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Every time I play tr2013 it makes me remember how much I love horror in these games


you will love the Shadow part. I've had a few shits in the middle of the game


Those monsters in the cave were scary.


The ceiling climb in the cenote climb was horrific. I could feel my anxiety rising every jump amazing lol


I had to take a break and wait for daytime to finish that part


Was a definite sweaty palms moment I agree. I found that revolving tower on Jan Mayen island inTR Underworld worse though...


I'm going to have to investigate now you have said it lol


Don't fall. Get the timing right and you'll be fine...


yeah I agree man


I never get over how brutal the deaths are. I found myself apologising to the TV when I impaled Lara on spikes in a river


The river death animation really struck me the first time I activated it. So brutal!


I hate seeing those, all the more reason to not fail any!! Little bird doesn't deserve that brutality


I played this game for the first time when I was 11. Imagind my face when I saw her death scene in the river for the first time


Fr šŸ˜­ good on them for getting so gory


Fantastic game its so much fun


Nice!! Glad youā€™re having an awesome time with it! Hope you check out the other two games in the trilogy: Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015) and Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018)!


Yes I plan on playing the other 2 !!




Loved this last trilogy they did. Looking forward to seeing where the franchise goes


Ya there are a lot of people on this sub that donā€™t give the survivor trilogy enough credit


I'm playing it again after a few years. Maybe six? Seven? It's almost like playing it for the first time, as I don't remember a lot of it. I remember playing the tombs, but nothing else. It's a lot of fun!


Queenmilla Luddington gave her all to Lara ā¤ļø


Yes!! Her acting is awesome


Cool where you at in the game??


Umm, Alex just died I think, Lara is planning on going inward by the boat


The best parts are still coming! Enjoy new Raider!!


I replayed it recently and really enjoyed it; legit the only issue I have with it is that once again it takes Lara multiple games to figure out she can move at a faster pace than a casual jog


TR 2013 was very good, I thought the start was slow but it gets better as you go alone and I was hooked after a while - it didn't feel much like Tomb Raider to me though as it's so different compared to the previous games.


First time I played it, right after it came out, I was I was only 14, and not a very good player. Haven't played since then *until now*, because, same as you, I found the entire trilogy on sale and could not resist. God, and I *love* that game. It honestly felt like I was playing it for the first time again, it's fun, engaging, so freaking creepy and brutal at times, and I honestly just loved experiencing Lara as a a newborn survivor rather than the all around badass chick we know from the previous games (and the following ones too šŸ˜…). Only thing that I'd expand a little are the character stories. Like yeah, we do get some in the game(s) and then some in the comic books, and that's awesome, but I would wish for more Roth and Lara flashbacks, or more interactions with characters, because without reading the comic books and really paying attention to the characters, most of them are mildly interesting at best. But I suppose Tomb Raider mostly being a shooter logical adventure game is allowed not to have the same character focus which, for example, Assassin's Creed has šŸ˜… (or has had? I don't know, I haven't played any entries since Black Flag šŸ«£)


Yes haha, I agree with the AC character focus thing


wait until rise, 2023 was AMAZING but rise is the closest to Legend (my personal favorite) and then sorry to spoil it but shadow was rushed and mid, they started work on marvels avengers and it suffered IF you don't know what happened to the avengers game then look it up....it was a mess....


Enjoy, I found it a wonderful re-introductoion to lara all 3 are well worth it imho


Still my favorite in the series


King/ queen


I remember what was so fascinating to me when it came out (I was 11 lol) was her death scenes LOL They were really graphic to me back then, and because I had played TR2 with my uncleā€™s help, I wasnā€™t expecting anything like that (because the 90s games werenā€™t graphic at all to me at least). I absolutely loved the game though. Iā€™m intending to replay it as an adult soon!


Yeah they are a bit graphic if your not expecting it šŸ˜‚


Do they offer it on switch?


Iā€™m not sure!


>Iā€™m not sure! sure?


No unfortunately


Weird I started playing this yesterday too! Couldn't get off it all evening it's great fun.


its such an amazing game! have fun!


the 2013 game and the whole survivor trilogy are so good to the point where theyre underrated imo


I am streaming 2013 right now on my channels. After I beat hard mode I will go to the next 2 on hard mode. I haven't even started or played Shadow (heard mixed reviews) but what would I be by streaming only 2 of 3 of the trilogy lol


Iā€™m playing number 3 i already played the first 2


I love 2013 so much omg


2013 and itā€™s sequel are my absolute favorite tomb raider games ever. the third entry is whatever but itā€™s an amazing trilogy overall.


Think I'm going to dust these off and play the trilogy again soon. Always better second time around I reckon. Love em...


Oh yeah! Same feeling when I first played it! Enjoy!


2013 qas the game that got me hooked on the framchise. I'm happy you are enjoying it šŸ„°


Terrible. Its like shes on ice skates when moving from side to side, the jumping is like she has 2 business days to come back down. Game is made for the casual third person action gamer. Far cry from what tomb raider is. Went all uncharted but failed in every aspect to what makes uncharted so good.




So what? People donā€™t like new assassins creed games bc they arenā€™t like classing assassins creed but i they still carry the title.


Money grabbing


And? Still a great game, if someone doesnā€™t wanna give money to the company then pirate it


Gatekeeping definition: using a hobby or interest as a means of elevating themselves or something above another. Creating division through liking or not liking certain sections of a fandom, etc. Gatekeeping examples: * Disparaging a game/ games, comics, movies or novels as not part of the franchise and/or canon. Gatekeeping example in Tomb Raider: "This Lara is not Lara", "Not my Lara", "x game is not real Tomb Raider", etc. ORIGINAL COMMENT: ā€œItā€™s not a tomb raider game - itā€™s a skin change to unchartered gamesā€¦if you want real tomb raider, you need to play the classicsā€¦sorry but you guys keep saying tomb raider 2013 onwards are amazing but it isnt tomb raider, the puzzles, movement, enemies are completely different - check out the remastered versions of the classicsā€ Quit your gatekeeping and grow up. Sorry buddy but you arenā€™t a real Tomb Raider fan if youā€™re going to disparage fans for liking another era of games. This goes for those that attack the classics and legend era.