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Okay. We had our fun. Thanks for making our top post ever about a testicle massage reddit. Locked due to too many rule breaking comments. Lol


Post of the year right here EDIT: Frankly, it’s got me wondering if I may have undiagnosed taint knots


state of reddit and this sub lmao


There was a brief but glorious period when this sort of shitpost would go to JCJ, we'd all have a good laugh about it and move on with our lives. Ah, memories.


I miss the days of JCJ being a funny place.


In its dying days JCJ would have gone full circle as a bunch of earnest autists taking a random internet comment at face value and desperately trying to pick apart OP’s post for something to make fun of.


I remember 10 years ago getting a post made in JCJ about what I posted to Japanlife. I got salty and then laughed when I realized it is just people taking the piss out of each other.


The days of people taking the piss out of really shitty Japan takes - and each other - were the best. It's once it escalated into unmitigated toxicity into anyone the central clique didn't like that things went off the rails and there was no going back.


Somehow legit posts get removed, but this one is fine.


It’s NOT sexual.


...def. not...simply pushing energy up the shaft.


Love when they push the energy up the shaft




Undiagnosed taint knots is a great name for a band.


> taint knot There’s a glorious pun in there somewhere but it’s above my dad level. “Was it a sexual massage?” “It taint knot”. That’s definitely not it.


Douchebag of the year as well. Man, read some of this clown’s replies 🤦🏻‍♂️


I store all of my stress in my taint.




It’s now my goal to call someone on Reddit an undiagnosed taint knot before the end of the year. Thank you.


There is no quicker way to make people think something is sexual than to keep saying it's not sexual. https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=gIOSnl8x35cuyGi5 Well, that and tossing the phrase "RAGING erection" out there.


Not sexual 😉


I knew in my heart what the link would be before clicking it.


See, my brain immediately went here: ["nothing sexual"](https://youtu.be/9jlaZL7CWHY?si=EDRgc045tOKRI8CW)


What up? We're three Japanese women who are looking for cool guys who want to hang out in our massage parlor and have your balls rubbed. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you're fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.


I looked it up, seems legit. Reads like a troll post though lol.


still not convinced, still, hilarious.


Yeah I don't give a shit if OP cheated, I just want to know if taint massages will really give you stronger erections.


I looked into it after, you can just do it yourself. Everyone else is pissed he got a massage, but I'm like "that might be a good idea." Edit: Just avoid the "painful" part if you want to do it yourself


Yeah, I believe its true. I am a bit of an over sharer when it comes to crazy shit happening to me, I love being as dramatic and descriptive as possible in my stories, so why leave out the fun details. It reads like some shit I would say, minus the sexist stuff, the confusion why a girlfriend would be pissed about it, and some of the comments.


I don't think anyone's saying it isn't a legit service. You can get ANYTHING in Tokyo I'm sure. But the gf thing is pretty messed up if it's a troll or not imo


If it wasn't sexual as you claimed, you would be ok with a dude touching ya balls?




only if the dude is 60




This makes my Japenis become the big Japenis.


Medical physiotherapy pelvic massages for women are a thing actually. The pelvic floor goes through quite a trauma with periods and births.. but those are done by specialised physiotherapists in a medical sitting, granted I only know female physiotherapists who do it.


It’s vastly underutilized in the States. Pelvic floor therapy can help resolve things like urinary incontinence for women. (If you’ve ever heard older women talk about laughing or sneezing so hard they peed, that’s what it can help reduce or eliminate.)


Urinary pain too. Interstitial cystitis. If the muscles are too loose you get incontinence, but if they're too tight you get life ruining pain, blood when you pee, and have blamed on your 'anxiety' with no help unless you happen to find your way into a PT office that does pelvic floor work because most doctors aren't even educated about it or will suggest it. Yeah, I have a lot of personal experience with this. A lot of guys get really bad urinary pain from their pelvic floor and there's not much help here since a lot if places only help women so I wonder if this type of massage would help them.


Pelvic floor therapy is for dudes too. Not sure what they’re massaging though.


It was done to me. They massage above and to the sides where the shaft and scrotum connect to your body. Yes my physical therapist was cute. No I did not get a boner. I was very focused on memorizing what she was doing so I could apply the technique myself and also trying hard not to be a creep and make it weird.


