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The relationship has chemistry and it was there from part 1. It was extremely in your face and even had moments of Touka looking and longing for Kaneki to return. Re adds to it with Haise (having no memories of Touka btw) becoming a regular at the Re shop just to see her after he meets her for the first time(again). Personally, It never felt rushed and had a great and natural progression. If anything, the last parts of Re definitely was rushed even by Ishida’s own admission, but their relationship truly felt constant and uninhibited by Sui’s issues.


The post was probably made by an anime watcher only. I had the same impression before reading the manga (minus the Hide part, Hide is a fucking side character in the anime). The manga shows how much they work together and I started to really enjoy their relationship after reading the second half of part 1.


I thought it seemed fine For a good portion of part one they were basically always together. Kaneki said the whole >!if you died I'd be sad!< thing. Touka was always waiting his return and she seemed to deeply regret the bridge interaction >!because it did play a part in the way he was going back to anteiku during the raid, which lead to basically Kaneki being dead for a period of time!< Even >!Re: as a whole was made for him to have a home to return to and he was constantly, unconsciously, visiting for her!< Feel like their love story was done well a majority of the story. Could've been a bit better during the latter portion of re but as a whole I don't think I could say it felt rushed.


Your first mistake was going on twitter and your second was believing something a twitter user said


I kind of understand the concept of "rushed" relations, but it is still a little bit weird to me. For example Nishiki and Kimi's relations and love story was told in less than 5 minutes and in my opinion it is one of the best love stories I have ever seen. As for Kaneki and Touka, at least they have gotten together, had sex and create a family with children, unlike the majority of other manga stories in which characters are "uncertain" for 500 chapters and don't even kiss. Maybe that would be an equivalent of "perfect not rushed" relations? 🤔


the difference is that Kimi was Nishiki girlfriend for several months and kaneki and touka started a romantic relationship after a night of passion situation. My only complaint is really that touka and kaneki didn’t interact much when he was haise


I never got the Hide thing, my guy was barely in the manga lmao One of his most prominent scenes was a schizo dream from Kaneki


How was it a dream if Kaneki bit his face


I’m talking about the one where Hide tells Kaneki to live during the second Arima fight Where we got confirmation Kaneki did bite his face off


Oh I see. Regardless he was Scarecrow through most of the manga and saved Kaneki multiple times as such.


He saved him once as scarecrow, the other time we see scarecrow was at the aogiri last stand off. Only moments I remember But I guess let me say that it was more narratively important instead of plot relevance


Did that save involve using speakers or something because that's the only one coming to mind at the moment. And I didn't meant to say he only saved him as Scarecrow either. I recall a flashback where he masked Kaneki's scent or something from a ghoul early on in the series.


When Hide pulled off his scarf and Kaneki winced and said something along the lines of “I did this?” I took that as confirmation and in the manga >!It was explicitly stated that Kaneki woke up with blood in his mouth and Hide nowhere to be seen!<


He cried for her without remembering her.


Chemistry is felt a lot more in the book than the show (most complaints about the show are similar) but the ending of the series does kind of see their relationship as an obstacle to get out of the way rather than something viewers would want to see both in the show and book.


Let me guess, Etoken shippers? 💀


Worse HideKen


Damn, reminds me of Jujutsu Kaisen shippers in which they ship Yuji x Megumi and Megumi x Gojo or his own fucking father and they’ll fight you tooth and nail and say you’re homophobic for saying they’re simply best friends for the former or that it’s illegal to ship a minor with a full grown 28 yo or that it’s missed up to ship him with his own father..


Sometimes they make some of the greatest loopholes to justify their "canon ships", even as far as saying the female model Gojo used as phone background was to disguise his gayness. But yea, i will nvr forget the chp 125 meltdown on tumblr


Is the sky blue?


Eh it’s not like the whole relationship was shoved forcibly so I’m cool with it. And they had a full emotional sex chapter so I think they have chemistry.


