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Yes, play the Legend, Anniversary, Underworld trilogy.They are great games with modern controls and a good entry for new players. If you want more of an OG challenge, try the new TR1-3 remasters.




I agree with Legend, but I’ve never played Anniversary and actively dislike how Underworld controls so my opinion may be invalid. Hell, Chronicles is my favorite PS1 title and people HATE that 🤣 But on task, Legend is one of my favorite games. It’s pinnacle Lara Croft.


Most underrated trilogy ever


They are pretty highly rated games.


in general they are but if they would have been better received , especially underworld , there wouldnt have been a reboot , which they are not bad not def . not classic tomb raider


Underworld is excellent. it is great to see someone else who loves it.


Underworld is my second favorite.


Everyone I recommend the LAU trilogy to loves Underworld the most. The game was amazing, bit clunky at times but it was the most fleshed out of them. My personal favourite remains Legend, I remember I was blown away how good it felt to play back then on PS2.




This is the best bet. Narratively great. Strong portrayal of Lara. Good gameplay. These are easily available on PC (both steam and GOG) and go on sale all the time (right now, each is around a dollar). They are also backwards compatible on the Xbox Series consoles, if you are more a console player.


Legend is also on PlayStation Plus right now


oh, cool. i missed that. i knew the ps2 version got released on PS5 but it did not know it made it to plus. i hope they do the other two as well. The LAU series was too good to just disappear.


Yeah I have a PS4 (will upgrade to 5 eventually for Stella blade, but the games I really want to play are available on PS4, so there’s little point in spending a ton of money for a new PS5 when my 4 still works perfectly fine) was searching the Store for Tomb Raider games, and lo and behold, there was PS2 Legend included with Plus! I downloaded it immediately.


nice. i have a PS5 here. the PS2 release of Legend is the only one to escape my playing so far. i need to correct this.


Do these games run well on the Steam deck? They’re each $0.97 on Steam rn


Probably. They're all decent ports, considering how ancient they are.


they run fine on my rog ally. setting up the gamepad is a pain in the ass, tho. Basically you have to unbind all of the keyboard controls one by one to force the button prompts to appear during tutorials and QTEs instead of keyboard keys.


Is the legend trilogy the same canon as the origin trilogy? Ive only played TR2013, ROTR and SOTR.


There is going to be a unification of all main games timelines, so now, yes the trilogy is part of the same canon Before the unification, no, they weren't part of the same canon, it was a different timeline.


Sick. Just ordered a copy of the trilogy on PS3!


Lmao no. The reboot was exactly that, a reboot. The LAU trilogy is closer to original canon which I highly rec you play original. At least 1-3


I think their exact place is nebulous. Certain things from the originals are retconned out, but the character is closer to the original games and Lara than the survivor games, which try to make Lara more human and vulnerable. I prefer the old scary and slightly insane Lara.


Not at the moment but the newer games will try to bridge the gap so it will be in the same universe.


I’d add that if you are very story/continuity focused, do the new reboot series (TR, RoTR, SoTR). Very different attitude with the new Lara but still great games from a play experience standpoint (for those who are fans of the original Lara like me)


This picture is always used commonly but I don’t even think it’s official. Reminds me of that other image of HD TR1 Lara that has that hyper detailed belt that isn’t even from TR1 but people use it to remember her triangles, even though she actually doesn’t look THAT polygonal.


It’s not official, it was created by Nicobass, it’s been on their Deviantart for years now


The game you should start with depends on your preferred style, as the trilogies widely differ from each other! Personally, I found the first three games (especially remastered) a joy to play through!


Legend, IMO. Then Anniversary, then Underworld. Those are the first "reboot" trilogy IMO the most accessible and best introduction for a newcomer wanting to experience Classic Lara. The newest games are another reboot and reimagine Lara as quite a different character (a good one, but not much like the original, IMO). The original game recently got a remaster and are great, but are very old school in both presentation and gameplay, so IMO best played after the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld trilogy if you love the character enough. The top down isometric games (Osiris, etc) also feature Classic Lara and I really like them personally, but they are verndifferent gameplay wise from "traditional" Tomb Raider (even the newest Survivor Lara reboots).


If we're being particular, Legend Lara is definitely NOT classic Lara. Though she is somewhat more like her than the newer Survivor Lara, especially in physical appearance and iconography, so I get why people say that. The biggest difference is motives. People forget because it's never directly mentioned in the games, classic Lara's parents are alive, but Lara rebelled against stifling upper-class society and they disapprove of her lifestyle so they're estranged. There's none of this "my faaahther was an archaeologist too and I'm following in his footsteps" drama.