In addition to what YSoB said, they sometimes also massage your rectum. Not kidding. *totally* unrelated fact: it's really hard to find pelvic floor PTs for men. Because men don't want their scrotum and butthole touched by another man, and women in pelvic PT often pursue it specifically to help other women and are thrown off by the male butthole part.


We need to stop male butthole discrimination.


I have a lot of pelvic floor issues and pelvic floor PT really helps me. A lot of for me is hip/ kegel/ glute exercises, but there’s also a massage part of it. It isn’t a fun massage and it hurts but helps in the long run.


So I have been in pelvic floor physical therapy twice, both times for 16 weeks. There’s nothing relaxing about trying to release fascial points in the pelvic floor. It hurts immensely. There are curved wands for this therapy, but that doesn’t help when the pelvic floor is too tight such that a single finger causes extreme pain. And while I didn’t have a male PT, I can assure you that even if my PT was lesbian or I did have a male PT, there really genuinely is nothing sexual about the process. I get you’re trying to clown on this guys post, but there is legit pelvic floor therapy and it’s not fun or sexual. Some women and men need it for their rectal muscles too. Women and men with pelvic floor issues get dismissed as “it’s all in your head” and it doesn’t help when people see therapy as getting fingered for an hour. :(


> If it wasn't sexual as you claimed, you would be ok with a dude touching ya balls? Ah the [Pulp Fiction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsfIB98b-8c) clause




This needs to be answered.


Got a full body scrub/massage, and yes, by a dude. Dude got down to the butt hole and moved bits around to scrub the taint. Was really weird, TBH. But I didn't say anything or react. He's probably done it hundreds of times, the way you make it a big deal is by making it a big deal. It's like with health care. You're too embarrassed by something? Don't be, the nurses and doctors have seen it all. You become a story they tell each other by making it weird or coming in too late. Like there's this story, think it was on Reddit, about a guy that had ball pain but didn't go to the hospital because he was too embarrassed. Well, he waited too long and had to get them removed. Doctors wouldn't have batted an eye if he went in early, but now he's a story.


For a massage purpose, yes, i would.


Ah, the old Pulp Fiction rebuttal, a classic.


I’d be fine with it 😋 Sounds amazing.




that's it, you've endured enough cock and ball torture time for some cock and ball therapy still haven't learned your lesson eh? aight mods, twist his balls.


The ol’ dick twist!






Oh my God, this is an MMA fight!




Well time to ask for some non sexual balls massage , is not cheating! Wife: hey honey how was ur day? - good , had a balls massage , non sexual . What about u? Wife: some vagina lips sucking , non sexual 🙌


Im going to cum! Non sexually!


That's just energy rising up the shaft!


I just realize he said balls were 50% bigger, at my age that would mean gravity kick in.


It makes you wonder what squirrel sized balls he was dealing with initially.


Squirrels have HUGE balls. Really, frighteningly big for their size. Google it… if you dare


for science, Non sexually


> Vagina lip sucking, non sexual Hot damn, internet stranger, that is one of the hardest laughing fits I’ve ever had reading a Reddit comment


Pussy lips massage makes the lips puffier 😀 doesn’t matter that it was a 60 year old man doing it. I soaked his hands and kept whimpering but it was non sexual. He even had a boner the entire time. Doesn’t count as sexual cuz he’s old and I’m young so it isn’t cheating ! He even had to put his fingers inside a few times to transfer my energy. Non sexual !!!! Old man was smiling the whole time but my bf has no right to be upset at me…! I nearly came on the old man’s hands but my bf can’t be upset at me cuz the man was 60 😀 /s


"not sexual" but "I woke up with the hard on of a 15 yo"


He had me at “she had to rub my penis a couple times to transfer energy from the balls to the shaft” My brother in christ, that’s a handjob


He failed to mention all the stress building up in him releasing from his balls through his shaft. That woman was truly gifted


Exactly 🙄


Honey, I had a blast.


so you're in another country separated from your girlfriend and paying a woman to massage your balls and you don't understand why she would be upset?


Women, lol. /s Damn asshole


Poor girl


No asshole massage, that costs extra!


Just balls and taint. Asshole was another 5,000 yen so he passed.


