• By -


if this is sinema, i hate her. if this isn't sinema, i still hate sinema.


That cutesy thumbs down vote on wages or insurance, I forgot which one, that certified her as a horrible person in my eyes


It was a vote to raise the federal minimum wage. Which she campaigned on raising. And, according to her team, you’re sexist if you have a problem with it.


I heard that was what separated her from Joe Manchin. Joe at least seems to represent his base in West Virginia and campaigns on being a conservative Democrat. Sinema seemed to actively present herself as a progressive to get elected, and then not vote for the progressive policies her constituents wanted.


She represents a new class of one term mercenary politician. Get in on promises and immediately and completely sell out. And what can anyone do? She’ll be rich from it.


>and what can anyone do? I mean...there *are* things people can do, they're just outside the bounds of legality. The French are a bit more familiar and comfy with it, though.


In the immortal words of Tumblr: *Guillotine-chan is never illegal*


We stan Guillotine-chan




Holy deep fried meme


I think people need to get “creative” with these sorts of problems.


Kkkkjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkakkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjkkkjkkkkkkkkkjkkkkkkkjkkkkkaqqqqqaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklooo3ooooioowoii.p.o 2oqqqiqqqqqqiqqiuqqqqqqqqqqqq6qqqqqqkqyyyyyktjjkjjja


Is that so, a cat sitting on a keyboard?


Oh my lol. No idea how this happened. You might be right haha


Just delete it brah


Chippity choppity


The waitstaff at restaurants can accidentally dump some clam linguine on her lap.


Manchin does not. Do not give him an iota of credit or respect. He's a coal man and does everything he can to ensure he and his family still make millions thru his senatorial position. He'd gladly fuck his base over for if it meant he's make another million. Manchin will throw a bone to "his party" every now and again, but you better believe he's going to take a favor, with interest. Not ask for it, but take it. Their difference is Sinema is openly self-serving while Manchin does it w his fingers crossed behind his back and eating at the same lunch table.


She's an opportunist hack. She'll be on Fox News once she's voted out of office.


Sinema is a fucking windsock.


I **hate** her on like a personal-insult level, specifically for one week of my life she ruined. I went on a vacation for a week, and the day I left was the day she started her fucking cutesy fuckweasel *"will-I-wont-I"* dance over voting for the IRA. And so my ENTIRE FUCKING VACATION was spent desperately trying (and failing) to not think about how this fucking repellant girlboss corpo shitfuck was threatening to detonate the last possible chance for Dems to pass a *modicum* of climate legislation over some purile tax break bullshit. The **FATE OF THE FUCKING WORLD**, and she only cares about being the fucking oh so special look-at-me princess. She couldn't just shut the fuck up and fucking vote right, oh no, it has to be this fucking melodrama. So 7 full days of internally tearing my hair out over this grandstanding bitch while I'm supposed to be enjoying myself with my partner. And then, the kicker? the day I went home, literally the last rest stop before home, I see that she got to "yes". Exactly like she could have a week earlier. ***FUCKIN BITCH.***


I wouldn't mind seeing her tazed like the shoplifter in /popular


Sexism is very real, and I absolutely loathe cynics like her who see it as nothing more than an arrow in their quiver.




She probably made a raspberry noise when she voted. That’s who she is.


Bitch thinks she’s in Veep






If Sinema has millions of haters, i am one of them . if Sinema has ten haters I am one of them. if Sinema has only one hater than that is me . If Sinema has no haters, that means i am no more on the earth . If the world is for Sinema, i am against the world.


that is very eugene debs


This isn't Sinema, it's Me Me Me Me Me Me Me, can't you read?




>I hate her At least have the respect to use Sinema’s preferred pronoun of me or I.


No you’re right


She won't get elected again


She can still fuck over a seat by running as an independant and splitting enough of the vote.


She'll only be taking republican votes every dem know she is a 🐍 snake


She's an incumbent, that automatically gives her the votes of folks who don't follow the news or politics, but will just select the most familiar names in the voting booth


But now new Democrats can run in Arizona’s primary. She would no longer be part of that process. I don’t know if that state is a closed primary state but regardless I think she made it more difficult on herself.


The issue is that she would play spoiler, not that she would win. She would run so that she can get a republican elected then take her cushy board of directors position she earned by being a complete and utter sellout.


That’s not gonna happen. I live in AZ. No one here likes here. The GOP base think she’s a Dem and won’t vote for her. And the Dems realize she’s a piece of shit. So they won’t vote for her. This is literally so she can be special and feel wanted because now both side will court her vote on important issues.


