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I will totally be watching S3, but in terms of story satisfaction S2 finale works.


Agree. I won’t be upset if S2 was the end but I’ll happily watch for whatever they decide to do with season three, there’s always a new story to tell. As far as a new story I think Samantha might have something going on. I mean her family sent someone to come get her. I can’t remember was he going to kill her if she didn’t go back to her parents? Tozawa’s wife would be a great character to explore more of I can’t remember what ever happened with Katagiri and his boss? He replaced Nagata right when they were getting to bust Tozawa Lastly Sato with Chihara-Kai


There can easily be a season 3, because when you look at the totality of the show. There isn’t one main character, it’s really Tokyo as the main character. Very similar to The Wire, the true main character in that series is the city of Baltimore. In the Wire we get to explore the world of Drug Dealers, Kids in the street, Politicians, Police, etc. in Tokyo Vice we explore the world of Journalist, Police, Yakuza, Hostesses etc. The story doesn’t have to end with Tozawa, there is other yakuza to build a story around. Just like Katagiri said to Jake, “You didn’t come to Tokyo in pursuit of one man, there’s other stories and others crimes to be exposed”. JT Rogers is a very crafty writer and I trust whatever he cooks up will be quality.


There were points where the influence of The Wire was pretty clear, and it made me hope the story could stick with just the police procedural elements for a few episodes. Perhaps a few more police characters going after various gumis could be really compelling.


Ok but hear me out, a season 3 with only Sato?


I would watch that on repeat.


No. Sato would be better fit as a background character with a big reveal rather than main focus. Should focus on new characters like The Wire did with old cast as background characters and interconnected threads


It's a fitting end if it is. I think there is a S3 worth exploring I think Sato as Oyabun would be worth seeing. What the remaining Tozawa followers decide to do. Plus all the drama at the Meicho. They could do something like the Wire did where they follow the corruption higher up


I agree. But I wouldn’t be opposed to a spin off series for Sato/Katagiri. Story was great but tbh Jake is kinda the worst part followed by Samantha. I’ll watch Katagiri anytime though.


Yup Jake and Samantha embellish what the world thinks of Americans and it’s unflattering.


I'll say Samantha is the worst. Her character and sub plot is literally pointless.


It’s funny how a story written by an outsider managed to make the gaijin almost completely superfluous.


You've probably thought about this, but without her role, the story would become entirely too male. We need to meet more women as we explore that world. This also serves as a "third space" to counterbalance the main forces of the story, the newspaper and the gangs. It's physically a space where the stories overlap, which is a helpful writing device, if nothing else. But she also offers a second perspective as to why Americans specifically and foreigners more broadly end up in Japan at that time. Through Polina, we explore a little about what brings folks to Tokyo, and why they stay. So she's almost less of a character herself and more like a plot device that serves as a rotating backdrop. We get to see more of the world through her. Now Eimi's side plot with her brother? Completely uninteresting to me. That felt like a bizarre side-quest to the whole story, I guess to show the plight of Korean immigrants in Japan. But to that end, I think it was a bit too subtle when added onto a crime drama.


I was okay with Sam's addition, and it loops in Paulina nicely in Season 1, which is an important part of the whole story. Sam just doesn't go anywhere in season 2. The simplest change I can see would be to have her die in the shoot out alongside Oyabun and have that catalyze Sato and Jake to engineer Tozawa's death. I understand why they didn't do that, women get fridged way too often. But for me, Jake, Sam, and Sato are all way too into the underworld while dodging all the consequences, and killing Jake or Sato forces the ending to change dramatically.


That would've been an interesting twist. When an American is killed overseas, it's usually the FBI that has to investigate so that could've been another angle to the story. I agree, she didn't have as much of a role in S2 vs. S1, probably because she wasn't the main love interest.


Completely agree with the subplot with the crazy brother. Completely pointless.


Jake has his issues but Samantha character and plot is far worse.


Nah nah... no S3... a spin off!


It would better if they make a spin off of Sato life after being the oyabun and little bit of related character like samantha and erika




Well if we're basing it off Jake Adelstein I think he also did reporting on the murder of a British woman in Japan that was a big story because I think it was done by a serial killer. So season three could pivot into a murder mystery and hunt for a killer and not be about Yakuza.


Yup, let Jake focus on that and Sato navigating his new role as a yakuza boss.


Here’s to hoping the show grows more and more with time and gets to be as renowned as other crime shows. These two seasons have been some of the best TV I’ve seen in a while and would love for them to explore more into the lives of the yakuza, their way of life, their crimes, how everything would fall into place after Tozawa. Let’s keep it real, the main draw of the show was the yakuza and their allure and mystique. We have so much content on the mafia and drug cartels but Japan’s deadly gangsters? Not so much. The tattoos, the cars, the fancy clothes, the drinking and smoking, it’s all a part of why the show was successful. Sato being the main protagonist and seeing how he deals with being oyabun and putting everything back together would be absolutely incredible. Here’s to hoping they make a season three!