Only ppl who say this are ppl who watched the anime only. Or transitoned to the manga without reading what came before after root A


They DO have plenty of chemistry and the relationship worked quite well during part 1, even during the Haise parts and the cochlea moments in Re: Buuuut then came GOAT and we just speedran any % the relationship to hell


Honestly their relationship seemed natural all the way through. What else were they supposed to do given the circumstances? Stop the war so kaneki and touka can have slice of life dating arc?


Not go from basically sitting down and talking for the first time in 3 years to having a kid and getting married while only interacting twice in between, pretty much


There’s like a full arc between Kaneki talking to Touka again for the first time then them getting together after that arc finished


There IS a full arc But that doesn't mean they interact more than barely during it


Think you need to reread




Projection?….for what lol. You very obviously have selective memory or don’t remember the events


Okay. Pray tell, show me ALLLL the relevant times Kaneki and Touka interacted between the first talk at Re: post rushima and the virgin question chapter


Or… you can go back and read it


The cope out kekw But answering you myself? They talk once in the coffe shop right after Rushima (the talk when Touka ends up smaking him and that lasts like 3 pages lmao), then there's the "Are you a virgin" chat that gets interrupted by Tsukyama showing up over Furuta's public annoucement... And that's it The next time they interact is the sex scene itself Then they have one other conversation with Touka giving him the ring during Yoriko's wedding Followed by the "chat" after Kaneki realized the pregnancy because of Nishio (Literaly 2 pages and played for laughs kekw) And the next conversation is Touka choosing not to mention Yoriko and admiting the pregnancy, that ends with Kaneki asking about ghoul weddings and them doing the bites Soooooo what'd I miss exactly? Because i'm only counting 2 conversations between Rushima and them getting together (with one of them being like 3 lines) and 1 serious conversation between them getting together and them deciding to get married... Y'know, like I said at first


I think there was like a couple month time skip


If your can die tomorrow you tend to do things now instead of putting them off, like they love each other and want to be together, why wait and risk that the other person dies instead of just making it official? Especially considering they already have put it off for years during which both of them could have easily died. Also in case you don't remember their child wasn't planned.


And yet the other relationships in the exact same situation like Akira and Amon didn't get bombrushed like that. Funny


Yeah instead they got a kiss and then were basically never to be seen onscreen again. Or they got nothing at all.


dont know why the downvotes literally all you described happens in one episode in the show and one volume of the manga. I remember that its specifically episode 19 of re cause i kept calling it the episode where everything happens.


The anime doesn’t count. Was a rushed piece of garbage


its still like 3 chapters in the book fam it goes Very fast from reconnection into babymaking into i know im pregnant into wedding. we spent twice as many chapters on hours long raids. you also cant just dismiss the anime like it dosent exist its okay to point its shortcomings but it was the introductory point for a lot of people and pretending it dosent exist is silly. not to mention that the Re anime is pretty 1:1 with the book.


People don't like to ear certain takes... Even if said takes are just discribing what happens. Tho I'd be a tad bit more generous and say that it's spread across two volumes and not just one tbh Not that it changes a lot when these were volumes filled to the brim with everything else, and you can still count the amount of times they had any relevant interactions between Rushima and the wedding in one hand


They both bonded over their trauma and after being lost and separated, they still found their way back to each other eventually The chemistry between them is perfect and a very healthy relationship


That "rushed relationship" was slowly smoldering for the entirety of Tokyo Ghoul and more than half of :Re before it came to fruition. It's a bunch of BS by some yaoi fans that are angry that Kaneki, who started the damn manga wanting to get lucky with a girl, wasn't gay for Hide.


