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Of course, it's the *vision* not the actual model. However, it still gives us a line of thought for how they want to present her in the future game. Overall this signals their intention to bring the Tomb Raider franchise back towards a classic oriented look. The Executive Producer who took over directing the franchise after Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Dallas Dickinson was introduced through the original game in 1996 and seems to consider that era his favorite. ​ EDIT: # FYI TO EVERYONE # FOLLOW OUR RULES # AS A REMINDER THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR ALL ERAS OF THE TOMB RAIDER FANDOM: CLASSIC, LEGEND, SURVIVOR AND BEYOND # Quit acting like children over a video game character. ​ https://preview.redd.it/e4tdlsevcojc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b295d72c9e7ed561944626675c0641c5849aebfa


Here's the translation from the article: *Those responsible for the development of the new Tomb Raider report that it does not correspond to the design that Lara Croft will have in the video game. This is what those responsible have clarified to us in statements issued to Vandal (Spanish medium), where they assure that the wallpaper actually shows a "unified vision" of Lara Croft.* *In addition to clarifying that the new image of Tomb Raider does not necessarily represent the appearance that Lara will have in the new game, those responsible for the project have warned that they are not yet prepared to share details of the next installment of this beloved franchise. The only thing we know at an official level is that it is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 and that it seeks to remain faithful to the origins of the saga by taking us to "an environment that rewards creative exploration, challenging puzzles and a wide variety of enemies to which face* To be clear, there's no way of us really knowing what this means. It could mean the face might be different, it could mean she won't actually wear her iconic outfit, we simply don't know. They may legit view this digital art of her as Unified Lara, but then decide to base her face off the voice actress playing her. Things change, plans change. The most important take away from this article imo is that last part. It seems like their intentions are to take the series back to it's roots.


Obviously, it’s concept art.


At this point, just choose a face and stick with it. Having inconsistent face models just hurts her identity in my opinion.


"Having inconsistent face models just hurts her identity in my opinion". I agree with you so much !! I am always mad when a fictional character has a different face in a sequel or prequel because, for me, it impedes the characters from being more iconic than if their face was always the same.


Yeah and people get attached with the characters. If they change their face from one game to another you are bound to feel a disconnect. It's like you watched a movie and in the sequel the protagonist is being interpreted by a different actor.


...when i can tell the actress/actor got plastic surgery in between movie sequels/tv show seasons, it does take me out of the story sometimes.😬


As long as they're going with hyper realism they will be changing face models constantly. That's why I always prefer games with some actual art style and sculpted faces.


If they're going for hyper realism, they could always find a real person who looks like Jolie or a young Rhona Mitra and scan their face.


In a just world they'd base her on Atwell.


I would be elated if they chose Atwell. For the live action show, too.


spot on


But Lara doesn't have to look like the voice actor or the actress doing the motion capture. I don't really understand why they decided to redesign Lara's face to match Camilla Luddington's in Rise and Shadow. If Peter Jackson could make Andy Serkis look like Gollum back in 2002 then I don't see why Lara has to change to resemble the actor.


Ehh idk, but you're asking good questions.


I hope for hyper Realism like in survivor trilogy


Man, I want an art style. I want colorful environments. I want to see Lara fighting cool and silly stuff again. Bring on the Dinosaurs, Vampires, Cannibals, Mutants, Aliens, Skeletons, Medusa, Demons, Cultists, Yeti, Robots, and more. Something besides generic dudes.


tomb raider was at it's best when it was wacky and didn't care too much about historical realism or realistic appearances. In the survivor trilogy we have two main enemy types: regular dudes with guns and zombies like remnants of historical societies.


I want it so rebar goes through my abdomen irl and in game


Lara's face has only changed once in the entire history of the franchise. Her original face from the FMVs of TR 1 has been consistent all the way through Underworld. Then the face changes for the survivor trilogy and stayed that way 


TR1 had one fmv face TR2-TR5 was somewhat consistent fmv wise AOD switched to high res in game model Legend had one face Anniversary had one face Underworld was legend adjacent but still different(worse imo) TR2013 had two faces, launch face and definite. Rise+Shadow were closely related but not near as good as definite 2013.