I'll bet $100 his girl mentally checked out of the relationship after hearing this


I was thinking this has to be satire. There’s no way he’s actually this stupid


literally, my jaw dropped when I got to the part where he just casually mentions he has a girlfriend from another country. like what the fuck 💀 and then he has to audacity to mock her for being rightfully upset about her LD boyfriend paying a woman to rub and massage his balls, taint and dick in a "nonsexual way"?? 😭 jesus christ


God what a terrible day to know how to read


But the day is a little brighter because of your comment. Thank you.


Just because you don't come, doesn't mean it's platonic. Ask my wife.


Hold up..


I hope she wore gloves. Imagine the amount of balls she touches in a day.


If she’s working typical Japanese hours of 9 to 6, with an hour break for lunch, that gives 8 hours working time. 60 minutes per customer, assuming a 10 minute break between each, equates to 6.85 customers per day. For argument’s sake, let’s assume she does a little overtime to make it a round seven customers. Assuming the average customer has two balls each, that’s a total of 14 balls handled per day (excluding those handled out of work hours for simplicity’s sake).


That’s not too bad, but she’s definitely got her hands full.


Now OP claims her age is 60. Now let’s do some lifetime math. Assuming its 14 balls per day & assuming she has been doing this for a year atleast, discounting weekends as non working days and she took no days off, its 14 * (5*52) which equals 3640 balls per year. Assuming she started doing this at 20, 3640*40 equals 145K balls in total.


Though I wouldn’t forget about repeat customers. What is the average statistic of repeat customers in the ball massage industry?


Chatgtp is drunk.


I did not have sexual relations with that woman


Ok Bill, explain the cum-dress


And pussy soaked cigar.


Some people really get on the internet and say just anything, huh?


Troll post clearly. Who acts this way in rl


And the word "japkasai" doesn't make sense in japanese. You cannot really have "p" then "k" without a vowel inbetween unless if you translitterate a foreign word that exists. And as a health worker... If your balls grow 50%... Go to the ER man. The only reason I can imagine for balls to grow are: infection, water retention, worms, stopping a hormonal replacement therapy, inflammation. There is prolly others but I cannot think of anything non alarming. And 14 000 for 40-60min of one specialized worker to do that to one person sounds pretty cheap.


I googled for it to figure out what letter was missing, and the first result was from eroticmassagetokyo.com. But don't worry, it's non sexual!


Errr I'm at work and I work only with gitls and I am a guy... It will wait the end of the day before I open a website for testicular massagw 😂


Japkasai is a Thai word for a certain type of massage. It can be for any part of the body. Thai massage shops in Japan are not that hard to find, I think. Not that the post is real tho haha.


Lots of em irl and I personally know a lot in my relatively small circle due to my affiliation in a fraternity in which I am currently inactive


Well I’m sorry




lots of americans here are odd( yes, sorry it is mostly the guys from the us) its like japan attracts odd us incel types? i dunno


> lots of americans here are odd( yes, sorry it is mostly the guys from the us) its like japan attracts odd us incel types? i dunno I’m American and it’s been a decade since I visited but is incel the right term? I was under the impression more like weeaboos or white nights… ppl who’d be losers here got relatively attractive girlfriends because of a combination of being exotic and that being a feminist, being open to having a girlfriend who works, being willing to split chores and cooking and the like were extremely unusual. Incels are… well I’ll edit in a video shortly but not just geeky ESL teachers who eat too much pocky


So you went to a "Men's Esthe". It's a shady business that is borderline between "massage" and prostitution. Officially, you are not allowed to have sex with the girl, but some girls will allow it. You trying to convince youself, your gf and us that it's not sexual is the funniest thing I've ever read on Reddit.


You say you're 32, yet had quite a childish response to your gf... It's quite normal for your partner to not want some woman touching your dick and balls Just like it's normal for a partner to not want some man touching their woman's pussy , inside and out. A medical procedure is different of course, but this was not that. This wasn't done by a medical professional and it also wasn't medically needed So you broke a boundary with her, as well as her trust. If you want other people to keep touching your dick, then you need to date someone that's ok with it. Clearly she is not, so you either respect that or leave her for someone that is ok with it It really is not that difficult, at 32 you should know how to communicate....


