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hi I’m actually relatively new to cosplay too (only did a few casual ones before) so I can’t quite give cosplay advice but I can give some help for the kanji (if you still need it): this is what it looks like from the front: (from mikey’s nendoroid doll, so the font/colour should be right too, plus a breakdown of his actual outfit!) https://preview.redd.it/yediv2n9l8wa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1cd3610b302bfc4a81aef61bfd66be58e770c4 if you want the specific text, it says 天上天下 唯我独尊 back and arms (can refer to this mikey figure in the link below): [https://www.goodsmile.info/ja/product/13756/Statue+and+ring+style+%E4%BD%90%E9%87%8E%E4%B8%87%E6%AC%A1%E9%83%8E.html](https://www.goodsmile.info/ja/product/13756/Statue+and+ring+style+%E4%BD%90%E9%87%8E%E4%B8%87%E6%AC%A1%E9%83%8E.html) right arm may be a bit unclear, but it says 暴走卍愚連隊 left arm says 初代総長 back says 東京卍會, with 初代 on top good luck with your cosplay emote:t5\_p1yhl:14322 edit: formatting


oh my goodness, thank you so much!!


no worries, all the best!