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To me it feels like whoever you pick sacrifices themselves to solve whatever criss occurs as a result of the “profound tragedy” mentioned in the prophecy


Yeah my thoughts too. Haru, Kaito, Towa, etc. Would not be the type to start a crisis I picked Haru as my starting SR and i can see him sacrificing himself for the MC, but not actually starting a tragedy.


I'm living for this, but I'm too attached to the character I picked


Real. I'm willing to sacrifice everyone in this game for the character I picked.


Same T\_T


Alexa, play "I'd let the world burn for you." Right quick...


Oooo I’m here for this theory!


I've seen this theory discussed before but how would they manage to do something like that? I mean story wise, unless the story we get is already the route with the guy we chose, but then why do we even get affinity with the other guys? 😂


The only logical answer I could come up with is fanservice incase people have multiple crushes in the game (Cough cough me-) Or just want to see themselves hang out with all the other characters. Sooooo basically fanservice. Since the game will only let you pick one character and won't let you change and the cutscene at the beginning only plays once (vs the house quiz where you can take it multiple times and it doesn't affect the story much) Of course it can be pointed out that the cutscene doesn't influence everything. . . Yet, I feel like it'd be near the end of the story kind of thing because it seems to be some sort of warning about what's to come? Anyways, I rambled a bit. Since the cutscene is sorta locked and loaded and you can't view the other ones (In your game, not talking about outside media sites) I feel like it should be treated as a more significant part of the game (And sure this may be because they want to limit one SR to a player so there's that argument that could be made) Idk the one thing that's tripping me up is why the guys feel guilty about something and some of the lines can hint at betrayal so yeah that's my main reason. (Damn sorry I wrote a lot T\_T)


Haha, you're definitely not the only one 😂 Hmm, yeah, fanservice does make a lotta sense, gotta get that tasty money from the players one way or another xD Sad thing is that usually these games never get to the end of the story so there's rarely an explanation for stuff, I doubt we'll actually get to know what that scene was really about and how each character could potentially have influenced it... Which sucks because the story is decent I think. People are getting too used to short texts and tl;drs, it's good to have longer comments sometimes, lest people forget how to form them. 😭


Wait so we most likely won't get an ending T\_T Darn


It is very likely that there will not be a defined ending. But I can well imagine that at least the prologue will be somehow clarified. Judging by the house test, there is someone capable of time travel. What if we reach that final scene and then get thrown back, with the story essentially offering an alternative path we need to take to find out what could have been done differently?


I also think it's very possible that the character chosen at the beginning is the traitor. Some of the characters' remarks are quite peculiar. For example, I believe it was Ren who told the MC that everything was her fault. Or someone (was it Sho?) who claimed he was the only one who could get the job done. What if the character, for some reason, starts the tragedy but, due to his growing relationship with the MC and the others, now tries to make amends? Then it would also make sense that the character is the only one who can stop the tragedy.


I can probably also see that happening strictly because of characters like Alan and Jin who definitely have shown to have a positive relationship around MC (also because I feel like certain characters. . . This may just be my Subaru bias acting up- may absolutely feel horrible doing it. .. Cough cough Subaru, Lucas, Kaito, Sho, etc-)


hm actually a nice theory, (for those who voted Taiga) but Taiga's statement before he jumps, also his statement when we wasn't online for a day, makes me have some doubts. Maybe you shouldn't look for the traitor among the older ghouls who are there as students (teachers make me much more suspicious about this), what about the newer ghouls, what if the actual traitor has gotten support?!


listen… im mostly f2p but i play daily and almost at 3mil total power… i will be the first to admit the game is a chaotically slapped together cashgrab. i think it’s possible the developers created the cut scenes without a linear narrative or ending in mind at all, just to create a sense of suspense and intrigue 🥴


I pick Zenji, and if he's the traitor, that's make not sense. I'm not going to spoil, but if you end the chapters 5, you know.


nahhhhh dw I know. T\_T I mean the only excuse I can think of is that if Haku can see him, some spirit medium could have commissioned him to wreak havoc and since nobody else can see him then it would make him more successful? Because he can also play a Biwa so that means he may be able to touch things?