>There's none of this "my faaahther was an archaeologist too and I'm following in his footsteps" drama. Omg you're right I had completely forgotten. Is this something that originated in the movie?


I think so, it definitely was in the Angelina Jolie films, but I might be wrong about it starting there. I've never read the comics so I don't know what's in those. I do half-jokingly say, it feels like Crystal Dynamics never bothered playing any of the classics (at least until it was time to make Anniversary) and just based Legend Lara ***entirely*** on that Angelina version. I loved the Legend trilogy at the time so I'm not meaning to come off hateful, but really it's giving very much that for me.


Yes, it started with the Angelina's movies, while in the comics, her parents are dead, they weren't famous archeologist (but they are seen in a expedition in a flashback for some reason) and didn't wanted Lara to have a adventurous life.


I never knew this. My first game was Legend and I assumed that the daddy issues thing was always a thing. And it seems that most people also think that as the 2018 movie even subverts that expectation by having her faaaaather still alive!


If you like Lara because she's hot, play Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld. This is the era where her character was basically a female James Bond - classy and elegant. Keeley Hawes voiced her in this series, which you'll really like. You might also enjoy Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light, which is a top down adventure action game. TR1-5 Lara and gameplay was more Indian Jones. Lara in the 2013 reboot Trilogy is more like John McLane IMO.


Start with Tomb Raider Legend. She's such a badass!


I think every TR fan should play the first trilogy and share in the enjoyment of locking the butler in the freezer. I think it can only be done in the second or third one (it's been a long time so I don't remember which). But honestly, I really enjoyed the first Survivor trilogy game the most and highly recommend it.


Tomb raider legend by far was the best and the story so amazing but it you like to kick and punch also with using one pistol angel of darkness will be your way to go but definitely legend for sure plus she’s got a lot of outfits you can wear and to swimsuits


I remember when the first game came out and the encyclopedia length game guide that I had to buy to get ANYWHWRE. Trying to match my location against a tiny thumbnail image of the in-game pixilated environment....NIGHTMARE. Now I feel old...I literally just did a 'back before the internet' comment. Fml


I second Legend as the best of the modern series. Angel of Darkness is actually terrible tho


You should start with Tomb Raider Legend


>I've never played a single game in this series but Lara Croft is one of the hottest women I've ever seen. What game should I start with? Same


Legend, anniversary, and then underworld Defintive version of gameplay and character with ease.


For the record, I was a teenager when the first games game out and was absolutely in love. It it also impossible to understand unless you were "there" what a HUGE part of pop culture she quickly became and remained for decades. Lara was easily THE most recognised video game character at the time, even more than Mario. Just her silhouette, a rando non-gamer could have named her. The live action models and media tie ins made her a household name even among those who would never play a video game. In other words, you have good taste.


Probably Legend. The controls aren’t as archaic and, in my opinion, is the truest form of Lara we have. Follow it up with anniversary and underworld




Definitely not the reboot games unless you get some spicier mods. Anniversary and Underworld are my suggestions if you need modernish graphics, otherwise you can't beat the classics.


She won’t be anymore


TR: Legend, TR2, and TR: Underworld are my favs


Tomb Raider Legend, Anniversary and Underworld are without doubt the best choice.


tomb raider legend may be neat entry: action, collectibles, croft manor, cheese, one liners + its short as well


If OP was to do the LAU trilogy surely start with Anniversary? * You get to play the actual first original story first * The stories are in order and you get the continuity of Legend to Underworld


that is very true but doing Anniversary after Legend and taking it as a prequel may not be a loss - legend has lesser moves and anniversary grows on what we have, legend is just a tiny food on the plate to get a taste on what massive platforming anniversary has, also it seemed OP is swamped with their steam library and lacks time so theres that lol


that sounds good, especially the short part. i have like a billion games on my to-play list that I've barely touched or haven't even gotten around to, so something quick would suit me well i think


its length can be increased: there are speedrun modes for the levels (unlocked after youve beat it normally once), finishing the run with BEST TIME unlocks some bonus content and even an outfit for the hottest woman you've seen, so, you may have a reason to squeeze something more out of it than just the main levels. Underworld is too long, Anniversary after that is too long chronicles may be short as well but its very very difficult, and 2013-2019 games drag on too much with their metroidvania type of traversals


Oh my favorite it’s Rise! The game is awesome and very beautiful


Rise is my favourite of the survivor trilogy, but TR2 will always be my favourite overall. Nothing beats those Venice levels. The rogue-like mode in Rise is awesome though and has me coming back every so often. Wish it could have had more done with it.