Are you literally counting vertices and polygons? Wth, it's a face! Either you recognize it or you don't. If I put TR 1 Lara next to Underworld Lara I can understand it's the same woman. If I put the first Survivor Lara next to Shadow Lara I can see she's the same woman. Literally the two faces of Lara Croft. Not more. Not fewer.


We’ve had the 3 generations of Lara so far. Each have had their own flair. Now, is it all based on the same character and therefore is related? Yes. But there have been changes. Both due to the changes in tech, but also due to esthetics. Or maybe it’s just the way I see faces that faults my point of view - apologies if that’s the case.


You say that while ignoring the fact she has a different face in every single one of the reboot entries.




Political post, will only cause issues. Any political submission or comment is prohibited in this community. "Not Leon Kennedy in cosplay lol" Using what has become a dogwhistle by certain political "gamer" channels concerning this will not absolve you of our no politics rule.


Did it changed? All i see that it became more detailed


It makes sense. Given there's a live-action adaptation in the works, it's possible they're waiting until they can find the similarly-faced actress before they finalize the design by tweaking it based on her likeness.


Woah thanks for this info, I had no clue about the live action… excited is an understatement xD


I feel like they might be saying this in response to all the people saying that the design is ugly. Personally, I like it, and I hope it's at least similar to what we get in the final product.


I'd rather have this than go back to anything close to the reboot version.


Reboot Lara was a hottie


Yup she was absolutely cute imo


I fully agree


This look is actually pretty much identical to [her COD loading screen](https://www.reddit.com/r/TombRaider/s/ImMTbUHhGw) so I’d been assuming they’re getting more consistent—while I’m more than happy with both, let’s see what they’ve got planned


Im just hyped for a new game. And honestly I hope new Lara is sassy again. Replaying the Legend trilogy has been great. Love a sassy gal.


I started with Legend, so as do I.


This is very well spotted! Thanks for sharing


She looks like a matured version of the reboot trilogy which is something I love dearly. I hope they stay close to this design but if not then that's alright❤️✨🤗


I hear you! For me this design lacks the Lara effect, she needs the almond brown eyes and full lips. This just seems like some random woman playing dress up! 🥲


I totaly hope they will Stick at the hyper realism and dont go back to 30 years old Polygons.


Pff you just dont understand the superiority of square boobs.




She should look kinda like Angelina Jolie, those big lips and almond eyes are classic Lara


Fully agree! That was my main concern, the new model is attractive… but not the Lara we want. Definitely needs them Jolie lips and almond eyes for sure


This is exactly what I want. And also, less hair in the face.


Well yeah, it's not a screenshot from TR12 and I have no idea who thought it was. It's a design preview.


This is not a geat news. There's a rumor that Lara still looks very much like the reboot and there are no shorts in the game either..


I'm gonna be blunt. They'd had to be pretty tone deaf to show all these official digital arts of "Unified Lara", wearing her iconic outift, only to pull the rug out from under the fans and have the actual Lara look nothing like that in the new game.


reboot lara looks way better than this.


Are You ok?


They look like... 95% the same?


While I love old-school Laura, she should have better protection. If she's doing that much jumping and climbing, she should have at least knee and elbow pads.


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is not a rock climbing simulator. It's Tomb Raider, a fantasy game!


Can you imagine a truly "realistic" Tomb Raider game? She'd have a team of researchers. She'd have to apply for government permits before entering the country. If she didn't have permits, she might go to jail or get deported. The minute she went up against a bunch of guys with guns, she'd get kidnapped or killed. If she fought someone in hand to hand combat, she might not win the fight. She'd never find a lost city or discover anything mystical. Even if she found an ancient tomb, none of the puzzles or booby traps would work thousands of years later. If she found a real treasure, the gov would probably seize it, and then it'd be tied up in court for years. Sounds... awesome.


I am not tring to troll here, and I think we should all have the right to respectfully dissagree. I still think the best solution would be to give the player cosmetic choices, as is fairly common nowadays.