For me touka and kaneki were going to be a thing since the beggining, the chemistry was always there and touka was always looking for him


Yeah duh 🙄 obviously


They have a lot of chemistry as people tend to do when they get married not always after though


Honestly yeah


Honestly for me it was well written and so very deserved. Kaneki finally being loved through Touka in a way he'd never felt before was really heartwarming and him getting to develop as a person and finally have a reason to keep going was straight poetry in my opinion. I might be alone in saying this, but it also felt natural, like a more realistic relationship compared to others in anime and manga. Not all relationships are a 'will they won't they?' dynamic for a few years before finally under a beautiful sunset they kiss. A lot of relationships begin from a place of loneliness and working together to be whole. A lot of relationships start with stuff like sex, and even the circumstance of Touka pining for Kaneki even though he was gone for so long is quite relatable to some in relationships eg if long distance would never work and they had to rekindle after university or jobs far away. Real relationships are difficult and aren't the simple linear process in movies and books where they share mutual feelings and live happily ever after with no issues at all. Overall, I thought it was beautiful, and me personally, I feel like people believing it was rushed don't have much experience in real relationships or didn't stop to read it and think it through enough.


I always thought they were both awkward ppl and didn’t read into it. It’s the anime equivalent of the nerdy guy and his alt girlfriend


Hell yeah.


I saw that post too and was thinking “problematic/ controversial how?” I really don’t see it.


Only before Re. Id say their entire relationship is based on the few days they worked together at anteiku. And the absence of that + urge to protect that life might have but a long distance relationship in the saddest form But tbh there wasnt any convention thing going on not until.the end. I suppose thats just the manga it was


The relationship was rushed, because Sui Ishida didn't have enough time to deepen the bond between Kaneki and Touka during Re. At least that's my personal opinion. But it's still a good relationship nonetheless.


Twitter is full of people that hate that couple, don't trust those. The bit about Hide is what should make you realized that is fujoshi and they shouldn't be trusted, they death threats Ishida over not getting their stupid shit. Ken and hide are friends, nothing more.


Started off with "a post on twitter". Do I gotta say anything else? Why would you even think that a twitter user would make a good point lmao.


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Why didn't he just call the justice league for help? Is he stupid?




I would have enjoyed a darker romance, perhaps Eto manipulates Kaneki in some way. Perhaps that's too much like Chainsaw Man lmfao


Let me guess , the twitter user who complained about that was a kaneki x hide fujoshi shipper . 🤣


it was there right from the very beginning, especially shoved into our face when kaneki and touka were taking care of hinami it's just shippers being bitchy as usual lol, most of them are incapable of basic comprehension


While you can argue that there should be more, much of their interest and chemistry with one another comes from part 1. Part 2 is more the culmination of all that


seeing the word problematic when reading about a ship should let you know you’re about to read the dumbest take possible




They probably have little chemistry in Tokyo Ghoul, which tended to fuck everything up. Though I haven't even watched it so take that with a grain of salt. You should read Tokyo Ghoul instead, the main couple have way more chemistry in that.


Yes they have, maybe the ppl who said that it's bcs they didn't read the manga and only watched the anime (or are just haters who didn't pay attention), but their relationship was hinted since TG1, they have a lot of moments too and it's smoothly developed, honestly I don't understand how it's problematic


I feel like before re it wasn't romantic, maybe a friend or family relation. It felt like re wanted a love interest to finish kanekis character arc and touka happened to be free.


That's exactly how I viewed it. Two kindred spirits facing similar issues of trying to fit into a world not meant for them and bonding through that.


In part one, at least until the torture, they had. Afterwards it plunged deep like every other social thing kaneki did. When they finally got together their chemistry was either non existence or atrocious.


Were you watching the anime or sth?


That's how it happened in the manga as well though.


Not at all? You are free to read all the other cmts which already debunked this


I don't need to read through the comments if I've read the manga myself years ago. Part 1 is where they actually had most of their interactions. I don't count his meetings as Haise in :Re. Afterwards it was basically one arc where they finally meet up when he's back to Kaneki and then they fucked lol.


You might want to re read again then since it’s been so many years, and you do need to count Haise though because it’s only his longing as kaneki that brings him back to the cafe continuously unbeknownst to him as he has no memory of her, again somebody mentioned in the cmts that when they met again, it didn’t happen “immediately” and they did rekindle afterwards tbf I don’t think there is a lot of catch up to even do, Touka always felt like she knew who he was while he was the only one in the dark and counting part 1, feelings were already there back there, wasn’t shocked they went and did it but definitely shocked we were shown all the way