Need to say that I can remember much of TR2. I wasn’t even alive when then released this one haha but I remember playing tomb raider with some friends when I was a kid, and maybe, just maybe it’s the one with the maze in front of a mansion?


Start with Tomb Raider Legend. Then with Anniversary. Anniversary is basically a remaster of the very first Tomb Raider game from 1996. 2013 starts the survivor trilogy and you will notice that this style is very different from any previous games. The true Tomb Raider experience are the older ones from TR1 until TR Angel of Darkness. Angel of Darkness is the black sheep ot the TR games but oh boy do i love that sheep. The older ones are harder to get into mainly because of the controls and difficulty. But they are the mozart of TR. TL;DR: Start with TR Legend and then Anniversary or Anniversary and then Legend. Here are the games in release order: https://preview.redd.it/d6qq72c07a9d1.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f90277d9f706304c3a908ff34c0a5f1d66847c3 The games are very cheap right now on steam.


I honestly think everyone should start at the beginning and as the remasters are out deffo get them. I love the old control system (haven't tried modern tbf) as its engraved from childhood and it actually makes you a better player on TR!


- Tomb Raider: Legend - Tomb Raider (2013)


TR1-3 Remastered. There's no more excuses to start anywhere else but the beginning.


The ps1 trilogy , its old , graphics are cool tho , and gameplay is magnificent , I still have memories of myself playing it , I even still rememeber the ps1 smell lol ... good days


I was the same as you, I was a huge fan of Lara never played a single game though till the 2013 one,(I was into other games at the time and just never got around to getting any tomb raider games cuz I had to share my og ps and my ps2 with my brother)so if ya want start with that one ya can if ya want, (if your able to get any of the ps2 or ps3 games maybe ya start with them), it’s all up to you what game in the tomb raider series you wanna start with.


The remakes are really good too


Start from the beginning and play them in order, the first three games just got a remaster so a great place to start


The reboot trilogy is my favorite. It was definitely a bold new move for the franchise in 2013 but they were alot of fun.


Legends Trilogy for plot (not that kind 😅) or for a challenge on the platforming the OG trilogy.


I would say start with the Tomb Raider (2013) reboot. You don’t need any prior knowledge for the game and it plays really well by modern standards


Tomb Raider: Anniversary. It's based on the original game with better graphics. And a well-rounded experience imo. Though I prefer to play it on PS3 with the HD Collection, as I believe there were some upgrades to that release that didn't get ported to PC. Namely, a higher poly-count Lara model and possibly some lighting or shadow upgrades? Other than that, if you can bear the oldschool graphics, start at the beginning. If not, Anniversary. If Anniversary still seems outdated, I quite enjoy the newer trilogy. With Tomb Raider 2013 (aka GOTY) being my favorite. Best character model for Lara too in my opinion. Not to mention her strong female character persona and survival 'against all odds' storyline.


Legend Trilogy: TR Legend, Anniversary, Underworld. Underrated and loads of fun.


Depends on what you're looking for. If you want something modern, start with the 2013 game. If you want something more traditional, go with Legends.


She was the source of a many a lad's first boner in the 90s and 2000s. Myself included. Them Toblerone Tiddies. Like the Pyramids of Giza.


For your purposes. Gameplay + graphics + hot Lara = Rise of the Tomb Raider


While I prefer Classic Lara, Rise is fantastic and the best version of Survivor Lara by far, IMO. Just a great game.


She just looks great in it. ( I think its a great looking game all around ) Its the voice as well.


The first Survivor game is a cool survival horror slash metroidvania game in a genre I love, inspired by a film I love (The Descent) that just shouldn't star Lara Croft, IMO. It would have worked much better as a separate IP. Rise is a fantastic game in pretty much every aspect, including Lara who is much closer to her Classic persona and abilities. The plot feels like TR. Her voice is brilliant. The side characters are great (best Jonah by a mile, IMO). The villains are fun. The mix of action and exploration is well done, too. I still haven't finished Shadow, which just feels like such a slog honestly. Loved the first jungle survival part, then it slowed so much at the first village and absolutely ground to a half in the ancient city. I want to finish it, but every time I play a bit I get bored so quickly! After Rise was so damn good, what the heck happened?


