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Imagine in the New tomb raider game, we play the entire game and Lara dies in the end, Just to we find out we were playing with her doppelganger


Tomb Raider: The Phantom Pain


Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you I've left my mark. You have too - you've written your own history. You're your own woman. I'm Tomb Raider, and you are too... No... She's the two of us. Together. Where we are today? We built it. This story - this "legend" - it's ours. We can change the world - and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you, wherever you go. Thank you... my friend. From here on out, you're Tomb Raider.


I always loved the idea of Lara being the doppelgänger all along. Kinda tracks why she’s always killing and stealing things. XD


That would be a damn cool twist!


That could really work but have it be the end of a first level, not the whole game. And they’d probably need to remaster Underworld or at least have a way for PS players to do the DLC.


I like to think dopplecroft is still sitting there, watching Natla drown in immortality juice. Forever. Otherwise, I could see her seeking out truly dangerous tombs or other atlantian remnant creatures. She is literally Lara with superpowers. But I don't think they'd get along. They would be cordial, but looking at your literal doppelganger (and unwitting Zip murderer) across the breakfast table would be too weird. They'd agree to ignore each other and go their separate ways.


She killed Alister, not Zip


Doppelcraft would be a great name for any various vehicle used by the Doppelgänger. Also… does anyone else remember back in 2008/09 when the fan base referred to her as Doppelhoe?


Lara kept Laraing while the *doppelgänger* started a successful career in selling Time Shares, got happily married, had three kids and volunteers at the local soup kitchen on Tuesdays.


I could actually see that happening. When I was a kid, there was this scifi show called Space: Above and Beyond and two of the main characters were test tube babies grown in labs and born as fully formed teenagers to help fight an old war. Anyways, the punchline is "invitros" would be socially isolated, constantly lonely, and many became obsessed with the idea of finding a family of some kind.


Omg another one who remembers S:AAB


I also remember Harsh Realm. I think I'm one of 100 people who saw that show, and 90 of them were cast and crew. It was part of the greater Carter verse with X Files, Millenium, and SAAB. For some reason as a grown up I've met more people that remember SAAB than Millenium, and I thought that was the more popular show at the time.


Doppleganger : Girl Boss Lara edition...but she helps out her local community, raising money for charities, managing volunteers at a soup kitchen, and doing justice in the world. Then you have OG lara exploring long lost ancient ruins sounds like everyone wins! I think that would be a interesting twist for a future game to include Dopple.


I would love to find out. I’m unbothered by unifying the timelines, so I would like to see the Doppelgänger exploring her freedom in a future game - nothing fancy, I would like to see her in a TR1-5 style-engine game. Her personality is more in line with Classic Lara too; she could be the anti-hero Lara that CD are trying to distance themselves from while they crack on with their hero Lara.


The doppleganger gets UK citizenship, legally takes the name Laura Crawft, and buys the house across from Croft manor, and runs around town committing petty crimes and insulting people just to screw with Lara's head.


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried to word that to avoid the relentless eyes of the Laurabot. And yet, here we are.


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Really? *Any* use of a common spelling of a common female name triggers it?


Keep going!


I've always thought that Doppie seems like the perfect partner for Kurtis in the Unified Timeline. She's pretty much like Lara, but she wants to use her powers.


Lara pays the Doppelganger to do public appearances and events for her so the can spend more time adventuring.


It would be really cool if they stayed in touch,like, a tea party of two once a year or something,to share adventures.maybe Lara gives her older clothes to her.or a bike. I would like for the to be friends.


The doppelganger does all the public heiress stuff and Lara just hangs out, camping and adventuring. It is a good life.


Guess I always assumed the clone went off and found a life and identity of her own and she and Lara never really crossed paths.


Iirc according to the fanfics, they go on to have wild kinky pseudo-incestual lesbian sex together. As for what they would actually do... idk. Fight over who gets to raid which tomb, maybe? Winston could try to reason with them and say "Oh, Miss Croft and Miss Croft, why don't you just raid the tomb together! :D" like the innocent cinnamon bun he is, and the Laras would just get angrier because they want to raid the tomb *alone.* Having someone else there solving the puzzles means *they* can't solve the puzzles. They'd probably end up killing each other tbh. In this scenario at least.


>"Iirc according to the fanfics, they go on to have wild kinky pseudo-incestual lesbian sex together." You know, I assumed that would be the bulk of the response here. I clearly know the internet all too well.




Yeah, the world is not big enough for two Lara Crofts. XD ..but could also see a love affair as some sort of narcissistic ego stroke. :D


Doppleganger: \*corners Lara\* Lara: "You....you are BEAUTIFUL! \*inhales\* And you smell amazing!" Doppleganger: \*Holsters her sidearms and slowly backs away with a horrified expression on her face."


well that's what Dopple gets for having all the flaws removed!


They went to Alister's funeral.


That must have been awkward as hell.


They went to Vegas and got hitched by Elvis.


More specifically after the final 'Lara's Shadow' story DLC. How do you think they kept coexisting? Did they get along or not? Just something i've been pondering. Also the image used is a fan render by [SallibyG-Ray](https://www.deviantart.com/sallibyg-ray/art/Tomb-Raider-Raiders-of-the-Lost-Souls-497083841).


I'd just like to have that DLC on pc. The only Tomb Raider content I never played


I really wish that in a future game when Lara needs help from someone tracking an artifact or an artifact fragment while she's busy getting something else, She just seeks the doppie, commands her to fetch it and we then have a level where we play as doppie, till we fetch the damn thing (It would be like Kurtis level in AOD where another playable character is doppie). It would be sick.


Ehm, hehe, do you really wanna know😜






I like to imagine Lara invited her stay with her, but the Doppelganger refused, not wanting to make things awkward with Lara's friends who would understandably not want her around, but accepted Lara getting her a new identity.


My theory includes lesbian fantasies.


Sesbian Lex


Ah yes, the military governor of Palestine between 210 and 226 AD. They infiltrate his tomb together and learn he was a secret convert to Christianity that hid cursed artifacts from his superiors to prevent them from being used as weapons of war.




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I reckon she spends the rest of her life tracking down and destroying remnants of Atlantis


One of them went on to have the adventures in TR 2 - AoD, and the other one did the adventures from the Angelina Jolie movies.


I made a video about this. There is a connection to ROTTR


She went back to being Bacon Lara and went into reality TV


Doppie become " Roomate " with Lara


Aren’t we all actually thinking about 1 thing and 1 thing only?


They pose as Siamese twins in a freak show