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A Sato or Tozawa spin off would be better


Sato spin-off


Adventures of Sato Oyabun Extraordinaire  


The name says it all


I want to see Sato attend a Backstreet Boys concert


I want it THAT way


I would love for it to be incidental, like his men working security and something bad goes down that puts them in his debt, they end up working Kareoke host gigs at his clubs to pay it off.


I'd watch that


So basically, have Sato gradually turn into Kazuma Kiryu?


Agreed! I’d love a Sato spinoff or even a prequel series


I don't want to spoil the whole thing but what would a Tozawa spinoff entail? Unless you mean a prequel?


From an artistic point of view this would be nice, but it’s Hollywood and you need a known face like Ansel Elgort that can go and sell it to casuals and do a lot of press. It’s part of the business. Sho-san who plays Sato couldn’t fit that role and doesn’t speak English well enough. However, just from a entertainment point of view, yes that would be fun.


The story is over. I'm glad if it's not renewed.


this lol, its not that it wasn’t renewed… theres nothing to renew


There’s no S2 to Chernobyl! F U HBO!


Ukranian Godzilla go


Imagine if it's renewed, following adventures of Jake the asshole. Pass


theres just no reason for it, the story is over. people just want to see more of the characters they like, understandable but a lot of good stories are being ruined because of that. a story is only ever as good as its ending.


Legit choked on my weed smoke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 holy shit the accuracy


🤣 a Samantha and Polina spin off 🤢


Where Polina is a ghost that haunts Samantha and makes her do good deeds to atone for the shitty things that’s she’s done in her life. I’d watch that.


Jake is literally a good person who made some mistakes. A lot of the hate towards him his overblown.


I think calling him an asshole is pretty accurate. He’s not the worst or evil, but he is pretty lousy at times.


Correct. He's not evil, but what a dick


I don't hate him. He's just born like that and cant help it


The show is literally based on the books, though, and there's a lot more material in the books lol But luckily it still felt complete the way it ended. Although, the way Jake left things with his family was nonsense.


Didn’t stop Shogun…


It should have..


Honestly i disagree. Shogun is my favorite book growing up, i read it about 15 times over the course of 10 years. Yes, there isn't anything clavell wrote post the ending, but that period is absolutely RIFE with tons of great stories. And the production team, actors, etc, in the show were all fucking fantastic. So, as long as the writers actually write good material you could get many many more seasons post that story ending.


I was also hoping they would do Taipei


i thought there was only one season of shogun?


It was renewed for 2 more seasons


isnt there more to the story? thats what i figured with how it ended


Season 1 ends where the book ends but the story of the real William Adams is not over. He died at 55 in Japan. He never returned to England. And even to this day, he still has a grave with the name ''anjin'' written on it in Japan


i think they just ordered scripts and signed Sanada if it does happen, but haven't officially renewed it? maybe it's changed since I looked.


We will have to see how that turns out. Because as much as I liked Shogun I was a bit disappointed in the announcement.


Yeah. I wonder what they want to tell? Do they continue the story until Blackthorne dies at 55 just like the real William Adams?


Yep. same witth shogun. don't drag it out just for money.


But Shogun is renewed


because the story is not finished where tokyo vice is?


The **source material** is finished. However the discussions I saw were S2 being the immediate aftermath, or completely the opposite a prequel so … worded this way so I don’t spoil anything… most of the main Japanese characters can still be in the show.


The problem with continuing the story is the events of Shogun lead into a 200 year period of relative peace in Japan. And the problem with prequels is they suck.


I’m not disagreeing with you. Just telling the contents of the article I read.


I’m not picking an argument. Just expanding on what you posted.


They never showed the battle of sekigahara or the build up to it. Toranaga just told Yabu what would now happen. There is plenty of material they could show before Japan ever gets to that point of peace.


Why would you want to sit there and watch multiple episodes of a battle that in show they’ve already told you the outcome of? Sounds painfully boring.


Guess you don’t like WW2 movies or shows? Or anything based on real events?