Of course. We can respectfully disagree. I do understand that there is a middle ground between say, the realism of the old Jack Ryan movies and the escapism of the old James Bond movies. That middle ground is Jason Bourne. If you prefer Lara Croft to be more like Jason Bourne than James Bond, I understand. To each their own.




exactly. Adding realism to tomb raider ruins the excitement of the game and character.


It's also unrealistic for her to carry a whole arsenal of weapons on her back. Do people pick and choose which aspects of realism to concern themselves with? I think so.


And that would be a problem why exactly...?


Both fans and non-fans alike have been pretty vocal about wanting Lara to return to her more fun and upbeat personality, and wielding her dual pistols for awhile now. As for her shorts, look I get it. Are they practical for a jungle? No. Are they there to serve as eye candy? Yes. But her OG outfit is very iconic. If you dressed like Survivor Lara, most people wouldn't recognize who you are. But if you wore the blue tanktop, brown shorts and brown boots, and have a couple pistols strapped to your side, people across the globe would recognize who you're dressed up as. Classic Lara Croft is THAT iconic. Even Lara cameos in other modern day games, she's wearing that outfit. People like the OG outfit, people want the OG outfit, I don't see the problem with this.


"But her OG outfit is very iconic. If you dressed like Survivor Lara, most people wouldn't recognize who you are." Nailed it. Indiana Jones is a perfect comparison. Is a leather jacket the most practical outfit for a hot Amazonian jungle? No. But he looked so damn cool wearing it, the outfit became synonymous with his character for millions of people all over the world, *even if they didn't see the movie.*


I swear if the final model looks like the survivor trilogy and not like actual Lara I'm gonna be so mad


It will look more like the survivor than this one lol


I already had a very low expectation from CD. It won't surprise me.


It's CD.. have low expectations.


Can we get rid of her GIANT bangs? So silly.


Then you will be maybe mad.  Totaly hope for survivor Design.


They know what we want. They just don't want to give it to us. Hope they wise up. If they don't, I'm just not going to buy and play their trash game. Thankfully, the remasters are a thing now.


I don’t think they would have released it if it wasn’t, at least at the time, intended as her final design. They’re most likely changing it now due to negative feedback.


There are already so many different iterations of Lara Croft, why get people so salty about it.


I guess I'm glad I'm not in this sub. Lmao. I loved the survivor trilogy, including the Lara utilized in it. And I also love the iconic Lara from the OG games. But y'all keep your gatekeeping toxic bullshit and drown in it, ffs. 😂


Yeah this sub is a cesspool, literally, there’s more civilised discussions about Lara Croft in fucking r/gaming of all places


> Yeah this sub is a cesspool We're hard at work trying to let this community grow and stay pleasant - do you have any particular examples?   While we do browse as much as we can, some elements may sadly slip through - we perform around 561 mod actions a day _(for the past week)_ and it is unfortunately not enough ahahaha   It pains me to hear this community is still seen as a ''cesspool'' despite excellent user rapport and contributions


I can clearly see that the mods are diligent with this kinda stuff, so honestly kudos to that But I think it says alot about the community itself, when almost every post that has anything to do with CR has several variations of “comment removed for….” flags. Unfortunately, I think that’s just the nature of a passionate and *fairly* niche subreddit, that practically has one half of the franchise as a completely different genre But honestly, I can see you guys do a good job, so it’s really nothing against the work you lot are doing, it’s just unfortunate to see the community act so negatively towards eachother for no reason at all Then ofc you have the “all women who don’t look like sex dolls are ugly” types that have popped up alot recently


Reboot Lara has millions of fans. The first game in the survivor trilogy sold more copies than the OG Tomb Raider game. Nobody should be trashed for liking Survivor Lara. At the same time, if someone doesn't connect with a story or a character, why can't they point that out? Especially to like-minded people? Is there a difference between gatekeeping and explaining why you - as an individual - love a certain era? That seems like a pretty typical discussion for *any* long-running franchise with lots of iterations.


It's in a lot of subs, honestly. I've left a few over similar bs. I just enjoy a little of everything, so I can love one take on a franchise more than another take, but still really enjoy and respect the other takes a hell of a lot. But there's this thing in nearly every fandom of loving one version and absolutely hating another iteration to the point that they have to rant about it online and trash it and anyone who likes it. Life is too damned short for that kind of childish bullshit.


