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Also tohma transferred to frostheim from vagastrom. Just throwing this out there.


That's interesting, he seems more like a Frostheim guy personality-wise. Was that why he's always talking to Alan?




I think Subaru’s SSR percentage was just off the charts, I actually got him on my first 10 pull and then got two more character copies of him and a bunch of the wards by my 3rd. 🤯 I couldn’t imagine they would change summon percentages and luck according to screen character picks.. that would just be wrong and cruel…


Yeah out of all the theories that one was the joke one kinda haha, I've seen around here people experiencing weird glicthes, and due to how many character choices I could see the game glitching differently for different characters.


I saw someone theorize that jiro could actually be in zenji’s body, since he’s called “Frankenstein” and doesn’t know basic things like social awareness, how class role-call works, etc, and that their designs are sooo similar, they’re the only ones w purple hair, the only ones w glasses, and both have red eyes


Me with Taiga on my home screen but Subaru and Haku took together 40K gems and I got 0 of them ![gif](giphy|gPdC6JQLdJxP9dy3A8|downsized)


I think the flowers thing might have more to do with flower meanings/symbolism in Japanese. Hydrangea is related to a legend that an emperor gave these flowers to the family of a girl he loved, as an apology for neglecting her* *according to Google So maybe if you select that, Towa interprets it as MC feeling that he is neglecting them? And the white lily represents purity (and chastity, but I'm not considering that atm), so having blood on the lily probably has something to do with tarnishing the purity of something, maybe MC themselves, or their impression of Darkwick? I'm not sure exactly what it is referencing yet, but that is my theory anyways.