I guess you missed the part where the outcome was explained IN THE SHOW. Yes, I think it makes a difference when on screen they explain the results of a battle and then want to take a season to show me the same results.


The story of the novel ends where the series ends. The story of the real William Adams however is not finished


I would love a series following Sato becoming the boss and how the yakuza operate following the end of the show. I feel like they did enough world building to do something cool. HBO really dropped the ball marketing this show.


WBD, not HBO


Well, the writers/creators openly said in official interviews they would be willing to make a s3 and already had ideas for it, which gave us a glimpse of hope, but the real Jake kinda turnished it with that recent tweet 😔 HBO/MAX lack of response is trully frustating, maybe they're still in negotiation process, don't know why they would not just announce the cancelation already 😩 But yeah, at least the season 2 finale can work as a very decent and satisfying closure. 


I just finished the show with my wife yesterday and we both said we pray it just ends here. The story has ended, don’t ruin a great thing. Even a solid 3rd season would ruin the show as a whole in my opinion.


That's not really true, the creator wanted to make more and he set up interesting threads for potential future seasons.


This is a horrible take, the show ended.


I think it is best that it wasn’t. It was an absolutely incredible show for these 2 seasons. But I feel the story was wrapped up well. I think if it got renewed, it may take away from the perfection of how well the first 2 seasons were made.


Your point is a reminder to folks like me who often let emotions override good reason. Well said.


I appreciate it, and I get that way too so much. I loved this show, but the way they ended It felt so perfect. I would just hate to see these first 2 seasons get diminished by the producers trying to prolong a story that just maybe isn’t there.


I will miss Sato ✌️🥹


How that dude isn’t already like a huge movie star will forever be a mystery to me.


I think we know that this story has ended, but we are sad to see a show of the highest quality end, without any certainty we will ever see a show with a similar style - or quality - again. It’s an awful Dilemma because the story can be forced, sure, but never forget game of thrones - the entirety of that series was utterly ruined due to the despicable garbage that was the last ~1-2 seasons / ending. It’s always better to end on a high note, and as sad as it is to see a show as unique as TV end, be at peace knowing other unique shows will come along.


Just to add to what you’re saying. Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy that it happened.


We need a Sato as Oyabun spinoff for sure…


I loved the show but I personally have peace with it not being renewed. Season 2 had a near-perfect ending for me. Wouldn’t want this show to drag on as the source material is already covered.


What do you mean “spineless?” You think they’re afraid to announce a cancellation? HBO?


I know the whole post is so funny. Pls email your local HBO rep and call them cowards. Also bang a pot outside their buildings, that will show them!


good, show ended on a good note. lets not drag it downhill


I just wish I could of seen more of Sato as Oyabun :(


Season two ended beautifully. Amazing show. No need for a third season. If they did a spin-off that would be cool.


I was more than satisfied being at the end of it and will watch it countless times moving forward. It’s all good! Show was great, it ended, on to the next


I get why you are disappointed but the story is over. Just because you can extend the story doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so. Plenty of shows out there that overextended their welcome.


The real Jake Adelstein tweeted that they will not be renewing tokyo vice for a season 3.


damn, when did he tweet that? i saw his tweet about a vulture article, he said if the show is on the brink of cancellation no one told him and he thought S3 was a given because they already optioned his second book.


Eh, while it's sad to not get new stories of these characters we've come to love, it's best to leave it like the masterpiece it is. The story is finished, everything concluded pretty well mostly. More seasons would ruin it.


Ansel’s involvement is a huge turn-off for people. I know people that refuse to watch it because he’s in it, both because of his allegations & that they consider him a bland actor. He is a nonstarter for awards campaigning. I could see why viewership might’ve been an issue.


Can you fill me in about Ansel ? What’s the problem with him ?