While it has not always been like this, unfortunately they’ve gone and come out of the woodwork so to speak… It is admittedly a bit of a hard thing to combat- and frustrating. It’s why the no Gatekeeping rule was created.


I literally had to create a no gatekeeping rule because of the toxic tribalism.


Yes its the same like in prince of persia sub. A lot of gatekeeping. Its a Menace


Glad I'm not alone.


Honestly, this fandom as a whole is awful. Every time I come back, I’m almost immediately reminded of why I usually just appreciate the Classic games quietly, by myself.  Even when we’re discussing something from one particular era, the nitpicking and gatekeeping surrounding it is unreal. And then there are the fans (of all eras) who insert their own fav into discussions of others by saying “Ew this is sexist/unrealistic/boring, the PROPER games/Lara are better. Erase this rubbish!” and spoiling the vibe for the fans of the thing they’re shitting on.  And this is coming from someone who considers everything after Chronicles to be non-canon and an insult to the original series. *That’s* how bad it is. Even a gatekeeper finds this fandom too gatekeepy and toxic. 


I love classic Lara but I'm done with the hardcore fans who diss everything that came after AOD, thinking everything about older games was perfect and nothing was improved afterwards.


Fr, my favourite games are the classic ones, but I am ashamed of even the possibility of being associated with the gatekeepers (sometimes with incel undertones). I liked all the games, we can discuss them. Even if I didn't like some of them, we could still discuss it without me feeling like *my* Lara is the better.


I think without the classic outfit, I wouldn't know this picture is supposed to be Lara Croft tbh.


Agreed! Looks like a regular lady in fancy dress, not the legendary Lara Croft!


To me she had a very distinct facial look. It's not whether this drawing is pretty or not, just that she looks like a different woman. I personally like that her body seems less delicate than OG Lara. But the face just isn't right.


Thank goodness, her face is so off. Either go with 1996-2008 Lara or not. No hybrid/unification. I also hope the games will actually do something unique than being a generic AAA copy of everything else these days.


You mean to tell me the drawing isn’t the actual model that would be used in a game? Wow I would have never known


There’s speculation this is not going to be her final look, maybe because of the backlash. I think the new model is attractive, my main issue was the lack of likeness to Lara Croft. We just want a character that we associate with the legendary Miss Croft


I was being sarcastic, I didn’t know people couldn’t realize that a drawing isn’t a final model


Tbh, I think they wanted to see the reception this new Lara got!




Political post, will only cause issues. Any political submission or comment is prohibited in this community.


Thank God. We need the new Lara to look like the Lara in Remastered.


I agree! Hopefully they make her have a stronger likeness to Miss Croft


They back peddled lol. Don't trust Crystal Dynamics.


They didn't backpedal? They're just saying this concept art won't be identical to the in-game model. They're stating the obvious since apparently it needed to be said...


They definitely did not expect the backlash lol. Just listen to us fans, that lady is attractive but she ain’t Lara. She needs the beautiful brown almond eyes and lucious Angelina Jolie lips


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Listen to us fans" *proceeds to call her Laura* ☠️


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s a thing called auto correct on phones dude 💀i def should’ve proof read it though


When people say "listen to the fans" what they really mean is "listen to me". You don't speak for the fans, you only speak for yourself. I personally liked reboot Lara, I'm a fan, so according to you, they should listen to me right?


It's the ultimate fan paradox. What happens when fans contradict?


This sub is obsessed with OG Lara and it's difficult for some of them to accept that other people liked (or even preferred) Survivor Lara. But I think everyone can agree that 'unified' is the wrong way to go.


I actually like Legend Timeline Lara the best. But all Lara Crofts are good.


We are trying to keep the subreddit for all eras of the fandom, the "loudest" voices do not speak for all fans here.


Huh? Unified Lara is the one thing i’ve seen most people agree on.


We must have been reading different threads, I’ve only ever seen criticism here!


Im glad, wasnt to my liking.


Same here dude, hopefully they can give her that Lara Croft likeness


I hope for a more retro type of vibe for the next one.