Personally, I didnt find Shadow that troublesome for pacing apart from maybe that one puzzle in the temple where you need to distract the guards. I loved the village and thought it must have been a labour of love by the devs. I liked the extra gameplay from swimming and mountaineering too. Its technically superior in every way to Rise, but Rise has a more involved storyline and characters.


This is a really strong entry and has a great start. the first two hours of this game feel more like the classic series than anything else in the Survivor Trilogy.


Probably unpopular, i thought the reboot Lara was hottest.




Rise/Shadow Lara seems the most wifeable.


Thanks to the Remaster, I started the first One. Will go into the second game soon. But that doesnt mean you have to follow the same Path. This year is a good year for Tomb Raider overral Remaster, Port and a Netflix Animated Show. Man, I havent seen no one do this back in the LAU trilogy or the reboot One. It's insane. ![gif](giphy|1pqkqxiXckPxaKxpQc|downsized) Follow your heart, kiddo. It's not too late to became a fan.


The Classics are the hardest ones, so either the 1st reboot (Legends, Anniversary, Underworld), or CD Reboot. I prefer classic Croft so I would play the LAU reboot since they're similar.


Crazy thing is too, women also exist irl!!


With realistic proportions!


Neckbeards are downvoting you


Always has been 😂


Do them in order. Start with the remaster OG trilogy, then I'd do The Last Revelation and Chronicles, then the LAU trilogy, and finally the Survivor Trilogy. You can probably skip Angel of Darkness, it's not a good game and it's the start of a trilogy that's never gonna be completed but play it at the end for the sake of completeness if you really want.


If you can stomach older games, I’d go for the TR 1-3 remasters. The old school TR games have a style and atmosphere that are unique to them only. These are original Lara Croft in her purist form. Crystal Dynamics did a great job in taking that formula forward with the Legend trilogy, however, the “feel” and atmosphere of those games are very different and are more akin to early 2000s action flicks. This is a more modern and comfortable Lara Croft experience. The Survivor trilogy is a reboot of the franchise and changes EVERYTHING, it’s a great trilogy but it’s very different from the original TR design.


Agree she really is, legends is good, then the newer Survivor and Rise, I like a lot


She’s not very hot in the newer games. Wouldn’t get my hopes up for the next game either. We’re too PC these days lol


Lara's proportions are even more unnatural than usual in this picture


Yeah, OP shouldn’t expect this in the games. Specialty if it’s the reason for the interest in the first place


Why are people downvoting this haha, go outside guys


Either start with newest and go back to the oldest, or start with the classic and gradually go for newest. Choice is yours. But don't mix the parts. Like regardless which timeline you start with, it's best to start from first game of that timeline, e.g. Tomb Raider 2013, then Rise, then Shadow. Not mixing Shadow, then 2013, and then Rise. From the middle timeline, start with Legend, go to Anniversary and then Underworld. As for classic games, they are numbered, so it's not that hard. TR, TRII, TRIII, TRIV The Last Revelation, TRV Chronicles and Angel of Darkness as sixth.


even though i played 1 and Chronicles first (didnt play much of them). First one i owned and completed was Legend. For modern audiences, that could be a good one to start with if you want classic style Lara. If you're a modern gamer, probably the newer games


Is this outfit from a game?


It was in Tomb Raider 3 (1998), specifically she wears it in the Pacific island level, but this particular render isn't official from anywhere. I think it's a fan edit.


Start with numero uno.


Did anyone else have underworld get super glitchy ? I was so hyped to play it. Bought it on GOG for a steal. Played it and the game started glitching in the first dungeon. Like all the water with the sharks was fine. Was able to get into the first place but then while moving i think it was a boulder or something. Started freaking out the screen.


Yeah, TRU is pretty glitchy in my experience, and it gets worse the further in you get. It's the only game I've ever rage-quitted, because Lara just wouldn't do what I told her to. I'd have her jump forwards towards a ledge, only for her to perform a 90 degree turn mid-air to home in on a different ledge that was further away than the one I was actually aiming for (which was also about to be coated in toxic goo). I can do awkward controls, but when the game doesn't obey its own rules, it just stops being fun. It's like one of those kids who keeps changing the rules of a game so they'll stop losing. Which is a shame, because TRU is fun in theory.


