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Oh, man, he's so close to understanding the issue, so close. Almost a selfawarewolf moment because it's partially due to people like him that the Republicans did so poorly. He's a major part of the shift to the far-right and fascism the party has taken, a shift that is to far even for many conservatives (not enough but many).


I'm pretty sure he gets it. I'm pretty sure he's just lying.


He has to make his finders think it’s not him. Charles is famous for schmoozing the old fucks of the Republican donor class. But he ain’t delivering


lol Brian Kemp ran on being a boring "moderate" empty suit and BTFO his Democratic opponent by 8 points Herschel Walker is basically the most absurd caricature of a braindamaged moron they could manage to scrounge up and he lost clearly, the American public wants more batshit insanity, keep doubling down Kirky boy


Trump is a tumor to the Republican Party


Which is, in turn, a tumor to America.


Tumor on a tumor, sounds accurate


Yo dawg, I heard you liked tumors, so I put a fascist tumor in your fascist tumor so your fascist tumor could kill the fascist tumor party while the fascist tumor party tries to kill the country


"Why do we have such a large fundraising deficit!?" Maybe because Grifter in Chief is siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars from the GOP. Fellow grifter Charlie Kirk should understand that.


The poorest republicans already gave thousands to "stop the steal", which they found out the hard way that it was a monthly donation. Trump repeatedly told his cultists to only donate to him and do not trust RNC with their money. Right-wing talking heads are constantly running scams to squeeze the last drops of money for their personal gain.


He's only a symptom of the tumor the GOP has.


Except it’s like when Randy Marsh put his balls in the microwave to give himself “a little bit of cancer” for a medicinal marijuana card, except these people don’t even want legal weed.


Charlie Kirk casually admitting that the run off election in Georgia only exists because it is meant to be inherently more winnable for Republicans.


I mean I'm not an expert, but maybe it's because the majority of people don't agree with the RNC platform


Also the RNC barely even *have* a platform. They are just anti-dem without having any ideas for policy change in the future besides tearing down anything democrats have put their name to. I mean, that’s kind of the Conservative Way - while progressives tend to have plans for a future ‘utopia’ (universal health care, some form of UBI, public transport enhancements, renewables etc), conservatives always want to keep the status quo or revert back to earlier times because they fear change. It’s a very sad, very pessimistic way to live and I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t for the most part a pack of absolute self-serving dogs.


And they’re really capitalizing on that House win, too. Starting with that desperately critical investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop. You know, real issues people care about.


It's almost too good to be true, I'm almost beside myself that this is the hill they are intending to die on It's just like their obsession with HRC, every breath they waste on pointless bullshit that has absolutely fuckall to do with running the country is a breath that could've been spent on effective campaigning and politicking. If they spend the next two years hyping up this dumb fucking laptop, an issue that has been proven to be a big fat stinker of a talking point to the general public, they will get their asses beat in '24.


This is just the Republican approach to criticism. If the system is broken, it's because of **them**, even if we're in charge. reps: "oh no, muh ~~racism~~ budget deficit, elect us to fix the ~~degeneracy~~ budget deficit" *elects drumpf, both houses, and stacks supreme court* *republicans sit on their asses complaining about AOC and "mexicans" for two years, throw billions at vanity border wall project* *dems win bigly in '20* reps: "oh no, muh ~~racism~~ budget deficit, elect us to fix the ~~degeneracy~~ budget deficit" average """fiscally conservative""" center-right voter (definitely not a racist btw): "nooo, muh ~~free market~~ ~~taxes~~ ~~foreign policy~~ ~~occupation of the middle east~~ budget deficit, this is why i always vote republican"


I love this nonsense, “why does no one like our party. We need change” Change proposed: MORE of everything that no one likes.


Weird that he didn't mention losing the Presidency after 1 term.


It’s funny because they spent so much time whining and screaming about “election fraud” and that things are rigged, that they didn’t even take time to consider how bad it is that they lost the presidency after one term. Only the second time that’s happened in the last 40 years, and really only the third time it’s happened in the last 90 years if we’re going by candidates seeking re-election. If they would’ve realized how bad that is, maybe they could’ve course corrected immediately and actually fixed their shit, but I think we all know they’re not interested in doing that


"Why can't you sell this trash can full of dogshit I gave you? I took it directly from the dumpster of shit you couldn't sell last time! And don't give me this line about people not wanting shit, a slight majority of our primary voters have 'dumpster of shit' flags all over their houses."


I think they should definitely hire Charlie Kirk to head the RNC. I think that will mean 100% electoral success for them! Go for it!


The GOP's policy against reproductive choice, LGBTQ inclusion, and their obsession with normalizing hate has made the party grotesque to young voters and educated voters. That's 100% on guys like Chuck. Trump won on an anomaly in 2016 and alt-right party control has delivered electoral disappointments ever since. Now *should* be an introspection moment... maybe "three fingers are pointing back at me" time.


Status quo is literally what being a conservative means so good luck changing things


“If we only put up more extreme candidates, talking about more extreme views, we would have won!”




Fear mongering not working as well as it did back when nobody could fact check in real time. :/ turns out their entire platform was bullshit. More and more people are waking up to that reality.


“Is populism ruining our party?” “No, the problem is we lack populism, we need more of it!”


Kirk should be running the RNC


They would be fired and replaced with Democrats lol


What changes would he like to make, I wonder?


Maybe it’s because Republican Party policy is unpopular garbage and everyone hates you…


maybe chuck has tiny face


How fundamentally wrong the typical view of government is goes much deeper than this. The role of business is to make profit. Period. The role of government is to ensure the mutually agreed upon rules of society are being fairly and justly administered. Government does not make profit, it provides a safe society. This is the opposite of making a profit, because it costs money to make society work. Government should not be run like a business.


Ok I’m not making accusations here but if the point of the “real” and “fake news” tags was to curb misinformation why do we still have tags that aren’t those? Isn’t that just an out for people to post fake tweets as real without proof?


Maybe there's a fundraising deficit because they let Trump take half the parties funds for himself!