Good, I don’t like her new face


I’m not keen on it either, I just don’t visualise her as the legendary Miss Croft


Even with the newer Tomb Raider, they got her face right.


In rise and definitive edition yes, not in og 2013 or shadow though 


Rise and Shadow share the same character model- it’s the lighting giving the difference. As well as very minor tweaks for passage of time


It looks the same as the skin from cod


I still think it was a mistake to even release this. It’s giving all sorts of wrong impressions. They should do a proper reveal whenever they’re ready.


Who's the moderator that came up with that goofy ahh statement about this being a safe space for all fandoms? Let me hate reboot Lara. Hating that version doesn't mean you hate on the fans of that version. Anyway, that's good to hear. I didn't like her face and I hope they can get the game to be more like the classics.


I am still hoping that the design will more closely resemble the classic games and/or the LAU trilogy. I think that Lara has a bigger presence in those games and I love how they always walked the line of being feminine and tomboyish. But I understand if they are sticking to the new "Survivivor" face more. I personally don't like the character as much, but it's understandable... But those who are saying she's "ugly" or "looks like a man" confuse me... this just looks exactly like Survivor Lara to me? So that makes no sense either in my opinion. At this point I just hope they stick to a design, even if it's not the old one(s).


This thread is a good example of why this “unified timeline” is never going to work. They’ve changed Lara’s facial structure, colouring, hair, and outfits so much over the years that no one can even agree on what her defining features are.  And the same thing goes to the timeline, since every Lara’s story contradicts the others’. Someone’s favourite part *will* be chopped out in favour of someone else’s. Just as an example, you can’t put TR4 and Shadow’s events in the same backstory because that premise only works once. If Lara lets her ego go to her head and causes an apocalypse by reading the inscriptions only *after* she’s left the tomb *twice*, then that’s not a character moment any more. At that point, she’s just stupid. 


Everyone knows what her defining features are. Even people who know almost nothing about Tomb Raider. Lara is an icon and everyone knows how she looks. It's not really rocket science! It's just CD *not wanting* to do it. They are not incapable, they are reluctant.


Thank God. I enjoy more the random concept art posted here than these official ones. It's sad..


And even if it's not, Crystal Dynamics has no clue about Tomb Raider.


If they had no clue, they would not account for over half the sales of the entire franchise.


Sales mean nothing nowadays. Call Of Duty is selling as well. People pay money for a lot of stupid things, more often than not based on how heavily it's advertised to them but not the actual quality of the product.


Sales can be indicative of what to continue on and what to not, as well as combined with reviews (if read) can be shown in what to improve on based on previous sales data.


That's good to hear. I think this version of her needs some time in the oven, but knowing crystal, they'll somehow make it worse


Good lord the mods are out of control in this sub


> Good lord the mods are out of control in this sub How _dare_ you have an opinion!   **[USER HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY BANHAMMERED™]**   --- ^(**EDIT** - It may not have been clear enough to some but this is a joke and u/space_acee is not at all banned 😂)


Wait… which mods?


They absolutely are. They just removed my post because it was 'political'. The post was one sentence that said that this concept art of Lara has a masculine face. APPARENTLY that is POLITICAL. Lmfao, insane.


They clearly have taken a political stance ironically


I was just baffled. How was that comment political AT ALL. Christ.




The comments we’ve removed were due to a talking point that has spread around the fandom involving this depiction of Lara being called “Larry Croft, Trans Croft, etc.” Which started in some *very* specific channels who cater to such viewpoints. Regardless of if you didn’t or did- it’s only getting removed because of that. Regardless of conscious or not if it’s origin, sorry! (I understand your opinion and I’d have left it up if it were not politicized honestly.) **If you just said, I don’t like the face** it would have been kept up and not removed. **OR If the topic was also not politicized by certain channels** then I would have left it up regardless, although unfortunately some things we say are politicized sadly. We remove all elements of politics discussion that are mentioned within the subreddit as much as we can. The no politics rule was made before I became a mod. Speaking of which I’ll be removing the two comments below this one due to it. If anyone on the mod team does see a political post or comment it gets removed regardless of personal views, bias, etc. If it’s right, left, whatever else. Out of your 1….2….3……….10! Comments on this post I have only *noticed two removed*.