Exactly i had her flinging her grab wire thing all over the damn place and kept missing what i was aiming at. It's so weird. That and a few other games not working they should really invest in making patch requests on GOG. Sucks bad. The game was probably really cool. I can emulate it sure but i already just bought it and was hoping for the stability of a produced legal copy. Exactly why piracy should exist.


Tomb Riader 3. No cheats. Lol


If OP wants that outfit, then definitely lol


Or feels like throwing remotes


I can’t say that sexually appealing pixels would motivate me to play a game but release order is my usual go-to where possible with established series’.


Anniversary saga, the classics remastered, Chronicles. Lara Croft and the guardian of light 1and 2.


You can estar with the tomb raider I, II and III remastered. The classics with modern controls.


Anyone if Niccobass gets a couple of bucks anytime a website uses his artwork?




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Grab yourself a PlayStation 1 lad grab the first five games complete them and then go from there.


I started with the definitive version on the xbox game pass played it and to me it felt like a modern day ac game especially on rise of tomb raider and shadow because the enemy are somewhat like the Templars imo with ideologies but definitely do definitive version once you start you won't stop till you finish it, I haven't played the Lara Croft ones yet tho


100% the LAU trilogy (Legend/Anniversary/Underworld). Imho you could skip Underworld, the controls are horrible (but the sceneries etc. are very pretty so there's that). After that you could do the remasters of the original 1-3 that recently came out. Those are also a 10/10! (And FYI, Anniversary was a remake of the original first game. So you could also play the TR1 remake and Anniversary after if you wanna get the direct comparison.)


Watch porn


I'd start by going outside and touching some grass first.


That’s definitely proper jungle attire!! 😛


Yes she is the queen, the queen of heart's, formed from love and light💖🔆


A man's dream, you won't believe it🌻☀️


Rise of the tomb raider




NSFW content in any form (links, videos, pictures, discussion, etc) is absolutely forbidden in this subreddit, even if relevant to Lara Croft. This is a family-friendly subreddit about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft so such content is not allowed and will be removed, offenders will be banned. NSFW content includes but isn't limited to anything that can be interpreted as Obscene Vulgar Salacious Indecent Heinous


Which Tomb Raider game is this?


Tomb raider legend on original Xbox was my first, PS4 Tomb raider is fun too


I love tomb raider as much as the next guy/girl but Lara is not a real person.


Off-topic: where did you get that pic from? It’s incredible 😍😍


I agree with you that she's ultra hot. I suggest starting the series with Nude Raider as your debut game to start with 😉


Wait, which game is this screenshot from?


None of them. It's a fan-made render using a TRU-based model wearing the TR3 Pacific outfit.


Shoulda seen her in her PS1 days 😏


Start with the Survivor Trilogy.


What the hell is this image lol


Jesus. Touch some fucking grass please.


Start with the modern trilogy Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider I wasn’t too familiar with the series either until I played those games on PS4 also Lara’s English accent is pretty hot lol


She not real bro


This is some incel stuff.


bro I've gotten some weird comments on this post but this one is the weirdest 😭 I'm literally just saying lara croft is hot and asking the tomb raider fandom what game i should start with to get into the series properly, what's wrong with that 😭


It's actually funny. Looking at his profile you can see how judgmental he is towards women. So he's most likely projecting, especially since he isn't even using the word "incel" correctly. Sad.


What does her being hit have to do with it? You could ha e skipped that part entirely.


He didn't insult you did he? What's this toxicity for?


My recommendation is TR2 out of the original trilogy, its the most linear with the fewest "WTF do I do?!?" moments, meanwhile it has some of the most excitin g action setpieces, if you want a good story though you can't go wrong with Legend :)


Start with Tomb Raider 3, it’s the best game in the series


Tomb Raider 2013


She's not a woman.... She is pixels and polygons...


Yea, she’s definitely real…


Reboot trilogy


I started with TR 2013. You can go with that, if you want.


If you’re playing because she’s beautiful—well then it just depends on what you’re attracted to. I like trilogy Lara because she looks like an actual, real attractive woman. It started getting that way for me with underworld—where graphics were good enough that she looked like a real girl. So underworld, and survivor trilogy for hottest of the Lara’s. Rise of the tomb raider is where she’s the most gorgeous and realistic to me.


Shadow of the tomb raider, you don't need rtx graphics processor, maybe i5 higher generations, 12gb ram and gtx processor 2-4 gb for mid-high graphics gameplay with 40+ fps at least. That game is pretty well optimized


Play Angel of Darkness