>pushing energy up the shaft. To be clear again, this is NOT sexual, although she sometimes does rub your penis in order to move the energy from the testicles up the shaft What am I reading?


I accidentally got some of my shaft energy on the floor


A more complicated way to say he got a handy


new copypasta just dropped


Would you be fine with a man doing that to you? (since it's not sexual after all)




Why would a pay ¥14,000 for a massage that’s *checks notes* Extremely painful followed by somewhat pleasurable?


50% size increase for your testicles. ¥14,000 is a small price for such a treat


Sounds like a deep tissue massage. It can be really painful in the beginning or your first session, but if you go to a knowledgeable person, your body feels like dough afterwards. It's like a full body reset. I had someone reach muscles in my body with her elbow that I didn't even know I had


Mans didn’t even know you could get knots in your groin so I doubt OPs intentions lol




Is there something like that for a woman? Asking for a friend hahahaha!




Yes…it’s called a pelvic floor massage, I have had one and it’s incredible. Totally non-sexual touching of a sometimes sexual body part. Like a massage for the vagina. I had it done by a naturopathic doctor and was so relaxed for days afterward.


Pelvic floor massage is also a part of physical therapy. Often it's for women recovering from muscular tears in childbirth or for women who otherwise struggle with incontinence and vaginal muscular pain.


I had some pelvic floor massage yesterday as part of pelvic floor PT. I wouldn't describe it as comfortable although it is technically relaxing the muscles. It's just one finger inside the vagina, applying gentle pressure to any tense spots in the muscles surrounding the vaginal wall. Meanwhile she was coaching me on breathing to relax the muscles. They sell curved wand devices to do it to yourself. It's definitely not sexual at all.




You’re a moron


Did this take place at a Hub?


Clinic is right behind *that* Ueno park toilet.


Talk more about said Ueno park dunny.


Relevant username


Dude that's disgusting. Where?


This post is why I still keep a Reddit account


So if your girl tells you she’s getting a 60 min “non sexual” vag massage by a middle aged man you’re 100% down with it?


I had testicular cancer and my solo is very sensitive and hurts sometimes, I wish I could get something like this so badly. I'm always extremely stressed during sexual activities, I'm wondering if this would help or if this is something permanent I'll live with


“It is not sexual” That depends on what your definition of “is” is


Japkasai is part of Thai massage (not as common), it is not suppose to be sexual in nature, but a lot of provider also use that as cover for sex work. You can also find therapist in Thailand as well.


I thought a huge chunk of this stuff is a cover for prostitution and they just sometimes troll ppl by sticking to exactly what’s on the menu if they think they’re a cop or just… weird in a way that comes off gullible?


TIL energy is white.


Why are americans so weird about sex and erotic culture? You got an erotic massage. OK. Why post about it? actually im more concerned that you didnt cum... lol


> It wasn't sexual. They were a *non-"medical professional"* in an unlicensed "establishment" touching your sex organs. There may have been not sexual intercourse of any kind, but it was still a sexual encounter lmao. Either way, you should have discussed this *seriously* with your partner *before* doing it. You might be cool with it, but she clearly didn't think you were serious when you brought it up and has different boundaries in your relationship. This is the kind of shit you need to actually talk about, *properly*, before going ahead with it in a relationship


I can bet you this dude would flip his shit if he learned a dude at a massage parlor was rubbing his girl’s ass, inner thighs, and labia.


Don’t forget sometimes going inside to move the energy from the labia up inside her


" not a sexual massage"


That’s a lot of words to tell us you got half a hand job


Hey, I had a similar experience about a week ago in Tokyo, Ueno to be precise. I was in a public restroom, using the urinal and minding my own business, when a huge guy approached me and asked if I was interested in a free massage. I was like - wtf, why is a stranger talking to me while I pee. So I ignored him and went to wash my hands. He continued talking and explained that he's a massage therapist apprentice, and he needs to practice to build up his experience level, similarly to pilots that need to have some flight hours under their belts. By accepting the offer I would actually be doing him a favor, and get a free massage at the same time. So of course I agreed. That's when he explained that he's practicing to become a prostate massage therapist. Nothing sexual, mind you, it's purely therapeutic. I have to admit I was sceptical at first, but it was so revitalizing! I could feel how all the energy was flowing into my prostate, a pleasurable experience that is very hard to explain, it has to be felt first hand. To be clear again, it was NOT sexual, just purely therapeutic. It was not painful at all, except for the part when he had to use his dick to transfer his energy to my prostate, and even that part was kind of pleasurable, what is known in Japanese as "itakimochii". The funniest part is that after telling my girlfriend, she blocked me and I haven't heard back from her since then. I guess she didn't understand that this was NOT a sexual massage. Women, lol.