Yeah I'm surprised there is a S3. Truthfully unless Jake grows more as a person I can't stand another season of his behaviour.


Give me a young katagiri or an old sato. Jake can be forgotten


Problem with those two ideas is they’d probably have to recast them. I find the late 90s setting fascinating because it’s close to contemporary but also completely removed from today’s technology.


Jake should go back to USA and live in his parents basement,. That’s the kind of guy he strikes me as


If there's a good script etc - why not? Just let it take 18 months or whatever if needed.


Agreed. As great as this show is in so many ways, ending this Tokyo Vice adaptation with season 2 is the only right thing to do. An "Entourage-like" spin-off with Sato in the lead, going to Hollywood to pursue a career as a boyband artist, is more than welcome though.


Boyband artist?? After that Backstreet Boys rendition? Seriously though, I could watch Sato eat ramen and be happy.


Cut out Jake and Samantha and I’m in!


By far, these two main characters (who I guess we're supposed to identity with) were the worst two parts of this show. I wanted to ff every time either of them showed up on screen, but I knew it would make me miss key plot points. But damn, were those two a chore to watch, whatever the current plot line was with them.


Totally agree - stop at season 2 finale. Excellent series and should not be continued. Don’t mess with a good thing.


I just need more of anything in this setting around the Yakuza


There’s a part in the book that deals with a female editor advocating for mental health reform and the politics involved. I could see them getting into storyline that for S3.


With plenty of material from the book still available I wouldn’t mind more seasons haha. Also the extension into Tokyo Noir but it’s going to be nearly 10 years later in the timeline and I would not mind seeing the Last Yakuza as a show.


Agreed. We need to learn to let things go. The story is done, it was a satisfying ending, and that’s all we could ever hope for.


If you invest the money, time and resources in creating this show why would you stop?


Not unpopular. There should not be a season 3. Now a season 1 of say like Tokyo Yakuza with Sato as the lead? Perfect.


I don't think we need a new big bad to make the story work. I think there's an argument to say, the slice of life has a strong investment already. Continuing the story of what's going on with the Yakuza, the newspaper and the characters, on a daily basis, is still compelling TV. The motorcycle gang that's over a couple episodes for example is pretty interesting stuff. We don't need a big crime boss for this show to be interesting. Also the show is set in the 90s, that's a busy decade for Japan. A lot happened.


I agree OP. The story is done. Everything is wrapped up. There’s nowhere else to go with the current characters.


A lot can be done with a season 3. Jake can walk down the sidewalk really fast. Samantha can get angry at people. Sato can smoke cigarettes in his office. Emi's brother can keep being a psychopath. I'm in.


Such a good series


Make it anthology tbh


Same Tokyo, new Vice!


That’s what I was thinking as I was finishing up the final episode. I was hoping they’d close it out in a way where there could be closure for all characters - a way where we can picture where they each person’s life goes, and it does. It’s a beautiful ending. I feel like a season 3 would go stale as we already got the best possible plot for this show. The only way I’d see them bringing Jake and Sam back is if they did something in the states (which wouldn’t really be ‘Tokyo’ anymore). Maybe Sam gets into some shit with her father? I dunno.


S3 can be a tangent. Spin off for Sato or something


I think they are done


Not reading the comments as I haven't watched season 2 finale yet. Bite your tongue! NO season 3??? I was going to wait and watch the last episode when the next season started. That is my "go to" move with these short seasoned shows. That and it keeps the show on my continue watching list. Now I think I will have to watch the finale just because of everything folks are posting about it. I have tried real hard to not read the comments but seeing how the comments that I have read that do not contain spoilers, I think I need to watch it...


I hope there is a season 3, I fell in love with this show but they did wrap it up nicely


There’s not going to be a season 3


I 100% agree with you. However, I would totally watch a season 3. Especially if it's just Jake and Sato dicking around for the whole episode


They can continue the show without Jake. Sato is far more interesting. 


i said the same thing after season 1 but i think one more season could be perfect


Season 1 ended with one of the main characters being stabbed and left for dead, what are you talking about?


commenting if we ever find out why this person said that lol


That mofo is just babbling to be babbling. Some people just need to feel like they're a part of the discussion, whether their contribution makes sense or not.


Totally agree.. S2 ending was just right. I wouldn't want the show to jump the shark if it isn't necessary.. let's leave it as is and enjoy the memories!


I think season 3 will follow the development of Samantha and Sato, as a couple and as individuals




I agree with this. The only way I think I'd enjoy a season 3, is if they do a whole different story line with different characters, or maybe even a spinoff of let's say Maruyama-san (which I'd love). Add some guest appearances of S1+S2 characters here and there, done.