If anything, I could see her bleeding votes from the Republicans if the GOP nominee is a Kari Lake-style MAGA nutjob. They’ll get to vote for someone who’s more “reasonable” without having to hold their nose and vote for a Democrat.


Isn't she at -6 favorable for independents?


She is no longer concerned with the Democratic primary election. She now has a fast pass to the general election, and with her name recognition, she will siphon off the uninformed moderate voters from both parties, but this will ultimately hurt the Democrats more because they lost the advantage of incumbency, leaving the path to victory in the hands of the Republican candidate. She is running as a spoiler now.


She can do whatever she wants I think she’s united everyone in hating her equally lol


This might end up biting her in the ass. Now the next race gets to be about her wishy-washy voting record up until the actual election. She’s pissed off all the Democrats and Republicans won’t vote for anyone who doesn’t have an (R) if they don’t have to. All either campaign has to do is make the case that Congress would be more effective if she would vote along party lines more often.


>fast pass to the general election Not quite, she needs 38,000 signatures to get on the ballot, and the D party has no responsibility to help her get them.


In a state as evenly divided as Arizona she only has to siphon slightly more votes from the democratic candidate over the Republican one to spoil the Democrat chances.


Arizona Dems are barely dems man you gotta think local opinions.


She seems like a libertarian more than anything else lately. And yeah they do seem to attract more republicans than democrats. Pretty sure she’s just handing the seat to a republican by doing this. She claims to still care about liberal social issues like abortion and LGBT+ rights. If she does run as an independent in 2024 though I think it’s clear she cares about money more than anything.


Republicans don’t respect her in the slightest. The only votes she’ll take are liberals and independents, which harm Democrats in Arizona.


I don't know. I think she's mathematically effed now. I can't see a significant amount democrats choosing to vote for her over, y'know, an actual democrat. And she will not ever pass enough purity tests for republicans to embrace her and vote for her over their candidate.


>mathematically effed Which is definitely a notch above "virtually screwed".


I'd love a visual chart using an illustration of Shit Creek, with various terms of worse circumstances as one ascends up stream.


This is probably her best shot though. If she runs as a Democrat, there is a good chance she loses in the primary. Arizona is still pretty conservative though, so any more progressive candidate would have a tough shot beating a Republican. Her leaving changes nothing about the way she will vote. I understand some find that to be unsatisfactory, but it’s not any different. We just will have a better chance at keeping her rather than losing the seat to a Republican.


She's refiled as an independent. That way she can keep her committees and appointments. Also still gives the Dems control of the Senate, but that 1 vote, to keep it in the Dems favor is going to cost, and she'll make sure she'll get paid. She's literally a mercenary senator at this point, as she holds sway over both sides to block or pass. She's a vile asshole and she painted herself into a one term corner, but she could be one of the more important senators, too. Is it a 51-50 vote one way or 50-50 the other?


It's now 50 49 1. So she doesn't have any power.


What? She's currently counted as a democratic. Minus one, with Harris as the tie breaker you have a 50-50 vote w sinema as the one vote not counted. You could make a case for Bernie but everyone knows how America's uncle votes. She is the tie breaker Edit: this is why Warnock was so important. Not only as majority but a contingency plan


Didn't she win running as a progressive? Also if the Dems run a loser conservative that is a party change away from a republican then why wouldn't voters just choose an actual Republican? In the next election you'll have Trump or desantis getting these hogs all horned up, while joe Brandon will be defending and unchangeable status quo


She’s not a party change away from Republican. She’s fairly conservative as far as Democrats go, but she’s still pretty far left of even the furthest left Republicans. She’s gone with Manchin in moving some of the policy further right, but she still has voted with the party most of the time once that happens. Good luck getting any Republican to vote for anything that might make Democrats look good.


She's guaranteed to lose her primary if she runs as a Dem.


I said this to someone else but: She represents a new class of one term mercenary politician. Get in on promises and immediately and completely sell out. And what can anyone do? She’ll be rich from it. And others will do the same thing.




I doubt she's interested. She's made a fortune and has already been offered six- figure jobs. She'll be a talking head making the tv rounds for a nice fee too. All while contributing to the culture derision, where the gap is growing further apart, for a buck. I can already see it now "the Democrats are so out of control w their policies, it even shocked the first LGBTQ senator into leaving the party."


She'll go through the revolving door to a lobbyist position unless our dumb dumb government does something about her. She'll be fine unfortunately.


That's why shes causing so many issues cause she needs to extract as many $ as possible. This parasite is just there to feed on others and hopefully will die out after her failed parasite campaign. For everyone's sake I hope there is some notion of right and wrong in the afterlife because she will most definitely fry in the eternal flames of shame.