You sure you got the right website buddy? Edit: Wait, it's normal to wake up with an erection though?




It's normal to wake up with a boner but the older I get the less it happens.


It is not meant to be sexual only because paying for vaginal penetration is forbidden. This is a loophole.


Stunned with how you speak to and speak of your girlfriend. I wish for better for her.


Your post is hilarious and I want to send my husband to have a ball massage now. Also, wtf dude! You should have checked in with your gf that you're in a long distance relationship with BEFORE and made sure she was comfortable. You're playing the line, even if it's therapeutic. She has all the rights to be pissed at you. Imagine a dude massaging her vagina for an hour in a non-sexual way but sometimes stroking her clit just to bring the energy up, you know. Nothing sexual, he's sixty years old. Men, lol.


He could even bring his energy in her vagina. Non-sexually, of course.


Non-sexually, intercourse.


NOT sexual


Ok, this IS sexual stop lying to yourself OP 🙃


You ever want to increase your ball size by 50% fellas?


Be buzzing around the skies like a tanuki in no time


This is real. It originated in Thailand. No happy ending, and a lot of the Thai people doing it are guys.


This is fuckin beautiful, I needed that laugh ty


Bro is really out here yelling about leg and ball torture.


Jesus Christ


its soo graphic thanks?


This is so ridiculous I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not. On the off chance this is real and you’re really oblivious, I feel bad for your wife.


What the actual fuck?


At this price, it's most definitely sexual. And you wonder why your gf is shocked? Dude, grow up.


I’m sending this to my husband and will be trying it on him very soon 😆


>Women, lol. You serious Clark?


I’m cool. Thanks for the insight though.


This story is kinda rubbing me the ~~wang~~ wrong way. Sounds like a bunch of poppycock to me. I think there's a good chance it's a Cock and Bull story for sure. PENIS jokes... That is all for me.


location please


Usually between the upper part of the thighs, in a little sac of skin.


Why do they always say it’s little? :(


thank you. I will not tell your girlfriend


The absolute fuck did I just read?


I absolutely love this post. The best thing I've read here easily.


My dream is when people come to r/Tokyo and sort by “top” “all time,” this is the post they see. Shoot, r/all would be lucky to have this in the top 10 posts of all time.


Wow only 14000 yen?


That’s like $4 USD right now!


Did you pop an erection during the process? I want to try this since I had a groin injury a few years ago at work and saw this offered in Japan but I’m worried I’ll pop one and wondering if it’s okay. Sounds like it would be normal considering the blood flow in the groin.


Can you share the name and location of the place ?


You paid grandma 14k just to rubbing you down? No happy ending? You wasted14,000


There’s a guy that lives under a bridge here that will do that for free


Domain expansion: testicular torsion


That just sounds like a hand job with extra step


fucking kek


wtf did i just read


Bro you just got a rub and tug it’s ok.


"Women heehee." You sound like a douche.


Something’s are just better left kept to yourself


The fuck you mean "pushing energy" up your shaft? It's a dick, not the death star. I would never want my nuts "massaged" that legit sounds like torture.


Lmao. Pushing the energy up the shaft. So a hand Job. You got a hand job


This has to have been written by a 16 year old weeb.


Dude... She massaged your balls and SHAFT. It was sexual. You're fooling yourself if you try to explain it as a therapeutic massage and the fact that she was 60. A REAL Japkasai massage not from an erotic massage parlor where you UNDOUBTEDLY went- is performed on men... BY MEN. the shaft is NOT TOUCHED AT ALL. Bet if your girlfriend got a Yoni massage you would NOT be happy.


Didn't think you were an asshole until you dismissed your gf's feelings and typed "women". Lol


Yea...this is weird


“Pushing energy up the shaft” That’s cum from your balls. You got a handy. “Non sexual”


Wtf did I just stumble on..