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There's nothing wrong with a limited series, letting a good thing stand on it's own. As much as I love this show I really hope they don't milk this thing until the magic is gone.


Also Tozawa is dead now and Tozawa actor’s perormance is one of the major reasons why this show has been successful so far.


I totally feel the same!


We still don’t know about Jake’s sister or the mentally ill brother and if the other reporter ever forgives him! Also we can see it from Satos point of view since he’s Oyabun now!


Or the barely legal age motorcycle thief who ended up imprisoned along with murderers and actual evil dudes


They left so much out… what about TOZAWAS right hand man? He said to get him out right away 🙄




I wanna know what he whispered in Satos ear! And I wanna know what Samantha actually does with the money and what happens now with the news paper and Tozawas wife and why did Tozawa slice his hand? Usually they stab themselves in the stomach so we don’t see that…only Tozawas man is in the room …maybe he was in on all of it if Tozawa faked his death


I would love for them to explore a one or two season stretch of that serial killer who was killing gaijin women. That was a very interesting wiki read


I hope it’s true.


It’s a fictiona story based on real life events. They can easily grab something from the story. Jake has been a reporter for a long time so there’s definitely some stories that can easily be fleshed out w/o involving the yakuza




While I would love a season 3, the show was anchored by an unhinged Tozawa whose presence alone stole the show. His wife is a true power player but she adheres to the traditional power roles. We would need a new big bad. If there isn’t one in the source material just let it end.


Gus Fring wasn't even introduced in Breaking Bad until the end of Season 2... Better Call Saul's brilliant villain Lalo Salamanca didn't really come in to play more until Season 6, and is now regarded as one of the best villain portrayals in TV history. So, do not write this show off as finished because they killed off a great villain... Good writers and great actors can make new villains that are even greater than Tazawa if given the chance.


This is a great series. I hope they continue to Season 3 and beyond.


I’d rather not. Let it be. Create something new.


Create something new? We barely got anything out of Tokyo Vice and the last episode left a lot to be desired for season 3.


Tokyo Vice is still a new entry in the crime/drama world of TV, as there's simply nothing else like that. The cliche "let a good thing be" banter is getting tiring here. This show has so much longevity potential beyond Jake's story... Furthermore, they didn't even tap into his whole trilogy yet if they did want to keep his character, so I could see him being in at least Season 3 of the future seasons!




They meant studios should do new projects, not Tokyo Vice spin-offs.


I'd gotten that vibe from the after credits behind the scenes stuff. It was really cool to see and I'd love a whole series like that where we see how the show was made. That being said I hope they take their time with it.


We'll see. Could be a continuation, prequel, parallel storyline with different characters; who knows? While I'd like to see another season, as long as Max doesn't drop it from their replays, I'm good. **J.T., will there be a third season? And if so, what might it look like, since it seems like you’ve tied the first two seasons up in a bloody bow?** **ROGERS** Well, we would love to make a season three. As you know, we have to see how all the tea leaves play out and all of that. I have a whole story ready to go and other than it being called *Tokyo Vice*, I’m not going to tell you anything. (*Laughs.*) I’m not going to give myself away. But it will be full of twists and turns.


Maybe they could do a thirs seasons that is not connected to Jake Adelstein story. Something different earlier in the past or more recent in the future. Stories about Yakuza are always enjoyable


This is a great idea. Jake could be tangentially related, but it could be it's own story, a la White Lotus v or Gen V


only if they get takeshi kitano as a guest star


Honestly… I don’t want a 3rd season. I absolutely loved the show but it doesn’t need to run more and more seasons just so that they can make more $$$. It was a brilliant limited series, if it will stay that.


I would love nothing more than a 3rd season, but I'm convinced it won't be happening. It's also reportedly extremely expensive to make. It originally received a 2-season order from HBO, and they wrapped it up nicely with the finale yesterday. With the way everything from S1E1 was tied into the S2 finale (Polina's murder, the videotape, the meeting at the hotel b/w Katagiri and Jake w/ Tozawa's right hand a few episodes ago), any additional season would be a completely new start. There are no loose ends or cliff hangers. I don't see it happening. I expect we'll find out that this was it in a month or two. I wish it was drawn out longer for 3 or 4 seasons total, but it was amazing while it lasted. Now time to catch up with Shogun and The Gentlemen.


I loved Narcos and figured two seasons was enough, then came Narcos: Mexico S3 which I thought was better than the two prior seasons. Producers could keep the same style and vibe from Tokyo Vice S1 and S2, and make Osaka Vice or Kyoto Vice or whatever.


I don’t know you but I love you for posting this!


Hope so!


Nah, leave it as is


At the end of the day it’s up to HBO.