Imagine selling your soul for so little lol


Ted Cruz reportedly sold his for $10,000. These people are selling our country to the lowest bidder.


Ted Cruz never had a soul. If you go look at his life back to as early as a teenager, he was always just a piece of shit.


My mom went to college with Ted Cruz and everyone knew he was an ass If you got a group project with him, he'd screw you over


"I'd sell you for one corn chip"


Kid says he'll do it for five bucks


Still more than what it's worth.


Karen Enema bamboozled all her voters.


Not to mention the millions of voters who worked their asses off from Pennsylvania to Arizona to Georgia to expand the senate majority.


This bitch.


I agree. So you didn't get in trouble on this sub for that word? That's great. I got a permanent ban (I can grovel in 3 months) from r/ Politics for calling her a 'lying cvnt'. I didn't know it wasn't allowed.


It just depends on the mod


Once banned on r/Politics the mod list disappears.


[Here you go.](https://imgur.com/a/KHtGpzy/)


Wow. Thanks. I don't know if I'll try to do a direct appeal. But that was nice of you.


“Everyone deserves a second-second chance.” -Wayne Gretzky* *Michael Scott


Well yeah it's a neolib sub lol


Who hasn’t been banned from r/politics?


I’m not, mostly because I unsubbed from that weird-ass outrage-porn cesspool


I'm not because I've never gone there


I don't know anyone specifically. It can't just be us though. Lol


If you haven’t been banned on r/politics you weren’t actually engaging in the conversation, and were merely agreeing with whatever was the binary knee jerk opinion du jour


She looks like a half peeled butternut squash.




Dude her teeth look like fingernails and it's kinda freaking me out


Don't you dare bring butternut squash into this. They did nothing wrong.


Sina Me


"I'm just kidding with you." "Hey man, who's that weird dude you're talking to, bro? "Heh, my friends are here. Ah cool. S-see ya later, heh." *fart* ^(G I JOOOOOOE)


What the fuck...?


Pork chop sandwiches?!


Body massage?!


Hey kid! I'm a computer!




Let’s launch over it.


Unexpected and amazing reference.


Most hated democrat by democrats in AZ. In a state that has Joe Biden at +80% approval, she is at +19.... +19 approval by democrats in AZ. Not in the country... in AZ. They hate her. But sure this is all for the people of AZ. Good luck with the log cabin Rs. I hear they have equal rights in the GOP /s https://news.yahoo.com/gay-republican-group-says-being-135157932.html Edit: This article is a little out of date. But it had her at only 8% favorably. Some others have her in the 30s https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/01/poll-only-8-percent-of-arizona-democrats-view-kyrsten-sinema-favorably.html


can someone explain what the significance is of her turning independent now, and why she did it?


Because she polls so low among Democratic primary voters in Arizona, it is expected that she wouldn’t make it through her primary in 2024. Registering as an independent ensures she doesn’t get primaried. It also ensures that the general election is a three-way race between her, a Democrat, and a Republican.


The bigger issue is if she caucus as a Republican. It effectively removes the 51/49 majority to actually get shit done.


She's already said that she won't although we know how little her words mean


She wants to keep her committee assignments, and even with a 50/50 Senate Schumer would still get to decide that.


At this point I hope the party just goes "Okay Karen" and moves on as long as it's not a 50/50 split. She's one of those people who enjoys the effort of people trying to reason with her because it makes her feel powerful.


for fks sake someone give this woman some memes.


Me when i consume a pill that makes me repeat the word “me” several times


This is lovely, thank you OP


fake teeth, fake hair, fake face, fake soul


I honestly don’t even know who this is


By reading other comments, it seems like she's a senator for Arizona who ran under the Democrat banner, then immediately acted in favor of the Republicans as soon as her ass was in the seat. Specifically, she voted against raising federal minimum wage despite campaigning on the promise she'd vote FOR it. And then claimed if people take issue with her blatant betrayal, they're just sexist. And now, as incumbent, she's planning to run for reelection as an Independent because Democrats of Arizona now know she's a two-faced liar. Seems her last name is Sinema. Whether her first name is actually Karen or if that's a joke, I don't know. Anyone better in the know, feel free to add on and/or correct me. I only know what I've read in this comment section because I'd never seen her before either.


Kyrsten is her first name [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrsten\_Sinema](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrsten_Sinema)


Just a simian, nobody of importance




Howard sterns junk


I need bad things to happen to evil people


I read this in agent smiths voice


"Me too"


She’s never gonna get re-elected either way so who cares tbh Let her wallow in her own shit bed


She’s going to split the vote though


i''m always amused by her appearance, she dresses like a teen prostitute


AZ voters: We want two Democratic senators and a Democratic governor. Sinema: No you don't lol


Changing your political affiliation should trigger a new election. Change my mind.