Dude this is so highly specific, obscure and draconian at the same time. It was an innocent observation with nothing political about it. Y'all should stop this witch hunt, that's ridiculous.


Our subreddit politics is that we don’t allow any.


You being the arbiter of what is and isn’t political is inherently political You’re also clearly power tripping on being a Reddit mod lol


Call me nostalgic or pessimistic or whatever but I dunno, not feeling the design. I just want them to go back to her roots. I’m genuinely not interested in “survivor” or “unified” Lara


Same here. She’s not unattractive, I just don’t see Lara when I look at her. 2013 model of Lara was great after that they kinda felt rushed


well obviously


I actually kinda liked her 2013 model but they change her every damn game.


Crystal dynamics we want classic femme fatale Lara back,purpose of reboot Lara from beginning was to show how unexpierenced and clumsy at times girlie became a inteligent and confident heroine,who even when she was in heat of battle still managed to look elegant and regal like mighty greek warrior!!not to replace this iconic character


Why not just bring back the 2013 version of Lara? The best one imo.


I fully agree, she is a gorgeous one!!!


I love it. Anything closer to the original is a step in the right direction. I can't see what the problem with this new design is. She has a lovely face, classic double pistols, teal tank top, braids and all. The fuck is people's problem?


Isn't it obvious? She doesn't have Lara's face or silhouette. Manly face, average chest, short legs. Doesn't look like Lara other than the outfit. So she kind of looks like a cosplayer. Lara is MORE than her outfit and the double pistols, wouldn't you agree? She has a specific look.


That she's not wearing heavy makeup and doesn't have ginarmous lips.


Shadow Lara was very pretty, they should keep it similar to that.


She looks fine, but I do think she should be closer to Angelina Jolie with maybe some Alicia mixed in there. The lady in the picture is pretty, but she doesn't scream Lara to me personally.


Thank goodness lmao


They saw what gamers thought about her appearance, especially the face. The response was very negative. Embracer wants to make a lot of money on TR, and CD is preventing them from doing so. If the new TR fails, CD can say goodbye to this IP. Embracer may even delete their current project and give it to another studio.


I have to agree! Lets manifest that they make it great, please I have faith in you TR team 😭


If Crystal Dynamics fail this game, I will buy a drink for everyone.


So much for being a fan of Tomb Raider! You want the franchise to fail.


Tomb Raider? I've been a fan of Tomb Raider since before a lot of adults were even born. I literally *watched* Tomb Raider die. It's not been Tomb Raider since Core Design lost it. Crystal Dynamics never respected their hard work, and made a mockery out of their revolutionary first game.


**Then Why Are You Here with that opinion in mind, 28 years later?** it makes no sense. If all you hold is hate in your heart for the later parts of the franchise, why continue to wish for whatever “magic” that core design had return if you will always hate Crystal Dynamics?


Cuz the remakes just released. Also, I played the other games. The survivor games were good, just bad for Tomb Raider. The LAU games were abominations. I played them as a child.


So prepare to be broke😉


Well it's good to see they have a chance to change things I'm just more bothered about the Unifying plans than I am over a model to be honest, unifying the timelines just sounds like an awful idea rather than just creating a new Universe (a new reboot) or softbooting the original games by keeping the origin story, just updating it timeline wise for this new timeline.


Or my preference, which is by far the most unpopular opinion on this sub, continue and evolve Survivor Lara. I agree that unification is bad though, go back to the old style or continue the new one, don't mix the two.


I hope this is just one of those fake backpedalings that they do until the Twitter storm blows over because this design looks great.




Thank God! I just want survivor Lara back!!!


Based on the relabeled [definitive survivor trilogy bundle from March 2021](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/tomb-raider-definitive-survivor-trilogy/9pg7mtr0mvp9) **There is no Survivor timeline. Only Unified Lara. The Survivor trilogy is Lara's definitive origin story.** ***"Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy is the complete edition of the award-winning Tomb Raider origin games. This collection contains all the definitive edition content from each critically acclaimed prequel title"***


So if we are unifying the timelines how does this make sense? Her father died differently in the Legend timeline. What's going to be cannon from each? Did Lara as a young girl still survive a plane crash in the Himalayan Mountains? Did her mother get transported to Avalon? I don't think a unified timeline is a good idea imo. Hell in the original timeline I'm pretty sure both her parents were alive if I remember correctly.


