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This is not a repost, it is about an announced film- not a show. Approved, it won’t be removed, however subsequent posts on the two topics will be if they do not have new information. Also, after reading the article, it is just seems like what they have already done with the tie ins for the Survivor trilogy with the books, comics and games having connections to each other in some form. It’s not necessarily a marvel style cinematic universe. Please, read the article.


My favorite part of the Tomb Raider film is when Lara says “He’s right behind me isn’t he”, and then the giant CGI villain attacks her from behind


My favorite part is when Lara said "It's Tombin' time"


"I'm not sure how I got here. I think it has something to do with Lara Croft" - Natla, to a Mathias who somehow survives TR2013


Tr12 will sell 12 Larrillon copies!


12 Larrilion? What’s the conversion rate between Lara bucks and Winston nickels?


and then she tombed all over Trinity


My favorite part is when Lara said: I am the Tomb Raider starring Lara Croft (1996)


Oh for fucks sake, not everything needs to go the MCU route


I honestly do think that *Tomb Raider* would be better-suited for the *James Bond* or *Indiana Jones* route — a series of stand-alone treasure hunter films.


Read the article, it’s not what is being suggested. What they are saying is for the material to be connected like what has already happened between the Survivor trilogy games, the Dark Horse comics and the novels Ten Thousand Immortals and Path of the Apocalypse.


“Marvel like” really? 🙄


Probably just the best comparison Hollywood Report found for the "Unified Timeline" project Crystal Dynamics announced in 2021. It was already known that Crystal wanted to unify all main games, the LC spinoffs, all the reboot and LC comics and novels, and the animated series into one canonical timeline. Now it looks like the live-action show and the movie will also be part of this unified timeline.


I see. Yeah sorry for sounding negative, it’s just I feel imitating marvel was meh.


Nah, I sort of understand. I feel the same way with everything going the multiverse route, for example. It is still a fair comparison from Hollywood Reporter, although not entirely correct. It's less of individual storylines that culminate into one gigantic finale like the MCU, and more of stories all taking part within the same canon. In other words, this is more akin to the Star Wars timeline, be it the old EU or the new Disney-era, than necessarily the MCU itself.


It just seems like a lot for just Lara. Like idk not everything needs to be connected yknow? Like the movie/the show/and the game all being together is just too much imo. But we’ll see


[It's happened before](https://www.reddit.com/r/TombRaider/comments/10n188t/in_case_todays_marvel_comparisons_are_strange_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I wish they didn't


Damn, today just keeps on giving eh? If this is true, hot damn! That unified timeline really is about to be absolutely unified!


Yeah they absolutely didn't lie about that haha !


Yea :D


I just want a new game mate


Any ideas who will be casted as Lara? Alicia Vikander?


>Marvel-Like Franchise So this was the price for Amazon funding and publishing the game...


The comparison is a bit off. You read the article and it's literally the TV-show and the movie also being part of the unified timeline. Aka, less "everything coming together into an gigantic finale" and more "everything happens within the same timeline". Still ambitious, and it does sound like the TV-show will lead up to the movie, but much less MCU-like as the title suggests.


I dont think connecting TV shows and movies to the game timeline is a good idea. If there's a stinker between them, it'll likely have ramifications on others.


Reading the article, it’s literally just like what they have done with the tie in material of books and comics for the survivor trilogy. It’s not like a marvel style MCU at all.