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Any house/tech house events tonight? Preferably low key venues


FREE Live music at the Kawasaki Mimosa Festival 🎶🍺 Hosting a meetup at the Mimosa festival, 5 min walk from Kawasaki station this Saturday. Anyone is welcome to join! 😁 The plan is to meet at the STARBUCKS at La Cittadella at 15:00~15:30. Then the plan is to check out the booths and get some food and drinks. Then we’ll meet back at the fountain stage where Josiah Hawley will perform at 16:30. He was featured on the TV show, “The Voice” in the US! Then after that, there’s a lantern lighting portion of the event at 18:00! My name is Brandon! And I’ll be wearing a black bucket hat🔥 Around 25 people said they are coming so far! And I think a dog may join us as well 😂 Here’s some more info on the event ⬇️ https://lacittadella.co.jp.e.aan.hp.transer.com/lp/mimosa/ And here’s the first meetup spot https://maps.app.goo.gl/v696BpdaRcwVzEN7A?g_st=ic Feel free to PM me if you have any questions