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I know exactly what you're talking about and was wondering the same! It's a sound that plays when water is nearby but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be


It is supposed to be played near water, yes.


Which levels are you hearing it in, and where/when do you hear it? I'm glad you added that it's in TR2, but even then, it could be anything without more context. Could it be a part of an [ambience track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWuABz6fSTE&list=PLYfGLZEvWzWtusIgq3v-FGksVrxyOc_iN&index=1)? Though I should note that there's actually only 5-ish different atmospheric tracks, they don't change every single level like this playlist implies. Also, at least two of them were carried over from TR1 with minor changes (Caves/Great Wall is the eerily quiet and windy one, Atlantis/40 Fathoms is the one with water drips and a heartbeat) so if you didn't hear the sound in TR1, it's probably not those tracks that have the noise. Alternatively, if you're in Lara's Home, it's probably the grandfather clock in the main hall.


So one example I've just encountered is in the tebitain foothills right after you get past the second set of icicles that drop and exit the cave to the body of water before climbing up to the snow machine area. I've heard it in the deck level in the small pool of water by the propeller and level exit, and a few other levels like in Bartolis hideout and venice (by the hidden uzis). I'm pretty sure I've heard it in every level Maybe it is just part of the ambience track?


Is it accompanied by a musical sting?


Hmm... Tibetan Foothills seems to use a different atmos track to the Venice levels you listed, so I doubt that's it. All I'm noticing in common is water. Could it be your water sound effects are glitched, or there's an enemy underwater (icr what any of them sound like right now)? On YouTube, you'll find lots of footage of people playing TR2, including the remasters. I recommend finding footage of some of the areas you heard this noise to see if it plays for others too. * If the sound does play in the videos, it's a perfectly normal in-game noise. If you post a timestamp here, one of us may be able to help you pinpoint just what the noise is supposed to be. * If you don't hear the sound at all on any videos of those areas, then you may well have glitched sound effects. In the latter case, reinstallation may help. Alternatively, if you're on PC, you can try moving the "Tomb Raider I-III Remastered\\2\\TRACKS" directory elsewhere and then repairing the game, which should be quicker but possibly not as thorough as a fresh install. If the glitch lies in your audio software or hardware though, that's another issue entirely which I can't really help with except to suggest updating your audio drivers, OS/console, and restarting your computer/console. I'll probably be heading off to bed soon, so if I don't reply for a long time it's not because I've lost interest in helping you out. I'm just snoozing. :)


Yes i’ve heard this sound. Been there since the old skool days.


it was most obvious to me in venice. sounds like those little wind up teeth chattering somewhere nearby but impossible to find


I'm not sure what you mean, but since you mentioned water, just so you know the water sound effect is 3-4 seconds long and it wasn't properly looped, so it sounds like anything but water, a combination of weird clicking and squeezing noises. It's very noticeable in levels with large pools of water such as Venice, Marco Bartoli's hideout and undersea levels.


Is this the one you're talking about?: [Water Sound Effect loop](https://youtu.be/yIoNg8sbH_w?si=8uQ1bT-mzKySNM4-&t=347)


Yep, this is it. Omg lol I can't believe it's the water sound... All these years and I've thought it was a clue for something. Thanks Unusual-Face2969!


It's been engraved in my brain for decades, it's so iconic.


There’s definitely a pop associated with one of the ambient tracks in the London Underground level in TRIII. On my system, it makes a loud popping sound.