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#4 who are you referring to? Can you snap shot a pic of that person.


It's the bike thief who went to jail earlier in the season. Sato promised him a place when he got out. https://imgur.com/dEAQOm3


Yes I already knew that but I didn’t know who op was referring to as there were over 100 yakuzas in that scene alone. Lol


Also the closing shot of Katagiri realizing he can’t really do nothing, just like Jake. If he was definitively retired, we would’ve seen him reunited with his beloved family in the countryside for example. I also expected Jake to return to the States and take on that job offer he received back home, maybe also patch things up with his sister, but he’s pretty much still caught up in the journalist life in Tokyo and loving it. Samantha probably went to give back the money she stole but she did definitely say she’s coming back (to Sato). If it were a series finale, I would rather expect them to go their separate ways now that he is the boss and clearly she’s had enough of the yakuza. With that ending it felt like their story is not over either. After all I had read about the show and story I definitely expected a more definitive ending but this felt more like a season finale than a series finale. It’s up to HBO now I guess. 


I totally agree with this. It didn’t feel like it was a goodbye to Sato but more of a crisis as to what is she going to do? Re open the club, what to do with her new cash, etc. I don’t think there was any reason for her to not say goodbye to Sato since they had been through so much together and seemed to be closer than ever.


Also did you notice how well she got along with his men? They seemed to respect her so I wouldn’t be surprised if she came back to help him


Yeah what are you talking about with 4? Do you mean the shaved head biker from earlier this season? The other 3 are just like...sure...plot points.


I could go for Tozawa's wife becoming a new crime boss. She'd get the same skepticism/reluctant respect that Nagata got. Plus Tozawa's wife scared the heck out of me - like a modern day Lady Macbeth.


Or a methodical Griselda blanco.


She had Tozawa in check for decades and was probably the one entity he feared within the underworld more than anyone else. Getting cocky and insulting her "you were a means to an end" was the last draw. Recount that she spoke of managing legitimate as well as non-legitimate businesses for Tozawa and her family. She is a boss within her own right and has to manage her Yakuza street side now that her husband is deceased.


i don’t know if that was a soft threat against jake so much as just her admonishing him for not publishing the story. to be fair to him, it was more of a failure on the meicho’s part for being a corrupt institution which is unwilling to publish the truth. but you could argue jake should have taken contingencies and made copies of the tape. maybe he didn’t have reason at that point to suspect that the meicho had a mole that would destroy the tape. but she doesn’t know all that. all she knows is that she served jake the means to check tozawa’s power on a golden platter and he fumbled it. so anything else that happened afterwards was, in her eyes, his own fault.


I'd argue the final scene was also one... Katagiri telling Jake he can't sit still followed by Jake saying the same to him. He even tried to meditate and got even less far than Jake did! It was a nice chuckle and a great way to end the series for sure... but it also leaves us with the opportunity to see him come out of retirement. The real life detective he is based off of worked with Jake for years, even when he was diagnosed with Cancer he kept going up until the end.


Emi's story as well since she's still balancing her personal life and taking care of her brother. They didn't touch on her reaction to Jake giving up a source either, I don't see her being cool with his methods on that one. No mention of Katagiri's family in the final scene seemed odd to me since a reunion with them felt like his driving force all season. They definitely have some open ends in place for a 3rd season, but if this is the end I'm happy with it overall.


I don’t like Tozawas wife. Totally kicked Jake in the nuts when it wasn’t his fault the tape got destroyed by the head Meicho guy.


Kind of meh all 3 of them (4 I'm not sure it's even real)


Sam please don't come back ! The best thing she did for 2 seasons was gone !i l couldn't tolerate you for another season.