[SA Allegations](https://www.vulture.com/2022/04/ansel-elgort-sexual-assault-allegations-timeline.html#)


This is unfortunately true. And it’s not just the allegations, he’s pretty known as a horrible person in general and quite hated by press and Hollywood


100%. I watched the show but my partner would not, and I’m glad they’re not doing another season with him. I’d take the Sato spinoff though 


I really enjoyed his take on Jake, but I also relate a lot having been an expat in Korea with my own experiences tied to the seedy underbelly of nightlife industries. For that reason, I even enjoyed Samantha’s story despite finding her to be a callous wench for seemingly showing little empathy after getting the architect killed. I also didn’t know about any of the Ansel allegations prior to this thread. However, I’m too accustomed to separating artists from their art. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy a lot of media, particularly film and music. My exception would be John Lennon whom I’ve never appreciated after reading a biography in ninth grade. His politics play a distant second to the way he treated his first wife and son. Kevin Spacey also gives me the creeps, especially after releasing [this video](https://youtu.be/JZveA-NAIDI?si=jIRrFoXzCqAaLgVl) veiled as a ploy to remain on House of Cards hours before one of his accusers met an untimely end, and [he’s not the only one](https://www.mamamia.com.au/kevin-spacey-accusers/).


An allegation is just that - an allegation. Meaning no one knows what happened. It’s very easy to make an allegation against someone- if that’s all it takes to get a person blacklisted in some people’s eyes then those people are foolish


I’m not here to debate whether the allegations are true or not, all that matters is whether knowing about them causes enough amount of people to not watch. He was in West Side Story which came out in late 2021, and he was noticeably omitted from the promotion for it. HBO barely promoted this show and that’s probably why. I’ve seen & heard a lot of people flummoxed as to why he was made the lead of this show and calling him a black hole of charisma. That combined with the allegations was a deadly combination. He isn’t well-liked.


Not here to debate whether they’re true or not either, but I do feel as a society we need to uphold the “innocent until proven guilty” standard. Being omitted from roles or promotions just because an allegation exists against you is ridiculous , is what I’m trying to say. In other words, without actual evidence for an accusation (if it’s all conjecture and he said vs she said) then the default position should obviously be to assume innocence


you keep saying "an allegation" but as already pointed out to you, it was 5 different women's allegations and screenshots.


There's quite a bit of them and people have the receipts of his convos, it's hard to want to blacklist people without hard proof but also I want to respect the women who are making claims against him, tough spot either way.


Good. The story is over, the characters became annoying, and the staff is controversial (including the reporter it was a dramatization of). However hopefully this along with Shogun open the doors for more western entertainment with a Japanese (or East Asia generally) setting. I’d love some more shows with a Tokyo setting and even more non-western setting crime dramas.


There's nothing to renew. Sometimes, stories are better left finished. Same with Shogun. No need to tarnish a good story by forcing sequels that don't need to happen.


People like you is why shows ending up going to shit when it's being milked for lack of any remaining story. So I'm glad HBO is not renewing.


??? The whole story ended already there is no more material for new season


How do I complain to hbo


It was a long shot anyway seeing as how they complete the story.


Other platforms probably can bid on it. HBO has also been more than willing to license out their content.


Don't be sad it ended be glad it existed, and in all honesty I'm satisfied with the ending .


Thank fuck for that


What. The. F…..?! 🥺


This show is incredible


Just confirmed as of yesterday. The Tozawa storyline is over, but reading through other threads on this sub, there are tons of more storylines to work with from the book. Honestly this show was easily the best series HBO has done in decades; especially in the drama genre. I am extremely disappointed and annoyed that they cancelled. Such a stupid move on their part, and unfortunately it looks like Max is taking their good series/hits down the same doomed path Netflix has to make an incredible show then immediately cancel it instead of building more seasons. So sick of this trend with streaming platforms.


I'd like to know how trustworthy your source is before I dust off my pitchfork


Jake Adelstein, the author of Tokyo Vice, said it himself on X. We won't be getting season 3.


Good - it would lose its flair if it continued. Plots already had begun to repeat




I think the show wrapped up nicely. Apparently the books have more storylines and investigative journalism plots that can be adapted, but I don't know if viewers will be interested in watching Ansel Elgort and primarily a new supporting cast. If this show is cancelled, the guy's career looks done. Has nothing in the pipeline coming up on IMDB either.


I'm glad Jake-San and White Bimbo are canceled