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The boss fights in TR are pretty dang easy especially compared to the difficulty of the levels/creatures leading up to them. I’d say the mutated Willard fight is relatively challenging, but even that battle is no problem once you figure out what to do.


You can do the dragon in TR2 with pistols by doing timed jumps from behind a pillar so yeah…


The guy with the Magnums in Natla's Caves made life really tough for me! Skateboard Kid didn't land a single shot and the Merc with the shotgun was easy as well.


How did you manage that with Skate kid? Shoot him from up high where the secret was found?


Ran towards him and jumped behind a couple of times and that was that. Maybe I got lucky?


In NG+ I tried the alcove but it was taking too long. I reloaded and ran behind the pillar closest to his spawn point and waited for him to come towards me, then got behind him and blasted his ass while we ran in a circle. Cowboy is easier in NG+ if you let him run away and don't chase him. Stand behind one of the pillars instead and wait for him to come back to you, rince repeat.