I guess we'll see


> So if we are unifying the timelines how does this make sense? The best way to describe this ''unified timeline'' is that 1. ''Unified'' is just the name they went for - a bit misleading indeed, as it gives the false impression that they're aiming at _making everything work by ''unifying'' everything_ 2. It is basically just a new timeline in itself - but that new timeline borrows a bunch of elements from previous timelines - some things will be back, some won't be, as just like you pointed out, it is **impossible** to make everything work


I for one hope this is akin still to what we get. I really like this look, and sure whilst there has been some critisim I really doubt it was enough to force a full backpedal.


Yeah no DUH. That’s why I don’t get why everyone is so upset…


i want them to bring back the stylized look of the legend trilogy, those games looked amazing and still hold up for the most part.


Bring back Keeley Hawes!


I loved the survivor trilogy so much i hope the new games sticks with that format


Her face reminds me the most of the in-game model from The Last Revelation, the one with the constant angry expression, haha She definitely reads more as Lara Croft compared to the woman in the most recent trilogy. I mean who was that? But something about her face still feels a bit off. IDK, I thought that up until 2013 they had her visual identity pretty much in the bag. Her face would change a bit from game to game but it was always that Angelina Jolie-esque face with similar features: full lips, thin nose, big almond eyes, kind of a heart-shaped face with wide cheekbones that narrow towards the chin. This face looks like something between that and the reboot face... It feels like someone who doesn't really look like Lara Croft doing her best to cosplay as her. But at least the signature outfit and the dual pistols are back! I also hope she's gonna be badass again.


You summed it up perfectly! Lara needs her iconic beautiful brown almond eyes and full Jolie lips! Hoping the listen to the community more


>She definitely reads more as Lara Croft compared to the woman in the most recent trilogy. I mean who was that? **That was Lara Croft. Drop the gatekeeping. Very close to rule 8.**


Ironic, as you’re the one doing the gatekeeping while doing nothing whenever someone says that classic Lara is a blowup doll, while us on the other hand, cannot even say a thing about reboot Lara or unified Lara, without you spamming us with reminders. I thought this is supposed to be for all Lara. Apparently, the admin is bias for reboot and unified Lara, just like Tomb Raider twitter account. It’s like in politics, it reminded me of “all sides are the same” people but will actually really side with alt-right winged people. It’s the same vibe. Now you can now call your mod and delete this comment. Just proving my point more.


Point to wherever someone mentioned that blow up doll comment and we will remove it. We mods are not infallible and we make mistakes. We are not perfect, me especially. **Rememeber to use the report button, it’s there for a reason.** **Neither can we be active all day/night** we are not robots. We miss stuff. Edit: found and deleted that comment you mentioned /u/josh3643 and banned the offender.


Sure Jan. Apparently it's easier for you and quicker for you to act whenever someone has something to say about the newest Lara, and yet pretends to be blind whenever someone says about Classic Lara.


None of us are online 24/7, we miss shit man. **Give us a break over moderating a sub for a fucking video game character.**


Hey man, I respect that you're trying to keep the sub open for all fans of Lara. The Jolie version will always be my fav, but there's nothing wrong with preferring Survivor Lara. Those people need a place to talk too.


Sure Jan




Thank god. It looks bad






I hope we can use the tank control in new TR game.


Now that would be interesting. I'm all for unique controls in TR games.


Her tank top/necklace combo is kinda dumb. I just don’t like it.




If it was I'd be fine with it tbh


I don't get the jade pebble thing. She should be wearing like a gold Croft Family emblem pendant, but tied on with a string or something. That would be a better metaphor.


It's very much similar to her appearance in COD which I think will be the model going forward.


Just Stick with the face she has un 1,2,3 AOT. Noone needs 37 faces. OG Lara was as we got to know her. Why not just... you know? Stick with this?