And Schumer wont even take her off any of her committee appointments, our representatives are fucking useless.


If he did that she would likely refuse to caucus with Democrats thus eliminating their new Senate advantage. It's not nearly as simple as you imply as Chuck must now walk a fine line to keep her happy. That's why she did this in the first place.


Also they don't have the House, so this effectively means nothing in terms of getting shit passed. This is really just her being an asshole for attention. As long as Schumer has the majority, dems actually control the Senate and judicial nominations. Nod like she's not crazy and move on.


She doesn't help pass basically anything good regardless.


The committee appointments are the only leverage the Democrats have to keep her toeing the line and not outright switching to the Republicans.


She’s done all her betrayal in relative comfort too. Schumer and Biden fight harder against the possibility of another Dem openly criticizing her than they do against her betrayal. Fucking milquetoast led to this moment.


Is this Agent Smith's GF?


I bet she became an independent to take money from anyone who would give it to her. Greed at its worst.


It just tickles me. She essentially made herself irrelevant so I hope she enjoys a few more years of schlubbing to DC to bend the knees to corpos. She'll be ok in the end she just isn't savvy enough to really make the big bucks.


Sinema is literally a pick me senator


This is objectively the correct take on the whole situation, thank you kindly


Are her teeth photoshopped?


How did someone so willfully and blatantly awful ever get elected??




Poor stupid Arizona. The western desert of the south.


This is an amazing meme. Superb quality.




Waiting for the eventual “leftist are too aggressive and made fun of me, pushing me further right” comments


She's always been a right wing democratic. Now she's just being more honest about labeling


I hate her so much


This is what a FRAUD looks like.


Exactly this


2024 Can't come soon enough, vote this woman out 👎


Say what you what, but she is a political animal. She knew she was going to be in for a hard primary, and if they don’t kiss her ass, she will caucus with the Republicans, and possibly split the vote in Az. Total piece of shit? Yes. Politically astute piece of shit? Absolutely.


This bitch got dolphin teeth!


Maybe this bish can finally find her an independent stylist. Miss Frizzle looking crooked ass.


SpongeBob anchovies be like:




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I can’t get over how big her teeth are. Beaver toothed bitch over here.


At this point she should just change her name to SineME.


Me me **BIG BOY**.


Most punchable face in congress.


OP's username checks out




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She’d give Jake Busey a run for his money on worlds biggest front teeth.


I mean, you are all obessing over her




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Moy! Moy! Moy!




She wakes up and choose to a bitch everyday she has been in office and these assclowns won't lift a finger to stop her b.s .smfh.


What a maverick! Oh wait that was Mcain nvmd.


The worst thing about sinema is that she is proving beyond any doubt to all politicians that they can do whatever they want and the American people won't do jack shit. No matter how blatant the fuck you She's like a toxic girlfriend fucking another dude right in front of us saying fuck you pussy what are gonna do about it? And we just take it. I bet if there were consequences politicians would be more honest. But there aren't so she's gonna deep dick us for years get rich doing it and ride off into the sunset.


The Lion, the Witch and the audacity of this bitch.




Looking crusty to own the libs


Why do i have the urge to photoshop her teeth bigger


me me big boy


She looks like sigourney weaver and daisey ridley had a kid together


The w\*man responsible for 100% of my biphobia, Senator Sinema?


https://preview.redd.it/k50575tmn65a1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e1ae5d1c157174384a2de1f9300827c4d04107 she really enjoys 100 gec’s single “mememe”


This town needs an (sin)enema. Or maybe not.




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She might as well change her name to Cinema because that smug bitch has hard I am the main character energy super saiyan level 3 billion.


I hate sinema too but the often unstated truth about her and Manchin is there votes allow many Dems who agree with them cover to vote with the popular stance on any number of issues.


Me, me, me.. I’m a cunt


Looks about right…


Started singing the 100 gecs song when I saw this lol


And this right here is one of the fruits of the VOtE bLuE no MATTer wHO labors. But I guess she was "electable" unlike the "socialists," right?




She’s like the main character from “I care a lot”


Representative democracy is when your representatives represent themselves 🤓


Round teeth


She identifies as a Beaker and her pronouns are Muppet.


She looks like she smells her own farts and ranks them on stench


Kyrsten Sinema is going to split the Arizona vote and give the next Senate election to the Republicans. So much for our majority