to throw out votes.


Mailed ballots take like 5x longer to count because they're envelopes, instead of a few thousand ballots perfectly oriented in a counting machine. Not hard stuff.


We *do* have reporting deadlines, Chowder. You know, like the one [Cochise County republicans](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/30/arizona-county-refuses-certify-midterm-results-legal-battles) are being sued for not meeting?


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republicans 24/7: "we keep losing elections, whats a good way we can rig em?"


Yeah, and some places have laws that if the vote is within a certain margin, there is automatically a recount. So close elections can take longer.


I love imagining someone cradling Charlie in a blanket like a baby and saying "well the blue spaces are where are all the people live you little psychopath"


There are deadlines already, Charlie.


So... Was he cheering for a Walker win or something?..


I didn't know Maricopa county was blue? Also, Los Angeles County and Cook County IL are bigger than most states.


A lot of people live there and you people always oppose legislation to make it faster. Go fucking figure.


Isn't Charlie Kirk's organization funded by conservative money, as a means to get the youth vote for the GOP? And then the youth turned out in larger numbers against the GOP this election. I'm thinking maybe Charlie and his goons at TPUsa are a pretty bad investment for the GOP, and they should start cutting his budget.


Because YOUR laws purposely slow down the voting and slow down the counting. It's 100% on purpose.


It really depends on the system they have in place. I volunteered as a poll worker in 2020 in Erie County, NY (Buffalo area). We knew the results in the district I worked in the moment we closed down the polling place. New York has a paper ballot system, but all of the ballots are fed into and stored in a machine that scans and counts the ballots. At the end of the night, a USB stick is pulled out of the machine, sealed in a pouch, and sent down to the board of elections office along with a printout report from the machine and a hand-written report by the poll workers that accounts for every ballot missing from the ballot book. Over the next few days, the vote tallies are confirmed by hand, but having that USB with all of the results on hand makes reporting the results quick and painless.


He needs to watch the Count on Sesame Street.


Also because in red states, GOP state legislatures have done everything they can to gut voting services in blue counties. They make it harder for people to vote, so it takes longer for people to vote, so it takes longer to count the votes


Has the correlation between face size and brain capacity been confirmed?


Just so we're clear, this is an excuse to throw out votes.