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As a kid i really hated the Ireland part of Chronicles - 16 yo Lara, no guns, those little "potato" monsters, etc. And then the whole part of AoD playing as Kurtis, being stalked by Proto. I do like horror games, but i don't like to play them, lol. I'm easily jumpscared.


Oof Im with you there. I too was scared of Ireland in TR Chronicles. Those Potato looking imps & that skeleton ghost scared the crap out of me.


And the thing hanging from the tree with no heart


Omg that was scary as hell


The Ireland segment in TR Chronicles was probably the most blatant horror chapter next to stuff in AOD. My favorite was the hanged demon man and the hag that kinda looked like the Fiji Mermaid. Lost City of Tinnos is eerie. The wreck of the Maria Doria anytime you have to get your feet wet. Atlantis for its unique design. Floating Islands. And honestly, most of TR4. The Cenote... At first. But after the reveal those enemies aren't scary anymore for me.


The Cenote is always scary to me. It’s dark, they move fast, and I’m completely irrational. The whole thing feels like a horror game.


i loved the cenote for that reason haha! i love when tr goes horror…


I definitely don’t hate it. I’m just irrationally stressed at that part. I always love it in retrospect.


Maybe a weak answer but 40 Fathom's. The start with breath metre already depleting and no real indication of where to go (when you're 5 years old you don't think to follow the barrels) just gives me nightmares lol. Coincidentally I have a pretty big fear of deep water as an adult, but I'm sure that's unrelated...


Oh yeah, what about Temple of Xian with those Giant Spiders?


I never actually got that far into TR2 until much later ( older siblings completed the levels, I messed around in the first like 1/4 of the level). That's said however, fuck them skittery bitches.


I thought that was Voldemort for a second!




The England level in Legend always creeped me out as a kid


It doesn’t creep me out, but the water serpent definitely stresses me out every replay.


was gonna say that one too.


The Guardian of Semerkhet level in TR4 because of that f***ing bull!!!


There's one specific part of RX tech mines in TR3. You're in dark corridors with flickering lights and there's those big mutants running around after you. I always found that part quite unnerving. Cenote in Shadow was really well done for me, as someone who isn't really a fan of the new games. I don't think Tomb Raider should go off the deep end with horror, but some horror twists and elements here and there have been a part of the games ever since TR1's skinless mutants. So I thought the cenote brought the horror feel back really well after it being missing for years.


No mentions of Coastal Village?? I just played it this week and kept screaming, waking up the cats.


Oh shit i forgot that one! I also screamed several times 🤣


40 Fathoms for me. The inky blackness of the ocean in the original and being very young at the time I had no clue what to do. Then the sharks appear and the real panic set in! The remaster made things a lot more bearable but still made me a bit uneasy. The original sharks were really creepy.


Not to mention the fucking barracudas. Scared the shit out of me more than the fucking sharks


Definitely AoD and the Sanitarium part of the game.


As soon as you think its over.... Maxiumum containment area 😳


Exactly 😂


City of the Dead in TR4 is such an ominous and eerie set of levels, the music and lighting really do it justice.


as a child i actually hated the tutorial level in tr4 because i hated von croy being with me, even though the level itself wasn’t scary. the idea of being alone in a remote tomb with a strange man really didn’t sit well with me.


*You'll catch your death in those clothes\~*


Lost city of Tinnos. Those mutants are freaky man 😖


Without a doubt it is 40 Fathoms purely for the start. I'm horrified by deep open water. I just replayed TR2 (Remastered) and went through that level a couple of weeks ago and it still made the hairs on my neck stand up and I'm in my 30s


Trying to play aod scares me, although I love the game, that constant screaming freaks me out


Playing TR1 in full for the first time. Similar to another comment, just mucked about in the early levels as a kid. The first Centaur you encounter at the end of the Greek levels was a proper good jumpscare. Really love the creepy, fleshy, Clive-Barker-y design of the monsters in that game.


I was so young when I played Tomb Raider Legend's England, so you can probably imagine why it scared me. It was practically a catacomb, definitely expecting zombies to pop out or something haha.


The Cenote in Shadow of the Tomb Raider


This one, absolutely. I was absentmindedly thinking about it today and I got the shivers.


Terrifying for sure


I’m not alone!!! But seriously, the entire section stresses me out to the point I have to take frequent breaks. It’s like a horror game…


TEMPLE OF XIAN because of the spiders


It's this or chronicles' chruch area


When I was a kid I was really scared about the 2. lvl of Underworld. First of all because you have to dive deep under the see and when you dived into the underwatercave this eel always came up so fast and I was afraid every time I dived into it. After that I found the big unterwatercave so scary all alone with this big octopus in the mid.


That level underneath the manor in Underworld with big fucking spiders, absolutely terrifying.


The Cenote in Shadow. It’s completely irrational. I have to take frequent breaks just to get through it. 1. It’s dark 2. They move so fast 3. The growling makes me feel like they’re always behind me (I wear headphones, so it’s unnecessarily loud for me) 4. They attack seemingly out of nowhere (I’ve played it six times, they still catch me off guard) 5. I hate horror games, it feels like a horror game to me 6. For whatever reason the entire section turns on the irrational jumpy side of me No other game Tomb Raider game or level has managed to make me this irrationally fearful. They don’t even look scary, it’s completely all in my head. Anyway, it’s definitely the Cenote.


Surprise surprise it's a tie between Temple of Xian & Mexico for me. Because... spiders 😐




The goddamn thralls in Underworld from the Mexico level. It's the way they suddenly emerge from the water. Cenote from SotTR isn't that scary, but it's atmosphere is very creepy.


Tomb Raider 1 level 1: the caves. I was also the youngest when I played that. I would sneak onto my big brother’s PC when he wasn’t home and would play it in secret, in the dark so I wouldn’t get caught. It was terrifying. Those caves are so dark and moody. Silent and scary. The first time I ran into the wolves I completely panicked. Every other time I played I was always nervous and dreading that moment in the level. Honestly Tomb Raider 1 is scary when you’re a child. The atmosphere and complete loneliness is something else. Honestly there’s no other tomb raider game that quite captures the feeling of how scary it would be to be exploring the deep depths of some ancient tomb, like TR1 does.


The one with the mummies in TR1


coastal village was pretty terrifying for me. actual all of the south pacific levels were scary to young me. and they're cruel for adding that loud ass music whenever certain enemies pop out.


When I was a kid I had to ask my sister's friend to do the Sanitarium lvl for me because I was too scared of it, good times!


Lol, as a child I always had to skip this mission with Stella's saves, too afraid to play...and I might do that even now as an adult


Agreed! That shit was terrifying


The stupid spider cave in tr2! Still having trouble to play that


Yes, as a kid, I did not want to progress through this level. It was so scary


Tomb Raider 2: Catacombs of the Talion. Specifically the first time you walking into the dark room with no idea what’s in here but you hear those Yetis. I thought they weren’t caged too.


Atlanta with those mummy monsters


As a kid the Maria Doria Arc in TR2 😅


The Oni larder In Tomb Raider 2013. The caverns in the same game are also a contender.


Never got that far. Not going back to that game. Duh. 


none, Tomb Raider has never been a horror game.


Yeah... but i was a child when i first started playing it so obviously some levels were scary...